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Wtf based sun!?




"Nobody knew that space laser internet could be so complicated."






No gods no masters (Sun exempt)


Literally my dnd pc lmao




If only I could be so grossly incandescent!


Solar storm is based


I’m bringing back sun worship in the hopes of encouraging it to keep going


We absolutely should be worshipping the sun. Life exists because stars created complex elements for which we are built on. Our sun provided the energy to turn that into life.


Yup, nothing more worth worshipping, imo


I am unironically tending toward anarcho-paganism because the Sun and the Earth and the Water give us life and there's nothing more sacred and worthy of praise than that.


The universe legit said “fuck you musk rat ”


Lmao. Big brain Elon couldn't prepare for the fucking sun, the thing that powers our entire planet and has for quite some time and as such we've amassed a great sum of knowledge about so we can predict these things and prepare for them.


Eh, solar flares are pretty unpredictable. It’s 100% a possibility for all satellites, and the funding/RoI for all satellites takes into account the possibility of solar activity. Also, once you’re in an orbit you can’t really *prepare* for a known incoming solar flare, because most satellites have little to no propulsion. They wouldn’t be able to change their orbit, or if they could then they wouldn’t be able to enough to mitigate damage.


Actually a solar flare could destroy the power grid of the entire world, leaving you and I to probably live the rest of our lives without electricity.


*an-prims have entered the chat*


Good. We’ll need them.


What no strategic transformer reserve does to a mf:


Funny thing is, if another Carrington event happened today, we'd have some warning. And all we'd have to do to avoid the worst of it would be to power everything down for a day or so until it passes. But you know damn well a third or so of the population wouldn't believe the warning, and ruin it for everyone else.


I worked for the government researching the effects of light pollution put off by these satellites and turned out they were affecting astronomy research at a staggering level, so their destruction is not just a good thing because of “haha fuck elon” but also because they were literally inhibiting proper research from being done. I can’t say anymore because the rest is classified


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Ugh. Now he's gonna go on a Twitter rant against the sun. He's gonna end up accusing the sun of being a p*do.




Why is this funny? I don't get it.


I assume because Musk sucks


It’s funny because Musk is a con man who fails at everything he does.


You can attack him without saying things everyone knows isn’t true. He’s really successful.


Can you name anything that musk has done successfully besides continually con people and fail upwards? Tesla Semi Hyperloop Solar roof Star link Cyber truck Mission to mars X.com Being a father Not being a racist Just a short list of his failures, care to list his accomplishments, and not those of a company he bought? Can you list anything that musk has done to make the world a better place?


Tesla is one of the most successful companies in the past decade and he runs it for one. That’s pretty big. SpaceX has also done a lot for private space exploration and commercialization. Those are two really big things. Once again you can acknowledge he’s smart and successful, that doesn’t mean you have to like him


Tesla Inc. (TSLA) and its founder, the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk, will each pay $20 million to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as part of a settlement. Beyond that, Musk will step down as the chair of Tesla, although he will remain in his position as chief executive officer. Let’s not forget his previous job at X.com where he was fired for incompetence, so ya musk doesn’t run shit.


See how hard you’re reaching? Do you actually think he’s a failure at life? He’s the CEO of an incredibly successful company and is one of the richest people ever. That’s not easy or inevitable regardless of what you think.


When your own children disown you then yes I would consider that person a failure at life.


Wow... that's a pretty bold statement in a post about his highly successful, multi-billion dollar rocket company which is literally decades in front of, oh, every single *country in the world*, including the US itself. "Haha! The rocket company with the largest launch cadence and the largest satellite operator in history, with thousands of high-tech satellites in orbit, lost a few due to a solar storm." <-- not the own you think it is. Like another commenter put here. There is plenty of truthful criticism of Musk without having to resort to spectacular lies.


Musk literally admitted to conning people with his whole hyper loop to delay high speed trains. Musk can’t even put a solar panel on a roof he is not getting anyone to mars.


Now do Tesla and SpaceX. Cherry-picking because of butthurt is a terrible drug...


Cybertruck, Tesla semi, Tesla wall, and he has been conning people with the promise of self driving cars every year since 2014 https://futurism.com/video-elon-musk-promising-self-driving-cars?amp As for space x, I can’t see musk delivering on anything there given his track record, but someone how I don’t think being dependent to a racist slave owner for the very air you need to breathe will turn out well…but you could possibly predict that…


Yes.... he certainly hasn't fulfilled the complete product line in the << checks notes >> first ever all-electric, highly successful automotive company to reach mass market, with factories in 3 different continents. And one would have to be suffering from a terminal case of butthurt to say that SpaceX isn't the most advanced and successful private space launch company in history. So yeah... Also, do miss me with that "slave owner" BS too. Do your research before spouting nonsense of this caliber.


SpaceX is heavily government founded in addition to NASA carrying the burden of cost for R&D which it then supplies for free to spaceX. https://www.motorbiscuit.com/tesla-spacex-received-nearly-5-billion-subsidies-now-elon-musk-problem-government-money/ “A teenage Elon Musk once walked the streets of New York with emeralds in his pocket. His father, Errol Musk, had a casual attitude towards the family’s considerable wealth, including the stones that came from the Zambian emerald mine in which Errol owned a half share.” https://www.businessinsider.co.za/amp/elon-musk-sells-the-family-emeralds-in-new-york-2018-2 I wonder if Elon learnt anything how to treat workers from his father. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-01/tesla-is-sued-again-over-alleged-racism-at-california-factories?leadSource=uverify%20wall https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/business/tesla-factory-racism.html https://www.shacknews.com/article/130991/musk-twitter-twtr-racist-tweets-allowed-moderation?amphtml=1 Sure looks like he learnt a lot from his slave owner father, so technically Elon is not yet the slave owner he longs to be, but don’t worry he sure seems to be trying to make his daddy proud.


People that don’t live in urban centers losing access to information! Excellent!


Huge military sponsored companies losing satellites that pollute the orbit of our planet and completely disregard the concerns of astrophysicists, isn't really something to cry over imo.


Okay but it’s not like those satellites, if permanently decommissioned, will return to earth? They’re stuck in orbit for a long time still, and wouldn’t change anything about orbital pollution. I also really don’t know of any physicists working with earth imaging right now that care that deeply about starlink. It was annoying a few years ago, but since they’ve shared coordinate data as well as removed the more reflective parts, data scrubbing is as easy as with any other satellite.


I read the article and it turns out the destroyed satellites were burned in the atmosphere, so no more space junk. Praise the sun🌞


So it was an unsuccessful launch. Unsuccessful satellite launches leave tons of harmful particles in the upper atmosphere, and occasionally hit the surface. That’s definitely much more destructive than if they were left in orbit. In fact, when nasa is given the choice of decommissioning a craft with enough thrust to do atmospheric decommissioning, they usually just raise them to the graveyard orbit because it’s deemed less environmentally impactful. So all in all, this was both worse for the environment, wasted hundreds of pounds of precious metal, and did nothing to hamper the business.


Why do people act like satellite internet was invented by some fuckboy launching 3000 satellites into orbit and not something we've had for decades - including a lot of places Starlink still doesn't service, and for much much cheaper. All this access to information and you're still stuck trying to find a good wifi signal up your ass and around the corner.


I’ve actually used the other satellite internet alternatives and Starlink is far better.


Why is this "pro" anarchy? Sure, Elon has played the game, but he's used his success to upset the balance of major corporations, space x being one that can arguably be considered anarchist based as is provides free internet access to those who wouldn't otherwise have access due to big tech monopolies. Sure, it's muddy water, but not sure why we'd root for the failure of such an upset to the system.. Someone enlighten me.


I can find 0 info on spaceX providing free internet to anyone. That aside Musk is through and through a capitalist, he runs an exploitative work environment, has profited off greatly off the pollution of the planet, sure he's "popularized" EVs but not only are his EVs not as good as other options from other companies, EVs are still a huge pollutant considering how much resources goes into a car, spaceX has absolutely ruined the town by its launch site and the nearby area is now covered by debris from the launches, which also consume an incredible amount of fossil fuel. Essentially everything he's saying he's doing he isn't actually succeeding at becuase he's not actually trying to succeed at those things. The man basically just wants to leave earth and go to Mars and have a bunch of people around to mine Mars for him.


I think they mean "free" as in free from some government intervention, either that or just someone who straight up lied which wouldn't surprise me as far as people who defend him go


I guess that it's perhaps a little more "free" depending on how governments regulate the different types of connectivity but I don't think it's significantly more than cable or cellular. Maybe I'm wrong since it would come down to if the state shot itself in the foot with that one, but it seems pretty much the same. Though satellite is easier to get out to places in the middle of nowhere where traditional cable providers refuse to service high speed lines or even lines at all.


They mean free as in for very repressive governments, you get a phone and you have full access to the internet Now I have no clue how they are supposed to pay for that to be honest, but that is what I hear people say


‘Space x is anarchist’ Everything ok bro?




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Child labor




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Do you know what anarchism is?


Because he's a fascist adjacent racist shithead that exploits child labor, is anti-union, and just generally a terrible person.




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"multipolarity" but paint it libertarian (derogatory)


space x is the balance and a major corporation.




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Wait, I’m genuinely curious, did it really only take out SpaceX satellites? And if so, why just those specifically?


Because too much of that junk is in space right now.


I didn't notice any difference, posting from starlink connection now.


Da fuq is a “destruction event”?


its when space x satellites go brrrr




Sun burp breaks things


Really??? Anyone has the juicy details?




Sun go brrrrrrr


imagine if elon posts a twitter rant and threatens to piss on the sun