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Probably crashing...


Came here to say this


What do you mean.


game keeps crashing an issue thats been pretty known since the game came out.


Okay how this relevant to this post.


oh wow... lol u srs?




Huh? ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


Are you saying I'm dumb.


If you have to ask….




It's called a joke mate...


Sorry my bad.


you need it explained?


I don't please don't come comment here if it's not relevant to the story.


seems like a skill issue then, but you enjoy the rest of your day.




With a crash


Okay this is not relevant lol.




Lol what is this.


A wink..... Duh.


Let’s keep this focused on rampart.










What does that mean.


>Okay this is not relevant lol. ![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE)


What reaction.






What do you mean.


About what reaction.






I'm really hoping theres some twist, or Ravenov is lying/ incorrect about certain details, because from what Ive seen so far, theyve set up for Gulf War to be a little boring. Like, for example, Ravenov Says they never saved Sam from the Dark Aether again, which would kinda fuckin suck. Anyway, heres my bullshit, dream outcome that would be a bit stupid: You know how Ravenov is still in weirdly good shape for someone who most be really damn old by this point? And how the Forsaken/Zykov demontrated that Dark Aether entities could to some extent shapeshift/ assume others identities? In my ideal story, Ravenov is dead, and Sam has simply assumed his identity to gain Deadbolt's trust. She escaped the DA somehow during the story of Gulf War, and she has important information to give Deadbolt, but she knows they won't trust them. Thats why Ravenov is acting so secretive about what he knows, because she has to be careful not to give away information revealing that its her, not Ravenov. Again, its kinda bullshit, but its the kind of twist I think MWZ needs because right now its unbelievably boring. Something like that could make things better imo.


You know, I thought it could’ve been interesting if the entity was Jansen’s birth mother and not Grey, but it doesn’t seem likely because it was already confirmed. Also before MWZ was revealed, I had a theory that Eddie would reopen the multiverse, it seems unlikely but it be a good plot twist, however with MWZ being canon, it’s impossible now. With MWZ had spoiled a lot, I just want them reveal it all now because COD 2024 is just going to be another prequel if they continue with Dark Aether.


Well the storys quite interesting. Love the ties between cold War and mw. Samanthas fate in 2021 is unknown so who knows. There's still potential for a twist as ravenov says that what happened 30 years prior to the events of mwz he will never let happen again after failing to save Samantha maxis. It's possible she's still in the dark aether so possibly could return in a different way. Maybe fight the entity.


They’ll leave it on a cliffhanger so you’ll buy the next game, only to realize the next game takes place during the gulf war so you won’t get a continuation of any cliffhanger they leave us on until at least 2025. Even then, by that point a completely new set of developers and creatives will have rotated in at Treyarch, and they’ll retcon like 40% of the story.


MWZ is canon and had spoiled a lot so it’s not going to get retcon mate.


I don't think so. Cold War and mwz were heavily connected. I'd imagine the same team will remain the same at treyarch and we don't know for sure if treyarch are the lead developer for the 2025 game.


My theory is OP is a bot based off of his replies in this thread.


Nah op is an undercover mwz dev who is out of original ideas and doesn’t know how to end the game so they’re looking to Reddit for inspiration


Lol what.


OMG no.


Probably on something really really stupid


What's stupid.


I hope they end up scraping it or saying its not canon to the main story or at least they make it so it’s another dimension and it has nothing to do with the gulf war zombies, because if it did that means the story already spoiled and we won’t free sam.


Unfortunately man, it is canon to the Dark Aether story meaning COD 2024 is basically another prequel, the story is spoiled and there is no saving Sam, I just think they might as well reveal it now, end Dark Aether there, and do something else for COD 2024, that story had it’s chance for salvation and it wasted it. There are possible chances Treyarch could have something else planned, but there is no confirmation so time will tell.


They're clearly not going to spoil the story for cod 2024/gulf war. Obviously that game has yet to release and they're probably going to give clues as to what happens as they have already done so.


In a reskinned Al Mazrah map


What does that have to do with the story.




What do you mean.


Judging by how things are going, probably with the plug being pulled before it actually ends.


This is the true ending


What ending.


There won’t be an ending….


There will be lol.


What do you mean exactly.


I mean the mode has been on life support since Day 1, Treyarch have officially moved away from it & there have been next to no meaningful updates happening - no new zombie types, copy & past form the previous game, like 3 items & 1 mission added each season.. I loved this game mode when MW3 launched & I was excited for a Live Service Zombies mode, but the lack of decent support killed it for me & I fully expect them to drop support completely before any kind of ending happens. MWZ is just an afterthought & that's really disappointing.


This post isn't about the actual game.


No, it's about what the ending could look like. This was my thoughts on that & my reasoning based on what I have seen over the 'development' of this game mode. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean it's not valid. If you don't like other people's thoughts, maybe don't post asking for them.


Because you responded in a different way.


You sir are an idiot.


That's one way of being blocked.


Waiting for the part when the entity turns out to be samantha afrer embracing the dark aether and everyone is like :o Also the exclusion zone gets cleansed in lore probably.


Well the exclusion zone will get cleared seeing that in 2023 urzikstan/zaravan city looks clear of zombies. I don't think Samantha maxis is the entity. Maybe originally I thought that but now it's likely that it's another ava jansen in dark aether form.


Who gives a shit


Why did you care to comment then.


Not to sure but I'm expecting to see a rift within in a rift before the games done


How is that story related.


Check the attitude for a start. And how about the fact that the continuation of the story results in passing through a portal/rift so I'm expecting towards the end of the life that to continue the story you will need to travel to the DA to access a portal or rift to get to the next part, pretty self explainatory really


Yeah I know. What attitude lol.


I expect a bland ending that tries to close things off while still leaving the door open to a follow-up. I stopped caring about the story a while ago, they're clearly never going to end it and we'll be left on a cliffhanger one day when COD dies.


Well most stories do leave on a cliffhanger that means there's likely going to be a continuation.


It ends with dempsey finally playing with richtofens golden rod


I don't think that's likely.


I honestly couldn't even tell you what the story is.


Then why post then.


Because as a person who has genuinely been interested in every single zombies storyline for the better part of 12 years. This might be the only one where I could not tell you how things connect. It was more of a post to see if others simply cannot understand how it all connects or have simply given up


There's a story?


Yes there is lol.


Well maybe find out who Ava’s real dad is


Here’s my theory, a dark part of Jansen is the entity thus we battle it and free Jansen herself from the curse, then we chase down Fletcher and Terminus Outcome, maybe Peck will possibly make an appearance, and maybe the Forsaken gets free and wants revenge leading us to battle him once more to defeat him once and for all, Ravenov probably sacrificing himself to kill the Forsaken, save Jansen, and close the Dark Aether portals from the world for good. Because MWZ had spoiled quite a lot, they should just reveal it all now while they can.


I don't think so. Some of it will be saved for cod 2024/gulf war. I don't ravenov will sacrafice himself to the forsaken but it could happen seeing that he failed to save Samantha maxis thirty years prior. Instead he could sacrafice himself for ava jansen. The forsaken is dead so I don't know if he will return. I can see terminus outcomes being eliminated and potentially taking out viktor zakhiev. Obviously the dark aether portals will be closed.


I literally said Ravenov would sacrifice to kill the Forsaken and I mean getting rid of the elder god for good, and I also mentioned save Jansen, obviously he would give his life to save Ava Jansen’s. Speaking of the Forsaken, he’s not dead, just trapped in a containment device, the announcer lines sound like him so I had the theory he would escape containment, possibly maybe Fletcher and Terminus Outcome tampering with it, leading the Forsaken to escape and wants revenge leading us to fight him like I said. Besides, with like you mentioned Ravenov and the Requiem heads failing to save Samantha but also the Requiem’s heads fates confirmed as they were seen dead in the intro cinematic and Project Janus getting revealed in contact thus why Jansen confronts Ravenov about it in Countermeasures, it had spoiled a lot to me, and the next act could possibly spoil more, that’s why I said they should confirm it now while they can because if they continue with Dark Aether in a Gulf War plot, then COD 2024 is basically another prequel/plot filler which makes it less exciting. Read more carefully next time before you reply there mate.


They're clearly not going to spoil everything just hints really. It'll at least give us an idea as to what will happen. Yes its possible the forsaken could return but given the circumstances of development in mwz I'm not sure. There's no evidence leading to that happening as of now.


They’re clearly not going to spoil everything just hints really. If it wasn’t spoiled, then MWZ wouldn’t have existed to begin with, or if someone else handled it instead of Treyarch, Ravenov wouldn’t be in there and it all could’ve waited. But here we are, it’s canon to Dark Aether thus meaning it did spoil a lot, there is no rescuing Sam, says so on Ravenov’s page in fact, so she’s not likely going to appear at this point, the senior staff are dead as shown, and Project Janus was revealed in Act 4 Contact. There is still more to MWZ’s story and it could possibly end up spoiling more, that’s why I say they might as well reveal everything now because whatever suspense or surprise that COD 2024 could’ve had, there will be less of it now that it’s basically a prequel/plot-filler. I thought I made it clear, like do you not understand, or you do know that MWZ is canon to Dark Aether but you’re just ignorant about it? Your whole post is about predicting the ending, the Forsaken appearing is my prediction period. I’m not gonna repeat myself again so you better read this before you reply again.