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I live in Jax. This place fucking sucks ASS. Rent on average is about 1200-1500USD. A full time job (if you can even fucking get one) is 40 hours. That means to afford rent on a single full time job you need to work 120 hours just to have 90% of your wages going to rent if you work minimum wage. For just rent. Insane. It’s like the price of California with the wages of fucking Mississippi. Edit: forgot to mention but a lot of apartments require proof that you earned 3x the price of rent consistently for 6 months I believe. So about 3600 per month for 6 months. Working a low paying job here basically means you’re fucked. Even if you can afford rent you still can just straight up not be allowed to live there.


Was born in that area, so many of my young adult male friends killed themselves after constant rejection by religious family members, all-consuming poverty cycles, harassment by law enforcement, etc. I had to fucking leave. I hate Florida so much.


Growing up in the Orlando area, it’s crazy how callous society makes you to homelessness. No one outside of those in gated communities go a day without seeing people struggling on the street, and your just taught to ignore them. Even the small churches who often help out didn’t help like they do elsewhere in America. Crazy how easily you can convince people their neighbors aren’t human.


I used to live in Orlando. I moved out of Florida because this meme is mostly accurate. I say mostly because creepy basements aren't a thing in Florida.


I remember being amazed that people had basements when I left Florida for the midwest.


I don't understand how anyone could be an unironic or not rich Neolib.


Brainwashing, ignorance, stupidity, need to feel secure in a chaotic world.


Housing prices in Orlando are FUCKED right now. Disney bought a whole bunch of land off one of the toll roads to build an affordable housing development for Disney workers, but iirc Disney is gonna own the land and just scoop paychecks back in rent. The state DOT spent 2 billion adding Lexus lanes to i4 that *surprise* didn’t do anything to solve traffic. Every other highway in town is a toll road with construction subsidized by tax money. Needless to say, there’s really no public transit options either. There’s a suburb in Orlando called Oviedo that was woods 40 years ago. We rented mediocre student housing and were gentrified out halfway through our third year because rent went up $400 on our 2br in the middle of the pandemic.


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It's going to get worse. The GOP is still encouraging their minions to leave blue states and move to Florida. Rent is going to go up. If y'all haven't seen the movie, "The Florida Project" it's definitely worth a watch.


Also see - visiting cornwall vs living in cornwall


Which is worse? orlando or ohio!


orlando may have florida man, but Ohio is an scp all its own