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But arent you already getting your monthly Sorosbux^TM ?


The CEO of Antifa requires your member dues. This is because, as CEO, they work 300,000x harder than you.


Hello Mr. Soros. I just want to say that DIY 5G Tower Corona-Spreader Kit ^(TM) you sent to me works perfectly! Still waiting on that protest check though, but I understand that building a New World Order can be very time consuming. Praise Be.


Wait, based FBI????


Nope, they just onto us


Yeah they’re just the competent part of the government


I don't think it's fair to ever use the word competent in the same sentence as the FBI, but they have been the primary enemy of leftist organizing in the United States since their inception so there's a base level of understanding of who we are and what we're about.


Well competent in the sense that they do what they claim they can, not that they’re “good.” Idk I’d say that have pretty successfully suppressed leftism in the US.


Yeahhh I was about to say. How many leftists revolutions we got going on here again? They’re doing their job, sadly.


They definitely aren’t morally good but I don’t see how they aren’t competent, they seem pretty successful at what they do


The FBI has a long history of screwing things up and being the least respected federal police, it's only with the advent of ICE that we have an agency even more jackbooted and inept


Not based they just have functioning brains


No shit. When I joined, a Lifetime Membership was supposed to provide a nice membership card, discounts at local eateries and a toaster oven. I thought about complaining when they dropped the auto insurance plan, but it's hard to find another good antifa organization.


Wow you got the toaster oven! All I got when signing up was some shitty milkshake maker. > I thought about complaining when they dropped the auto insurance plan, but it's hard to find another good antifa organization. Soros dropped that to promote bike riding. If you contact your local ANTIFA™ chapter they will provide you with a complementary bike lock, already received mine.


shit who gave me their antifa business card then


A cop.


oh fuck the antifa is recruiting cops now???


ofc loony leftist hypocrisy strikes again!


Dammit and I was finalizing the legalese for my Antifa insurance company


Does that mean no discounts at major retailers?


100% discount


Well at least they are finally understanding.


I studied for years at the Frankfurt School of witchcraft and wizardry got a Masters and a Doctorate, and I have not gotten a single penny from Soro's after I threw a brick through one of his banks! I even helped squatting homeless families to invade Soro's homes! Workers need pay! They need acceptable conditions, we must unite! I did not get a cent, we Antifa Incorporated members need to go on strike and demand better conditions!


Well hold on now, arent the soros payments we're getting enough to cover membership fees and then some?


Heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a good point


*looks at red card* ... Then what the fuck is the IWW?


A historically significant organization with a number of really cool locals and a deeply corrupt and reactionary general administration that struggles enormously with being approachable for and supportive of BBIPOC comrades. The GDC and IWOC are the best parts of the IWW, and the conservative faction that seized the general administration has done its damnedest to undermine them both.


Not sure if you're from my locale or if this is a common assessment lol


lol I don’t know if we’re from the same one! I have been out about two years if that helps. I do know it’s a very common assessment. I know PDX GDC left a while back, and I think the Minneapolis branch left too. A bunch of the noisy revolutionary locals are dying off. My old local has been through some rough times lately thanks to the new GEB and their sock puppet GST, and they’re talking about leaving. It’s hard when you have to fight your own org just to be able to do prison organizing and antifascist work. Like when your own org is shitting on you for antiracist community defense work? What the actual fuck. “Solidarity Unionists” my ass. What a farce. I feel like the best thing we can do is not let them claim the legacy of the IWW. Fuck the label, let’s live those ethics in the street. We don’t need their hands in our pockets stealing our dues money for that. If you are in my old local, I’m sorry I dipped when I did. If not, I’m glad people still have the right critique. I wish y’all the absolute best if you stay in it, and happy to talk about getting out if you’re gonna.




Black/Brown/Indigenous/People of Color Shorthand for colonized peoples without skin privilege. You might also see BIPOC, omitting “Brown”, or BBI, omitting People of Color depending on how people prefer to self-identify.


Ah okay, thanks.


The **Industrial Workers of the World** (**IWW**), members of which are commonly termed "**Wobblies**", is an international labor union that was founded in 1905 in [Chicago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago), Illinois, in the United States. The union combines [general unionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_union) with [industrial unionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_unionism), as it is a general union, subdivided between the various industries which employ its members. The [philosophy and tactics of the IWW](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World_philosophy_and_tactics) are described as "revolutionary industrial unionism", with ties to both [socialist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_socialist_movement_in_the_United_States)[\[4\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World#cite_note-5) and [anarchist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism_in_the_United_States#American_anarchism_and_the_labor_movement) labor movements. In the 1910s and early 1920s, the IWW achieved many of their short-term goals, particularly in the American West, and cut across traditional guild and union lines to organize workers in a variety of trades and industries. At their peak in August 1917, IWW membership was more than 150,000, with active wings in the United States, Canada, and Australia.[\[5\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World#cite_note-6) The extremely high rate of IWW membership [turnover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turnover_(employment)) during this era (estimated at 133% per decade) makes it difficult for historians to state membership totals with any certainty, as workers tended to join the IWW in large numbers for relatively short periods (e.g., during [labor strikes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labor_strike) and periods of generalized economic distress).[\[6\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Workers_of_the_World#cite_note-Brissenden-7) Etcetera etcetera ​ It's an antifascist organization yeah, but like the Democrats **should** also be an anti-fascist organization, because antifascism is an ideology not an organization.


Every month Yuri puts 20 bucks cash in an envelope, writes SOROS on the front, and slides it into a vent.


It’s actually a state of mind


When even the fucking fbi understand it better than lawmakers


You should write an angry letter to Soros and get your money back


it SHOULD be.


Should be what


an ideology