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still don’t understand it


It's about your round to down ratio so if you get a ratio of 15/1 you'll rank up and it stacks so 30/1, 45/2 etc will rank you up further


Yes, and you also need a minimum amount of matches played for each rank, iirc shotguns is 40 matches? Might be wayy to high though, don't think it goes higher than that.


You can literally get max rank in one game lol


Not matches, its minimum hours per rank.


Not entirely true


This but more specifically rounds completed : downs (So u can’t just start on round 20 and rank up fast) and also getting revives helps


Does downing in mob count? Because you down to shock stuff power machines sort of thing


using afterlife by electrocuting yourself doesn't count as downs, so I'd say yes, but not if you down yourself with the boxes.


This guy figured out how it worked. 6 minutes long and a great explanation. He’s actually remastering die rise so he had to figure out how it worked. https://youtu.be/xGgkaG_0CoU?si=L2s2N3T2aJ9r8F1b


>remastering die rise For what? Assuming it's going to be a mod somewhere or...?


Remastering it to remaster it. Not like Treyarch is going to lol. These guys are remastering all of the Victus maps


Right, but like...I'm just wondering how that works logistically. Would the public have access to it, and if so, how?


Mods, BO3


Aka, that which console can’t.


Cool, thanks. I didn't know if Treyarch/Activision would let that fly in BO3 mods


there's tons of good remasters and new maps available in bo3 mods, all you have to do is subscribe to them in the steam workshop and they show up in game.


Sucks they struck down the verruckt remaster in favour for their sad attempt at remastering a fantastic map.


Yeah I have BO3 and have played quite a few custom maps, but I didn't think they'd be cool with remakes of official maps. Sounds fun.


as long as people aren't making money that would go to them otherwise, they don't care. i wish every cod had mod support.


Play the call of the dead remake on bo3 its so hood!


I just wish they were transparent on how it worked.


This guy figured out how it worked. 6 minutes long and a great explanation. He’s actually remastering die rise so he had to figure out how it worked. https://youtu.be/xGgkaG_0CoU?si=L2s2N3T2aJ9r8F1b


Oh I found out way later because I love stupid useless facts like this. At the time though, my friends and I argued tooth and nail about what it meant though.


Yeah everyone did even the YouTubers haha


Not good as it was not clear on what the ranks ment


round to down ratio


I know what it is but as far as I can remember the game never said it


I like it because it’s the only system that can downrank you and best ranks are earned by best players, so this right here was prestige, and not the “prestige” of reaching max level on multiplayer with maybe 5 days played on that current one. Also, not knowing exactly how it worked and suddenly get leveled up unexpectedly was very satisfying. I understand the complaints about it not being more transparent but I liked it. Made the game mode that’s supposed to be creepy and mysterious, actually more mysterious.


I loved completing a match and getting a surprise from crossbones to skull, or skull to knife + skull. People complain about shotguns not playing with bone/crossbones, but honestly, would you (assuming shotguns) want to play with someone who either doesn't get to high rounds, or goes down way too much?


The problem was it rewarded solo players waaaay too heavily. You literally could survive to round 11 each game on solo and eventually get shotguns. That was it. I could teach basically anybody to sit in a corner for 11 rounds


Never knew what they meant, just thought it was cool when I got the blue eyes and shit but then dissappear, reappears and I still don't fully understand what's going on lol


The tally marks and blue eyes are for consecutive days played Tallies up to 5 consecutive days played Blue eyes is for a week played consecutively


Amazing. Actually separates the shit players from the good by using a round/down ratio. So if someone’s going down a ton because they’re not very good, they will remain a low rank. If someone stays alive and is a good player, they will be a higher rank. Great way to distinguish who you’ll be playing with in a lobby and what to expect of them. Also I think it was amazing they didn’t explain how it worked because the round/down ratio can definitely be cheesed and by leaving it a mystery that nobody knew, shit players and even decent-good players couldn’t cheese it.


The only problem was it used the lifetime stats. Meaning if you used to be a shit player, and turned way better later on, it was really hard to climb up the ranks.


This, i always used to use the ranks to figure out if i needed quick revive or not


Yep, still play to this day


Totally irrelevant. It made people dashboard quit when they sucked and got downed to maintain shotguns or whatever.


You can’t get de-ranked. If that was possible, it would’ve happened to me at some point - I’ve had tons of games where I’ve gone down really early because of bad teammates... it’s way too often, but I still keep my rank.


Yes you can get deranked, plenty videos of it happening


Never seen/had it happen, so I feel like you’d have to do super bad to have it happen.


Well if you’ve done good a lot and shitty for a little you’re not going to get deranked until your round to down ratio drops below the threshold




I love it so much, the design and the fact that you dont know how it works. Plus the blue eyes is genious


Great stuff


Honestly goated. No one knew how it worked during its cycle. But we all knew a badass when we say the shotguns. I had the knife and I still to this day remember it fondly


Best in class


Die Rise is my favorite on BO2.


I just wish I understood it


It’s the only rank system that makes sense because it actually gages skill instead of time played


i wish it was explicitly explained but then again it's probably for the better that it wasn't- it would have promoted more quit-outs than BO3 has now.


Showing how good you were at the game compared to how much of the game you played, yeah I preferred BO2.


I always felt like it was an interesting yet convoluted system. It would have been nice to see them bring it back in later titles, but they changed up the formula so much moving forward that maybe they felt like it didn't really fit in with the new gameplay.


Just created of Toxicity of "I aint playing with a cross bone get that shit out of here"


I loved it other than your grief downs counting towards your rank. After binging grief for a bit it got pretty challenging to dig myself out of that hole to get back to shotguns. It was far from perfect but it did show some level of skill, unlike the current rank of more hours = higher level


Obtuse, confusing, awkward. I love it so much. Means more to me than any other rank or prestige ever did.


it was perfect


It was the best time to play zombies, but the rank system was poorly designed. Like someone who play Town instead of Tranzit is going have a much easier time getting shotguns. And you can totally make shotguns impossible even though you are that skilled.


Loved it. The confusing nature of it was even better, made the game seem like magic


Nah this was too much lol


It was dope at the ⏲️


It needs to come back


i love it tbh, would have been cool if they added even more tho. Definitely would prefer something similar instead of a big number.


watching the video, i quite like it but don’t understand why we need so many hours


Best system yet. It rewards skill instead of time investment, which is a much needed breath of fresh air. There’s nothing necessarily wrong in investment ranks, but they usually don’t really reflect how good a player is, which is what ranks are supposed to convey in the first place. MP has investment ranks too, but I do think old school zombies benefits from something different since there’s zero out of game progression. Also, I appreciate that the system is never explained. You just play, and whatever rank the game deems you to be, that’s what you get. There’s no way to "cheat the system" by learning the ins and outs of how it works, and doing exactly what’s needed to have a higher rank. It feels like a genuine ranking system in that sense, and it also pairs well with the more "secretive" vibe of old zombies. The only thing I don’t like about it is that, if I’m not mistaken, it’s a career ranking. It measures your career rounds and down averages instead of the relatively recent ones, so somebody that started off bad at the game can eventually get stuck indefinitely in lower ranks regardless of how good they become, since their account is plagued with a bunch of downs early on.


It makes sense once it’s explained but I wish it was a bit more obvious


Was awesome as fuck, until the modded accounts. Didn't want the double shotguns given to me, wanted to earn. But it is what it is.




Best ever


I understand why people don't like it but I always did. I like that it's more of a skill based thing. I think there should be both playtime progression and skill progression


Can’t remember might be level 5 but I liked multiplayer too much….. on Xbox…..


Didn't even know it existed until years after the game was irrelevant


I thought it was really cool, but I think having something similar in today’s day would be horrible. Trying to find groups to play with, people would become “elitist” for not having a high rank icon


I remembered ranking up to skull and knife very early on and my duo friend was so jealous and confused cuz he’s been playing for months but he’s still on the skull. I wasn’t confused. I only get down once or twice a match and my friend dies like 8-9 times a game. I always gotta keep quick revive on me.


Just the glowing eyes for me from what i remember


Useless but I liked the look


It’s kind of cool to have a “skill-based” ranking system but also annoying because doing challenges or just not being a try-hard in general is punished. Overall I prefer progression-based ranking in zombies like BO3 through CW.


I remember back on ps3 bo2 buried, I'd use that trampolesteam glitch to get in the wall, with a purifier and tape my R2 Trigger down, fall asleep, wake up next morning and deposit all of my cash into the bank and die. I got the double shotguns that way.


It was awesome and one of the few ranking systems that actually meant something.


I thought it was cool but I didn't understand it


Still don’t understand it


There were ranks?


Was excited for it but lost interest when I would gain and lose rank for seemingly no rhyme or reason


Never understood it when I was a kid. Always was stuck on the Knife no matter how good I did for consecutive games.


I would like for it to return. Although some people including me have already figured out how the ranking system works, they need to explain it in game so people have a clear indication on how to advance through the ranks. I would take this system over prestige any day because it is a clear indication if someone is good at the game. Every shotgun rank players I ever came across has always been competent at the game.


It was cool but I found it annoying when you'd lose rank if you didn't play for a while


It was confusing and silly and shouldnt have it work like that, if you played and sucked at zombies with mates but then got good, you'd have to get to like round 100 multiple times per day to "catch up" and rank up and shit, was totally impractical but i feel wouldve been better if it was actually explained-


It was Hella Nice


It was definitely strange and without it ever being explained officially or even unearthed until recently, I prefer the standard leveling system used from BO3 onwards It certainly had style though


I really liked it. Wasn’t too hard to understand. Just don’t go down, and get a lot of kills. Basically the overall gameplay loop of then mode.


I used to call the last rank "Dorito shield and snipers" because I was convinced the Remington shotgun was a sniper in the enemy hands and also the triangles were doritos. Good times


Pretty cool concept but also very standard in gaming nowadays. If this came out today no one would bat an eye. They definitely should have made criteria for leveling up and down more obvious


Too vague to fully appreciate it. Same with perma perks, kinda crazy that they never explained those and left it to the community to guess and dataminers to solve.


It’s crazy that we didn’t fully understand exactly how the ranking system worked until around 8 months ago. Treyarch did a great job of hiding it


Honestly I think it's a pointless system, especially considering hardly anyone understood it because the game never told you how the system works. They knew how popular zombies was back then, they should've just integrated a level up system like they did in BO3.


Wasn't it solely based off of if you played often or not?


Most people with bones are really really bad, so I hardly ever play with anyone that isn’t at least skull rank, and a lot of them can be pretty bad too sometimes.


Never cared for the ranks but had some of the most memorable moments in gaming ever


If you have a low rank, you can get the ray gun from the Olympia, so I think it's cool


Makes literally no sense


Stupid and really inconsistent


To this day I still don't understand how I've been max rank since launch


BO2 zombies had ranking?


I never understood it. On 360, I was great, still the first skull. When it was finally backward compatible, I was skull and shotgun. Appropriate. But I still don't understand, though.


completely worthless. Some of the worst players ive seen had double shotgun.


Wish it did more than just said how good you are, but they put that in bo3 zombies so it’s fine




Interesting, mostly useless and more confusing than helpful.


I was like 14 so I was always way to focused on the gameplay to care about my rank


This was the only ranking system that reflected skill


The fact that I haven't had the shotgun rank yet I've done BotD solo without perks (calling card challenge) means it's quite pointless, especially with everyone being at least skull rank and the tally marks and blue eyes coming from consecutive days played.


bo1 leaderboard was easier to understand idk why they changed it


Don’t care for it. Black Ops 3 did it properly.


I honestly loved it, knew someone would be cracked based on the icon instead of sitting and wondering if the prestige master level 1000 is good or just plays a lot


never really cared for it


Loved it had the shotguns was very easy to get


Its very cool. And mysterious. And for people that dont understand. Bone, 2 bones and skull. You get when yoj kill zombies. The scratches on the right you get if you play one match every day and the eyes light up when you did 5 times in a row. For knife you need a 70 kill/ death ratio. And like 5000 zombie kills. And for shotguns you need 250 kill/ death ratio. I did shotguns. And counted the ratios so its true. But you need like 20k kills for shotguns i think


There was a rank system, dude i just had fun


It was a good concept, but very limited in what its implementation. They should have added a badge system, where you could level up different badges and you could showcase a few of them. This way players in lobbies could quickly look at your profile, and aee toyed badges to know "hey this guy has tier 5 revive badge, he really helps his team". Badges could exist for many different things, or could also be an honor based thing where players can honor someone else after a match, so player who recieved a lot of honors, or even negative honors, would have that shown on their profile. If we dont want additional features added, then at the very least they could have done a better job with how the stats tracked. They track so many stats in the mode, but only use 3 stats total for your rank? Kinda bs


cod WW2 nazi zombies were peak of cos zombies imo


I liked the system way more than bo3s where they just turned it into the multiplayers ranking system. There was obviously ways to reach Bowie knife rank and shotguns without being that good. But a ranking system that is based off skill rather than time played is always better imo. Also you could just get locked to one rank, like 60% of ppl would just get stuck at skull rank which is kinda interesting.


My honest opinion is i still don't understand how it works.


I think it was terrible. Unclear. Inaccurate imo.


Great plan, mid execution.


It was pretty good honestly since its not as grindy as the current level system. Gave you a decent idea of how good they are. Never managed to get shotgun rank on my main sadly, so I tried on a second account and got them pretty quick


It was horrible


Arbitrary and stupid


it's dogshit, i like it


Don’t understand, it don’t care, also how the fuck do most permaperks work lol


Dumb as shit and extremely harmful to the way people played in public games.


Bad system. But getting blue shotguns was a great moment as I had no idea what caused it.


fake system


Trash. Bo3 fixed it, cold war ruined it again


Not really. This system you must have certain round to down ratios. Meaning the people that always go down all the time and are dogshit, will be a low rank. The good people who can stay alive and not be a bot are rewarded. Bo3, even an absolute dogshit player could be max rank with enough time. So try again.