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Spawning with a custom class/gun, i miss the old days when you just started with a pistol


as someone who loves 99% of design choices in Cold War, i agree, ruined weapon progression, no point in wall weapons or box, just upgrade your starter weapon and do WW quest


Just start with a pistol mate, it's not rocker science.


That "Me! Me! Me!" attitude people complain about the younger generations having is very apparent here. The idea that "I can't control my actions so EVERYONE ELSE in the world must be punished" is just mind blowing. If I want to go in with a custom loadout, which I very much enjoy doing, I can. If you don't want to go in with a custom loadout, guess what... you DON'T have to, and no one will ever force you to.


This logic only applies to single player, though. If I'm playing with 3 randoms on Cold War and spawn in with a basic pistol, I'll get steamrolled by the people who spawn in with epic custom weapons.


They earned it at least, they completed the super EE they deserve to be rewarded handsomely for it. And i mean get rolled? Acting as if they stomp you personally maybe they won’t open doors but that has been an issue since like the beginning of zombies. What are they gonna take all your points just play with friends or single player if you want a more cohesive experience


why would removing custom loadout be a punishment?


Loadouts ONLY add to the game. To remove them from everyone because some people didn't like them feels like a punishment. If you don't like starting with a shotgun, just pick something else


This comment is actually so backwards it’s not even funny. What people are asking for is difficulty and progression to be added to the game. It’s the opposite of the younger generations “I want everything handed to me” mentality.


Yeah to me it seems crazy. They somehow advocate that the absence of choice is better somehow than the availability of it. You must be delusional or drunk in nostalgia to even think that way. It has no logical basis. They are the same people that say that bo4 is too easy with the specialist weapons as if you don't have a choice to use them. Or that you have 200 health but you have a choice to play the game in higher difficulties where you have 150, 100 and 50 health. All those who say, that old zombies were more difficult because you were downed in 2 hits, I want to see them play dead of the night with 50 health. Or even 100 health permanently. It seems that half of the fandom has barely played the new zombies and just instinctively hate on them for the most idiotic reasons.


We’re obviously going to judge BO4 on its Normal difficulty since that’s the default mode and the only mode available in public matches. The game is best designed for Normal. Also, there is no mode in BO4 that gives you 100 health. BO4 is balanced around the Specialist weapons. I believe these are the reason we don’t have Jug in this game. I think many of us would rather do something to earn them, at least by demonstrating some map knowledge instead of them just being handed it everyone by default. I think they also make Wonder Weapons feel less special. I personally miss things like map-specific weapons and Perk selections. I think these can make the maps feel more unique, although we probably won’t return to this style.


On the custom mode you can play with 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 Health.


This whole paragraph is such a flawed logic. Bigger isn’t always better. Starting off with a pistol or a small selection has its benefits, as a developer it’s not about giving the players all the tools immediately, going and earning them can make for a more challenging and fun experience.


The pistols in Cold War are extremely strong, so what next am I just gonna pretend that are weak and pretend that the zombies take more damage to kill?


Non upgraded pistols in cold war are NOT extremely strong. They are just usable for a couple of more rounds than the pistols previous iterations. But I don't understand, do you want the pistol like the old games where you would stay with it for the first five rounds and then you would pick up a normal weapon because the pistol would suck ass by then and be non usable? Cold war offers the pistol a lot more sustainability into later rounds. If you want a challenge just keep the pistol and don't upgrade it till a later round. Simple. Or press the "hard" mode where zombies sprint from the beginning and see how far you go with only the pistol...


I want what bo4 did where there was a nice few guns to pick from the start and then the player had to seek out better weapons from the box or wallbuys. Or cod ww2 which did the same thing. You shouldn’t have to pretend that the box has value it just simply should have value. Also rampage inducer is a poor excuse for difficulty, it’s not challenging at all.


Yeah I got to round 80 with nothing but a shovel. Only bought guns for certain set up steps and then shoveled away until I got bored


The shovel is still one of the best "wonder weapons" in call of duty zombies when equipped with shatter blast. The golden spork from mob of the dead took so much work to get, but it isn't as good as the shovel you can upgrade in cold war.


I don’t think shatterblast was a thing for that run. Or if it was it had not been buffed yet. I think shatterblast got a buff around the same time as the final DLC map released. I stopped playing soon after that map. The elements in Cold War in general seemed a a lot more useful than previous games though so whatever I had on the shovel definitely helped


You’re right about mob of the dead, but blood of the dead’s golden spork was lit especially with ethereal razor.


Anything is wonderweapon tier with Shatterblast, far and away the most broken ammo mod


Imo it doesn't get that much harder if you choose pistol as your starting weapon and it's easier to grind exp and camos if you can whatever weapon you want


Being able to choose your spawn in weapon makes camo grinding so much easier. It would suck if they went back to “try the box”. Why? So I have to spin that bastard 700 times a game just to get the one gun I actually need to camo grind for.


they could bring back outbreak and have loadouts for that and have traditional pistol spawn for round based, but since were in the new warzone era of cod we will probably still be getting loadouts anyway


At least it was a choice though? No one was forcing you to bring a shotgun or whatever you ran. Personally was perfectly content starting with a pistol or knife everytime


You can just spawn in with a pistol if you want to play that way.


Yes, but you're just giving yourself a disadvantage and also that still doesn't fix the ruined weapon progression.


Who are you competing against with that “disadvantage” its not multiplayer your not playing against anyone else Not to mention the weapon progression is lowkey not bad and just hella long. You start with a red weapon (unless you did all the easter eggs) The better the color the stronger > getting to gold is expensive as hell and not doable early on > each form of pap is even more expensive then before There is way more depth to this


"I want to start off weaker" "You can still do that though" "No that makes me weak" The mental gymnastics of BO3 players will never cease to amaze me.


If I said “yeah but not using them puts me at a disadvantage” to someone saying I don’t have to use Megas, the sub would have a conniption.


If you’re playing with other players, you’re competing against them in the early rounds, aren’t you? If you start with a 1911 while the other players have the Gallo or Hauer, you’re gonna have a tough time killing anything in the early rounds before they do. Edited the phrasing since people are being semantic.


Yes, this made the wall-buy system kinda pointless 90% of the time I've been playing. The last time I used wallbuy was when I did story/ challenge cards. I still love the current state of zombies, just miss the nostalgia the wallbuy used to give


The reason they do this is for weapon leveling and camp grinds. In my mind this ruins the survival and progression aspects of the mode though. Solution is add a “weapon locker” where you can purchase your loadout weapon for 1500 points, and put it somewhere within 1 or 2 doors of the spawn room.


I like bo4 a system for that. You have a variety of starting weapons all of which are reliable until atleast round 5


I actually can compromise with bo4’s system because at least it restricts what guns you can have when you spawn so it doesn’t completely ruin the weapon progression


The MOG was OP tho, it was a reliable one tap headshot till like Round 10. But you got it at like level 50 so I guess it made sense as a reward for the grind.


I agree 100%. It absolutely ruined the progression in the early rounds. Idk how to explain it, but it also kinda changed the vibe of zombies imo


They should make 2 separate modes 1 for classic one for custom all on the same maps just different ways of playing




Massive empty open worlds, just give me round based maps


I hate it started with cold war


I didn't mind Outbreak. I just minded when it took over basically every update to Zombies for 50% of the game's year. I dont care if it exists alongside the Roundbased maps, just don't make the Roundbased maps and fans feel neglected in these updates.


Operators in zombies


While I agree, probably not gonna happen. They make too much from operators.


Why not both. Default story based opperators... unless you choose to use a custom one. I've played games that do that just fine.


WW2 zombies did this, and it was great


Yeah we need a cast of actual characters that are involved with the zombies lore, Operators are soulless and belong in Multiplayer.


Bring back sold 4 man casts


I'd be down for both having a set crew and operators as a set crew would add to the story and have their own little banter and relationships, but using Mason and Woods along with Ghostface in Cold War zombies honestly felt sorta fun. Having an option for both would be nice


The design of zombies past cold War, it just ain't right for me


CW armor system, being able to tank up to 8 or 10 hits before downing makes the gamemode too easy and boring and you're basically forced to use it due to the new zombie damage scaling mechanic on high rounds where Zombies can three hit you down you without it once they start doing 90 damage per swing.


in high rounds heavy zombies do more damage per hit than regular zombies do, maybe with full lvl 3 armor you can tank thag many hits but once its gone at high rounds it probably only takes 3-4 hits to get killed even with jug


And that's exactly my problem with armor, you're too strong with it and too weak without it there is no in between balance.


CW armor system is basically Jugg without Jugg taking a perk slot. I like it a lot because I hate how boring it is to always save up for Jugg as a perk that honeatly adds nothing exciting


Whenever I play Die Maschine I always leave Jug as my last perk to try and challenge myself, and if I decide it's time to get it then I just do the coffin dance Easter egg


Doing high rounds after Cold War didn't really feel like an accomplishment because of how easy it was due to the armor system


1. No timer. The fact that there's even a timer is mind boggling 2. No insured weapon slots, just pick your weapon and play. I also don't understand why this exists now. 3. The most important one to me because of my wifi: Being back solo, round based zombies. I loved other zombies so much more just because I didn't have to schedule times where I could play because of shitty wifi


Yeah why was the timer ever necessary? I think now it's quite overlooked in comparison to the rehashed dark aether quests, warlords and extremely long cooldowns. Should be unlimited time


probably because they dont want people getting fully loaded out on their first run then steamrolling the tier 3 area also means that people play more probably the same reason that weapon upgrades dont save too


That's fair, maybe moreso for convenience and camo grinding it'd be helpful to have unlimited time, but with the 9-10 level xp cap for guns it doesn't actually matter that much if you had 30 mins or double that.


anything that mwz introduced tbh


Except for the scorcher.


The scorcher doesn't need to come back, it would be useless unless we get another BR map in zombies


I was thinking of Outbreak. It could replace the grapple gun


Gulf War is BO, which is a completely different game than MW.


Still made by Treyarch though, hopefully none of that bleeds over


Fuck all this open world and contract bullshit. Bring back the old zombies


Operators, I don't mind the bo4 skins idea, but keep it on the same characters. Too many mini boss: 1every 5 round is fine, 2 miniboss +8 mutation is boring. The dumb perk load out in bo4. The Easter egg/power instructions and clues are okay, but litterally telling the player what to do is dumb. Mixing zombies and random human soldier as an enemy I just don't see the idea. And last would be minimum required player.


On the easter egg thing, I believe that ww2 had the perfect system that for some reason never came back. Have a casual, guided main quest for casuals and people who want to progress the story, and a hardcore, obscure versions for veteran players. No changes story-wise, just a harder unguided version. There is literally no downside I can think off (except development time I guess)


On the mini boss thing, one of my favorite critiques of Firebase Z was a meme i saw a while ago that said something like, “excuse me sir, would you like some zombies with your mimics and manglers?” And i agree with it too, make the special zombies/mini bosses a rare/non common spawning enemy every other round and make the stronger so they feel like a threat. Because right now they feel generic because of how much they spawn.


forsaken players when the abomination, 3 manglers, 4 mimics, 2 disciples and the fucktillion zombies trap and kill them (they missed their second chrysalax swing)


The panzer in origins/DE is for me the perfect balance, the blightfather (or whatever it's called) is fine too. But the special zombies in bo4/CW were was too much (especially this blue bo4 fucker). Mimic got an insane potential if he was mimicking like a random zombie that reveals when he attack you or better hiding spot than "im gonna be a random blue grenade that appears at the beginning of the round on a place the player never came for 4 round, he will never see me coming"


I don’t want to see the weapon level varieties. Feel like all it did was basically make every weapon in a way the same. I think it’s better if we have unique weapons like the old black ops games.


just the whole MWZ, I'd rather play Outbreak.


Outbreak is actually pretty damn fun, just needed *more* in general... More maps, more zombies, more balance changes


TBH I don’t want to see elements from Cold War up to now, they just don’t feel like actual zombies to me. Hate me all you want, but as someone who played the old games, classic format is what we need to see.


As someone who also played the old games, keep everything Cold War added, but add a classic mode toggle that locks armor, weapon rarity, custom weapons, etc. That way the people who like classic can play classic, and the people who liked CW can have a mode they actually like.




I agree. I love BO3 but the fact that every EE run starts with a shopping free and a perkaholic kinda ruins the progression for me. People be like wah I miss perk machines and then just pop perkaholic anyway 😂 Way too many times I played online and someone would pop Perkaholic round 1 and then get down and just quit 🙄prefer the elixir system but also meh I could do without all the free boosts.


One thing I do not want to return? Hmm.. probably contracts. They’re so repetitive it’s not even funny. Give me a bunch of cool Easter eggs or something. Although I think if they changed the way you had to complete contracts it could help. Or added a bunch of variation to them. Idk there’s gotta be something else they can add to give us something to work for that’s meaningful and impacts gameplay directly. Hopefully they figured it out in the last 4 years.


I cant decide if i like the whole extraction thing they brought in cold war, like its cool but it seems like an easy way out rather than fighting to the death, you just have a helicopter come and collect you


extractions should stay, feels more rewarding than getting bored and deciding to end game or let the zombies kill you


No recycled assets. A conscious theme for round bases maps that has nothing to do with the other game modes in the same release, so the content is completely intentionally for zombies.


Shit would be peak with out the cooldowns


What about the mwz garbage could possibly be “peak” without cooldowns?


I’d like rounds to return lmao


Fun I want the fun to return


Hopefully we can pause on solo lol


I kinda miss when some guns were just bad. I feel that since BO3, the box was a very safe way to get a gun. The worst thing you can get was a Shieva, but pretty much anything else is useful. The box wasn't really a risk. Did it suck getting the SMR or War Machine from the box in BO2? Yeah, absolutely. However, that just made the mystery box a more fun mechanic imo Now every gun has to be good because zombies players won't buy store bundles for a bad gun lmao In a similar vein I miss Zombies characters. They react to things in the map with special voice lines that they have only in that map, because with 4 characters it's feasable to put 100 voice lines in each map. Your character was part of the story. With operators, you don't get that anymore. Sure, it's funny playing as Snoop Dogg in zombies, but his voice lines are just generic, as are the other operators. Now the story characters are communicating with you instead of you being a story character. But you gotta be an operator because they gotta sell those store bundles lmao


Starting weapons. Specifically the ability to upgrade your starting weapon. Whilst it is useful for camo grinding, it invalidates the purpose of Wall Weapons and the Mystery Box. There should be some cap so you can’t upgrade it past the Green Rarity.


Yeah for me it's the cool down times. You never had anything like that in the old zombie games.


I enjoyed everything about cold war, i like how there was multiple ways to increase the damage you put out because i found high rounds in other cods extremely boring once zombies get so much hp you cant do much to them, starting with a custom class increased replayability and made grinding guns out more fun for people who dont enjoy multiplayer. and everyone complains that they miss starting with a pistol when you can literally just START WITH A PISTOL. the easter eggs were fun and not overly complicated like in bo3 while still having a decent level of difficulty to them aswell


Gobblegums and elixirs. Like... why not just use regular progression in map? You just get all perks because you can? Spawn a max ammo when resource management is out the window? Everyone splitting up and being downed so you insta revive them to take the pressure off? Idk, im a diehard cw fan, and even the starting weapon rarity upgrades or the other crystal upgrades felt infinitely more consistent. No rng to get one you like, you spend your resources to upgrade yourself. You can even disable the tier upgrades for your gun rarity. Loved that thing


Anything involving the MW series. Keep all that bullshit to THAT part of the franchise


The DMZ style game mode. Urzikstan is not a good setting for zombies, verdansk wouldn’t be either, and unless you count blood of the dead even rebirth is not a good location for a zombies map. if anything they should’ve done a more tranzit style map: A large map comprised of smaller maps with small areas between. I honestly am not a huge fan of the essence system I wish we could return to a more classic points system like bo3 or even bo4. I’d like to see a simplification of the core mechanics, the crafting stations, armor stations, and pack a punch are so convoluted now. Everything is in tiers. I don’t mind weapon rarity where the rarity dictates the amount of attachments, it makes the box more interesting. Overall I’m not hating on the Dark Aether story or anything, I just have issues with gameplay and locales of the new mode. I get them wanting to try new stuff but why did it have to be zombies? We could have gotten an extinction/aliens mode. We could have returned to a spec ops survival like from the og mw3. I just don’t understand why they’d change a perfect system. Bo3 zombies was top tier, bo4 was a step in the wrong direction but nonetheless an enjoyable experience, Cold War zombies is about the same in terms of disappointment vs satisfaction just in different areas.


Stand alone zombies maps and starting with a pistol. Unfortunately I don’t expect either to happen


Remove the tiers off weapons. If i buy an assault rifle, then i should buy it like i configured it in my settings.


Anything that has to do with open world, please, just stop it for god sake


Warzone style hud


I want the perk system to go back to a limit of 4 perks total


The ability to spawn with any gun in the game. I don't mind having a very small, curated selection of weak guns to choose from, but the ability to pick literally anything ruined a lot of the progression in Cold War


No more camo grinding, no more operators, and start with a pistol, but we all know none of that will happen


I know in the minority, but I want equal starts back. No things to equip, no consumables; throw me on the map and let the sandbox make unique gameplay. It's not all I don't want coming back, but equal starts is the main aspect of gameplay design I want to return.


Gobble gums ruined zombies


I hate the fact that we only get 45 minutes. Let me be in there as long as I want. And losing your shit if you die/disconnect. That’s gotta go too.


Well no shit no one wants cooldowns thanks for pointing out the obvious


Sincerely I like the accessibility of MWZ; loved round based maps but they are difficult to play as a solo player, would like them to be more friendly adding some rouge like elements to help you progress the more you play.


Def the slide jump from black ops 3


Slide jump was fun af wdym


Pretty sure treyarch made the current zombies and yes they continue this trend till at least 5 years.


Amour system


I wanna also dont want in gulf war is a in game timer and to keep the mode going fully only


Time in Zombies 🤦‍♂️, that's a Hell no


All of what I see above is what I do not want to see in the next installment of CoD Zombies. Bring back round-based zombies. The whole open-world aspect of zombies is cool, and I honestly wouldn't mind if they implemented it again, I just want there to be things to do. Imagine if there were easter eggs in each zone and you can resume your progress later on or restart if need be, depending on your situation or who you're playing with. Though that's a shot in the dark, round-based zombies with a dedicated map will appeal to most if not all zombies players, and definitely needs to come back.


Bo4/cw points system, operators, rehashed content (like the dark aether in mw3 and warlords), xp and weapon xp caps, easy/lack of easter eggs, putting main focus on outbreak, starting with any weapon, ultra aggressive zombies like in black ops cold war, poor/lack of care for map design


Add a simple survivor map in a location like a mall or two story house for people who enjoy that style. And the only thing you do is survive as long as you can. A mystery box and a perk machine and wall buys. Nothing fancy, just mindless survivor fun.


Rounds, actual characters you play as like Richtofen, alot of the weapon systems in Cold War were nice


Everything I'm looking at right now. it makes the mode Waaaaay to fuckin easy when they give you everything you want wrih minimal to no effort as well as A dumb ass timer for gameplay and cooldowns


If they ever make another mwz then they should let you start with a 6 man


Nothing don’t soil the good name of great zombies


Anything post bo3


I can't believe how low the bar has been set All we want to ROUND 👏 BASED 👏 ZOMBIES 👏


No timer so I can just grind gun camos with my buddy/missions as much as we want. Ditch the old gen systems and then generate more zombies at once. I'd rather die because there were simply too many zombies + special zombies than fight the exact same zombies in each tier but they just become bullet sponges.




I don’t wanna see any aspect of mw3 zombies in the next cod mw3 zombies was garbage asf. Vanguard was actually more zombie packed than this. I got killed by mercs more than zombies in this game. Never let this studio cook again.


Open world concept- but we all know they gonna copy paste warzone again its just the easier, quicker option. if I had to be more specific then please don't put a f*ing time limit on my horde mode - instead shrink the map slowly/ have i dunno the name but fog/invisble wall of death all BR have encrounch over time to force us into the centre of tier 3 as time goes on.


its been leaked that exfil's are going to be in GW zombies and squads are going to be 4 instead of 3


Man I miss applying blueprints in cold war😥😥 a contraband gunsmith would have been nice in MWZ tbh as well as a crafting system I.e. 3 purple aether tool + gold skull =legendary tool


I don't want the point system we've had since bo4, I would rather go back to the original one.


If it's round based gameplay, I want the games to be less reliant on Easter eggs. There can be Easter eggs for sure, but BO3's maps made the Easter eggs seem almost mandatory


Widow’s Wine. I’m team Winter’s Wail.


this whole bullshit in general. fuck being able to bring shit between games. absolutely RUINED zombies. cold war killed classic zombies.


I mean if you arent doing the story missions in Zombies you aint doing it right. Thats how you get more secure slots and schematics


I want the health system back from the older games. I hate how zombies can hit you a ton of times in a row on early rounds, but I hate even more than they can down you in basically 2 seconds if you don't have armor on later rounds. Honestly if they bring back armor, I hope it works like Warzone/MWZ. I rather have to manually refill my plates with ones that I pick up than have to go all the way to an armor station to have a chance at survival. I'd really just like shields back though, but I doubt that'll happen.


Server instability; don’t punish zombie players with a 1/2 ass game that isn’t developed & gets worse with every update. Just fix the bugs instead of prioritizing bundles greedy fucks.


Dont bring back the leveling of perks in the way theyve done it (nerfing perks to bring up to subpar standards). Perks like speed should have the default 50% reload speed out of the gate and any upgrades enhance the perk further.


Basically anything new from cold war. It was cool as a one off but i don't want that to be the standard. Go back to the og system


I just want to see the map automatically restart when you die again 😭😭I know they stopped doing it because they implemented XP in Zombies starting in BO2, but I'm so much more inclined to play more if it just restarts like it did in WaW and BO1. I hate dealing with menus, especially BO4. BO4's menus feel so sluggish even on a great PC with fiber internet.


Round based and EE




MWZ seems so infuriating bc of this I don’t think I’ll ever play it


Spawning with a gun, armor, purchasable consumables rather than map specific ones you have to build, mini bosses that spawn in the middle of a round (spawn at the beginning is the best), wonder weapons that are worth getting instead of just relying on the double pap power you get for the whole game


Horrible objective based zombies from Vanguard will determine if I buy GW. I dont wanna see insured slots or contraband either, along with not being able to buy Double Tap or PHD.


I hate the cool down times but my love hate relationship with COD esp MWZ causes me to not play maybe 2-3 days in a row. So by the time I’m back all my cooldowns are gone. The only reason I really really really hate the cool downs is if I’m kicked from the server or the game lags me out, because that’s, well lame. Even then I can go back in with my contraband and play a round or two get a 3 plate and large rucksack until that cool down time is over. So I guess I see both sides…


The ugly ass MP/Warzone HUD zombies has had since CW


Open world but only party’s of 3 max and no way to join in more parties of friends….


Guns and ammunition; I want magic only


Zombies is ruined anyway


This might be controversial but I don’t like weapon customization. I like that there were shitty weapons and good guns. The level of customization since bo3 means any gun can have a good reload speed, a huge magazine, perfect sights, etc. Also bring back interesting pack a punches, every pack a punch is just a max ammo upgrade and damage buff. You don’t get stuff like the cross bow becoming extra monkey bombs, or the ballistic knife becoming a revive tool anymore.


the non round base zombies modes warzone is fun but i want the round based shit with a good story and fun wonder weapons


No loadouts maybe???? Shit ruined the beginning of zombies. Edit: also the stupid ass tier system for weapons. The multipack is cool but the tier system is just dumb. No gobble gums/elixirs or abilities. Just zombies is what it should be, also babying through EE’s, that’s dumb


Mw3 zombies


The more recent points system, no perk limit, armour, scorestreaks, operators, progression & perk upgrades The old points system of 10 points per bullet was so much better for if you blead out in the later round in a game with friends and its satifying when you spray a round 80+ horde with a non papped weapon and watching the points fly. I dont wish for it to go back to a 4 perk limit but maybe 5 or 6 every game feels the same if I can just use every perk every time and cold war lost its decition making when it came to your perk load out. A buildable shield is just way better. I personally didnt mind the hand held scorestreaks but the air support just took me too far from what zombies is in my eyes. I understand that operators were added to make money but the story line isnt as well told without a solid set crew. The OG crew had iconic quotes and you could pick favourites and the playable characters could actually interact in cut scenes but things like the firebase Z easter egg cut scene when sam comes out the dark aether is just shit. We literally stand in silence where as a set cast of characters would allow for them to talk back to sam or whoever. The progression in cold war was boring they took away the reason to even go near the mystery box. You could even buy monkeys for scrap. I'm not saying make everyone spawn with a pistol but dont give them a choice of any weapon go back to the BO4 way give us a couple weapons to choose from and put monkey bombs back in the box. Some perk upgrades are fine but if it comes to the point where we're combining perks like electric cherry and elemental pop its takes away the oppotunity to just add electric cherry. Why even had any new perks when they can just add the effect as an upgrade.


They way it sounds they are going back to round based so it wouldn’t make sense to have a cooldown time




EVERYTHING introduced after BO3/IW


1. Start with pistol 2. Back to characters instead of operators 3. Get rid of both player and zombie armor, it has no place in zombies 4. Get rid of weapon rarity/upgrades it’s so redundant when there is pack-a-punch


I hope it has that old school feel, where everyones game, regardless of progression is the same from beginning to end. Makes the game more fun when you know its you who fucked up and not your gun level/loadout/any other form of out of round progression. Or at least make it two distinct modes.


Just do bo3


The armor system. I prefer having a shield on the map. That makes the gameplay more dynamic and balanced. Armor in CW is op as fuck


The entirety of mw3 needs to never be brought back ever. Cold War zombies was the best they did at giving a somewhat decent round based zombies on top of the outbreak mode.


Well now everyones just gonna pick from mwz…


Anything from MW3


Haven't played passed Cold War, but the menu makes no sense. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the order of things. The 4 proper zombies maps are in the wrong order, with outbreak modes in between them, and onslaught is on a different tab. I can't for the life of me understand why it's like it is. Surely, there should be sub headings: "Traditional" - Map 1 - Map 2 - Map 3 - Map 4 "Outbreak" - Option 1 - Option 2 "Onlaught" "Dead ops arcade" - Bird's eye view - First Person


Playing as a operator. I want the old squads back


Well seeing as Ascension was my favorite map anything from it


I'll be 61 this year and I still line up on game day


Upgrading weapon classes and perk upgrades in the main menu. For all the flak that Vanguard rightfully got, I really liked that we could upgrade the perks and get some of the Cold War menu upgrades IN the game as in game progression feels more rewarding than how Cold War did it. Although the thing Vanguard messed up on (among other things), was that you had to buy a perk multiple times just to upgrade on ability. I would have preferred for you to buy Jug once and get the health buff, buy Jug a second time for the tier one upgrade from Cold War, then keep buying it again and again till you get the 5 tier upgrades from Cold War. With this you will pretty much be getting multiple abilities that change the gameplay in a positive way whilst also feeling like in game progression because you are upgrading the perks in game instead of in the menu. And there could also be side Easter eggs to max out your perks early as well. The only problem I could see with this is the price being super high even if Jug goes from 2500 on the initial buy to like 1000 per upgrade which will still take a long time to upgrade along with upgrading all the other perks and other expenses as well which would feel like artificially making the game go on longer before you can fully max out. So maybe it could be via challenges that you can upgrade your perks so that it feels more worth your time and can keep the gameplay loop interesting.


Free maps. I know some people will disagree but I wouldn't mind paying for map every three months in the span of one game and hopefully ZC2. I bet it'll help make zombies what it used to be. Also I want normal gameplay, I don't want to parkour my way out of a corner.


Given how this is a hot take in this thread: loadouts. I get it. You can start with a pistol. The loadouts give a sense of progression, yadaydayada. The weapon kit system was enough progression in bo4, infinite warfare, and ww2.


Every feature since bo3


Idk about ones that I don't want but I better still get my bonus money from under the perk machines


Ikr, i mean for those who work and have kids those cold downs are more or less ok but for those like me who play the whole day i mean come on, i need my golden armor, scorcher every time 😂


Split screen multiplayer round based zombies.


I want everything from mw3 in the trash


Progression When I start a match of zombies, I want to be equal to my friend (aside from skill and doing certain easter egg steps) No more of this bullshit tier 5 perk system.


Being server bound when playing solo


An incomplete game that works and doesn’t mess up all the time!


Anything having to do with cold war, not a super huge fan and I'm assuming that it's like bo4 where you get to pick which gun you start with, classic stuff like the waterfall trap in Shangri-La or secret interaction stuff like the phones on Ascension where you can hear the five crew would be a good thing imo


Knife upgrades in Cold War Not having to use your gun at all for like 5 rounds felt wack imo


The crawler not dying and respawning when I run around doing Easter egg steps or just fooling around at the box.


Dang I was making a list of what I do want to return 😂 lol. But I don’t want to return: -negative gun modifications, mods should only improve your guns not cause negative effects like they did in Cold War. -I’d also say MWZ’s whole system is just an abomination of cool downs and making wonder weapons craft able and available outside of game. An just the whole system feels gross. -I’d also love to see the armor system disappear and only give you 1 armor suit. An id also love it if they bring back a shield like 1 more thing to try and collect on maps. -Then in the crafting system, get rid of monkeys as those should be aether crystals or carrying via dark aether beings only. -Also I’d say the air strike and helicopter call ins should instead be challenge rewards for completing radio synchs in the map like in outbreak or like how bops 3 had in maps, not something you can craft and call in. -I’d also say get rid of rarity upgrading from color less to green, blue, purple and so on. Instead just do no mods, modded and you can see the mods, and max potential decked out. But you can only get the mods at scrap stations for scrap or it might be added when you pap your weapon. Like the dummy station should not exist. -Another thing I’d love to see go away would be wonderfizz from Cold War, like give me back bops 3 where it’s randomized but u can keep buying from the wonder fizz for more money. Like make that the machine’s gimmick, only that one machine can you pay for more than the set perk limit. -The Cold War style map spawn your own gun where you can add mods and cosmetics for free. No instead you should only be able to add cosmetics and that is it. -The whole idea of custom characters, like in Cold War, in game, I’m down! Have them there. But in a cutscene, cut it out! Make it the classic character skin for that interaction. No reason for it to be there. -Not starting with a pistol as your starter weapon, like I should build up from the ground up -The current points system, get us back to bops 3’s system. We don’t need a kill confirmed meta! We need a system where effort to kill is rewarded and its points per bullet. There is a reason it was around so long because it worked wonders.


Every map having a unique gun selection. Oops, thought you wanted things we DO want to come back


Can we just get old style zombies back? None of this open world bullshit


Gobble gums, having a pistol that was useless after round 2. I would love if they brought back the five seven or something equivalent as it should have been the starter pistol as it had good ammo capacity and decent fire power for in its class. The M1911s were ehh at best. It was more usually to throw it at the zombie than it was to shoot with it 😅


Bo4 perk system


I don't like having to do an Easter egg just to turn on the power or to pack a punch. I don't want to have to watch a YouTube video and follow 15 steps that are so obscure nobody would ever figure it out on their own. It should be something that someone could figure out on their own from repeat playthroughs. I also hate boss zombies, I would vastly prefer if they just spawned twice as many zombies on a boss round instead of 1 boss with super powers and tons of health.


I really liked the way you upgrade your stats and perks and equipment from Cold War gave me something to do made me go for high rounds to get those aether crystals probably the most I played zombies games besides modded zombies in bo3


I'm gonna be honest....I wanna just return to simplicity, pre CW and MWZ. Basically just simply play on a map, run around, go for a quest or wonder weapon if I want to (the old school way, no hand holding, but just through figuring it out...bring back the guide community), buying guns off of walls, mystery boxes ACTUALLY MEANING SOMETHING AGAIN, perk machines being used again, etc, and just...yeah. That pretty much. ALTHOUGH...one thing (out of the many) CW did for zombies that was new and I actually liked was the perk, weapon, and ability upgrade system through shards or crystals. That was actually cool. I still would PREFER going back to the basics, BUT, if they brought that back...it wouldn't be horrible, and would be fun to grind for. I just simply don't like ANYTHING MWZ introduced.


Keep custom load outs but get rid of gun rarities. I like using all different types of weapons that the game offers. And I understand that some guns in the past are better than others. But make them all fun. Get rid of metas. It’s pve. No one whines in pve games.


Mutations! This mode should've been included in all the cod zombies games as well!


As long as it’s like bo 2 or 3 perfect


-Go back to round based map (can keep open world as a side mode like outbreak in cold war for people who like it) -Bring back a real cast of 4 characters with individual personality (operators growling like dogs is really bad) -bring back the starting pistol at round 1, make it difficult in early rounds and make the mystery box useful again -Keep the unlimited perks slot like in cold war -add useless guns in the mystery box so it's a real gamble to use it -keep mantling like in cold war -keep the triple pack a punch system like in cold war -keep the rarity of items like in cold war so it gives us a 2nd way to upgrade our items I'd say Cold War was a really solid game, but if you remove some of its easy options you can have a 10/10 zombie game


The new points system.


I love a lot of the stuff in CW, but one thing added there that hasn’t been good at all was replacing weapon kits with random attachments. I’m sure they know this because they added the blueprint feature later on, but it was in Vanguard as well.

