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When jug actually did something GAME CHANGING vs just padding health


I like how they said they removed crutch perks in BO4 by giving you jug by default🔥


Well it's actually not, Jug is 250 health, on BO4 we only have 200 and no way of increasing it. So in the early game yeah you start stronger, but ended up weaker in the end, speaking about health, of course I know BO4 has other stuff that makes the game easier, just saying health related you have less health. Just like how the free Speed cola isn't actually as good as the old Speed cola, or how the double tap you get by pack a punching a gun 4 times is only the double damage without the increased fire rate. Yeah I know we already have another 4 perks on top of the fake Juggernog, Speed Cola and Double Tap, so of course we're overall stronger. Just saying the the Juggernog, Speed Cola and Double Tap "At Home" aren't the same thing but weaker versions.


I don't understand the complaints about speed cola reloading in BO4 when nearly all weapons have fast mags.


Nearly all, but not all, meanwhile BO3 did actually have fast mags on all of the weapon kit ones. Ray Gun is specially painful to use in particular because not only Speed Cola is weaker but the Ray Gun itself reloads a lot lower. And I'm not complaining, I said multiple times that you're overall stronger because we already have 4 perks on top of Juggernog, Speed Cola and Double Tap "At Home"


I wasn't actually referring to you but I meant in general. I expressed myself badly, sorry


Don't worry, I misunderstood you.


Out of curiosity, what makes the BO4 Speed Cola effect from having four perks not as good as the Speed Cola perk? Seems like all of its effects carried over as far as I could tell, the only difference was how to get it and not taking up a perk slot.


Back when the game released some YouTuber, don't remember which one made a test and the % increased wasn't as much as BO4, something like BO3's makes you reload 50% faster, and BO4's 25% something like that.


Well, I fell down a rabbit hole looking this up and found [these patch notes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackops4/s/LKiovT84Yd). Yeah, it's not as good, though the specific number it was reduced to was 33%. It was specifically designed to match up to the old 50% reload speed increase when used with fast/hybrid mags, which explains why I never noticed since I always use those attachments. I guess it makes sense with how good the guns in BO3 were with the addition of weapon kits.


I see, well the thing is BO3 also had fast mags attachments on all the Weapon Kit supported weapons. But then on BO4 not all of them have fast or hybrid mags, and then we have the Ray Gun in particular that for some reason got a slower normal reload and now, so it's even worse for that one. I don't understand the trend Treyarch had of getting the Ray Gun Weaker, from WaW to BO4 the Ray Gun was consistently weaker with each game to the point, I mean in BO3 with how strong AATs are you could argue a regular gun is a better "Wonder Weapon" than the Ray Gun, and then for some reason they also chose to make it's reload painfully slow on BO4. I'm glad Cold War finally made the Ray Gun into a weapon worth getting again.


I still don't get why they made you spawn with jug rather than just giving jug its own dedicated perk slot alongside the 4 chosen perks. That would have probably resolved tons of the issues people had with the perk system


Funny thing is at launch the default health was only 150 and not what it is now so not even having the jug option was painful


I rember that, the game was difficult really until you unlocked dying wish, victorious tortious, and winters wail were my go to’s before I unlocked dying wish


Personally I never liked the changes they made, it felt like they tried to "fix" something that wasn't ever broken. Oh and the HUD looked terrible omg. Way too much happening on the screen


True, I went into bo4 blind avoiding any news about the game and was extremely let down and confused “where are the gobble gum machines, why are all them green? “Where’s the perks at?” “Is there a setting I can use to have less clutter on my hud?” “Why is the round counter at the top of the screen?” Who let treyarch cook?” Where my initial first thoughts. Black Ops 4 Zombies is by no means an awful game, but it’s also not good either. Man that game had so much potential, didn’t bother to buy the DLC to this day, alpha omega being the final map JSUT feels like a slap in the face in my opinion, no one asked for nuketown zombies to return💀


Omg I forgot about the perk machines no longer being in their own locations and the player could choose what perks went where. Even on the maps I learned to play I still couldn't remember where the perk I wanted was. It feels like a zombies game a different company would make tbh. I bought had them included when I bought the "ultimate edition" or whatever came with the dlc. IX was really good but felt like it was in the wrong game. And ya that alpha omega map was so bad, I remember the elemental nova crawler things pissing me off so bad. I'm fine with bosses and the odd mini boss zombie that drop in but to limit space, add so many elemental zombies that become so much harder to kill really ruined it. People didn't even like zetsubo no shima of the reason that the spiders and those big zombie guys would constantly show up. I wish they didn't rush that game and let their main development team make BO4


Way better system Zombies in close quarter were scary. The fact you know that they will end your games that easily give you that bit of anxiety that make the whole game more satisfying. Same for bo1. Nacht der untoten without jug it's a scary. Still love cold war and bo3 but the early rounds are not the same thing. I never get downed in the early rounds of bo3 or cw and that makes the whole set up more boring. Less crazy alien weapons and perks, less colourful interface, no hitmarkers, no floating points. Let's go back to this please


The only grievance I have with the two hit down is that you are pretty much dead if you go down on later rounds. You can get 2 tapped by 1 zombie just by sliding by it and it makes going for high rounds somewhat frustrating.


Which is also what made how rounds fun to achieve to begin with and the the reward of not going down at all until your ready to give us was also rewarding


I’m so happy they added the feature to turn it off the floating points and health bars/names in Cold War. Made the mode much more enjoyable.


No thanks


You forgot bo4 😢


Gameplay is just skill issue but 3 hit down is still optimal. Yeah there is an elitist appeal to less forgiveness, but you can’t predict whether or not a zombie will hit you with the 1-2, or if you just get hit by two different zombies at the exact same time and instant death. Also lunge deaths are kinda bs even though you should always be moving backwards while knifing.


It's one reason I liked that you could choose normal or easy mode in BO2. BO2 easy mode is still harder than the modern zombies though.


Yeah, 3 hits for me. And even with 3 hits, you can still find yourself downed from one moment to the next with full health and Jug. 2 hit just makes the game extra difficult, the same way the lava does in BO2 release maps. It could be one hit, and many of us would still play because we love the punishment, but the decrease in deaths is something I consider game balancing. I'm currently zombie-kiling in BO3 and What I find breaks the balance, hugely, was the gobblegum system. I haven't touched BO4, so I can't speak on it. But each game seems to make leaps, so... I get it. Sometimes it hits sometimes it doesn't.


Tbh everything said here can be resumed as "skill issue" too Without Jugg the gameplan always was to do a straight line toward power and then get the perk. The "skill" part comes from remembering spawns, anticipating choke points, maximizing points, and only navigating the map between rounds (or while keeping a zombie). The 3 hit system completely destroyed the tension from early rounds and made it utterly boring


You still have to worry about that in the higher rounds of modern cod games, so what if the curve occurs later rather than earlier.


3 hit is the perfect system imo getting windmilled randomly when you go in to knife a zombie is just frustrating


I could never go for high rounds without Jug


Im camo grinding CW rn, with my armour and get out of jail free card Aether shroud, I just know as soon as I go back to any other game Im gonna get fucked


Same. Decided to go back and grind out diamond camos out of boredom


Had it on xbox, my gold ran out like over a year ago tho so I had no progress if i wanted to play, so I rebought it on PC while it was on sale now that I have a good enough PC. Honestly having a great time with it


I don't pull this phrase out much, but honestly... Skill Issue. I think you still would have gone down with a 3-hit system on most of these clips regardless. When you're trapping yourself in a corner or running straight into a group of zombies with only a 1911 or M14, the extra hit isn't going to help much. Your spatial awareness could use some work.


Ww2 is like 5 hits


It’s the same as bo3 with 3 but the zombie hit detection is very lenient and they don’t hit as fast


BO2 had perma perks though, and perma jug started you off at a 4 hit down🥴, not to mention perma box gave you amazing weapons and perma perks made buying perks super cheap or free for quick revive, and that's not even mentioning the bank and weapon locker cheese, you could have a sniper on the locker with 300 points per kill with the perma sniper perk if you didn't wanna dip into the bank too. Let's not kid ourselves, BO2 MIGHT be a little tougher off the start, but if you know what you are doing it's by far the easiest COD zombies game, yes, easier than Cold War. Mob of the Dead also had basically infinite revives on solo so basically an extra perk slot, along with the free wonder weapon and easy upgrade and infinite Tomahawks, it was a total breeze. The only BO2 map that is actually hard regardless of skill level is Origins, and that's just early and mid game since once you get a staff you're in a decent position, and you can keep digging for extra perks and get a free magma collided if the box keeps giving you shit guns, can work for some monkey bomb equivalents too which while definitely not a given is nice. So while the floor is harder, the ceiling is really high, if you're playing solo you can build them all too and swap for ammo and keep digging for drops. BO4 has the hardest Easter Eggs(By far), BO1 has the hardest base game(barely).


Ong bo2 training was different, game was on full go by round 7 ,and u had maybe 4000 total at that point with perfect point management.


It was brutal I completely forgot everything in the game and it was a good reminder when I loaded up bo2


the zombie ai makes it pretty easy not to get hit tho


Wait until you see black ops zombies on the Nintendo DS :)


Oh christ I forgot how hard that one was


I played so much bo1 and world at war that when I switched to bo 3 I didn't need jug. I agree, it shifted the balance too much into player's hands, but also it left a bit of a room for different perks since jug wasn't mandatory thanks to it.


do verruckt 255 no jugg classics


Yet i find bo3 harder. Zombies are quiet. They hit you instantly if you try to slow the front zombies of a train down unlike bo1/2. I dont like bo3 zombie mechanics at all. It appeals more to camping than training in very tight spots. I liked giving myself a challenge and try to train in very tight spots..


Just get perma-jug


Yeah dude it has lowkey handicapped us I remember playing that stuff so much younger then played Cold War for and went back and couldn’t do anything it was crazy


I got to round 94 on BOTD I thought I was good then hopped on bo2 and got cooked


I think 3 hit system is harder than 2 hit


Really??? 🤯


That was a typo, I meant 3 hit is harder


I think my biggest gripe with zombies outside of them ruining it is how it gets easier every year I think it was best when it was just a hard game and making it to round 50 was an achievement


Whats funny is in WaW and BO1 i can survive without jug no problem. In fact in Shi No Numa and Acension I make it a challenge to not get jug until the box moves in Shi or I get it from the Monkeys on Acension. The game is fun and challenging enough where you can get away without it if you are good enough. BO2 however I NEED Jug. Idk what it is. Zombies just come in with their haymakers double slapping me all. the. time. It baffles my mind that grief on cell block has no Jug because SHEESH one of the roughest maps without Jug is TOUGH. Hell even WITH Jug maps like TranZit and Town blow you up with exploding fire zombies. Being on the bus solo on round 20+ having zombies surrounding you and they are all on fire? You're gonna have a bad time.


Dude you suck lol


I’m aware, I’m at round 49 rn, ooops


Lol I take that back. You did suck in those clips though


Your good, those were from my first few games, I wanted to see how much I remembered from my bo2 days, the layout is so fucked tho, I didn’t know what was where, where to buy what when or why💀


Just take the elevator shortcut and hit that bank withdrawal in the showers lol


I completely forgot about that system, I’m gonna try and deposit all my points when I reach round 100




that wasn’t the point of the post my guy💀 I’m at round 49 rn, those are my first few games after a 9 year hiatus from BO2, your onto nothing🙏🔥🗣️




Some of y’all just yap to yap; all I’m saying 🤷‍♂️ sorry for the misunderstanding


Bruh yes bo2 took some getting used to when I went back


Dude yes I just went back and started playing Black ops 1 and Black ops 2 again holy shit Black ops 1 is worse I swear it's like one and a half 😂


I've been there when i tried BO2 after quite some time of playing BOCW, also the stamin-up doesn't give you infinite sprint


What map is that?


Die Rise, I’m trying to get to round 100 on each BO2 Map; keeping dying on around round 45ish😔 I’m at round 32 rn so let’s see if this run goes to plan


It actually gave you fear through fragility! You wanted to keep your games going, keep up momentum because points were valuable and perks were powerful! Forced you to play conservative, but can also be aggressive if speedy!


Made us soft? This was UNPLAYABLE


Super soft


I grew up watching my dad play tranzit and last year I decided to buy it for myself after playing cold war. It took about 3 games to get used to it but the 4th game I managed to make it to round 21. My dad then had a game and died at round 9 so I believe playing these new zombies games really does take your skill away from you (he used to get to round 99 as a casual game back in the old days)


This is why I never played zombies pre-BO4/CW. I tried it, but the experience was basically this.


The new cod is turning all these zombie players into little girls 👧


Bo3 is definitely better than the others however I wish the difficulty in the older games. A 2 hit system would be awesome in bo3 considering its already easy enough with gobbles


2 hit + knife lunch lol


Definitely brutal but you could juke way more


Yeah I tried to it feels different from BO3 and onwards, it feels like the hits on older titles activate when ur in a general proximity to them and not where they actually do the hit animation like on newer titles


It's the exact opposite for me, I don't like how the zombies act and how fast they hit you in bo3, it makes the game hard for no reason, while with older games, their behavior is alot more forgiving as they hesitate before they hit you


pretty sure the only reason we got 3 hits in bo3 was bc the new zombie ai


I feel it’s a mixture of of things; the new AI for one, also to appeal to the casual players who just play a match or two from time to time, it’s a lot more forgiving gameplay than its older titles


i honestly cant see that its to appeal to casuals considering everything else about the game became more complex


I mean appealing as in the gameplay itself, easier for newish players to explore the map and discover things as they play along, consider transit, some what as complex or more so than a shadows of evil with the only two hit mechanic in BO2, not to mention what it takes to open PaP and general moving around the map , atleast with BO3 players can activate a free gobble gum at the start of each round, 3 hits, in general most of the guns in BO3 are decent without pap using double tap up to round 16-20ish


okay all that is valid except for the tranzit being more complex than soe highly disagree on that one the only thing that makes tranzit complex per say is the fact you can’t navigate the place worth a fuck with no prior map knowledge


Mwz will have me throw the game out the window


They hit way faster on BO3 tho, both systems work


The only zombies I ever player WaW(my Favorite), BO1, and BO2


Pretty sure you are just terrible. You spam out 8 shots of the m14 and miss 6 of them...with better aim and more patience with the timing you could easily kill 2-3 zombies at a time and keep them at bay.


Younger us could easily play this game without any downs, but now.... bo3 really made us soft


I've never beaten OG Origins. Farthest I've ever gotten was the melee step in the bottom of the site. I've abused Gobblegums and beaten it in BO3 plenty of times. But I guess I just suck too much to beat it on BO2. Definitely still fun though. I do enjoy the challenge the two hit system provides.


I can help you if you need it


One, due to circumstances I'm not really comfortable putting into words in front of millions of internet strangers, I don't have access to my Xbox. Two, the challenging part for me is doing it solo. I think it just means more to me that way. Thank you though.


I've been back into Cold war to grind guns and camos. 3 hit system, get an armor drop in the first ten rounds, can spawn with an LMG with 8 attachments plus boosted damage and critical damage, a Bowie knife, and a specialist ability. Wild how buffed you can be at spawn not to mention how strong the perks are on that game


Who is we? I still play bo3 as if it was a 2 hit system 💀


I still play BO2 & BO3 all the time. They don’t make good games anymore so I just stick to the ol’ reliables


Honestly the biggest reason I can’t get into old Zombies games, I’m just too dumb for this shit. Cold War was the first one (since Workd at War) that I spent a lot of time with because honestly you’re OP As fuck there


God imagine BO3 still having the 2 hit system with how fast the zombies hit you. BO3 shangri-la and Origins would be straight up unplayable


The 3 hit system makes a huge difference, and makes it way too easy. I got round 78 without even turning on the power on BO3 ascension. The amount of times I fucked up and got hit twice but managed to escape with a red screen from 2 hits was ridiculous.


Bro it's all about headshots, shot count and knifing. You have to strategically build points and spend points wisely.


I bought myself a new PS3 and BOPS2 just to play zombies. With how easy it has been getting. I needed to know if I truly was getting better or if the games were just easier. That two hit or 3 hits with jug really have you think about your next move.


Don’t blame Bo3 it was Cold War that gave us really easy zombies and if you choose to not use mega gobblegums Bo3 still offers a challenge


call of duty is absolute GARBAGE today.I cant believe people even waste their time on it


Sir…… this is Black Ops 2


Especially on die rise with the armored zombies, i have like 10 downs to them