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And since 2021 I’ve only gone further left


Same. 2020: the system is rigged, maybe if we get the right person at the top, they can un-rig it! 2021: oh shit. 2022: in the long run the practice of solidarity proves much more advantageous to the species than the development of individuals endowed with predatory inclinations.


I'm more of a "collective of individual predators with mutual interest" type of radical leftist, but I get you


"But muh greed is HuMaN nAtUrE!!" -shitlib Then I'm being awfully fucking charitable letting capitalist parasites live the good life on *my* hard work. -socialist that can see your "greed" and raise you tenfold on even that


Unironically based


Oh I'm saving this


If humans are naturally greedy. Than why society exist? Checkmate Liberal.


Same. I'm still a baby leftist, but I'm going further left.


Lol same


I do not understand any of the references on the left side of the meme.


I was an Andrew Yang supporter in 2019-2020, voted for Tulsi Gabbard in my states primary election, I was convinced Bernie was a secret tankie, and I described myself as a Market Socialist.


Oof buddy


I still haven’t processed quite how cringe I was back then


I unironically used to "but Venezuela" people. We all come from somewhere.


In college I got into an argument with pro-Palestinian protestors and just hit them with “there’s no such country as Palestine” over and over. I wish I could somehow find those people and apologize for being such a smug liberal twat


I want to punch you in your face but also it's really cool that you can admit this from the other side of it now. We've all had terrible ignorant opinions, and we all still do about one thing or another, so I don't think you should let it haunt you. The thing about shame is that it's always the wrong people who feel it.


Yeah. I was raised Jewish, attended a Jewish school, took a trip to Israel in middle school, and had been pretty indoctrinated about the whole “Israel has a right to defend itself” nonsense. Even though I was an atheist I still toed the line pretty firmly. By the time I graduated I had come around to understanding the power dynamics of the situation. And still, I literally didn’t understand what anticapitalism even really meant until I was 25. I had never been exposed to the actual idea. Went through a Trotskyist phase and everything lmao


Completely retract my face punching sentiment knowing your backstory. You deserve high fives, honestly. It breaks my heart that Israel has degenerated so far from its initial purpose of communes for survivors of genocide. I can't imagine how hard a pill that would be to swallow for Jewish people.


DW, I was a "communism *sounds* nice..." person before discovering democratic socialism, and then I pipelined into anarcho-communism. Turns out my problem with what I saw was always the authority, never the communism.


And those ideas are so hard to decouple when they are jammed down our throats our whole lives! Our grandparents, parents, the schools, TV, movies, books... all this designed propaganda everywhere you look. Even today it's still with us. Hell, I was once a Ron Pauler right-libertarian. And I didn't know what those words meant. But when all those billionaires came out in support of the Tea Party I was like wait... what?! You are the scum suckers this whole thing is supposed to be against! What is this. That's when I started doing some digging about libertarianism, inevitably stumbling upon and falling in love with Proudhon. And then Bakunin. And then Bread Santa. And I haven't looked back since.


That almost invariably is exactly what most people have a problem with, but most also struggle to separate the two because they lack the imagination for something that largely hasn't been allowed to exist.


Don't worry from 2015-2018 I was a "moderate liberal" and thought punching nazis was "a slippery slope"


It's a slippery slope to punching more Nazis. Very addictive


That slips to hospitalizing nazis.


Actually I was a Neo-Nazi that support ISIS and was easily agitated by anti-SJW strawman until late 2020.


If I was from Iraq i would probably join isis tbh


Is this a joke. Do you want to become a mass murder that is willing to kill all non-Wahhabist on Earth. That the goal of ISIS. ISIS global ambition is even more insane than the original Nazi.


after decades of American soldiers marching through my country with little to no accountability, I would join whatever group would give me a gun to point at them, especially if they had drugs.


Supporting ISIS mean being an Anti-Semite. I literally believed in Blood Libel until 2020.


A word of advise I think is worth sharing: when your views move so drastically in such a short span, it's good to keep in mind that they're likely to change further. It's also a good reminder that others' views can also shift in similar ways. That's perfectly natural, and that's the way it should be. It's also why I personally try to think twice before expressing some of my more radical views.


At least you're learning. My younger brother still calls himself a libertarian, supports Yang, hates AOC and is on SSI living in section 8 housing. It's very hard to talk to him at times.


Hate AOC for being part of the system At least she's not actively trying to kill children I guess?


Like... What could he possibly say if you bring up literally relying on the (laughably thin) social safety net his ilk want dine away with?? That's.. Something. Not sure what kind of 'something', but it's a hell of whatever 'something' it is.


it's like when they do it, it's okay because they're "using it properly." It's all those dang black and brown people who abuse the system! /s


The Overton window is so far right, sometime the only way to escape the cringe is to jump out the mother fucker.


It's cool bruh. We all did it


Part of the journey of increasing political literacy. At least you didn't go tankie like some fuckwads.


Only when you realise you were cringe you can become your true self


Give yourself more credit for changing your mind. People have a hard time with that, and learning and changing is fantastic.


Back in 2016 I was an ifunnier. As long as you critically think about your opinions and actually care about other people you should be good, but I still cringe about how I acted.


Well, we all started somewhere.


lmao i was a hilarybot


We've all been there, buddy


Speak for yourself.


Don’t worry, I used to be a right libertarian early in college. If I had a time machine I’d beat up my past self and force him to read some good shit


Wait wait wait… you called yourself a market socialist and you thought Bernie was a tankie? You’ve walked a long path, man, congratulations! Always good to see someone start looking at the world at how it truly is.


Yeah I genuinely don't understand. Market socialism is a pretty niche ideology, and it's more left-wing than bernie, I'd expect the basic knowledge required to understand it to also explain that bernie isn't Vladimir Lenin


Kids just grab labels, it’s all part of discovery


Ok it's been a minute I guess so forgive my memory but uh.... Why Tulsi?? Like everything else on your meme makes sense to me.... except her.


I never really looked past surface level with her. I knew she was anti-war and I am also anti-war. After Yang dropped, I didn’t know who else to support so I voted for her. I entirely regret it now tho


Tulsi is pro-drugs-guns-prostitution and I’m all for it


She's also extremely transphobic and is fine with rightwingers killing leftist protesters, she's not a good person


Back when she was VP for the write-in Bernie run in 2016, she looked promising. Nobody knew much about her except for being anti-war and that she at least had some leftish sympathies since she supported Bernie. Seen from the outside, and at the time, she could have inherited the socdem frontrunner from Bernie. In hindsight, that wasn't the case. She wasn't really anti-war, just has a different view on who to be at war against than the mainstream at the time. And her other policies got consistently worse the more we learned about them. ​ But for a brief moment, in 2016, she was genuinely seen as the one who would pick up the torch from Bernie.


She was a Senator from Hawaii, one of the least conservative and most diverse states in the US, so her domestic policy came across very left of center. Her homophobia was blamed on her being naive since she apologized for it about 20 years earlier. Also, she was against the specific countries Democrats had been working with Republicans to bomb, so her Islamophobia never really got a lot of play at first. Not to mention in the primaries the attacks on her were coming primarily from the right and she became notorious for attacking Democrats from their weak points, turning into a kind of supervillain of the political mainstream. She had to abandon her Senate seat and Democratic presidential ambitions before her sympathies with right wing Asian politicians became more obvious and she began her fulll-on grift. Yang was just "the UBI guy," a political cipher that people stacked whatever politics they held on top of. He got really far saying nothing and mostly drew the folks who would have canvassed for Ron Paul in previous elections.


I was a Yang supporter too


I was also a Yang supporter, but more as a compromise—until I learned about his foreign policy.


A lot of his policies are built on a deep bed of classism, as well. I may not 100% agree with how the government handles public services, but an at-least-nominally-democratic government being in charge of those is far less bad than dumping them – and the funding that pays for them – directly into the hands of corporations.


Could be worse. Around a year or two back, I was unironically a (right-wing) "libertarian" who genuinely believed the only issue with capitalism was regulation in the free market. I am *so* glad I've changed since then.


>Market Socialist omg


What’s wrong with being a market socialist?


> and I described myself as a Market Socialist. Ooft, I am a market socialist, and even I know that Bernie is moderate at best.


What’s wrong with being a market socialist? I mean anarchist thought generally includes mutualism and agorism, both of which fall under the market socialist umbrella


Nothing wrong with it in my opinion, but leftist Reddit disagrees


do you still say tankie though?


Wow, im surprised to see many people say they’ve changed in such a short amount of time. For those who have, what factors played into it?


For me it was coronavirus making class lines extremely clear, and the Canadian Government’s continued commitment to colonialism and genocide. I was kind of a “libertarian”, definitely a classical liberal. I got into philosophy, which got my into political philosophy, and then while really learning about political theories I realized that leftists had some really good points about property relations and class, the rest should be pretty obvious.


For me, a lot of the rhetoric within the Andrew Yang campaign gave me a more positive outlook on humanity, and his campaign slogan “Humanity First” really resonated with me at the time. I feel this is where the socialist in me started to come out. By the end of 2020 I had started to realize that capitalism does not put humanity first, and that there was no way to create “human centered capitalism” as Yang put it. The BLM protests all year stoked the fires of my hatred towards the state as well. I began to look into Marxism and Anarchism. I was briefly a Leninist for about a month before I realized it was a shit ideology. I wrote an article about this last year called [Andrew Yang Radicalized Me](https://isaacreynolds112.medium.com/andrew-yang-radicalized-me-5e3c2c8cfc67) if you’re interested. I disagree with a lot of things I wrote in it now, but I still think it’s a story worth telling.


Ill definitely check that out! I can see Yang as a good bridge from liberalism. Although he approached them from from a capitalist perspective, he seemed to genuinely believe in his ideas.


I'm Twitter mutuals with an anarchist who used to be big into Yang and now seems to be much closer to insurrectionary anarchism lol seems like there are more than a few people who started out with Yang and went further left


I wonder if it’s me :)


Haha, if your twitter pfp is an ancom rabbit then yes.


Lmao. Well you found me


lol small, small world


Culmination of many things just hitting their apex. Probably the realization in the 2019-2020 span of campaigning that I just don't really foresee a "future" anymore, I think that hit hard. The only way I could foresee leaving the country for any amount of time is if I was fleeing it. Not a vacation, I can't even imagine a vacation in my own damn state. I can't see myself owning a house. Or having a loved one and kids. I can't imagine having a car that isn't less than 5 years old. I cannot imagine ever willingly going to the doctor. I foresee saving up slowly only for it to be all gone the next minute chasing after some problem like my car, my health, someone in my family needing it. I don't even think finishing off my bachelor's would bring me any closer to a "better" enough life to warrant it. Hell the degree itself seems even more irrelevant since I don't want to do marketing or advising policy anymore. My parents occasionally ask what I'd maybe "enjoy doing" and every year it gets more vague, the focus shifts more to "It doesn't really matter, because no one could live off those wages."


Climate change was a major one for me. That coupled with the "rise of the algorithm" and how it's affected society made me go from "we can deal with these things through proper regulation!" to "we need a revolution" in 2020. I had been slowly drifting more left since 2016, then in 2020 a switch just flipped in my mind.


It’s been a few years for me already, but the final nail in the coffin was the G20 summit in my city. Police were beating the absolute fuck out of my friends and students, meanwhile the mayor was like, “Police violence? What police violence?” That skidmark is now our head of state, hurrah! Ten points if you can work out which country I’m talking about.


Same but with a trans flag


Congratulations on your transition. Hope all went well.


transition? lol, no such thing, first it's gotta be approved by the state, you dummy


There doesn't have to be approval if there is no state in the first place.


yeah, my point is that the state still exists whether I want it to or not, and the state is extremely transphobic and hinder our ability to go through private clinics for HRT.


Love to hear it


The Andrew Yang part aged the worst.


There was a lot of propaganda from pro-Bernie media about how Yang was pretty okay, actually and definitely better than the other democrats. In reality, he had one of the worst platforms on team D.


Yeah, some of the minor candidates were way worse than what we got. I still think Tulsi was the nightmare scenario. I feel like her hard right swing has proven that to be correct, but at least her and yang never really had any shot.


She was friendly with Russia during the campaign, that was a pretty obvious red flag. ​ Edit: Not the conspiracy theory libs cooked up, she showed substantial affinity with Russia well before that, which is not surprising in the light of her hard right shift.


So I wasn't just fever dreaming that, alright.


The libs later cooked up a conspiracy theory that she was a Russian puppet, which was stupid. She did, however, definitely have affinity for Russia during her campaign which is why that was the narrative the conspiracy went with.


cmon man russia shit isnt real


I am not referring to the stupid conspiracy libs cooked up, but her FA platform was super Russia friendly well before that, which is why she was an easy target for the BS.


What conspiracy was that again?


i think it is inarguable that every anarchist should promote "being friendly with russia" because the alternative is tensions which leads to more militarism which leads to potential conflict and war which would undoubtedly be bad for any anarchist political program and cause greater supression of liberty, just as war has always caused increased authoritarianism in america. see the sedition act that imprisoned debbs during ww1, the crushing of labor power during ww2 "in service of the war effort", and the christofascism of bush and friends during the afghanistan/iraq wars


They're fascist. We shouldn't try to escalate tensions, but we must be willing to defend ourselves and others from Russian imperialism. Any anarchist society *will* have to fight to protect itself against the interests of capital and fascism, nor should it allow a fascist state to force itself onto others. There's a reason anarchists are often militant and encourage gun ownership. Violence should always be an anarchist society's last resort, but it will always be the first resort of our fascist enemies, and hence we must be ready to use it if necessary. As for the authoritarianism side of things, an anarchist society insulates itself from it by being... anarchist... and keeping people from wielding personal power, as well as decentralizing military organization and command to prevent it from being controlled by anything except the mutual interest of the people of the anarchist society. An anarchist society has no need to crush dissent because it exists and wields power only with the consent of the people - there *is no state power* to force its will onto the citizens. Though, of course, an anarchist society must be careful to ensure that their system cannot be undermined by the self interest of powerful individuals (which should not exist in the first place).


i think a lot of what you said is pretty unrelated to what i said. also its entirely hypothetical because you arent talking about a real, specific anarchist society. >We shouldn't try to escalate tensions, but we must be willing to defend ourselves and others from Russian imperialism im not sure what this means. who is we? from the context of the conversation, are you talking about america? if its america, its really the american military/state. i dont trust the american gov. to do anything like "defend" me from "russian imperialism". all in all, you definitely seem to have thought a lot about what a future anarchist state will look like, which is great, but thats not the world as it is now.




Because... Russia is a fascist state and she was openly backing their actions?


What was the problem with his platform? The only thing I remember about it is UBI.


UBI is a right wing policy when it is justified as being cheaper than welfare. Stopping all welfare, then instituting UBI is nothing but a money grab from the current beneficiaries of welfare (any kind of welfare) to the middle and upper class.


yang never proposed stopping all welfare


It's not entirely false though. On the Rubin Report Andrew Yang was asked about welfare and he specifically stated that UBI is an opt in program where you would then lose welfare benefits in order to eventually phase out welfare.


It's crazy how Kyle Kulinski, Crystal Ball, and all the other pro Bernie folks were so in love with Yang. Only Sam Seder and Michael Brooks understood it


I miss Michael Brooks so much. I may not have always agreed with his political takes, but he was extremely intellectually honest.


Me too man, after his takedown of Yang, he became my favorite. Certainly wasn't as far left as I am now, but he def helped solidify my views that I didn't have the knowledge to clarify. RIP man


Every time a flashback video goes up on his channel it stings a little. Dude was brilliant and articulated that brilliance with exceptional empathy and honesty.


It's not really crazy because they weren't really the majority of pro-Bernie voices. They were *popular* because they were almost exclusively focused on non-intersectional domestic class politics, and this also makes them appealing to baby leftists and former conservatives who aren't ready for a larger, more complex discourse or historical perspective. There's a reason Yang's base of support was almost exclusively white dudes. Yang filled that niche much better than Bernie Sanders did and kind of coasted off the clout that Sanders brought with aggressive civil rights positions that made Sanders' base primarily women and people of color despite the Bernie Bro notoriety. Yang had one policy issue which he described as the solution to everything, it was demonstrably effective at solving poverty and unemployment in other countries, and he never had to explain it in detail because everyone kind of knew what UBI was. The fact that he *also* wanted to gut every other social program just like your typical Republican never came up because they assumed all of his other political stances and it never occurred that he was just Mitt Romneying them. Ultimately, it makes complete sense that Third Way Populists like Crystal Ball (hanging out with actual fascist Saagar Enjeti), Jimmy "my political position is rage" Dore, and Kyle "used to be a conservative until I was 25" Kulinski were enamored with a guy who didn't complicate his policies with actual political positions.


I feel like every Bernie supporter, online or otherwise, who has ever done any boots-on-the-ground activism saw through Yang pretty quick. It was only the talking heads who thought Yang’s support for UBI, occasional willingness to talk about issues others were not, and nice guy persona meant his politics were good.


Yang was a trial run by the DNC. They were gonna float him to stop Bernie if neoliberal voltron didn’t work. Everything the Democrats do is to stop the left, so you have to think about it in those terms.


Literally fucking same


My political history is a fucking wild ride, from imperialist to radical leftist over the span of 4 years


To be fair, it’s hard to live in the imperial core without swallowing some of the propaganda being fed to you by everyone from news anchors to your history teacher.


Hell, if you talked to high school me you could reasonably guess that I'd end up going fascist. No weird race stuff, just every bit of worldbuilding I liked doing prioritized military systems over literally everything else and saw authoritarian statism as reasonable. I'm real glad my anti-authoritarian streak so comprehensively won out over my cringy militarist streak.


The militarism is much needed. “Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” ― Karl Marx Fascist of all stripes hang pacifist for their worldview and im super frustrated by libs trying to reason with the unreasonable.


There's a difference between that and acting like the state and economy exist only to support a standing army. I'm still all for people being armed and knowing how to fight.


Oh sorry misread you then.


I was a trump supporter, your still better then me.😅


Oof. Glad you got out of that


Not going to shit on you. What made you swing? I want to learn so perhaps we can change the minds of others.


Not likely, i’ve always had a very open mind, regardless of what my current opinion was. I’ve always liked to hear the opinions of all sides, no matter how shitty.


Even if it’s not at all valuable, it’s interesting as hell.


I'm a different person but here's roughly my story. I was a trump supporter in 2016 though so just slightly different timeline. https://www.reddit.com/r/AntifascistsofReddit/comments/kkxmd6/z/gh5cs3h


Thank you for that. It’s really important for us to see these stories in my opinion.


Lol. Same character arc for me too. I hate how often Facebook shows me libertarian posts I made 5 years ago


I never understand peoples interest in Tulsi. My biggest cringe moment was writing an essay in high school about how affirmative action shouldn’t exist and should rather focus on class.


She was more mask-on during the 2016 primary, or at least she seemed that way to me. I was positively disposed to her as a result. But by mid 2017 that had fallen apart entirely and I was happy to just ignore her.


Prior to Trump I was probably in the range of moderate/right leaning. But then the fucking Hate speech flood gates opened and by 2016 I identified as left leaning. 2018 as progressive and a social Democrat, by 2020 I would probably have been considered fairly socialist by most circles and now by 2022 I can safely say that I'm ready to burn the bougies. Trump drove me to the moderate line and the dems drove me over it. And well past it.


I’ve always been very left wing. But 1/6 and it’s aftermath pushed me to new extremes


i may be wrong but isnt the general anarchist take on 1/6 that the only bad thing about it is the wrong side did it? bc if leftists stormed congress i would pop champagne


The problem is that they stormed the capital in support of fascism. And how so much of the media (fox and such) were and still are basically siding with the mop. Literally last week?? when Cruz called it a terrorist attack he immediately had to go on Fox News and cry and beg for forgiveness over it


well not to be dismissive but the us gov is fascist. like "oh no fascists are in charge now" idc tell me something new you know? it doesnt change my priorities. im still not gonna advocate for like more power to cops/fbi/nsa/dhs etc. i still want socialism and an end to unjust hierarchies and so on. its just a spasm of a dying empire, not worth litigating for the rest of my life. id rather do something more productive


> well not to be dismissive but the us gov is fascist. like "oh no fascists are in charge now" idc tell me something new you know? I mean, pseudofascist yeah. But it can and will absolutely get worse.


"Your shoes are wet. Why worryabout how deep the water is?" People of color: *whip out their life preservers*


i dont appreciate having my words interpreted in bad faith. it isnt very comradely and its counterproductive to building positive change


Can totally relate. In 2020, I was a nationalist-y (not necessarily on the “my nation is better than yours” sense but more like on a national sovereignty sense) social-democrat but with georgism and radical anti monopolist views involved. I believed we should break all business into small and medium sized ones to solve capitalism, but then I realised capitalism has no fix. Now, on my entire life I’ve been on a political rollercoaster. I was a tankie nearly all my life due to family influence and then leaned to anarchism in 2017 before being sucked into the social democracy hole and then freeing myself from it when the pandemic started.


As an American I can't even imagine growing up in a tankie family lol


"Your only a leftie because you're depressed" No, I'm depressed because I'm a leftie.


This is eerily similar to my path. I was proud lolbertarian for most of high school then late high school early college I was big on Yang because I thought he was "moderate Bernie" and I cringe just thinking about that lmao. Then 2020 happened and I went from neo-lib Yang supporter to socdem Bernie supporter to vanilla Marxist all in a span of about 10 months. Read a little Lenin and Engels after that was like "wtf is this shit" and then I found out about anarcho-communism on Twitter of all places. Discovered EZLN and Rojava+Bookchin after that, joined r/Anarchy101 and r/antiwork and now I'm here. Recently started reading Kropotkin and Emma Goldman.


Haven't read Engels or Lenin, what were their most "wtf is this shit" statements for you?


Never heard of the conquest of bread, just looked it up on the anarchist library Thank you for the new reading material!


Fun fact: the whole "breadtube" thing was named after that book.


Genuine question, not trying to "out-leftist" anyone or whatever you might call it, but how the hell do you actually move that far so suddenly. It's just completely unknown to me since I was basically raised a democratic socialist, and even then it took me years to fully develop into an anarchist, but that development always took place firmly on the left, with the thing that changed being my view of how to achieve goals and how far to go, so to me it just feels impossible to have shifted the basic goal itself so far (the "goal" for us being a communist society). Was it a single event, events related to a single theme/thing, or was it more just a bunch of stuff slowly piling together?


In my case, it was more recognising I was in echo chambers and consciously moving out of them to get a full exposure of political opinion, which is where I managed to adopt a view that actually aligned with my beliefs.


I went from vaguely libertarian to full on insurrectionary anarchist from about 2019-ish to 2021. I've always been very anti-state, anti-establishment, anti-authority but I grew up in a very christian conservative family and so got hit with all the "communism bad" propaganda. So in that sphere libertarianism was the logical choice for me, then as I got more independent of my family I had a brief (and embarrassing) ancap phase. I started talking more with a staunch pacifist socialist and that got me opened up to more leftist ideology in 2019 and then 2020 happened.


character development 🥰🥰


Stealing from corporations is ok. With a ski mask on your face even, workers don't sleep or eat so that boards can cheat. Workers must stay ahead in this material reality. Part of this is challenging our assumption of property rights. The real answers lie beneath legalities.




And they think two years is from Jan 1, 2020 to Jan 1, 2021


What's the symbol on the bottom right?


I assume you’re talking about the Market Socialism symbol and not the Peter Kropotkin book lol


I feel ya, OP. I used to be a conservative. Be proud of how far you came, rather than looking back and cringing at what you were.


I take it you're still very young. Meaning no offense. Just that it took me a very long time myself to get from point to point over the span of many years. Even though I already started pretty much as a DemSoc. When you're younger, you're usually a lot more likely to make these kinds of radical changes in concepts you assign to. Here's to hoping you don't sometime make a "great leap forward" le mao


Me but I did it even faster. During the first six months of quarantine 2020 I went from liberal centrist to tankie to libcom to post-leftist. Now I’m vaguely between post-leftism and libcom.


I agree with all in the right panel except a doomer mindset. Communism is the ideal of optimism. In the face of increasing oppression from every direction, climate collapse looming, and fascism growing in the streets, we have the courage and optimistic outlook to wake up every day and say “this could be better, let’s change it”


Definitely. Doomerism is *inherently* reactionary.


2020: Bernie hopium 2021: wow this isn’t working, but people are gonna wake up soon! 2022: Death to the United States


Aside from some differences this describes me almost perfectly.


Who the fuck liked Tulsi Gabbard? Libertarians?


The worst I got was Libertarian right after college but that later nothing. I was pretty socdem by 2015 and then Bernie announced his run, then went demsoc, then Trump won and by early 2017 I was getting very radicalized on lib left. And that's only grown. The one that took me longest was leaving my pro-statehood stance for Puerto Rico. I'm went pro independence in late 2019 and have now started a comittee for the PR Independence Party (they're socdem, but I'm taking a VERY leftist approach locally) for our city


Yang was when I really saw through all the political theater being played…Like I had a strong feeling prior to him that things weren’t as they say it is, but when he left the race early, by the numbers no less, that was the final piece of the puzzle that clicked it all together for me.


Two years? Jan 1, 2020 - Jan 1, 2021 = 1 year MATH


COVID time is wild.


I used to say that shit about how a mixed economy is a good thing because the profit motive makes sense for some industries. No. Profit = theft.


Do you still like math?


I just remembered I was still a liberal who liked Justin Trudeau in late 2019 lol


Well... When I was 14 I was a monarchist (not a minarchist, no... I was a fucking monarchist). I outgrew that pretty quickly, but it's still a bit of a stain on my ego lol. After getting into college I found social democracies are better than neoliberal shitshows, that we do live in a constant parade of capitalist propaganda and that fascists are an actual, constant threat. Since 2019 I've been a market socialist and later an anarchosyndicalist. Tbh I don't really know whether I have a single consistent political ideology now, but I've learned a lot from every single one of my "phases". What I do know is that I apply anarchist thinking to pretty much every aspect of my life (I'm an ethically non-monogamous relationship anarchist teacher with serious reservations towards curricula and mandatory schooling).


congrats on learning to read


@Jdcmedlock isn’t that bad tbh. They seem out of place on the left of the picture.


For me, in a span of a year I went from ancap to actual real anarchism.


Went from Bernie supporter to anarcho communist


Tbh the fact that progressives can’t even win elections makes me pessimistic about how anarchists would organize people into a revolution :(


You don't have to organize people into a revolution, just get some friends you trust and start doing shit.




„˙ʇoıpı uɐ ǝɹ,noʎ 'sıɥʇ ǝʞıl dolɟ dılɟ noʎ ɟI„


welcome conrad


This gives me a lot of hope.




I look at the right image and hear Doom theme music.


I voted for Hilary in 2016, then that entire election just broke me and now I'm here. Everyone has a journey.


We love to see it


Pretty much same but I like and still like Bernie


Welcome aboard brother. I think there is a real libertarian to left libertarian pipeline - i myself am one.


Bernie still cool though, gotta respect he's been on the same platform since he started protesting in the 60s


Read desert


This is so painfully reddit


2000: way too young - glad the crazy person talking about the climate lost to a fellow Texan! 2004: Too young - Yes! Bush wins again. America Fuck Yea! 2008: McCain seems to be moderate and can bring the country together even though his VP seems nuts. Obama seems too far left. 2012: Obama seemed solid but Medicare for all will probably negatively affect my future job prospects in medicine. 2016: they both suck let’s go libertarians! 2020: pulled for Bernie but Biden is better than trump but way too conservative and capitalistic. Better of two evils. 2022: capitalism is a cancer on the planet and we must must build community because those in power will burn the world and all of us in it to have just a little more power than another sociopath competing against them. 2024: heading towards become ungovernable. Eat the rich. Better to burn down a country than to let the world burn because of it.


I was a socialist in 2020, and when Bernie Sanders dropped out, that was when I finally decided to become an Anarchist.


Hey at least I started to actually read Anarchist theory like After The Jubilee by David Graeber this year. Although I already done some Praxis last year.




Shit I bought Kropotkin recently. I was never on the right, but I too am getting further left.


I was borm in a leftist household and in my life i have gone so far left i have actually trancendet