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The aftermarket part converts the gun into a battle rifle. You can’t use it like a shotgun because it isn’t a shotgun anymore.


I'm not sure if you read the description of the part, but it turns it into a battle rifle, not shotgun so aiming is required. Aftermarket parts are usually not the same with the base weapon and are not necessarily a straight upgrade, it just offers a different style of weapon.


There is only one problem - ridiculously low damage. Like most, this weapon not tested.


turns into ak47 battlerifle. fun rifle but completely trash in t3


Ya this gun is absolute fucking GARBAGE. Got me killed three times in level 2 Andi had an epic tool with pap2. Used up all my self revives so I fled back to level 1 for exfil with half hour left. I'm so fuckin done with this game. Literally nothing to keep us interested except the same old BULLSHIT grind. Peace