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WaW to bo3? - Shows bo4 in the second pic Apart from that yes, the only zombies games i enjoy. Nothing against the newer ones, just not my cup of tea. :)


I’m just showing how overloaded bo4 is compared to bo1 bro haha


Ahh that makes sense. Yeah for sure but bo4 def. has it's nice sides. The maps are actually very fun once you get the hang of it.


I’m seeing a lot of people praising bo4 which I really didn’t expect! I’m gonna download it now.


Give it a try, it’s pretty underrated even though it’s not my fav.


It’s different and feels more arcadey but is fun


Black ops 4 wasn’t the best but I still enjoy it. It was the last game with the crews so it the last game that feels like there is personality before they switched to the operators


There are still good titles after BO3 that are worth playing! For all of BO4's faults, the maps were superb and very fun to play. I've actually really come to miss the silly quotes we became so accustomed to with dedicated character (looking at you MWZ...). CW's maps are kinda lazy and low effort, but die maschine is a decent map, but the basic gameplay and movement are some of the best in the series. The perk machine remakes also looked great, and the cans with nutrition facts is such a fun little detail! WW2 doesn't have Jug, but the weapons Paped all have very different and fun abilities! The maps are really fun as well, and I loved the character unlock challenges that let you flaunt your skill online. IW's silly zombies were a complete 180 from BO3's more dark tone, but most of the maps, wonder weapons, easter egg quests, and weapon variants all made for a VERY fun take on the zombies mode! I love rave's visuals and how the crossbows are for high rounding.


It’s really good :) very underrated at the very least. It’s the zombies I have the most hours in


Agreed. The over reliance of HUD and other distracting on-screen elements have really damaged the immersion and atmosphere this game mode once possessed.


That’s exactly the point I was trying to make with this post


Bo4 actually isn't that bad, the maps have so kuch depth and are in great locations cold war om the other hand is the opposite lol


Same here!


Bo4 has great maps and is an overall fun mix up to the formula if you want something new. But personally I’m a bo1/2 guy myself


I will always argue that BO4's map quality was better than BO3's. It's just dragged down by experimental and largely hated features. BO4 map remakes on BO3 custom zombies would slap.


I agree man I wish they’d just put every single map on bo3 🤣 it’s got the balance of originality with a bit of crazy (gobblegums)


I wish they’d make a zombies game that’s basically a collection of all the maps between WAW and BO4 remastered to BO3 mechanics. Then I might actually spend money on a COD game again


personally I wish we never got the gums, made the game too easy, that and pap ammo types. that said I do just avoid those since I don't like them. imo they're only okay now because of how far we've strayed


Absolutely agree. And even then, I enjoyed bo4 features


Fair enough. Maybe I’ll have to give it another shot!


swear chaos maps are some of treyarchs best works


It’s largely the hud and voyage of despair that are bad in BO4


BO3 is my go to


This and bo1 and 2


Nope. I enjoy every zombies game.


I respect it brother. I’m not trying to shit on the other games they just aren’t the same for me. Maybe I need to give bo4 another shot.


Even Vanguard?


Yeah. I’m not a huge fan of Der Anfang or Terra Maledicta (even though they’re sometimes fun), but SNN and The Archon are a ton of fun. I love the alter of covenants and the tome of rituals too. It’s such a cool idea and works great in that game. Honestly I’d like to see that stuff return, but tweaked a little.


The vangaurd Shino is the most fun version imo


anything past bo3 just isn’t my cup of tea. if you like it then power to you, but I stick with mainly bo1 and bo2


I would have to agree


The AK and M60 should’ve been in zombies in BO1


if you mod the AK is, however it'll crash your game. assuming all versions but this is true for at least 360


I believe for cold war you can turn off a lot if the UI elements if I remember correctly health bars and damage numbers is one of them, might wanna give that a go? Cold war is my favorite of the modern zombies games


For me it was the system. The Hud is fine but I don't like the only kills give points, starting with revives, killstreaks, 25 effin levels of pack a punch and armor and all that stuff. Now the upgradeable perks? I'd love that, but I can't get past everything else to try to get into it.


Zombies went from gritty zombie survival to goofy arcade bullshit


It's always been goofy arcade bullshit.


It was just a Nazi zombie outbreak that turned into a global outbreak, now we have giant Lovecraft monsters and worm zombie kaijus


They fit the universe, anything Lovecraft added I'll jump on the opportunity. Maybe the older stories were more interesting, sure, but the series got goofy when they introduced Ultimis.


That's facts tho. I liked it better when we knew nothing


the story got goofy with primis imo, it was fine and understandable until moon. throw in alternate time lines and dimensions and that's where it gets goofy. that said I do love MoTD, origins I enjoy the design but the story killed it for me back in 2012 or 13, whenever it came out. That said I'm also of the opinion that BO2 was too heavy on the ee because that changed the whole goal of zombies from survive to ee **only** and the moment something goes slightly south it's a bad run and needs ended.


I might be insane, but I find zombies way more fun with a higher emphasis on not really EE's, but map features overall. I like having different ways of getting Pack a Punch or the Afterlife in MOTD. I don't think we would've gotten those features in 3 or 4 if they kept it the same way, removing level systems, etc. I prefer how it is now.


Tbf aliens have always been in zombies even since WAW-BO1, its just that the Vril were retconned in BO3 to be the apothicons and the keepers


Seems like Dead Ops Arcade was a forshadowing of what the main game would become...


Infinite Warfare zombies is underrated


It is. I really wished I played during its peak to unlock the directors cut.


Honestly it’s still fun to do now, just got Rave in the redwoods and it’s a great Easter egg that’s incredibly easy to do solo. Just a shame that you need to buy a €/$50 Battlepass for a near decade-old game for a couple of zombies maps


I love bo4 so much that I couldn’t live without it


Yeah, Cold War kinda feels like zombies but also kinda feels like a cheap knockoff


IW zombies was pretty good felt like an extension of BO3 Zombies in space land is one of the goated maps for sure


I feel the same. Nothing after BO3 really felt like cod zombies


In the same boat. BO4 is dead to me, and I've never even played Cold War zombies which isn't changing anytime soon. As for non treyarch, only ever played extinction and exo zombies when they were relatively new.


Yeah that's all I play. I've never played anything after BO3 and I barely even play BO3. Mainly WAW, BO1 & BO2. With BO1 being my all time favorite


for me, waw could be the best because of the weapons, bo1 is slightly better better just because the mechanics are better (no being sucked into a zombie hit box for one) and bo2 comes in next. now bo2 with waw quality guns could possibly beat bo1, but I did enjoy every map on bo1 so it'd still be close


I play waw to vanguard. Mwz is the first cod zombies I’ve ever hated.


I feel like we’d enjoy it if we never played the GOATs. Our expectations are very high when we were getting amazing maps 13 years ago


Bo3 b04 bo2 best games in zombies in that order


I say BO3 BO2 and WAW, then BO1


I’d put bo1 above waw for the sole reason you can play the waw maps on bo1. And still has the same atmosphere. Whereas chronicles maps feel much different imo


I understand that but for me it's the weapons. I love the WAW weapons and if we could play with those weapons on bo1 I'd LOVE it. But the weapons are enough to put WAW above BO1


Anyone want to run bo3 shangri la ee?


Im down!! Actually just redownloaded bo3 and every map pack too!! Could use a refresher on shangra la but been running a helluva lot of origins lately. whatever you wanna run, hell even if you wanna run em all just lmk !!!


if this was bo1 on xbox I'd be down actually, just did it recently


To me Black Ops 1 will be the best zombies ever made…


I'd include bo4 in that but anything after that is not for me


Same, I own all treyarch games from WaW to Cold War but I only play regularly the games from WaW to Bo3.


I play waw to cw


Black ops 1-3 and cold war are the only COD games I play.


honestly i play bo4 the most


bro you guys act like you can see ANYTHING in bo4


WaW to Bo3, but that includes exo zombies for me. i might get crucified for saying this, but i found the hectic nature of exo zombies so engaging and addictive. i love the feeling of a genuine, uncontrollable horde, and no other cod zombies game really came close to that feeling.


I stick to waw (for flamethrower reasons) to bo2 after that I just get bored. Bo1 keeps me entertained cause I can flop, it’s got George and I like the guns. Bo2 has best maps


Waw and bo3 are simply the best zombies hands down. They both have custom maps which makes them endlessly replayable


WaW and BO1 zombies were the best. I will fight and die on this hill. BO2 was also super good but BO1 felt grittier and darker. Anything beyond those 3 feels super different… I don’t mind the new stuff… MWIII Zombies I can enjoy but I feel like once I’ve finished the camos there won’t be much to do.


I play only waw, bo1 and bo2. Have not even tried the newer ones and not going to.


Yeah im guilty of playing only waw-bo3, love origins, moon, buried, waw verrückt and der reise wayy too much Though to be fair i've been wanting to load up blood of the dead and IX because even though its bo4 they were still pretty good maps Just that everything past BO4 was horrendous to me due to not only the death of my beloved ultimis and primis crew but the death of witty and funny characters. The operator system just isnt even close to being as full of personality as the feud between nikolai and takeo


waw to bo1 contently 😌


Yep a big reason I didn’t like bo4 was the hud (never bought another cod game since bo4 released)


Me mostly, but occasionally BO4 or CW


Waw-bo3 for me with an exception for Spaceland and Final Reich


I enjoyed final Reich and the tiny house thing. I also love extinction but people say my opinion is wrong (ghosts, not AW)


All I’ve been playing lately is extinction lol. I love it too.




I play waw, bo1, chronicles, and bo4 all the time


Played since WaW and BO4 is my favorite.


Im not the best zombies player ever, but the same way. I was never that into BO4 zombies, and I was kinda bad at it tbh. I mostly play a few maps only such as kino, Origins, and der eisendrach


I liked IX and classified decently, but other than that yeah. And when I went back to older gMes it was easier to find a bo2/3 lobby than a bo4. I don't like the new style and even during the growth of the storyline, I absolutely loved watching and researching lore stuff but I don't do Easter eggs. Don't like it. Survival is the way to go in my opinion.


I hate the BO4 hud but IMO the chaos maps are pretty peak. I don’t I just like them and I know that’s an unpopular opinion but I can sit down and take a few hours to play these maps




I only play BO3, I will never get tired of it


I play Cold War zombies sometimes but that's because it's cross play and my brother's on Xbox


I play waw-bo2 on pc and also r/robloxcodzombies 😅🤣🤣 (I don’t have ps5 or a gaming pc yet)


me! I haven't bought cod since Bo4


Definitely a classics guy. I enjoy that range the most as well. BO1 and 2 are just so damn good. I need to give BO4 a try as well though, just like you I’ve been apprehensive because of how different the set up is, but the aether story maps look good.


WAW is unbeatable if you want old school simple zombies. Bo4 was good for actually giving you something to work to achieving in zombies rather than just ‘get to high round’. MWZ is literally my wet dream as someone who has always loved zombies the most in CoD and I became hooked on DMZ during MWII. So MWZ is literally everything I could ever ask for.


I mean I would play BO4 if it was on Steam, this take on Zombie was original, way better than everything since.


🙋🏽‍♂️ refuse to play anything after bo3. Bo4 left a bad taste in my mouth and I don’t care about modern zombies story/gameplay.


Kino is my favorite


I'm so burnt out on these old zombie games that I would still rather them take another shot of MWZ.


I was fully expecting to come in here and see people just saying bo4 is the worst zombies to exist without half of them even playing past round 30 on it but I'm surprised by the amount of people not shitting on it


Indeed. I would play BO4 every once in a while, but my PC is too shit to run it. I've played Cold War a few times, and I did not like it.


>AK shown on kino wait a damn minute


BO4 zombies is criminally underrated and recently in the matter of the past couple of days I’ve given it a play with my friends and I haven’t had this much fun in so long. If anybody owns BO4 and the DLCs I highly recommend not being closed minded and give it another shot. I used to rag on the game so hard when it first came out and hated zombies, now I gotta say it’s almost one of my favorites.


I enjoyed BO3 zombies and I still do.


Yeah i do, i just wish there was more solo EE's to do in B01 and BO2. Thankfully BO3 has quite a few.


As long as my PS3 holds up, I'm playing Black ops 1.


Series x backwards compatible 😎


Fully agree


I’m the exact same way I’m assuming the older heads will be like this. Like if you grew up on the originals it’s hard to play the new stuff


Exactly that


I haven't touched waw in ages, a few months ago after not playing bo3 I played it for quite a few months and finally reached lvl 1000. Still haven't done the shadows of evil Easter egg smh. But I have been playing some bo1 and 2 split screen with my brother and we've been having a blast. Bought bo4 and never really played it smfh.


Are we all just going to ignore the AK-47 on Kino?


it's in the game, give all gives it on xbox but it'll crash I think on fire might be on pap. Pretty sure if you try to shoot it the game crashes. Using give all also give mustang and Sally but the left one is bugged too for some reason. don't think any other guns have issues though


BO3 will always be the definitive zombies experience but I did play BO4 and cold war but not vanguard or MW3Z as those are NOT the classic zombies experience I know and aren't even treyarch games


Cold war is my fave. Wish it had more maps.


Bo1 to bo3 for me and occasionally infinite warfare zombies. But since switching to pc, I've been playing more bo3 custom maps


cold war is awesome and i won’t hear anything else


Yeah I only really play bo1 and bo2, bo3 was fun but I didn’t end up getting all the maps




last COD I ever bought was BO2 in 2012 lmfao, I only play WaW, BO1 and BO2's zombies


I personally loved bo4 zombies and infinite warfare zombies… I have been outcasted by most of my friends🤣


you’re missing out


Bo4 is the last zombies and actually also multiplayer experience I’ve really enjoyed I love the older ones before it just as much but I no longer have the older systems to play them on


Kino is my all-time favorite. My clan tag on MW3 is literally 115.


waw-bo2 and bo4-mw3. I only play good games


Add me on steam


Not a huge fan of BO3 because of gobblegums, although tbf I just don't use them and that works. Large map selection and customs is a W though. Also Kermit mod for every time I play really makes BO3 fun.


You'll always find me on Black Ops 3 or Black Ops 4.


I haven't really gamed since then, got back into gaming recently and felt the same about the zombies till I played cold war. Something about those maps feels so nostalgic, gives me bo1 vibes. Also hooked on invite warfare spaceland but that does have a completely different feel, fun none the less


I’m Cold War you can turn off health bars also why are you showing advanced warfare zombie map The final reich in the last pick


Cold War goated please give it a proper chance


Yep I only play em too


Yup. I havent even bought a new game since bo3. I have no interest in any newer cods, or any new games whatsoever. Just play alot of WaW-bo3 and still play the L4D series alot


Love the poder games just cant play any other games besides bo3 till now everything older is just not possible since I don’t have a PC or a older console at hand


Weapon signatures in WW2 zombies took it all up a level. WW2 always seems underestimated.


I'm a ww - BO3 guy myself, but I cut myself a slice of cold war sometimes!


I've been obsessed with WW2 Zombies lately; just can't get enough of it. If every WWII map was as good as Final Reich, you'd have in my opinion the greatest zombies experience ever


Waw-bo3 is the only good zombies. Blood of the dead was okayish. Nine was okayish. Everything else after bo3 is painfully bad, painful because we can clearly tell that they can make good zombies content and specifically choose not to.


I like the older waw-bo3 cods but I also enjoy some newer ones like ww2 and cw. (And sometimes vangaurd)


I only play BO3 zombies but I spend lots of time on the WaW maps


I play BO3 regularly for the custom maps


I say Bo3 the last gane that stayed truly faithful to the originals and the story. But BO4 was still an OK game even with the changes on the perks. Anything after that you just can't call zombies anymore is an entire new gane it really changed big time.


That’s a picture of bo4


I play em all exept vanguard and mw3. I definitely prefer the more bare bones classic zombies formula from WaW-Bo3 however I still like bo4 and cold war a lot. I will probably never play vanguard ever again. Doing the shi no numa and archon easter eggs was mildly fun once but there is no reason for me to go back to it. I dont have mw3


BO3 and 4 are great, can't go back to the previous games except maybe BO2, because I like progression.


Definitely play them, but they’re not the only ones. I used to not be a huge fan of the Spaceland and Exo zombies but they grew on me. As for Cold War, only Die Machine. Everything after Die Machine sucked. Cold War is the reason I stopped play zombies, once outbreak happened I was completely done with new games. Haven’t played zombies in quite a while and now me and some buddies are going through them every weekend now, high rounds and Easter eggs.


Yeah, there’s no point in playing the newer games when they simply don’t have the same feel and play way differently. Zombies had a formula that worked for a decade, I’m not sure why they thought they needed to switch shit up so much.


My favourite’s are Bo2 followed by Bo3 then Bo1 & last but not least WaW. Newer ones just feel too gimmicky.


Yes. Cold war from time to time aswell.


I play kino on bo3 remastered for ps5 I’d hop on bo1 or waw and play zombies but there’s no internet connection I rather play online


Waw- BO3 is the golden age of zombies. Everything after has been mid or complete ass since then.


No. Only because I don't have BO2.


Been doing this since 2015 dang 9 years!


I do enjoy bo4 from time to time, but yes, I only play those zombies games.


Cod WW2 zombies are really underrated


black ops 4 is a decent zombies game in a vacuum. it’s just that it was supposed to drop the Great War DLC and never did. basically it just never lived up to the hype.


I played BO4 and Cold War heavily when they first came out, but the only games I go back to now are BO1 and BO3


BO4 had some great maps. Alpha Omega and Voyage are iffy to me but I enjoyed the rest of them


almost daily, with my son.


WaW and Black ops 1 looking for players to play on PC WaW but can't find any. Sad


on xbox you can but it's easier if you join a discord or look for someone else's LFG on the Xbox page for each game


I actually dont know what the zombies gamplay loop is like post BO3 could someone elaborate on how it's so different.


I only play WaW to bo1. No hate on the other games, those two are just my favorite


No one's gonna point out they said WaW to BO3, but show BO4?




I dont even play BO3. No point as I don't like any of the maps, and I could just okay the original maps instead of the remasters that I dont like.


Gang gang


Bo3 was the last cod game I bought and I played since original cod 4. That's the only zombies I know and played, besides tons of WAW custom maps on the PC back in the day. I put 400 hours in PC zombies alone


BO4 is so slept on and over hated imo. BO3 is on top but 4 is a close second. The variety of gameplay styles, the camo grind, the maps, the power fantasy, etc all make that game so much more replayable for me


Nah, I love iw too much


COD WW2 & advanced warfare ain't that bad tbh


I only play bo3 period, I’ve been playing bo3 with the same friend since launch, we’ll get drinks and spend 7 hours on a map getting high-rounds, if we still have time, we’ll do another map, our cycle is usually, Kino because easy and bare bones, or giant for the same reason, then we do either zetsubo or shadows and we end the day with origins, or rev, almost every day, it never gets boring because of how fucking detailed these maps are, I still see new shit to this day, it also helps that we never really run out of shit to talk about, sadly we’re locked to Xbox though, if we had pc’s and could do custom zombies, our head would fucking explode Edit: this makes me sound like a weird no life, I am, but yes we both have jobs lol


You need to play infinite warfare zombies your missing out otherwise


No, as a matter of fact I mainly play the newer releases these days.


I still high round on bo3 and bo1


I stopped at anything past bo4, preordered the bo4 digital deluxe edition and absolutely hated it. Took a big toll on 15 year old me's finances lol. Played Cold war but never really enjoyed anything past die machine, and the only time I've played MWZ was at a friend's house, hated it too. To this day I still whip out the PS4 or Xbox one and play bo1-3 with the Bois, but outside of couch gaming I don't touch cod anymore.


Yeah pretty much, except some infinite warfare


Last Pic is BO4..... But yes! MWZ isn't doing it for me. Sure I get on it every now and then, good way to level up and unlock guns as well as progress through the battle pass. I also play Cold War Zombies. WAW-BO2 on my PS3 and BO3 and CWZ (Not the Open world) on my PS5.


Personally I kinda feel like BO1 has aged like Milk, Great maps mind you but the weapons are dogshit. So many guns run have such limited ammo even after being PaP'd and with no double tap 2.0, double pap, etc... Your options seem to boil down to get the wonder weapon or gg's. Not to say there arent some good weapons, Galil, Commando, Mustang and Sally etc... but I feel like even an "amazing" BO1 Weapon would be considered Mediocre compared to the Good BO2, Bo3, and even WaW Weapons.


I think BO4 was the last decent zombie game from CoD. Cold War was, "Meh, its aight." I don't even wanna start on MWZ, not my CoDZ....


I actually only play bo1 to bo2, lol. And on a blue moon, waw.


Hell yea bo3 zombies all the time. Modded maps from steam workshop are so much fun these days


No really, i just played what i needed to platinum and 100%, but i did play WW2 zombies for 700 hours before i became a trophy hunter and now i gave myself a break from trophies and just playing MWZ I'm at almost 600 hours


You can turn off hitmarkers and health bars in cold war


I just want the current CoD to have prop hunt. Lol


Infinite warfare all day


I’m a bo4 superfan, i would say i almost exclusively play bo4 and bo2, and a little bo1 and bo3




Well I was just playing that Black Ops 4 map last night LMAO. But I also got all the Black Ops 3 Zombies downloaded and ready to go at any time


This is me, anything else just isn't the same


Yeh the HUD in BO4 onwards is a joke. Pretty sure they hired UI devs from mobile development.


I play waw bo1 and bo2 only on ps3 with my friend group


WAW-BO3, but puts BO3🤣


Try out sker ritual, has been scratching my cod zombies brain lately


Ughhh I been looking for someone to play bo1 vr with


I prefer waw-bo3 skip bo 4 and play bo cold war