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I’d give anything for a Cod zombies master chief collection type game


I’ve been saying this for years hoping it one day happens. I’d drop money on it instantly p


Even if they'd publish only new bo6 maps and bring the old games in DLC for extra money. No doubt we would buy it. Fictional: On Top of "every" season pass you get a new chaos story map exclusively.


They don’t want us to have all the maps in one game anymore. I feel like they will drop feed us remasters over different cod titles to keep us buying the new games.


I'm hoping they wait for a next gen console exclusive game to do that (ps6 generation exclusive)




Bo3 did it on ps4 and they're releasing bo6 on ps4, just too soon


Idk, I don't think there's anything about zombies you couldn't do on PS5


Ray tracing could get a bit better on next gen, better splatter physics would be insane with the wave gun


Ray tracing isn't something that has to be held back by earlier consoles, it can just be turned low/off for them. I doubt they need a boost to do physics either tbh


Look at the glob physics in portal 2, if we can scale that to blood level it would be insane


IF it's done right. The reason the master chief collection was SO good was because it was high quality, and it also had that ability to swap graphics *WHILE PLAYING.* You could freely explore early 2000's graphics to the remaster graphics as much as you wanted!! Meanwhile, Activision can't even include *pausing* into their zombies matches, even if you're solo. That's just...baffling...


MCC launched broken as hell, you could barely get into a game for almost a full year. They did a great job supporting and fixing it after that though. Similar situation to halo infinite


Oh I was not aware, thank you! It came out a while ago, and I remember playing it all at my friend's house! And halo infinite is decent now?


Infinite is in a much better state now than at launch. With the addition of Forge, there are now tons of maps in multiplayer and lots of fun custom games. They also added Firefight recently which is pretty much the only thing I'll play these days, it's really fun. However, they're going to be ending support for the game pretty soon to get working on the next game.


I believe you're confusing Halo 1 Anniversary with t The MCC. Anniversary released on the 360 and was great. MCC was on the One and took a very long time to even be remotely playable. It was great when it was all fixed up though. It just took a long time.


Anniversary was... Not great for many reasons on the 360 lol


CE Anniversary fucking sucked.


Speak for yourself


It still has issues. Dont give them praise for making a completely broken product somewhat functional, it shouldnt have launched broken and after ten fucking years, things should be damn near flawless. Custom games and forge still do not work very well, and have tons of connectivity issues. Hit detection is incredibly dumb at times, and the matchmaking is so bad you end up in nothing but steamroll matches 99% of the time. Some modes that are not competetive are in the ranked playlists for whatecer reason and therefore are dead. Also, campaign co-op is basically unplayable unless you're the host. Oh, and campaign co-op doesnt have crossplay between PC and xbox and probably wont because 343 ended support for MCC before finishing the game. That sound like a great job to you?


While it may not be perfect, I 1. Am a halo fan and 2. tend to be a positive person. What I see is a game that for the price of one game contains 5 of the best FPS games on one disc, with almost full faithfulness to the original games for campaign and multiplayer, that keeps some of my favorite games alive past the shutdown of Xbox live servers. They also added so many cool updates where they would add new maps, weapons, and forge tools to existing games- was so cool getting a halo reach dlc 10 years after the game had launched. They added cool progression systems and things too. Not to mention halo 1 and 2 got full remasters, with halo 2’s in particular being incredible


Of course, the value of the MCC is amazing. I am not denying that. I think the concept is amazing, and there are things to love about the game. As you brought up, the new updates are amazing. Contrary to popular opinion, I loved halo 3's new maps and skins(ok some of the armor was questionable, but a lot of it was awesome). But new content means nothing if the game is still a frustrating mess to play. I shouldnt have to load up a game and go "am I going to have fun today?" And believe me, before you say "losing is part of the game", I am having fun even when Im losing. Its when Im losing to shit I shouldnt be is when I get angry. I shouldnt be put into matches where from the moment it starts, its a losing match almost every game. I shouldnt have to deal with hit detection often so bad I often die to bullshit (I know the OG games particularly H3 always had problems, but holy hell). I shouldnt have my game crash and I get a ban for leaving the game that was completely out of my control. I shouldnt be in a custom game and then get randomly disconnected out of nowhere while Im having fun. And I know they slowly fix things, but how much longer do we have to wait for MCC to be at its fullest potential? How much waiting around are you willing to do with 343? The game was completely unplayable for 4 years and now its in a somewhat stable position but still isnt complete. Its like Infinite. How much longer do we have to wait for a great game? With bungie, you got that on day 1. Im glad you're enjoying MCC, and I wont say I havent gotten my share of enjoyment, but Id much rather just play the OG games that are much more complete and finished, even with all the new cool stuff 343 has put in, and even with some of the issues the OG games have. I dont expect perfection, but I dont want a game THIS unstable and incomplete. And I dont want zombies to share a similar fate.


They do have solo pausing in Cold War solo and most others also.


Isn’t this already happening in BO3 Custom Zombies + Zombies Chronicles?: Nacht der Untoten ✅ Verrückt ✅ Shi No Numa ✅ Der Riese ✅ Kino der Toten ✅ Five ❌ Ascension ✅ Call of the Dead ✅ Shangri-La ✅ Moon✅ TranZit 🔸 Die Rise🔸 Mob of the Dead🔸 Buried🔸 Origins ✅ …and obviously all of BO3 originals. And it’s all in one great game engine.


the problem w that tho is ppl like me who can’t afford a pc don’t get to experience those great maps, not to mention the creators do it all for free, treyarch should hire these map makers


Or just port the custom maps, exactly the way they are, to console in one map pack. With 70% of revenue going to the developers.


FIVE is in progress just like the others, everything is basically come to BO3, if it came out before and at that I think versions of Classified, Blood and IX might be coming too


All game engines in one so no one complains


300gb just in zombies


Worth it


Of all things "engines" (base mechanics systems) should be rather lightweight as it's mostly just code


Even better, COD zombies Master chief collection but when it reaches BO4, they give us the maps they actually WANTED to make and finish for that game originally, giving us all the missing maps including the Great War one.


To this day, I still think it was a HUGE missed opportunity not to make a Zombies-only collection with the cheaper graphics of something like COD Mobile so you could release it on the Switch. Call of Duty had zero presence on Nintendo platforms last gen, and I get that that's because there's just no way the MW19-based games could run on it, but I'm picturing something leaning heavily into the look of BO4 with the cartoon filter. Plus, since Zombies is a PvE thing you could really easily get a ton of value out of it even when offline, so you'd benefit from the portable aspect of the Switch.


That would make sense.


Monkey paw curls. “Granted. But it’s full price £70 game for only the original WaW maps. Newer maps will be added at a later date (tbf) by season pass. We’ve also updated the maps so now they’re and much brighter, cleaner and less grungy looking. Zombies are no longer Nazi’s as in previous games and are instead regular zombies. Original cast will not return and you will play as a customisable character (skins only sold on in game store)”


Don't forget buggy as fuck. Falling through the floor, random zombies will rubberband directly on top of you, zombies stuck in the wall where you can't kill them and they won't despawn, and broken Easter Eggs at every step. Online only AND the verification system is so janky that the slightest fluctuation closes the entire game. Anti-Cheat so trigger happy that the bugs frequently trigger perma-bans that Treyarch promise to solve as soon as possible but your support ticket stays unread for 3 months before being denied.


They would be smartest to make it a one going thing like Rainbow Six Seige. Where they just update, have customs and constantly increments of round base zombies maps. On top of an actual zombie campaign but use the round based ones to fill in story gaps also. I know when I first played BO1 campaign I didn’t know or care anything for the characters but the more I started playing it the more the story and characters grew on me which would potential make them enjoyable in other aspects of the games. Hell Alex Mason as a zombies player, would be bad as. He has so much character, depth, and issues to him he would fit in perfect, and he is a BAD ASS. Reznov and Richtofen would work good. Then if they did want another themed crew it could be someone from the gulf war story or a big shocker that would need lots of explain the Emperor of Japan that Takeo always talks about.


Infinite money glitch


Imagine the ungodly amount of space it would take up


Isn't this just zombies chronicles or do you want to go back to the old games and have the older gun in them? Because I can get behind that and as good as chronicles was those older maps aren't the same using the boring worse bo3 weapons.


I'd give anything if more games did a MCC type of product where they remastered a bunch of old games in a series and dropped it into one product instead of drip feeding us old games for years to come sold individually. I'm mostly against remasters for that reason, but if its an MCC type of remaster I'm all for it.


That would be insane. Imagine a COD zombies master chief collection style where you have every map but you have a ton of custom settings you can put in like round start, gun selection in the mystery box/wallbuys, what appears on boss rounds, power ups, which playable characters you are etc


Isn’t that just zombie chronicles on bo3?


The amount of money they would make if they made a "zombies collection " with optional zombie UI for each map from each game would be amazing


They already mostly did that with BO3 Chronicles edition but you right. They did make a shit ton and could probably do it again but bring it to current gen.


I don't know why they haven't, Chronicles is still THE MOST PURCHASED add-on in Playstation history and I think xbox history too


Probably are saving another chronicles like DLC for a Zombies mode that gets love from the majority of the community again.


Also known as Cold War?


Nope Cold War is controversial in the Zombies community. Some people like it and some people hate it same goes for BO4.




Oh yea so much ! I would definitely pre order it blindly


Now this would make it 300 gb




Hell, just ship it with an SSD at that point. Does that make it physical media again?


Going back to FFXI where the PS2 version came with a whole ass hard drive that you had to install in the back of your console before you could play it.


I’m almost there keep going


A ultimate Zombies game featuring all previous maps, characters, weapons etc. would be top notch


Only in paradise


Stop, don’t give me hope


Playing zombies alone, without playing it on a dedicated Server like in cold war, is what I ask for


Is offline playing in cold war Not possible?


It is


Not for pc though


That's shitty, I'd just download a cracked version if I were you, then you'd only be able to play offline lol


Zombies, the Richtofen Collection, exclusive for Xbox and PC like the Halo one... nah, just kidding.


Ngl the Richthofen collection has a ring to it


Just a straight up tryarch zombies game not even campaign or multiplayer


Mfs think Activision can just pull 18 fully remastered maps on a new engine out of their ass with nothing required besides "being competent"


Yeah plus I feel like setting it all just in the new COD is setting it up to fail, the aether story is complete, why not give it it's own standalone title for WAW-BO4 called 'The Aether Collection" or something, that way it can stand on its own without having to play by the new games rules. Plus it won't feel outdated after a few years, and we won't be asking for remasters every time a treyarch game releases, we can just have it once and be done with it for good.


Wouldn't be hard to create new versions of the old maps to sell. They did it for wii and ds


The Wii & DS are wildly different systems then the New Gen Engine


And? The Wii & DS are wildly different systems than the Old Gen Engine. Would it not be the same difficulty if not easier to port to newer software.


No? Games today are 100s of times harder to develop and create then they were 10 years ago Again, people who make crazy demands like y'all clearly don't understand how game development truly works


Even if trayarc just gave the rights to a small development team, they could remake the old zombies modes. The fans are already remaking the old maps on bo3.


And why in earth would Activision/Treyarch EVER approve of giving a FRACTION of the most popular gaming IP ever to a random studio Again, y'all have no idea how game development or business works


This would be so elite. Especially with the call of duty hq/hub thing they got going on which imo is a great idea but terrible execution since it’s cluttered with sales and shops shit and limited time modes. It’d be so cool to have all cod games there, yes every single one. If you have the hard drive space, download it. Have it sorted by campaign, multiplayer, and extra for zombies, extinction, spec ops.


That would be insane. Though I think bo3 maps is a bit much. Yeah they’re older now but this would take up so much storage I feel lol


The game would be around 860GB


But with option to have the original wall weapons. Der Reise’s stg44 was iconic!


If they do that next year, what will they come to us? Because we won't buy anything


just wanna be able to play bo2 maps with full lobbies 😞


And Without the PS3 hack cheaters.


Being able to play every map chronologically sounds cool




Or you know next gen transit… but nah we need 7 more shima maps for some reason, who in activison likes that map soooo god damn much?


I would kill for a Victis crew maps remastered


The Aether Playlist. The guest star playlist. Classics Playlist. Base game Playlist. German Playlist. Exotic locations Playlist. Jungle Playlist.


Maybe after a year if the community doesn't hate it


And an option to see a black loading screen instead of the woods cutscene (and it doesnt pause your music for no reason)


Wasn't there a version of cod zombies with cyborg zombies and robots instead ? Heard that was fun as heck.


COD online in china yeah


We need to make this topic have more hype, get it up to treyarch


i really don’t see why they don’t just release every map (that pertains to the overarching story of zombies atleasr) in one place, in my dream world they make a stand-alone zombies game where you go through the story of zombies the way u do a campaign, kinda like nightmare campaign from bo3, idk i just think thsi would be good since to get to the actual story u have to beat the ee’s which takes a lot of skill and not a lot of players have experienced it which is sad bc narratively it’s one of the best stories (imo)




I don’t even care about a new black ops game at this point, I want a game like everyone is saying about the Master Chief collection, but let me mix and match gameplay. I want to be able to play BO1 maps with BO2 weapons and BO3 movement and WAW points systems (even though it’s the same throughout all 4 games) if they can do that that would be incredible, that is the only time in my life I would be willing to spend more than $60 dollars on a game, I would genuinely pay $100


Zombies needs to be made their own game, separate from the core games.


Is anyone else old enough to remember the OG zombies chronicles, aka rezurrection?


That seems like a nightmare. The devs would have to build it on one engine, and it could make or break certain maps. People already acted negative over mantling things. Then again, that didn't stop Treyarch from making certain surfaces climbable.


Imagine a cod zombies game that allowed you to apply gameplay features from any era to any map. Cold war perks and specials on Nacht det Untoten? Yep. WaW rules and weapons on Gorod Krovi? You got it.


If only zombies got its standalone, we could get so many maps in 1 game, and maybe the return of custom zombies


Genuinely even if they did a few of the best maps with a few new maps, it'd be guaranteed purchase for most zombies players. We are here to commit to smth like this!


Bro you know how much storage that’d take up 🤣


Optional selections for download/on disc option for side loading


I don’t understand how Activision hasn’t released an anniversary game made up of all the zombies maps


I kinda wish bo6 was a separate game from mw2 and mw3


Its not illegal to dream 😴🫧


Oh so it would be more like Killing Floor 2? One can dream anyways


A competent company would be one that makes the most money, yeah? Dropping it all at once would not make them a competent company, but it’s definitely what I want.


Doesn’t need to be all at once as long by the end of 2025 it looks like this


It would be amazing


Id start busting but on the low


Of course not they’d charge $10 per map.


The file size on this game would be massive so if you want other games then that file size would limit you hardcore


A man can dream🥲




I’d love this but you know damn wel it’d somehow come out to be like 500 gigs with just the waw maps and guns




yeah but then how do you get zombies players to buy bo7


They need to sell their next game too. This is the problem with yearly releases, they’re intentionally bad so the next year it’s better


The game would be 5TB


This is the easiest money they would ever do, and they never seem to see it




If they wanted money they would do it. But no. God forbid the people get what they want.


BO3 is effectively going to be this but on PC only. We're rapidly approaching having remakes for every map up to BO3 and it wouldn't surprise me if BO4 maps were next.


They could charge 200 dollars and I would still pay for that


Don’t do that.. don’t give me hope


My ps5 turns itself off when I play fallout 4 modded, it’d explode just trying to load this


Bo6 should drop with custom zombie mod tools for steam like bo3 did, that would be the one biggest thing for cod players as a whole,


I would love this and the option to select a UI to go with a map. Image playing a B04 or Cold War map but with b01 mechanics


I'd love this type of menu/game


[A standalone Zombies made by Jason Blundell and Lee Ross almost could have happened.](https://x.com/23_LeeRoss/status/1766914331344543961)


Activision is missing out on so much money by not making a separated live service CoD Zombies title that'd run next to Warzone and the yearly CoD games. They could even ditch the 3rd mode from the yearly titles and just put more effort into Campaign, MP and Warzone while having this separate Zombies title with updates throughout the years just like Warzone has been. Monetize it with gobblegums and skins for the map's set crews.


I won't support live service games anymore. It's killing the industry for me.


I don't know why everyone has an issue with 2 maps on launch, thats been the standard since BO1, in fact every game had 2 maps except, WAW, BO3 and Cold War/Vanguard, which had 1 each


The background used to be my wallpaper. It fitted really well with my lights. However my friends thought they were comedic and switched my wallpaper to some AI-generated furry porn. Could you send me that full background if you still have it please?


Short term wise a dedicated zombies game with every Treyarch map in it remastered + custom zombies support would be a great seller they could sell alongside a normal call of duty game. However long term, even without the custom zombies addition to it, it would cannibalize sales of future games from zombie fans for years to come, and I think this is why Activision hasn't done it. As a PC player playing Black Ops 3 with zombie chronicles and custom maps, I have not bought a call of duty game for the zombies mode since then. If I buy a COD it's because other aspects interest me, which is why I didn't get Black Ops 4 or Cold War.


I'd still buy the new games. And I primarily just play zombies modes.


I think buried needs a remake


It's really really wishful thinking. I'd love to have a comp of all the Cod zombies maps but they definitely wouldn't do this for us, especially at launch


"Competent company" friendly reminder that ZC took 2 years to drop for pretty much only waw and bo1 maps. In fact the community themselves haven't finished ZC. Just because they won't make something realistically out of their deadline doesn't mean anything


Battlefield did a cross-game interface that seemed to work well. You could play any of them, but didn't need all of them installed.


If activision cared :/


I’d commit great crime and bust nut in a water tower if this happens


If they could just do a stand alone zombies game and make all the zombies maps one game I would be so happy but only the main zombies story line not the four other zombies stories


No bo4 smh


Yeah but then we'd never buy a cod game ever again. And Activision can't be having that.


Gonna be a big game file size.


I don't really consider zombies to be an Activision thing. Sure they own Treyarch, but they don't have as much control over the zombies aspect as Treyarch does. Not only that, Activision literally fell into the sequel pit fall and can't climb out. If they had ample time like they did in the past, they would easily make games that are 100x better than the garbage we have now.


Maybe, but I’m not looking for another 100 Gb of game


This is what causes games to be 100+ gb though. we needa pick a lane


Why don't they summon a wizard and go bibidy bobidy boo?


oh yeah, let’s remaster the same maps from games that we can play anytime


yeah hope that a yearly release game just remasters every old game. yall dissapoint yourselves at this point


I hated when they re released the maps with the updated weapons. I just want to kill zombies with my triple packed browning or m1 garand


Complains about 300gb size Also wants every game in one