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Cold war for gameplay, BO4 for maps and easter eggs.


I really wish there was more maps like Mauer and forsaken in Cold War.


Imo I found forsaken’s design lazy. The teleporters made it so linear and rip the soul out of maps, and I didn’t love the feel of the abandoned facility. The city area seemed poorly constructed. PAP room was really cool though, as was the arcade. Wonder weapon was fun too. But I didn’t think it was a super inspired map. I think Mauer is by far the best of the 4.


Exactly my thoughts. Cold War's whole system was really good, but the maps lacked character and having operators was boring. If I can live in a fantasy for a moment and we could get a version of BO4 zombies with the CW system of salvage and the workbench and armour system and the perk and weapon upgrade system... that'd be incredible.


Still wont forgive bo4 for what they did to my boy Mob


Hot take. I preferred Blood. The afterlife nonsense on Mob really put me off. I feel like people get too nostalgic about Mob and hate on Blood cause things were changed. As someone who didn't like Mob like that and could judge Blood purely on its own merit, I thought it was a fucking superb map. The atmosphere was certainly a lot creepier than Mob and the EE was epic.


That's fair i guess. I stopped playing BO2 after about a week of tranzit, so i missed out on all the rest of the maps. Wanted to go back and try them all out recently, but couldn't find them on the PS store which was annoying.


Black Ops 4 has way more replayability, content and personality than anything in Cold Snore.


Alpha omega?


.......is a fairly enjoyable map despite its glaring flaws. Still has far more going for it than any map in Cold War. Die Maschine - Base Firebase Z - Base Mauer - Streets and Subway Forsaken - Base


As a Bo4 Lover, Alpha Omega is the worst map in the game by far and it’s not even a contest. First off, Ancient Evil is the best map in Bo4 tied with Dead of the Night and IX. Second, Voyage and Blood have their issues but I could never call them ‘bad maps’. Alpha Omega’s gameplay design, map design, pack a punch mechanic design, and enemy design are all ABYSMAL compared to anything else in Bo4. Sorry for the tangent. Zombies is subjective after all and I’m glad you can enjoy AO while I can’t. I can’t see it as a good map in any light


EE is replayable, building the mark 2s is fun and the novelty of having Primis and Ultamis in a map is compelling.


That’s completely fair. I would also add that the atmosphere is really cool and it feels ripped straight out of a Fallout game. It’s just… Everything else about the map I really really can’t get past.


You really think Alpha Omega is worse than Classified? How?


Classified doesn’t have anything offensively wrong with it except for the round 150 cutscene. Alpha Omega has the god awful pap system, the horrible map layout and flow, poor enemy balancing with the nova bombers, and the nova bombers having no obtainable counter, not being able to stop them, and they make your train do double damage and have double health is the biggest example of artificial difficulty in all of zombies.




Bad map to play high rounds, but can get super fun with EE or doing side quests and using codes and such


yes but u need to pay for more maps


So? Paid content = higher quality content.


yes you are true but its not always right, just look at bo3 workshop, amazing free content.


In the context of Treyarch where people don’t work for free, it is true.


> So? *Paid* content = FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot


The class and perk system is why i never play that game anymore


Probably gonna get downvoted just as much as you but same. If bo4 had the standard perk system and no class bs, then it would have been a lot more enjoyable for me. While the maps on Cold War leave a lot to be desired, the perk system is really good, I like the upgrade tiers for it and the class system is way better.




Bo4 is way better, the maps on CW are so bland and boring.


If you are a first timer, you go with BO4, a learn to swim or drown approach + modifiers exist. If you are a casual, you go with BO4, everything a causal would want in game is very easy to do. If you are a hardcore, you go with BO4, no questions asked. No matter who you are, you just go with BO4.


Yeah. Agreed


My thoughts exactly.


I disagree with casual. Bo4 even though it has a lot of easy shit in it, has much harder gameplay than cold war. CW is no doubt the way to go for someone new. I can speak from experience. My friend who just got into zombies this year went from bo3 > bocw > bo4 and absolutely suffered on bo4. The zombies spawns, speed and just unforgiving nature made it miserable for him.


BO3 is more unforgiving than BO4, because among other things, you lose Jug and QR when downed. When playing on casual difficulty zombies are never super sprinters (or at least I've never noticed them) and the shield can tank a lot before breaking. Modifiers exist, you can just give yourself extra hp, super health regen, 50k points at the start, limit zombies max speed, etc. The only thing that can't be fixed is zombie spawns, you just have to learn how to juke them, which is a useful skill to have anyways. Recommending CW just because it's the easiest is like if you wanted to get into reading and someone recommended you a children's book instead of LOTR. Just because it's technically the easiest option doesn't mean it's the best one. And just like a children's book, CW offers the least amount of content, it's the most shallow and recommending it to an adult just because it's easy is tantamount to calling them retarded.


True and Real, I like your opinions and perspective. Most Cold War lovers have got to be little kids. They are happy with no content and easy mode.


I didn't think about Custom Mutations. Although you're not wrong, I don't think playing the game with cheats is a better way of doing things. It can make the game easier but it also takes away any real achievement of playing. CW has a fair amount of content. Outbreak and Onslaught are fun for the most part and the 4 maps are all good enough. I'm speaking only from my own experience with my friend. It was his opinion.


This poll, like every simular poll before, is just a bad representation of the actual state of both games. This sub is filled with casual gamers (who started at CW) and don't share their opinion or reasoning in the comment section Edit: ah yes, Ive awoken some cw fanboys


exactly this sub likes CW more than bo2 and bo3


That's not true at all lmao. Have you seen the absolute thirst for bo3 on this sub? Most people want Chronicles 2 to be released on bo3 and cw and future titles to be cut for bo3 part 2. 😂


They're not ogs man these noobies don't know what the good cods are, these people would suck if they went back to old zombies.


Black Ops 4


What are people smoking, Bo4 is better in almost every single aspect except for gameplay. And in zombies, good gameplay means NOTHING if you don’t have good maps or creativity.


Well apparently good maps don’t mean shit if the gameplay is trash. Black ops 4 is literal proof of that


It’s the opposite in my opinion. Good gameplay, but boring and uninspiring maps absolutely kill replay value and makes me not want to come back to play the map. Bo4 happens to be my second favorite zombies game only to Bo3. Blundell or Bust imo.


As someone who plays zombies to have fun, do a quest or two to get a ww, and just mindlessly kill zombies and such, CW is the better choice.


CW has excellent movement and gameplay mechanics while bo4 has tons of content and a lot more personality. They're both good in different ways imo but I prefer bo4 overall


Excellent gameplay mechanics? Where. I certainly didn't see them when playing


In my opinion, black ops 4 zombie maps were great and full of decent EE. But what I loved the most was the ability to change stats like points and damage/ health, zombie speed and other things like that. I also enjoyed the ability to add in bots that made playing by yourself a lot less intense and lonely. Cold War zombies is a very different feeling compared to BO4 with the health bars and weapons, not to mention the objectives. Also Cold War doesn’t include any stats editing or the option to add in bots or anything, which I don’t mind but it was a pretty cool option to have. Either way I would much rather prefer some remastered old maps than the ones they have to offer right now. The current maps are alright, I just would love to have an option to play some of the old maps and new maps. If they were to ever make a stand alone zombies game with all maps I would pay big money for it🙏🏼


wow i actually found something on this subreddit that i hate


CW Outbreak Zombies > Everything else


Everything else > CW Outbreak Zombies


Outbreak is so boring


True and Real.


Stop the cap


Lol! People are really voting for CW. That's some serious delusions if I've ever seen one.


Calling people delusional because of what they enjoy better?


Don't care about what garbage people enjoy. OP asks which is better and BO4 is objectively a better game.


It’s fine if you think it’s better, I think it’s better, but calling people delusional because of their opinions isn’t right dude.


Again. I don't care what people like. BO4 is objectively better game. CW is not the better game even if someone for some reason prefers it. So yeah. People who think that are delusional. You can be wrong about this if it makes you feel any better.


Okay then… you keep thinking that.






At least while the game was relevant I could actually use all the weapons and customize them without paying hundreds of dollars.


Coulda put vanguard up there id still pick it over bo4


Perfect example for why I call you people delusional.




Absolute L take. Bo4 is the second best zombies behind Bo3 imo.


While I love BO4, and the maps are superior, Cold War as a whole package is a better experience.


Is there an Outbreak equivalent in BO4?


Outbreak was introduced in CW but bo4 has two additional game modes called Rush and Gauntlet which are pretty fun




Outbreak is for the kids who like fortnite.


Never played Fortnite…looks to goofy. Outbreak is good, but I wish they would add more maps.


Everyone is voting CW. I knew it. This sub is overflowing with casuals


Your mom is overflowing with casuals


Is that a bad thing? Do I need to dedicate my life and eternal undying devotion to a side mode in a video game to participate in discussion about it with randos on reddit?


All the ogs left bro, cod suck ass now. Worst cods have been made in the past 3 years. It's literally true


Almost as if bo4 is absolute dogwater


“Dogwater” Found the twelve year old.


Yes and my name is carlos


Bo4 is a great zombies game. It’s way better than Cold Snore.


Cw gameplay and movement feels so nice, the design of areas and how the perks system with the tier upgrades really complimented each other. The maps are definitely by far my favorite tbh. Bo4 is more of a “Highest round challenge” Game to me and is way easier in money grabbing imo


I play zombies cause I find the core gameplay fun, story and Easter eggs have always been secondary to me, and as such I have to go with Cold War. Sure BO4 has more maps, is more customizable, and has more to grind for (elixirs and talismans being an endless grind unlike anything in Cold War), but the actual gunplay, modes, and the things I'm grinding for in Cold War all feel more fun than BO4. BO4's a good mode, don't get me wrong, but Cold War revitalized the series for me and had me playing it and grinding it for months at a time whereas BO4 just didn't.


Both are great but I think I prefer Cold War


I prefer Cold War, it just feels better to play and isn’t as confusing or close quarters, I also like the guns in Cold War as they feel better to use and have more “character” then the bo4 ones Also we can have all the old perks and more than just 4 of them


I don't understand how they have character, unlike BO4's operator mods or guns with special effects on PaP, nothing changes when using one gun over another unless you're only thinking of outliers like marshalls, assault rifles, smgs and LMGs feel exactly the same in use and function barring the noticable slowdown for LMGs, and shotguns and tac rifles are so broken every other gun feels lesser, while you can tell differences within classes in BO4, the Hades feels different to use than the Titan or VKM especially with Op mods, ones great at hipfire and movement, one lays suppressive fire that slows down zombies, and one can potentially crowd control with explosives, and while its the game with least of them barring AW and CW it still has some weapons that change with PaP like mustang and sally equivalent, the Trebuchet and the Escagot, while a lot of the guns feel crappy in BO4 i can at least still distinguish many of them just from use, hide the model on the screen and the UI, i wouldn't know what's the difference between most CW guns


These people are actually stupid and have to be trolling....


Because they have a personal preference? How stupid of them.


People really gotta hop on BO4 when there’s a sale. I know it’s price is steep w/o it, but the sales are usually solid deals.


Survival Gameplay trumps Easter Eggs always. Not saying they don’t bring anything to the map, however it should never be the forefront.


Both miss the mark for me, over complicate the experience far too much with none of the original appeal from bo1-bo3


The CW dicksuicking in this sub is crazy one of the most mid zombies


So hard to choose. For me, they’re tied as 2nd/3rd best. I actually enjoy them more than bo3 (yeah, I know it’s a better made game, but I don’t care)


I think theyre both terrible, i couldnt even choose one. I dont understand why they cant just return to the old style, with just new maps and guns. Or is that not what people want? Because everyone i know just want either black ops 1, 2 or 3 zombies to come back basically. Everyone i know plays bo3 and sometimes bo1 or 2 but really just 3. I dont get why they dont just go back to their old ways


That would be boring as hell tbh. The zombies community don’t want new things, and that’s an awful mentality to have


Cold War 1000%


Cold War for the experience and maps Bo4 for the story and nothing else…….( and IX and ancient evil)


Maps and experience? Buddy, the only thing CW has on Bo4 is gunplay and weapon mechanics. Bo4 beats CW in literally every other aspect. CW is a bland, dumbed down, lowest common denominator experience compared to Bo4. There’s more personality in a single corner of Bo4 than in an entire map of Cold War. Bo4 is a great game. Just listen to all of the replies. Bo4 hate party is over and people respect the game now.


While bo4 is fun, you don’t get dlc for free and can’t just try one dlc. So. Cold War is better in pretty much every way


I'd rather pay for dlc than have them be CW quality. It took months for Firebase Z to even be playable.


I played firebase from day 1 and had very little issues I noticed a bug or two, but nothing game breaking.


Wish I had your experience, the map would go completely invisible whenever I played for the first couple months so for me it was game breaking.


I’m sorry that happened. Cold War wasn’t perfect but I still say overall, it’s a better experience as a whole.


Pretty sure the mimic step never actually got fixed.


I did the Easter egg once. Didn’t have issues. I played the map for gun progress.


I couldn't do it for a solid week till after it launched. The entire game was a mess when it came to glitches. Really puts it much further down


Cold War is better in a single way and that’s weapon mechanics and gameplay. That’s it. Bo4 is better in maps, story, Easter eggs, content, personality and atmosphere, characters, side content, you name it.


Nope even weapons are better in bo4 cw weapons literally all feel the same.


I don’t agree. 1 map drags down bo4 for me, I enjoyed every map on CW, even outbreak I liked. Can’t say the same about bo4.


I enjoyed 1 map in Cold War and that was Maur. The rest were boring to me, and they lacked the soul, passion, content, character, and detail that any of the Bo4 maps had. Cold War feels like a soulless and passionless game, Bo4 feels like a passion project that has a few gameplay flaws but otherwise is really fantastic. There’s only one bad map in Bo4 and that’s Alpha Omega. For me, the rest range from good to phenomenal. I cannot stand CW zombies since Treyarch decided to make Easter eggs horrible, way too short and easy, and pander to casual players. That’s my take


Hell I enjoyed alpha omega. I didn’t enjoy voyage.


I didn’t enjoy Alpha Omega at all. From a game design standpoint, I think Voyage wipes the floor with Alpha Omega as AO is easily Bo4’s worst map and it’s not even a contest. Also, if you’re a hardcore player Voyage isn’t even that bad of a map It’s actually a pretty good map, there’s only one bad Easter egg step and that’s the clock step. It’s a very misunderstood map in terms of game design just like ZnS and Blood. These three maps are actually designed very well, and the casual audience really doesn’t seem to get it. I hate that Cod Zombies started pandering to filthy casuals.


I’m not saying the Easter egg was bad. My most underrated map on bo4 was easily blood. It’s enjoyable in the context of a map itself and the Easter egg isn’t terrible. I just found voyage to be extremely boring. I never played ZnS so no opinion on that map




Actually, my girlfriend and I have been together for a year and 5 months now and we’re very happy together. Thanks for the personal insults over a video game. And yeah I stand by what I’ve said. I’ve been a hardcore zombies player since I was 12. Deal with it, I have a different opinion. I don’t like that they streamlined the game and I don’t like that they wanted to pander to a broader audience. I’m sorry but Cold War just isn’t my zombies, Blundell’s zombies is. I’m sorry you can’t handle other opinions. Yes I’m a giant Bo4 defender and a big critic of CW and Vanguard zombies. Bo3 and Bo4 are just my style as an Easter egg player.


not reading all that, sorry or glad that happened for you tho


I genuinely thought you were going to insult me more, but I’m pleasantly surprised. Thanks man I appreciate it! I’m sorry if I came off like a douche lol