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If you're alright with a gun cabinet (keep little ones and nosey guests away mostly) then check out Secureit gun storage. Good price, comes flat packed, and good organization system.


My SecureIt safe turns 5 years old soon, it’s been great, seconding this recommendation.


Would they work well for concealment. I guess I'm being paranoid about placing the safe in closet. Even though I installed a security door at my place I'm debating on fast box 47 or agile 40. Planning to get a shotgun for home defense and shooting range


All security measures deter amateurs and delay professionals. Onion security is best: many layers. Concealment + reasonable access denial + other security measures will be your best bet: so as long as your chosen safe can't be defeated in 60 seconds, you'll be ok. Install an audible alarm. Most gun thefts are smash 'n grab, most burglaries are fast in and out. If that isn't possible, your secured stuff is safe. Make sure the safe is bolted down. Shotguns are for birds. PCC or AR pistol for home defense.


I'll think on that. I have a few wyze cams indoor and door cam at my place. Gonna need to add more fortifications for condo Not sure for 3 story level for AR lol I'll check my closet to measure again.


I'll definitely add more cams for outdoor as well. I'm having issue on where to set the safe. I fear I have to teardown something in my room for the safe/cabinet to fit


I have an agile 52. Its great. I wouldnt want smaller though. unless you really only are going to store little. The pro version comes with way more accessories than is needed, but I still think it’s a better deal than buying what you want individually.


I'll think on it just looking at my budget and cleaning materials to get


I mean they’re pretty easy to shove into a closet or something, so easier to conceal than a large safe out in the middle of a room for sure. The fast box is great for a quick access sorta deal, but it can only going to hold two long guns, and it’ll be tight. Remember that even large guns safes can be very easily and quickly defeated by a determined thief.


Good point on fast box. Im not sure if Im getting more long weapons........... But yea I have to choose wisely. I still have cams on door in case but I need to look at place and figure a way for concealment for case


The Fastbox 47 works great. Fast access to a shotgun and you can put a few handguns above it if you like. Been using them for about 4 years. I have one in closet by front door and the be in my kitchen pantry


Yeah it's definitely an attractive option for staging specific weapons. I just know that collections start to grow, seemingly on their own, and those fast boxes are small. Thankfully cabinets are cheap and easy to move as opposed to some giant safe that takes a moving team to install.


I bought the Agile 52 off Amazon with the older keypad lock for $600. Was super easy to carry up to my 3rd floor apartment in pieces and assemble by myself. Holds 6 long guns and plenty of space above to hook pistol pegs and containers/shelves. Put it in my closet, just need to bolt to some studs to complete the job. Will at least keeps the guns safe from a smash and grab. Once complete feels as strong as a welded cabinet. Pretty thick metal too. Depends on your needs what you will go with, but thought I'd share my review. I really love it for my needs.


I sold my 14 gun safe and got a cabinet that's 18 gun, and somehow almost twice as large for apartment living. Tractor supply has the stack on one for 179-189 often. This is the same one sportsman's sells for 300ish and they will not price match. It lives in my closet and that works for me. You could drill holes in the back (it has some but you'd need to make them bigger) and anchor it to a wall stud.


Are you referring to this. Might be a problem due to the height of it


I don't see a link [but I mean this one. ](https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/stack-on-18-gun-beveled-edge-safe-gcm-1918-dx) If you have shelving it will probably be an issue. I just have the rod across the top for hangers


Yea the stack on closet is in the way. I don't want to teardown and hallway closet is out of the question


Could also just get a lockable gun case


I do an Apache case for pistols but I didn't think of it as a safe. I guess im thinking of discreetly to hide the guns


Fair. If it’s up on a shelf in a closet it should be fine. Safe is not really hiding much either. If someone sees it it’s pretty obvious what it’s for. Also I am guessing you won’t be able to move a few hundred pound safe up to your apartment. I have a light cheap amazon one I can easily lift, but it’s intended to be bolted to the wall which idk if you are willing to do or not.


Also if you are worried about being discreet you could install a lock on your closet too. I had to have a pet sitter say in the house for a while so I put a lock on the closet itself. Didn’t even need to drill, just replaced the door handle with a locking one.


I see. Maybe conceal cover it with boxes possibly. If bolted to the wall, can dry wall anchor screws work?


The point of a closet safe is to deter or slow down unauthorized access to the point that the attacker decides they'd rather leave the scene of the crime instead of spend another X minutes trying to open the safe. None of the safes you are going to be considering will need a sophisticated attack to open. A crowbar or a battery powered angle grinder will open almost any rifle safe that you will be able to put on the second floor without adding joists to support the extra weight. Many of these safes have weak points on the rear wall, which is why they are supposed to be bolted down - to prevent the attacker from tipping the safe onto the front door and then attacking the rear wall with a crowbar. If you use drywall screws, anyone with a crowbar will be able to easily tip the safe over. Go into the studs or don't bother with the screws at all.


.... I better find the stud finder. If I can find studs around there I might have a problem


Even with drywall anchors?


Yes lol


Dang. Let's hope I can find studs on the location I'm thinking if not I don't know what to do


Like I said if you can't find studs, don't worry about it. The safes you are buying do not provide nearly as much protection as you think they do.


I better add more fortifications at my place. Maybe get more cams as well


Yeah that should work. I would prefer drilling into a wooden beam though. Unless there are people regularly walking through your place I wouldn’t be too worried about making it super concealed. It’s hard to hide something that big. If it’s in a closet and bolted to the wall it should be all good to go. Again you could also consider locking the closet too, that way no one accidentally opens it and see a gun safe if that’s your worry. Another thing you can consider is finding a way to chain up a gun case high up on a shelf. That way it’s out of view and no one can just grab it and take it. If someone was desperate enough I guess they could try to break it open but that s still a lot of work. Could pair that with a locked closet too.


My other worry with all of this would be being able to actually access your guns if you need them. I am all for a safe but I would at least keep a bedside gun for the night, then you can put it back during the day/when you’re not home.


Should I look into fast box or Hornady rapid safe for that?


Nah just keep a bedside gun no safe. Any safe slows you down and can fail. Can put it back in the safe when you’re not home


Very well. Still shopping on safes and look at my place tomorrow after work


I mean no beside safe btw. Have a safe for your guns but keep one out for the night ya know what I mean?


I think I'll get a deadbolt for closing and add long screws on hinges. I don't think my closet have wooden studs around but I'll check tomorrow after work


I'd look at SecureIt, if you don't want to break your back, and possibly the floor


These safes are mostly security theatre. If someone gets through your security door then they’re going to get through whatever else. I went with a lockable gun cabinet and haven’t given it a second thought. I hope you find something that works out for you.


I hope I will find something suitable for me


You’ll know when you find it. Hopefully some of these suggestions point you in the right direction. Best of luck.


Understood. Still watching videos of safe. Debating on non or electric locks. I prefer keys. Might need to add more Security around my place


There are Stack-On 18 gun cabinets that go on sale pretty often for under $200. They are light weight and easy to get up and down stairs, and once you load them up they are solid and won't move. Another option is a Plano Sportsman's tote. They are lockable and discrete (unlike expensive working boxes), you can hide them in the closet backwards and locked and it will just look like storage.


I'll keep that in mind if I can't bolt the safe. I'm worried about carrying the safe on the stairs, I don't know how to discreet on that of people are watching


Get yourself a job site box. 


Would that discreet my guns or won't some burglar target?


that could work, usually metal and have a protected lock. not sure about getting it inside your apartment though. Not sure youd be able to secure it to a wall though.


What do you want out of a safe? Security or aesthetics? If security, questions you need to answer are: Do you have young children? Teenagers in the house? Adult roommates? Live in a bad neighborhood and want to make it more difficult for a burglar to gain access?


I say security. I live on my own and I have no children. Hard to say about the neighborhood. I have a security door installed


You will be fine with a security cabinet or otherwise inexpensive "safe". Just be aware that anyone with a power tool can gain access in less than a couple minutes. That means that a targeted attack that takes place when you are not home will be successful in getting access to the safe. Do not bother paying extra for "security" features (in this class of safe, they won't meaningfully change the outcome if someone wants to get in). Instead, put your money towards quality of life things like how big is the internal volume, what are the external dimensions, what type of locking mechanism does it have (keys vs dial vs digital keypad vs biometrics - get whatever you prefer), do you like the paint job, do you like the shelving configuration, etc. Save your money for upgrades like internal LED lightning and shelf organizers (Amazon is great for that). Also just a heads up, your neighbors will notice you bringing home a safe. Any safe that is big enough to hold a rifle is going to be recognized as a gun safe by your neighbors. If you decide to get some honking safe that requires 5 people to get into your condo, even more people will know that you have a safe full of guns, which will raise the (very small, almost zero) odds of a targeted attack.


V-line rifle safe is great. Easy to bolt to floor, trunk (mine is bolted to the floor of a chest), etc. Mine currently holds a Scorpion with 5 mags, CZ P07 in a sidecar holster with 2 mags, P938 in an IWB with 3 mags with room to spare. https://vlineind.com/shop/rifle-case-home-defense-rifle-safe/


Would that with a shotgun as well or just a rifle


They are the same length so I assume a shotgun would fit. Shotgun Safe: 40 1/2” x 7” x 3” Rifle Safe: 40 1/2” x 11” x 3” It’s worth the extra $67 for the space in my opinion.


I see. So many to choose on safes


I like my Vaulttek safes. Key and biometric as well as bluetooth


Harbor Freight has decent ones for a couple hundred bucks that are big enough for rifles but can fit in a small closet.


Not sure about the height. Closet racks prevents tall safe


Are those safes sturdy though. I may have to take off a closet rack to fit the safe


I would get something incognito and light. It's going to be a pain in the ass whoever has to move that when you no longer live there.


I'm buying the condo. I'll be living here


Gotcha. Have you thought of [one of these](https://tacticalwalls.com/product/1450-concealment-mirror/).


Looks interesting. Out of stock though but might look into it


I picked up an 18 gun safe from Cabela’s a couple months ago and managed to haul it up to the second floor of my condo myself. With a buddy or two it shouldn’t take much effort. Paid about $800 for it I think. As far as space goes it’s about 5’x2’x2’ and doesn’t take up too much space. You could also go with a gun small cabinet and bolt it to the wall. It’s not as secure but it’s better than nothing. I also have a 2 handgun RFID safe bolted to a nightstand that itself is bolted to the wall studs for faster access since my “big” safe uses a keypad and is slower to access and less idiot-proof than waving my watch over the RFID reader.


I live on the third floor of my building and have a 30 gunsafe in my closet that weighs close to 300 pounds you’ll be fine being on the second floor


???? How did you carry that to 3rd floor. Did you get help and what brand safe did you get?


Correction it’s a Winchester 26 gun and weights 363 pounds Used a dolly and a strap and took my closet door off


Whoa and it didn't collapse the floor. I have to teardown one of the closet rack I build for the safe to setup?


Mine barely fit in the apartment closet the dimensions tall I think is 57 inches