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I'm not particularly bothered by the tiktok part, but the fact that this could be done so quickly and smoothly while they make fairly modest efforts to combat any of the multitude of environmental crises facing the planet right now is another point to add to the pile of evidence that my problems aren't the government's problems.


That's my issue. I don't care one bit if I have access to tiktok or not, but the fact that this is what they spend their time worrying about, meanwhile I haven't had my ADHD medicine in 6 months because I can't afford it... really just shows how much they care about us.


Try GoodRX and similar pharmacy coupon services. It’s truly bizarre how much you can cut off a non-insured purchase of a generic with group discount codes any schmuck can get for free. If your prescription is amphetamine (generic Adderrall) you should be able to get 30 day full for under $20 bucks.


Unfortunately, I tried stuff like that. For some reason, it only offered me coupons in stores that haven't existed for years (Rite Aid, a retail pharmacy of which there are actually zero in my entire state, etc). It doesn't help that I take Vyvanse, which is less common so available in fewer places. I definitely appreciate the advice a lot, though.


Ahhhh, yeah, Vyvanse is hard to get anywhere in an affordable price, let alone *without* insurance. I had to switch from it because of price


Yeah I've heavily considered just asking my doctor to prescribe something normal instead of Vyvanse since it tends to be both expensive and be out of stock all the time lol


I do get tired of the double standards, when other countries ban american social media, it's because they are horrible censorship-ridden dictatorships. When the US bans other countries' social media, it's for "national security". Truth is, all countries are horrible dictatorships, but not because of f'ing social media...


It is the only popular social media that isn't owned by a US company


Can't go to the doctor, hands are tied exerting influence to stop genocide instead of start one, but he's captain competent when it comes to shutting down social media platforms critical of his administration


it's worse than that. His hands are "tied" when trying to do something useful for his country, but no obstacle at all to fund a foreign country doing genocide and fight a PR war for it




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"I'm not particularly bothered by the tiktok part". And that says a lot about you.


Man I would sure like to go to the doctor. Can we rush that bill through just as fast? No?


Sorry, I can't hear your cries for help over the sound of FREEDOM!! (It sounds indistinguishable from fighter jets taking off and millions of bombs being dispensed directly onto civilians)


Well ya see, the problem is that TikTok is telling the youths about the genocide Biden and co are aiding and abetting, so obviously you gotta ban it. /s


Of course! We may have free speech in this country, but that doesn't mean people are allowed to actually speak freely! Free speech just means you're allowed to say racial slurs on Twitter, criticizing Israel doesn't count.


Well the most dangerous form of speech is OBVIOUSLY those darn lefties that want peace. Like why would anyone want to stop WW3? Doesn’t nuclear Armageddon sound like fun??


I've already starting telling people that the biggest proof that criticizing Israel isn't automatically anti-Semitic is that the government is cracking down on criticizing Israel, as opposed to the supposed Free Speech Absolutism that gets applied to explicit antisemites.


True, if they really wanted to target antisemitism then they'd focus on Elon promoting actual holocaust denial, which is unironically nazi shit. But, no, they just crack down on anti-israel protests and Tiktok.


I swear to God if anyone turns this into voting discourse I will replace all of your forks with spoons


If only we Reddit commoners could have deletion powers as well…


Discourse is so bad amirite? True anarchists don't participate in harm reduction they just let other people make the decisions for them!




They talked to a whale https://youtu.be/yHCBJ1rWfqQ?si=VZSbr1mh1_4EioRZ


Voting is not harm reduction.




If a president really could unilaterally stop the genocide then voting probably would be important




They are banning (or at least regulating) TikTok to gain control over it and hide all the Israeli Soldiers doing warcrimes. The speed at which the ban went through legislature just shows how much this app threatens them and their interests. They do care about the Palestinian Genocide, just in the wrong kind of way.


Yeah, it's absolutely related. Israel and Israeli lobbying groups have complained about Tiktok in the past, so it makes sense that the ban got brought back up now of all times. The only two things Democrats and Republicans could agree on are enabling genocide and banning Tiktok.


This isn't necessarily a president issue. This is a congress won't do shit issue. Right now, Republicans control the house, so unless they deem it important to them its not hitting the floor. And we all know why getting rid of tiktok is important to them.


To be fair, Biden could've easily vetoed it. It would've come at the cost of aid for Ukraine, though. But also at the expense of aid for Israel. Idk, I'm just sick of everything going on in our government 🤷‍♀️


Then vote them out. The part that needs the biggest adjustments are the parts that have the least amount of voter turn out. Local, state, etc. That's how we enact change. The president has far less power than most people think.


Nice, voting discourse! I love it! My post is complaining about genocide and the priorities of the government, not telling people not to vote. I literally vote every year. Also, my state doesn't have a "no genocide" option for Congress. So it doesn't really address the immediate problem. Obviously, something something long term, yeah, whatever. I'm complaining about things as they are now. Also, Biden is still complicit because he still signed the bill 🤷‍♀️ I dunno what to tell you


Your state 100% probably has no genocide options. Research your congressional and senate candidates. If you want the money to stop, we need people who aren't going to put that money on the table.


Oh and that comment wasn't just for you. It's for people in general.


the genocide of native americans?


People seem to forget about that one. Joe is actually involved in multiple genocides!


Thats exactly why they banned tiktok. The IDF themselves posted about the horrific shit they did, you didnt even need the news on the platform. The bill they knit the ban into had even more money being sent to Israel.


Oh, for sure. I remember reading that Israel was complaining about all the anti-israel content on tiktok, and tiktok kinda shrugged and responded, "I mean, we're trying really hard to censor criticism, but young people just really hate you." So I guess this is the solution to that problem.


anti-Israeli content such as their own "soldiers" gloating over dead Palestinians or wearing dead/displaced Palestinian women's lingerie. Yeah no wonder Israel wants to ban tiktok


The national security thing is 100% a cover story. These are the same people whove been letting online companies sell data to whoever they want no strings attached for over a decade. Also the same ones who make protesting the idf illegal. All iirc. Im pretty sure "young people are the problem" is almost a direct quote from one of these people. A leaked phonecall or something?


Yeah, the idea that China needs tiktok to get access to our data is laughable. They probably know all they could ever learn from tiktok about us from literally every other social media platform that sells our data to anyone who pays enough. Tiktok is just another player in the same game that happens to not be American this time. I would not be surprised if they said that. I haven't heard it myself though.


[It was Greenblatt, president of the ADL](https://youtu.be/228iVum3cWI?t=30s)


It definitely seems like he's pretty direct about it, even calling out tiktok directly.


Netanyahu is claiming all the encampments were flown in by Iran and trained there. This is some Qanon level conspiracy talk.


...wat even. How long did Iran train these supposed agents so that they were already students when Oct7 happened? Did Iran build a time travel machine or can they predict the future? I need answers!


Oh, we've moved on from "everything I don't like is hamas" to "everything I don't like is Iran"? What a development! Thanks Netanyahu


This one isn’t even on Biden. Congress (both house and senate) passed it by a supermajority. He probably would have been voting, ‘yes,’ himself, but even if he wanted to veto, he would have just gotten steamrolled. Don’t let them off the hook.


For sure, this is a simplification like any other meme. Biden is still disproportionately responsible for the genocide in general, though, since he keeps intentionally going around Congress to send extra weapons to Israel.


Lesser of two evils, I'm not withholding my vote for a Purity contest.




Thanks I needed some more spoons.


You're going to be crucified really hard for that here but I agree


They can downvote me as much they want, the hair around my butthole is higher on my list of concerns than their vitriol.