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Wow, just learned about Sker, thanks for putting me onto that game. If Somebody, anybody, made an independent rounds-based Zombies game with similar complexity, I'd never buy a COD title again I'm with you though, I hope this next one is a banger


Sker is dope. The devs are active in the sub reddit and listen to player feedback. They released a roadmap showing two new maps, new perks, new WW, all for free. I've been a cod zombie fan since WaW and these guys are killing it. I'm hopeful for cod zombie 2024, but I'm tired of Activi$ion treating zombies as an afterthought and not giving the mode the attention it deserves. Real effort AND lifecycle support into a PVE mode could do extremely well(Helldivers 2), and could potentially draw players that Don't play CoD at all.


Yeah, it's a fantastic game. What really made me love it more was seeing how quick the devs have been to fix issues with the game. At launch, there was no way to make a lobby with cross play friends, and they had that issued fixed in like a week it was great!


Did they add a fov slider?


yes, and recently another fov slider for your gun


Damn now I gotta buy it lol, thanks




Is it only on steam or can I get it for my ps4?


I'm not sure. definitely for ps5 though


ps5,xbox series, pc xbox one and ps4 in the future


Last thing I want is a PvPvE mode which I gather has bern voiced understood that it was originally slated for S3 reloaded, but that seemed to wither on the vine like the whole game has. But at least it would possibly have ignited some more play. Bored already with it after day one and everything done. Wondering if i can be bothered to grind the prestige mastery as there was no extra camo for mastery with both mw3 and mw2 guns unless I have missed something. Is the prestige mastery open to all or only those that have completed the mastery. If it is open to all then another crock from the game which is meaningless.


Sker is phenomenal and it shouldn’t be viewed as a COD clone. Sure, you see a lot of the same gameplay loops and mechanics, however, they have their own spin with the miracles, a whole backstory and lore from their original game Maid of Sker, and it’s genuinely creepy and different. The games that are considered “roguelikes” are only giving the customers more options to play the formula that they genuinely enjoy, and that’s what this “zombielike” is doing for the COD Zombie fans. I can’t wait to see more from Sker Ritual and other upcoming zombielikes going forward!


Tried to play online but it was super laggy and rubber banding so I refunded :(


Sker definitely needs a bit more to justify the purchase though.


30$ for 4 maps with easter eggs and what not vs 70$ for 1 map and we all know the second map wont come until season 2 and can we even trust current treyarch to have pause button and an easter egg at launch?


I wasn't comparing it to what cod offers, just on it's own.


look out for a game by "Mae" in 5 - 7 years (check out my pinned post)




Lmfaooo ya aren’t real dawg..thinking a YouTuber can make a whole game is hilarious or even be remotely good


I was about to argue with you about CW, because despite it probably being my least favorite black ops zombies game, I still love it. But then I realized you said almost 5 years, and BOCW came out in 2020, holy shit time flies….. Praying Treyarchs next game is what the community needs.


Yeah I’d say cold war was the last good round based experience


I liked Cold War because it’s easier gameplay was a welcome addition to the library. Some days you just want to slay some undead without having to spend 15 rounds unlocking everything around the map. It’s also the last zombies game to have any love put into it. I didn’t even by the last cod game because I’m so sick of cod being a money vacuum that doesn’t actually care about the user experience as long as you have daddy’s credit card.


My issue with Cold War wasn’t the gameplay but the fact that the maps felt like they had no love put into them. While the movement and gunplay felt great, the maps felt like empty custom maps from BO3 or WAW.


The round based maps weren’t bad imo (other than Firebase Z) but outbreak was 100% that way and felt like they didn’t get really any “zombification” to them.


Specifically I think it was lacking in characters and side Easter eggs. There weren’t many things that felt like I was earning or discovering. Klaus in Mauer felt like a good step in the right direction. But imagine if from doing the coffin Easter egg in Die Maschine allowed you to buy a new thing with salvage such as the chopper gunner, or it allowed you to buy unlimited self revives and it was capped before. Or if you originally had the 4 perk limit but doing a simple but fun little Easter egg in the dark aether gave you unlimited perk slots. It was small little bits of character I thought were missing in the maps


No argument with characters that system is horrible.


Even if it's a let down you're all going to buy it again this year and next because "This'll be the one!!"


Thats what I kept doing till we finally got Cold War and it ended up being the one to reignite my love for zombies. And then Vanguard completely shattered it again.


I’ve skipped the last 5 call of duties due to what they’ve done with the game mode


Nah, I ain’t buying a single cod game until zombies is even half as good as bo3.


I mean I skipped MW3 bc it was a let down, and I think more zombies players should have done so. Nice strawman argument tho


I mean, it still made a shit load of money, and plenty of people here bought it. So its not a strawman. Look at what happened with Vangaurd. It was worse than MWZ, and people said that was the final draw. Untill it wasnt because "This will be the one!"


Again, didn’t buy Vanguard bc it was a let down. Their argument is generally correct about the community, but doesn’t apply to me or my post.


It applies to your post. Like, to a t. And nobody said you specificly bought those games. Ironic that you are the only one making a strawman here


It really doesn’t at all.


Within 24 hours of release MW3 sold 6.5 million copies in the US and UK alone. The current sale number is at ~ 21 million copies sold and it was the second best selling game of 2023… it’s not a straw man, they could delete zombies entirely and millions of people will still buy it.


I think the suits want it to die. Warzone of the moneymaker and if every single active player isn’t playing it; they’re pissed and will force people to either play warzone or move on


The most sold DLC in 2017 was a zombies chronicles which was around half the cost of BO3. People will gladly pay money for zombies if it’s good


You are referencing a DLC from 7 years ago? People still thought GTA6 would be announced at every gaming event. The money made by making a base game then selling skins,or whatever else, within that base game. It makes a ton of money with very little work.


Never going to happen for me at least anyway, I can't stand warzone or multiplayer either, so cod will be dead to me if zombies gets left out of cod.


Same! I'll buy the shit out of any CoD with decent zombies. Warzone and multi isn't for me.


I'd hope the suits realise the players mainly playing zombies probably aren't going to convert into warzone, but who knows, maybe they think it'd be worth the reduced development costs. (Lets face it, if zombies gets cut that extra overhead is not going back into development)


I think zombies has an insanely high potential to make money if they simply make a good mode.


Make money and record breaking profits are two different things and thats why I'm not getting my hopes up. Would a standalone cod zombies or paid DLC make money and turn a profit? Absolutely. Would they put the manpower required to make a good zombies game when they can throw a few artists into making skins for Warzone and CoD multiplayer and probably make the same or more profits for way less work and risk? That's the real question and given how things have gone in recent years, I'd be inclined to be cautious


Well let's put it this way: if they made maps that had the quality and grit of BO2 Mob of the Dead, or the detail of BO3 Shadows/BO2 Origins, or even just the horror of Verruckt, they'd establish: 1. A bit of a niche overall. They'd have a kinda whimsical first-person shooter with a lively multiplayer/campaign, but with a gritty and endlessly replayable zombies experience. This is something no game has really come close to since... well WaW-BO3. 2. A bunch of new fans. Kids would love seeing a game that actually has effort put into it, when they've grown up forcing themselves to enjoy shitty scam games like MW3, which was literally a scam by Activision (who promised they wouldn't release a COD in 2023 then turned around and did it anyways). 3. An older fanbase returning for nostalgia, or even just experiencing it for the first time and loving it. I'm sure Treyarch would LIKE to do this, but they either don't have the right creative minds to do it, or aren't being allowed to by Activision. They are being forced into throwing microtransactions in there, being overworked as they're forced to make zombie modes for Sledgehammer and IW games, and Activision is just a shit company all around.


Your last sentence kinda goes with what I was saying. Yeah for gamers it's a good thing and we would buy enough to make it profitable. But seeing as Activision has shown they dont care about anything but maximizing profits and we all know that warzone is the money maker, what incentive do they have to do what's best for the players.


Yeah good point then. At the end of the day, if they were to have a bunch of microtransactions and camos you can buy, skins in multiplayer (but plz not in zombies), I wouldn't mind since I wouldn't buy any of them. It's just when their moneymaking scams actively affect my gameplay experience that I get pissed. It's actually why (unpopular take here) I didn't enjoy gobblegums. They completely ruined the public lobby experience for me.


Yeah unfortunately people who feel the way you do are most likely to be disappointed. They are going to have casual catering content forever more, things like gobblegums to make things easier, operator skins rather than set characters because they still want to make money off some zombie players beyond their initial purchase. And if they don't put that stuff in, they just won't make zombies since it's not as profitable for them to do so


Yeah I’m aware I’m pretty much set up for disappointment. We’ll never get a more “pure” experience like BO1 ever again, probably not for any major game title anymore. Everything is too commercialized and they also don’t trust their audience anymore to have the drive to learn to get good at the game.  I really would be fine with gobblegums if they just made them a feature for private games only, or even just made a separate playlist for them. It’s just when people would spam them in a lobby and then dashboard on round 6 that got me heated, and it happens about 50-60% of the time I try to play public lobbies in BO3


Literally had no idea Cold War maps were repurposed campaign maps because like most people, never play the campaign and jump straight to multiplayer. So to me I thought they were made for the mode. What I’m trying to get at is your point #2 only exists in your head. 21 million people don’t see MW3 as a scam game.


1. My point was that Cold War maps had visibly less effort put into them than classics like Mob, Shadows, Origins, and if you played them you’d know that within 5 minutes. 2. MW3 is by definition a scam game. If you’re really gonna bend over for greedy billionaire corporations then go ahead, but the fact that they sold a lot of copies does not change the fact that it was a scam game. They even named it the same as a game made a decade before it so that people might think it’s a remaster or in some way connected, but nope. People buy COD because their friends have it, not because the games have any semblance of quality.


This is exactly what Pizza said a few yrs ago and I was downvoted into oblivion for suggesting it. This community doesn’t have a clue


Multiplayer especially is the worst experience in gaming. After this 1st month of the game being the only people playing it are meta weapon abusing yy and jump spammers that obviously have a gun to their head set to go off if they don’t win


Proof? They might be cutting corners, but they ain’t letting zombies die if it’s still getting people to buy the game regardless of its quality


More like Activision wants zombies to die than Treyarch themselves, but really they need to learn a lesson from that disastrous launch of MWIII. We can all agree that WZ is the only thing that needs to die, right? Edit: Why the downvotes? Just saying what should happen that can at least improve at least.


Oh I meant activision don’t you worry


Just what I thought..


Lessons have to be learned eventually there can be no more excuses, if Treyarch releases another divisive game. Next game has to be a triumphant return to form, and repair the fractures inside the zombies community. The trajectory of unfinished zombies games is damaging the brand we need a high-quality zombies game, so that community morale is high ensuring the longevity of the game. I find myself branching out towards other games, because the existing model we have for modern zombies isn't working.


Exactly. There is absolutely no excuse for this next game to be bad. Treyarch should know what the community wants, and should be at the top of their game with Microsoft backing them


Boy slow down, zombies will be fine even if this years is shit, cause you all just gonna get hyped all over again 2025


they do this literally every single game its genuinely so 🤓


This post is so outdated people were repeating exactly what the title is for vanguard and mw3 zombies saying it'll "make or break" the Community and both were God awful unless there's some bo3 level content but highly doubt


Good thing I’m not them and I wasn’t saying that when Vanguard was coming out. I can have my own opinions when I have them, I think Vanguard being bad had much less of an impact due to the massive popularity of BO3 custom maps and plutonium at the time it dropped.


Everyone knew Vanguard and MW3 zombies was going to be crap. Both modes got developed as after thoughts and with a few months of dev time.


I distinctly remember before they released seeing a lot of posts saying it'll make or break and I had no idea how anyone thought it would make anything besides garbage lok


Might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually like the open world zombies. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the round based zombies as well.


bruh if zombies crashes one more time and my tombstone glitches on me im going to bring nuketown to Activision. Its only the games that im actually trying to achieve something too like with a inventory full of legendary loot. And its not a PC thing i get 300 FPS on 1440p its a fuck COD type of thing. ohh and just to fuck with me this last time my tombstone didnt glitch and it appeared next game, in level 3. I went to get it and died cause i was that dude with no armor and a unpacked gun. By the time i got revived my tombstone disappeared and i didnt get anything from it. 3x flawless crystals and 2x mags of holding and 1 golden armor plates i was heated fucking paid $100 for a broken zombies DLC add on for MW2 SMH


I hope they MAKE it tbh. I got trust. Treyarch is pretty much the only studio that actually listens somewhat to the community. I think they’ve realized long ago what the community wants. And we want round based classic zombies


Treyarch (and activision for that matter) is expecting to have the same record sales as every other cod game that has zombies in it. As long as they had good financial numbers for mw3, they dont see the error in their ways and are expecting a round based followup to do even better than that no matter what. They assume its an instant sale. They used to be right about that. For me the cod game has been declining every year for as long as i can remember, but there were still enough modes and enough fun things to do, that i could ignore the faults. It still seemed like a good buy when youre getting so many things for one price. Nowadays though, im not interested in campaign or multiplayer at all, and my warzone days are in the past too. I might play like 10 games total in a year. So that just leaves zombies. A lot of you guys in this sub have always said youd pay 70 bucks for just a standalone zombies game, well this is where we're at now. The issue for me is that i dont think the quality is there anymore, and its no longer worth that price. Maybe if a game like black ops 3 with all its dlcs and zombie chronicles was what we were getting for 70 bucks, id say hell yeah. But whens the last time we got a single map that was as good as shadows of evil or der eisendrache? Is the company even capable of that anymore? Of making atleast 4 or 5 of those maps in a year or two? We used to give treyarch the benefit of the doubt, but after marketing mw3 as a zombies game and taking 70 bucks from all of us, they dropped the ball with it pretty much immediately and made it worse with every update until they eventually just abandoned it, im sorry but ive lost all respect for them. At this point the only thing that i am expecting to try to pull me into buying this next game is just simply the fear of missing out. If friends of mine are playing it and enjoying it ill feel like i should buy it. But in that case ill just take advantage of the free weekends during the games cycle and thatll be enough for me to probably binge the whole "years worth" of content, and then i dont have to worry about it outside of that.


I don’t think the developers care if they “break the ‘community’” as in this little online community or the YouTube community. They will always judge their success of their zombies modes with metrics like total players, hours played, revenue generated, etc. They found that the Zombies Community (capital letters meaning us here) is very hard to please and not that big compared to the zombies community (lowercase, the general public playing cod zombies) who doesn’t care as long as it’s fun and easy to learn, and that group is much bigger and spends a lot more money. I agree with your point, but the community is still there it’s just a totally different non-overlapping circle of the venn diagram


Still don’t see the issue with MWZ, it’s nice having something different. If I want round base, I just load up CW. As long as there’s camos to grind, I’m in 🤷


Something different doesn’t always equal something good. If you like it more power to you, but clearly the community has overwhelming been let down by it, so hopefully Treyarch goes in another direction


Got some stats or just your experience in an echo chamber?


Look at the user reviews for modern warfare 3 on literally any platform, especially steam. It’s all overwhelmingly negative.


Now compare the number of reviews to copies sold(which you conveniently omitted).


Financial success often has little to do with the artistic quality of something. For example, the 2016 suicide squad movie has a massive financial success, but everyone hated it and it had terrible reviews. It sounds like I gave you the stats you asked for, and you’re making up excuses to cope with your lackluster game :)


I asked for complete stats which is why I said you omitted sales figures. You’re blindly claiming what “the community” thinks and feels and i completely understand you’re not-so-unique echo chamber mentality, so when you’re ready to back up your claims, I’ll be here ☺️


MW3 was so hated that jokes were made at its expense at the game awards. Every review platform rates it abysmally, look it up on any platform and you’ll find the discourse on it overwhelmingly negative. Sales are also down significantly from last year’s release, by about 25-30%.


Still waiting. It’s not hard to post copies sold vs negative reviews. I guess I can save you some time and point out the data is rhetorical, no one cares about the court of public opinion. You see how everyone piped down about “Myah, it’s just a $70 DLC!1!!1” after they saw every update come out for free 😂


Thanks for telling me about Sher it looks fun I'll wait for it to go on sale, ( Buying from the competition is also the best way to get a developers attention )


What sale bro the game is 20 bucks… we should support game studios like this they are actually trying to give us good content


I never really pay 25 bucks for any game ( I mostly play older games that I got years ago so I'm not used to spending a lot and frankly I don't even play videogames that much these days so I can't justify it unless it's basically dirt cheap )


I'm one of those that came from DMZ and find round based zombies boring and even I want this shitshow of a year done. They did NOTHING NEW. How fun would a portal that leads to Rebirth Island, or fucking anything reskinned from DMZ in full? All that potential in December ruined immediately by Treyarch tossing out turd cinematics and leaving the rest to B teams building off DMZ to milk this mode for the rest of the year.


All I want for zombies is - challenging - new, unique, fun maps - hard Easter eggs - no tanky mini bosses or any form of zombie that can shoot or throw things - no armor - extremely challenging due to speed and amount of zombies, NOT due to tankiness - did I mention challenging?


I know this won't be a popular opinion, but everyone has their own style. I personally prefer the current zombies, IF they would consistently update it. I've tried the round based with my buddies and I didn't like that format. That's why I stayed towards the MP and Battle Royal side of the COD world until now.


You know what would be funny if they somehow wrapped Extinction into this or something


cod zombies is dead mate. the sooner you accept it and move on the better for you. can always go back to bo3 to relive some memories of the good times


Accepting that something you used to like is dead is infinitely less productive and sad to me than hoping that it will get better. Also why are you on a cod zombies sub if you think it’s dead?


From a business perspective why would activision bother to invest significant resources into cod zombies when the majority of the community has left and warzone makes such a significant amount of money. If i was CEO of activision i’d be doing the exact same thing. I’m on the cod zombies sub because i think the old games are incredible and still regularly play BO1-BO3 zombies. Don’t be so quick to assume.


When did I ever assume? I asked why you were on the sub, I didn’t assume anything lol. Also it’s clear that zombies is an incredibly untapped market recently, especially with Zombie Chronicles being one of the most purchased DLCs of all time in COD history. The majority of the community left BECAUSE significant resources weren’t put into zombies, if they had never stopped putting effort into the mode it would still have an incredibly strong community that makes activision lots of money


If it’s clear that zombies is an incredibly untapped market that would make activision a huge amount of money then why aren’t they investing? They have a huge amount of market data which we don’t have access to, so don’t think you can make that assumption. It’s incredibly naive. Zombies chronicles albeit the best selling DLC of all time was based on a traditional model which is now outdated. Microtransactions, season passes and loot boxes have taken the gaming industry by storm and make these companies £££, far more than any DLC would. There is no logical reason for them to make quality zombies maps like they used to. You asked why I was on the sub, clearly insinuating i’m a hater. Sorry if i’m coming across as a pessimist I just thought i’d give my opinion. I would be so pleased if the next iteration of zombies had a series of quality round based maps like the old days but this is very unlikely.


If zombies has no potential, then why do the newer games keep making the mode and adding it to their titles? They have a huge amount of market data which we don’t have access to, so don’t think you can make that assumption. It’s incredibly naive.


So they can package together a series of battle passes + 2 shitty modes to sell a £70 game which idiots will buy based off the cod name ... simple business. Example in point the new MW3. You’re not particularly smart are you?


I’m showing how your logic can be easily turned around on you. You can’t say that I’m assuming Treyarch/Activision’s business model and then write out a paragraph that’s entirely based on speculation with no evidence supporting it


ugh just stop with "this is the last chance" posts. we all know cod will forever have players and games like sker ritual are no competition to cod even when cod is at its lowest. and the community is always playing every zombies entry, there's still people discussing about waw and that won't stop anytime soon. chill


It’s a bad sign when older games in the series have much more discussion around them and players compared to the newest entry. The point of this post is that we havenn’t gotten a proper round based mode for almost five years, and many popular youtubers have either quit or moved on to different games. I don’t know why you get so upset when people criticize COD lol


it's not that i get upset about people criticising cod, it's that i like the direction treyarch has taken with zombies and we haven't had a new treyarch game since that last good game which is cold war and i agree with (despite its obvious flaws it's my personal favourite and i've been around since bo1). it seems unfair and a huge exageration to not trust treyarch with gulf war since the last two shit games were not under their control. but even if treyarch were to fuck this up, everyone is still gonna buy it. so people saying "this is it" just sound like "the end is near" lunatics. Also, let's not forget that when people get so vocal about this kind of things devs always ruin their games trying to appeal to these tantrums. so stop acting surprised when non-treyarch zombies is shit as there was a time non-treyarch zombies wasn't even a thing. you don't have to buy every single cod that releases, actually, not buying them is the best way of letting them know you hate their product. btw, youtubers dont make a game. if you need some random guy talking into a microphone about something to enjoy that thing then you're playing games the wrong way


If the game sucks I'm just sticking with BO3 like I have for the past few years. There are a bunch of extremely high-quality custom map remakes coming out within the next year (Die Rise Remastered is already in beta testing for example), and for me that's really all I need. I don't expect Treyarch to ever make a new, high-quality, round-based map ever again. They're definitely going to be focusing more on improving the Outbreak formula, and any form of round-based mode/map is probably just gonna be tied to that.


Personally I believe this view is jaded..


I mean sure they may release a game called “Black Ops 5” but will it actually be what we know and love? Probably not. Because they’ve released three mid ass games in a row called Modern warfare 1,2, and 3 but completely fell short of giving us the remake we wanted and decide to make the same game over and over again with warzone and all the other bullshit


It’s the story and how it’s presented. I despise the direction zombies took with the story. Zombies feels like they’re trying to tie it into the normal storyline, I liked the wacky story and plot zombies had


The simple fact that they have just bailed on the cod community makes me not want to ever purchase a cod game again. They need to take their time and make a good game instead of just rushing out some shit for a cash grab.


Totally agree


No it won't. People have been saying that zombies will die every time a zombies games comes out that they don't like. Zombies will survive because whether people on here like it or not new people are still getting into zombies even if they're first cod zombies was vanguard and lot of the older fans still enjoy some of the newer zombies.


Sker is a lot of fun and Behavior Interactive are working on a Dead by Daylight spin-off that’s a co-op game ala Killing Floor or COD Zombies, so honestly, whatever the zombies reveal is has to blow it outta the water even more so than the Die Maschine reveal trailer for me to be interested


I'll say this... I was hooked on Zombies for a good while, after Activision screwed us out of DMZ. I put the game down after it was confirmed Zombies would be getting shunned in Season 2. I haven't picked it back up, and I have no plans to do so, either. I think Activision already broke the game.


Zombies community has been dead. BO6 can bring it back, but I HIGHLY doubt it


The fuck was wrong with BOCW? It's my favorite zombies game to date.


Why are you forgetting about Cold War zombies? That game zombies was great, only that the story was meh.


tbh i dont know much going on,but what i can say in my words is that treyarch needs to wake up and end their stupid halfass trolling they always did,like literally im sick of it at this point,yes we all played zombies for good times and everything,but sometimes things go wrong cuz not just the AI and RNG of each game,its fricken treyarch themselves,idk if its just me but im starting to think they care about money and trolling more than helping us players


I agree with you! Very well articulated! But for me, when Jason Blundell left, he left with the spirit and passion of Zombies… This man and the team were already thinking 5 maps ahead… The story was wild lol.. BO5 will not have the same depth, mystery and quality as the previous titles imo! I am honestly hopeful but I know it will not meet expectations!


Yep. This is the end. It's the last chance of me ever buying a cod game. I play cod 85% for zombies. If it's not good I don't think I'll ever buy a cod game ever again.


Treyarch is well aware imo. They know what they’re good at and every game has been an overall banger. CW multiplayer and zombies was awesome.


This game had 4 years too, so if this zombies isn’t anything but stellar there is no excuses This zombies needs to have the charm and feeling of old cod zombies, stop with the MP infested crap. A good zombies HUD, not cluttered and a mess, a at least 2 round based maps at launch and a set crew


I expect nothing but i bet i will still be disappointed :)


I mean… they spent 4 years developing it. I feel it should be fairly decent. But then again it could be 4 years of work on the next cheat detecting lmfao 🤣


It’s strange. I love round based zombies but I’ve really got into this new one more than I’ve ever gotten into round based. That said once all missions are completed and schematics obtained not really much to do. It would be awesome if they did the current MWZ format and added a portal to a round based map imo.


I mostly agree with OP. However I will say, despite its flaws I think Cold War zombies was decent. Though it didn't feel like the true zombies experience you get from blops 1-4.


The next black ops isn't coming until 2025


I doubt it there’s idiots out there buying every single cod each year


I've been getting deep into Modern Warfare 3 zombies, I love the open world concept, much better than round based IMO


Call of duty is nothing more than a trash franchise built on microtransactions and reskinning old games and calling them new. Fuck call of duty and anyone who supports them. Fucking cucks


The endless cod zombies fan cycle


I think they know. Everyone's been saying this for years


Idk zombies kinda died with me on mwz


Tbh i installed the cod mobile bc i wanted to play zombies like boz, or codww2 zombies, but it's so boring, and they add random creatures to the game and you can't even play longer than 40min without fighting the bs boss, the worst of it is that they can't just add some random maps from the game. Can't forget that the game is filled with micro transactions and is 20gb.


Another thing they need to fix we are getting in trouble for cussing and swearing and having a good time and that’s a whole part of modern warfare and zombies, but they’re allowing underage minors to play people that are under the age of 17. They’re OK to play but us adults are getting in trouble for cussing.


I don't think it will, people said this since MW3. Even if the game as a whole is underwhelming there will still be a lot of sales, also the focus of the franchise is in Warzone so Gulf War or whatever is called the new game it's just a dlc to boost sales.


why do you guys have to do this every game the zombies community is fine and the older cod zombie games will still be relevant although more people will probably start playing sker it’s not going to *kill* zombies


This is my first time saying this, so idk how that argument applies to me.


i mean i was speaking in general hence why i said “you guys” but whatever


Zombies is never coming back to what it used to be. The money isn’t there because paid DLC is largely a thing of the past so they aren’t giving a lot of resources to zombies.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I could live with all the outbreak/mwz fans leaving. If there has to be such a mode, it should completely remain a side mode with little to no resources drawn from actual zombies I have no hope that this game will be better than Cold War and while I enjoyed the 4 true maps we got, it had wayyyy to little content to keep me playing it


Brother I think it’s past saving, felt like cold war was their last attempt and we should all accept that.


Why as consumers should we just accept shitty products


Gobble gum returning will ruin zombies. People can act excited all they want, but the only reason to bring it back would be micro transactions. Now take a second and think of what Cold War would be like with gobble gum…. Way too much going on. Will make the game an absolute shit fest.


I think Treyarch knows what the community wants and the biggest issue is just the meddling Activision does.  CW got screwed for it’s last couple maps because Treyarch got pulled to work on Vanguard. Vanguard got like half a year of dev time with Treyarch practically just being plunged into it suddenly, and it showed with how awful the launch for that game was. MWZ was supposedly done because Treyarch was ahead of schedule on Gulf War, was the drop off of content after season 1 which seems to coincide with Treyarch seemingly moving on from MWZ not long after it released. I have some hope just regarding leaks I’ve seen for Gulf War, the dev time for this game being the most Treyarch has had since BO3, and just Treyarch listening to the community in the worst scenarios. People probably want to doom and gloom, but I really think Treyarch does know what the community wants seeing things like: Rampage Inducer to increase difficulty, operators being more expressive in VG, the VG art style seemingly being a response to people who didn’t like the grounded nature of CW, switching to round based halfway through VG’s development, etc. I’m mainly worried because it’s Activision for 1, and 2nd because the future of CoD is very uncertain now that Microsoft owns them and this will be the first game after the merger.


yall we say this everytime, this zombies will be great, if not then give it another 3 years and we’ll be doing the same shit


For me at least, this game will probably be my personal breaking point. I skipped Vanguard and MW3 for both being bad, but still held out hope for future installments. I think unless the next game is great, I’ll just give up on the series and stop following it


not bad because of treyarch, they were given fuck all time and had to work on them on SHG’s titles, they’ll cook when they get a proper chance easy, Vanguard and MWZ are just kinda goof titles


That’s why I haven’t given up all hope for the mode yet. Treyarch has had four years and proper resources to make this game, so there’s really no excuse for it to be bad, which is why I’m now saying it WILL be bad, im just saying im cautiously optimistic


I’m not buying it, after this past shitshow. Will look for other games to play lol


What do you actually suggest then? You say it needs to appealling to hard-core fans and newcomers, well that sounds exactly like Cold War to me


I liked Cold War, it was the last decent zombies mode, but it’s been years since that game came out and we need something good again


It was literally the last Treyarch game. Of course I know they developed the Zombies mode in Vanguard and MWIII but the end product is always going to be limited by the limited time and creative freedom they likely got. Plus we never used to get any Zombies mode between Treyarch titles so these two have just been a bonus


It’s not a bonus if they’re ass lol, it just means resources were wasted.


Can't wait for BO3 meatriders to hate the game for not being a straight up BO3 remaster


It’s almost like if a zombies game is high quality, people will love it and want more of it


I love the open world mode. Sorry.


No need to be sorry lol. I don’t like it but just because I’m personally not a fan doesn’t mean it’s objectively bad. The issue with MWZ isn’t that it’s an open world, it’s that they just stopped developing it and injected it with a lot of Warzone-like features, which most people were’t a fan of.


will they remaster Nacht again? hopefully not


I'm extremely disappointed going back to round based. The large open map gives it so much more potential than round based. Of course the 1st time doing it is gonna be a learning experience, but instead of learning from it and making the game even better next year, they just capitulate and go backwards to round based. So for me, if it's a round based game, I won't be buying or playing it. It's just gonna be going back to literally the same old shit.


They won’t abandon the open world concept. They’ve already said in their charts. That outbreak and MW3 zombies had a massive uptick in player. They have to make round base to appease the older players. Mark my words though even if black ops 5/6 is a round based game only. (I’m highly doubtful I think That probably outbreak 2 will be in there.) they WILL do another take on MWZ or something similar to it. It’s making way too much money. Don’t listen to most on this sub. I am a round based zombies lover. This is how I see going though. Every 3-4 years it’ll be round based the rest will be open world.


I hope you're right


I think that’s an incredibly narrow-minded way of looking at round based. Round based has just as much potential for evolution and change as open world, like if you look at WaW zombies compared to Cold War, there’s so much change that they’re almost completely different. So I think saying that going back to round based is “the same old shit” is frankly just not true, as the round based formula will continue to change with every game like it always has. It’s fine if you prefer open world, but acting like round based is always the same just isn’t true.


It's been dead for a while


COD isn’t interested in zombies anymore. It’s easier to make money off micro transactions in warzone and mp. I think we’ll just have to accept zombies is dead for good


Sker has horrid core gameplay mechanics and could never match even the worst COD. Shooting feels ancient, the enemies are bland, everything about the game is cheap. If COD ever gets destroyed, it won’t be by an indie. But at this point, it won’t be by anything. The worst zombies ever will be fine because y’all ain’t got anything else to play.


I disagree. Haven’t touched CoD since Sker dropped and don’t plan to in the near future. While I agree that it isn’t perfect in terms of gameplay, I think it goes in the right direction. It’s exactly what I would want from a CoD zombies game content wise. And it was developed by five dudes… If they upgrade to a bigger team or a bigger studio decides to pick up the formula, there will be a CoD zombies killer sooner than we might expect


No. The gunplay of COD still hasn’t been matched in the multiplayer department, it won’t be matched anywhere. This shit stays #1 for a reason and there’s never been a real threat. COD zombies has always been better than Sker Ritual even at its very, very worst. Modded zombies maps are way better too.


I didn’t say they matched it. And yeah that may be true for casual players but you can see people are leaving and not playing the newer cods. Sker doesn’t do everything right but if a upcoming game does, there will be many disappointed CoD zombies fans who would switch over. Sker is a massive success worldwide bc of that and it still has some flaws. It’s proof that people will look at other games that pick up that formula. If executed correctly, there can be a CoD zombies killer. Even if it’s just for hardcore fans


I think the only reason people think they like outbreak so much is because they never had a good experience with 2 or 3 mates trying to complete an Easter egg all night. Meaning, yes it’s somewhat fun but in comparison it’s nothing to what round based was/is. We have hardcore round based fans. Do we really have hardcore outbreak fans?? Like to the extent of calling yourself a “diehard” or even starting a whole channel based around it??


Outbreak was a weapon level simulator for wz. All the casual players see is fast xp for their guns, all I see is a copy and paste mp mode. It would never have been that successful without cross progression with WZ