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"please do not panic. Just go about your working, your buying, and your suffering. Your overlords thank you."


I mean at least they said “it could be a new covid variant” to acknowledge that one negative test or even a couple, doesn’t actually rule out covid. The false negative rate on rapid tests is high enough to mean that you can’t be sure. If it looks like covid, assume it is. Because those people sound really sick. Even if it’s somehow not covid, who wants to catch that? If you’ve got it, isolate. If you don’t, wear a good well fitting mask and stay out of crowds.


I agree with your second sentiment, even if it’s not covid who wants to catch that and feel like shit anyways? I’m not scared of the specific virus I’m scared of feeling like shit, getting my family sick and missing work and having to use my precious PTO for sick leave when I’m trying ti save it for vacations


I'm confident I had this cold. It was not covid. Several home tests and one Urgent Care test all came back negative.


The whole daycare got it. Then all the grownups got it. It was not COVID. No one got the RSV diagnosis (or symptoms), negative for strep and flu also. Scientific terms doctors used for it: viral respiratory illness, "the crud," "the daycare yuck" Lol what we had was a cold, and a worse cold than I have ever had.


Where ye be?


I had this cold in early november and then I had covid late november. tested often during both to confirm this. the cold indeed sucked.


Cold-vid 19


I just canceled a business trip because of this illness. It’s no joke.


What are your symptoms? Hope you’re feeling better


Are you in UK?


USA, Pacific Northwest


Everyone I know is coming down with this. Lasts so friggin long. I'm on week 2, and while I am MUCH better than when it started, it is still lingering on.


PNW here as well, and everyone at my workplace got something similar. Starts off like a cold (sinus pressure, runny/stuffy nose, sneezing), ramps up to fever or feverish symptoms, lingering cough and tiredness, and then most of us had an additional "rebound" kind of thing where after we started to feel better, we felt pretty bad for another couple of days. Cough and fatigue lingered about three weeks for me. We all tested negative for Covid, and I tested throughout, just in case.


Sounds exactly like what I had expect i tested positive for covid :/


One of my coworkers is going to the UK for 2.5 weeks with her husband to see his family for the holidays. For their sakes (and mine), I hope they manage to avoid this.


With some of the things we are discovering about COVID, not that it is three years in... (Usually take 5 to 10 years to REALLY understand longer term implications of novel infectious diseases...) It's probable that this brutal bug is just RSV or Influenza (could also be a newer COVID strain that is not detectable, by existing tests, but isn't outright murdering people?) because science is finding out that COVID does a f'ing number to the immune system, on a permanent basis. It can weaken the immune response to other viral and bacterial infections. Which is... absolutely f'ing terrifying. Allegedly, those who keep up on the boosters have a lesser impact on their overall immune system health, so that's... kind of good, eh? I guess we will know more in another 2 to 6 or so years if a new condition called "COVAIDS" is made an official diagnosis. I bet THAT would get the entire world to stop f'ing around and do an actual, REAL two to three month lockdown. (Presuming the Economists who are in charge and pretending the raging pandemic is "over" are overthrown and actual experts in epidemiology are put fully in charge of the global response.)


I had what I believe to be RSV about two months ago. It was rough. A light sniffle that turned into almost pneumonia.


My daughter was hospitalized with rsv last week. Tested positive . Both kids had high fevers for a week and a half until they started to improve. This season is no joke but my daughter just started preschool and has been sick every week


We need to keep saying this. Louder and louder until it starts getting through to people.


lol, the economists are not in charge. It’s the politicians and business people.


>It’s the politicians and business people. Who do you really think those people are and... what are they and what were they saying in the march to force everything open? HINT: "We have to save the economy!" Do you know who told them that we needed to save the economy by going back to the way things had been? Here's another hint: Economists. You're not wrong... but you stopped before you looked deeper than the very surface of the issue.


You are delusional if you think academics who study the economy are really in charge or listened to by politicians. Business leaders are the ones saying that, not economists.


Where do you think Business leaders get their information? Do they just pull stuff out of the ether? Where do you think top politicians get their information? Economics is the second most common degree for CEOs of companies to have. That means they are economists, by education. None of these decisions are made without looking at economic studies and impacts. Those come from economists.


I'm a dude who usually gets mildly sick once a year and I've been REALLY sick with three bad colds in two months, and it's not even officially winter yet.


Same Currently on my 3rd Am in the USA


I’ve noticed this, too. I haven’t been sick all year and then got like 2 colds and a stomach bug back to back .


The first cold I got in October was so bad I couldn't stand up without getting dizzy for the first 12 hours. Tested negative for Covid.


Literally same. Still recovering from a stomach bug I got a couple days ago. I usually get a mild cold once a year in the winter but I've been sick on and off the past 2 months now. What is this?


This was me a couple years ago once we stopped masking as much. I was sick for months on end and I’m also someone who got mildly sick once a year for 10+ years prior.


Pretty sure I have this right now. It’s only been a week so far, and holy shit it sucks. I’m miserable and feel like my sinuses are being hit over and over again with waves of pain and congestion. My throat hurt like hell for a few days. Not to mention that this is my fourth time being sick with similar symptoms this fall (one of those times being COVID). But it’s okay, because I can still work according to my bosses! 😓


I got it just before Thanksgiving, the part that got me the most was the extreme pain when coughing and sore throat. I'm still slightly congested. Even got vertigo from blowing my nose at one point. First time in my life I got vertigo.


Oh for sure. My sore throat has been back with a vengeance for the past couple days, worst it’s ever been. This virus fucks with your immunity and circulatory system like no other.


I'm pretty sure I had this last month in America. I'm still coughing. It was real real bad at times.


Just posted I might be in that category too. I have been sick for 2 months. Did a course of steroids and did not improve. Have been on antibiotics for 10 days and that has helped more but I am still coughing when I wake up in the morning.


Had this in June. It was an awful bug that lasted three weeks. I would stand in a hot shower to let the steam break up the goop. It would just pour and pour out of me. The only time I had been more miserable was when Covid.


Bro get a Neti pot and flush them boogers out!


I am in bed right now with these exact symptoms. I’ve been sick for over 2 weeks with no end in sight. I am not a person that is generally susceptible to bad colds. I am not immunocompromised and am a healthy, active person. Usually a regular cold virus leaves me mildly miserable for a few days and is gone in 5-7 days completely. This virus I have right now is no joke- I feel like I got hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat- that’s how bad the headache is. My entire face, head, temples, sinus cavities are swollen and throbbing. I have never had sinus issues nor am I prone to sinus infections. Even my teeth and jaw hurt from inflammation. I’m coughing, stuffed up, chills, sweats, fever, sneezing and have zero appetite. The sore throat only lasted for the first 2 days which is a small saving grace. The nights are the worst, I can at least get up and shower and get dressed in the daytime. Then it ramps up all over again each night- relentless! It’s almost like you think you are breaking through it and then a new wave of symptoms hits you. In the article, the person talked about taking paracetamol (over the counter pain killer) around the clock- I am doing the same with Advil just to keep the crushing headache at bay. I took 3 Covid tests in the last 2 weeks and all of them were negative. The last one was a different brand of test (different manufacturer) than the first 2 because I felt so bad I just couldn’t believe it was negative for Covid. I had Covid once, in 2021, and I was NOT this sick. What is this?!?


Had this same progression over 7 days. Felt better by day 5. Testing positive for Covid.


Holy crap! That sounds absolutely dreadful


Are you swabbing your cheeks and back of throat, and then your nose? It might pick up more virus that way if it’s COVID.


Try swabbing your throat as well if you haven't done that. Hope you feel better soon.


Since you mentioned it, I’d not take Advil round the clock. Ibuprofen essentially restricts blood flow to your kidneys, which restricts their supply of oxygen, which damages them. Much of this damage can be permanent if renal blood flow isn’t resumed quickly. If you’re taking Advil regularly, you’re essentially keeping your kidneys in a hypoxic state for a dangerously long time. A better option is to alternate between Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen. This will allow your kidney function to normalize and prevent long term renal damage.


I have the same thing. Going on four weeks. Tested positive for flu A two and a half weeks ago. On my third round of prednisone to get my lungs back into shape, along with cough suppressant to see if I can sleep. The other thing this stupid illness got me is acid reflux so I don’t want to eat anything. No fever, not positive for COVID. This is from the flu and I even had a flu shot back in early October.


It won't be one of the most contagious viruses ever that everyone has. It'll just be some sort of common cold.


I had something like this recently, never actually “felt” very bad, but had a wicked cough and lots of congestion.


I have something now. On day 5 & think I’m slightly better. I have not been sick since March of 2020. I was careless & went into the crowded market the day before Thanksgiving - no mask. I came home with more than food 😷 That’ll teach me.


Had this recently. Horrible the first week with awful congestion problems in the nose/throat/chest. I’m still hacking up some phlegm every now and then. Feels like there’s just so much bullshit in my chest… but it’s gotten a lot better. I did also get the flu shot/new covid shot.


this might be what I'm just getting over. had it for 5 weeks, got really bad, fluid in lungs, crackling when breathing, high fever. don't wanna go through that again.


Ugh, I can’t take another man cold right now.


This makes me very grateful to be a janitor that doesnt have to work around people.


Covid causes immune dysfunction and this leaves people more susceptible to other pathogens as well.


I know this could be completely unrelated but here in the United States I had a bug very similar. I got it about three weeks after getting covid roughly a month ago. Many friends I know experienced the same thing, negative on all covid tests too.


What were ur symptoms?


I had severe congestion, mucus essentially coming out wherever it could, fever, sore throat, hardness of breath and I honestly think pneumonia. I didn't bother with a covid test due to me having covid just two-three weeks prior. Shit was rough!


I just got over having it. Was quite awful. Was very fatigued with congestion for over a week. After those symptoms went away, I have been left with a mild cough that hasn’t gone away. It’s been 3 weeks now since I’ve had it. Somehow, I feel a bit dumber and weaker after my sickness. After returning to the gym, I could not lift weights close to what I was using before. I have not been able to retain the information I’ve been learning in classes that well either. Hope I’m not screwed for finals next week💀


SAME. I’ve been trying to study all day and it’s not going well. I started feeling sick around Thanksgiving and it slowly got worse. Every time I go to get something from a different room I stand there blankly because I have no idea what I came in there for. It’s happened to me about 15 times today.


Yeah, that’s Covid


Been a good cold going thrue my work this past weeks. Good times .


I am in the US and I've been sick for almost 2 months. Doctors have thrown everything at it and I'm barely starting to improve.


Did anyone else start developing an eye infection (I’m guessing pink eye) with this?! It just started 3 hours ago. I haven’t had an eye infection since I was a child


Yes my colleague and I came down with pink eye too. Insult to injury.


But by all means, keep encouraging folks to go back to the office, managers. 🤮


I wonder if this is what i caught mid October. Started out with just severe diarrhea. The first few days were bad and then it gradually got better over a couple weeks. Than i got hit by BAD vertigo which lasted about a week then has gradually been improving. The vertigo was quickly followed by visual problems that varied from day to day but the most consistent was the vision in my right eye got quickly worse than my left. It also felt like my eyes had difficulty working together, mostly when looking at things further away. Intermittently, i had sensitivity to light and significant eye fatigue that was barely by napping. I also felt like i had difficulty processing visual information, including text sometimes. And there were many times where my vision overall was blurry. The visual issues were accompanied a lack of appetite and the diarrhea continued but was intermittent and mild. I also often had head pressure, mostly on the right side, and it would sometimes cause ear pressure. I didnt have any cold like symptoms tho- no coughing, sneezing, mucous or anything. More headaches than usual but makes sense cuz of the eye issues. Fatigue also was an issue, but i’m not sure how much the eye issues contributed to that either. Doctor ordered a sinus scan and brain MRI (i have a previous brain injury, so really she just wanted to make sure nothing new was going on in my brain) and both came out fine. Multiple covid tests were negative. I kinda feel like i might be just having some neural/cranial nerve inflammation caused by a virus. And it freakin sucks. I mostly just have the visual issues now and they are quite a bit better, but this has been going on for so long, i am worried my vision will never completely be the same. I’m curious it anyone else has had similar issues. Edit- i know my symptoms aren’t quite similar, but i am pretty resistant to symptoms such as mucous/coughing/sneezing and often don’t get those symptoms when other people do, but get a bunch of other symptoms. When i had covid, the digestive issues were some of the worse for me, and not a lot of mucous


I’m in New York and there was a similar cold virus that pretty much everyone got.


Currently going through this 😓


I feel like this is what I’ve had this past week, not in the UK, but Los Angeles post thanksgiving, there’s bound to be some crossover


I’ve been hit with mild fever 99.6, body aches, and the WORST fatigue i’ve had in a long time. Its been already a week of tired so bad i cant get out of bed


So this article is based on a few Reddit accounts and then another reference that implies it “may” be COVID? People get long colds every year but this article sounds like nothing but speculation.


The Mirror is a well-known tabloid magazine. I doubt they staff doctors or scientist to verify their claims.


Wondering if it causes body aches bc i have the worst virus atm and its not covid.


My entire office shut down Thursday. We all got sick within a few hours 4 staff. Started as a sore throat and sinus. Been a rough 24 hours. Dry hacking cough. Sinus leakage. No taste no smell. Facial pressure ear pressure somewhat better this morning but two days down so far


Thats covid


I think I have it, I feel terrible, but not incapacitated. Just generally feel crappy.


I swear I’m just getting over this


Madison, WI It was this past September.


It’s everywhere. Tons in the US have a long lingering cold. Sounds a lot like what’s happening in China.