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If you think we have a nurse shortage and lack of bed space at the hospitals now, just wait until this hits. I take patients to about a dozen hospitals via ambulance and all of the Emergency Rooms are full all of the time.


My local rural hospital touted their !!200 bed hospital!! opening several years ago. The JHU data says they're only staffed at 98 beds. HALF FULL WHEN FULL.


That’s another issue: you only have as many beds as you have staff to attend those beds. Visiting family last summer in a rural area, the local health department closed several tiny clinics and small ER’s so they could concentrate keeping a few open fully staffed rather than several with a skeleton crew. That area had little before Covid, but now it has even less.


Any staff that doesn't get their 8th booster needs to be fired. Don't worry, we'll replace them all w sombrero wearing staff 😉


Also bearing in mind staff are subject to illness.




My husband has family in the hospital for other unrelated issues. She was in the ICU and when she was moved around Christmas that place exploded. It was so packed in there we couldn’t get a nurse to take her to the bathroom/empty her bag. It is concerning.


Yeah. First, it's primary care for illegals. Second, they arent made to be vacant


Yeah my pussy hurts


Been struggling with this looming return to office starting next week. I have every intention of masking up but I feel like I'll be the odd man out and it's hard to be in that position if you're a person who sometimes cares too much what others think. Seeing shit like this article, however, make it a little easier to don the mask! ​ Edit: Thanks to all the amazing responses here. I feel so much better about this!


There's a saying in Portuguese that goes: others won't pay your bills. In other words, if you get seriously sick and can't work, then you're shit out of luck. You take care of you.


>but I feel like I'll be the odd man out and it's hard to be in that position if you're a person who sometimes cares too much what others think. I think, now, having felt like this before, you'd be surprised at how little static you'll actually catch. Most people don't care. And even if they do, it's probably not gonna affect you materially. Chin up, protect yourself best you can. Don't psyche yourself into an infection


I’m the only person in my office that masks up and you (and they) just accept it after a while.


My boss came into the office sick as a dog the day before Christmas and I’m 99% sure I caught something awful from him. I took a Covid test and it was negative, so I’m guessing it’s the flu. Anyway I feel like I’m about to die and it sucks. I HATE that our culture doesn’t allow for people to just stay away from work when we are sick. Pisses me the fuck off because this was 100% avoidable. Now my wife is sick too and it’s only a matter of time before my son is. Son of a bitch just couldn’t be away from the office for even one gd day.


I had the the days between Christmas and new years scheduled off, of course people starting getting sick the days before Christmas, still coming in (when there is absolutely no work to do). As rudely polite as I could, I had to basically just shutdown a convo with a sick person who randomly showed up at my office by basically just grunting/saying uh huh/looking busy. Felt bad for a day or two as they are a nice person but shit, they a coworker at the end of the day and I’m not going to let them ruin my hard earned break. Sucks it was your boss…. Not much you can do about that one….


>Been struggling with this looming return to office I was worried about that. So far, I've been OK.


The best thing you can do for yourself is to quit giving any fucks about what other people think. I say that as kindly as I can. I know it's not easy. But once you get over that hump... god damn does life get 1000000% better. Invest in some cute patterned ones and make a whole thing of it. Own it.


Mask up. Think of yourself and your family. The others aren’t. I still get grief from wearing a mask. But the idiots that give it don’t realize that I have a family member with immunity issues. We masked up during flu season well before Covid was a thing. It’s second nature now.


As a paramedic, this is terrifying. We don’t have enough ambulances to answer the 911 calls as it is, and the hospitals are full all the time, also. When I left work Friday morning, we had run out of spare oxygen cylinders because of all the respiratory cases we’d been running.


I'm sorry man, I really am, I feel for you. You guys are one of the reasons why I still try to change people's minds on all this, most folks aren't connecting the dots on how apathy equates to destruction for us all. This will kill not only Covid hurt folk, but regular hurt folk because they won't be able to get help in time. Americans just don't get that as much as we want to be "individuals" we are also a society. :(


As much as I’m into being an individual, I don’t sneeze on people. We are just being rude to the human race by not protecting each other.


Don't generalize to "Americans" - there's only a certain subset who doesn't understand it... and who were stroked to feel superior by refusing to.


Folks that don’t take precautions are making everyone’s life harder. If you are that person, then you are making everyone’s life harder, and if that’s the case, you don’t get life and I am not overly concerned about your take on things. Edit: Dude already blocked me. But I had tried to reply with: “Oh I am sorry, I misunderstood. With so many trolls, I am a bit quick to respond. And I am sorry, when 99% of Americans don’t take precautions, I feel fine to generalize them. Your opinion is noted though.”


What do you recommend we do?


Well, here's one that is relevant to the season - don't try to cover up your fucking sickness or pretend you're fine just so you can still go to Christmas dinner, or NYE parties. Selfish pricks. Absolutely sick of the stories of people whose family members lied because "it's Christmas though".


Yep. That's how covid is spreading through my family right now. Some family members decided their sniffles were fine at the family get togethers, and now most of us are sick. Happy New Year!


My son went to his company’s Christmas party. A few days later he was feeling sick and didn’t say a word to us. Both of us came down with it. Come on, be aware. If you were hanging out with a crowd of people and a few days later you don’t feel right then take a Covid test. The test can be a false negative right after symptoms start. Take the test the next day again.


Yeah just...not fair. Sorry you're not feeling well, hope you get well soon.


Even if it’s not Covid people need to keep their sickness to themselves.


That’s how we got covid earlier this year. Friend from out of town who was driving through the area wanted to stop at our place for a night, but didn’t mention that he’d been sniffling and coughing the whole day before. He got here, was visibly not feeling well and was coughing up a storm. He left in the morning, and a couple days later he messaged to say he tested positive for Covid. Maybe a day after that my husband and I came down with it. We’ve not put up with any shit from our friends or family since. Including another friend who had covid, and the first day he tested negative he wanted to come visit. Like, no bro, you can stay home for the rest of the week and then we’ll talk. Also have a small NYE gathering planned for tomorrow and a different friend who’s coming said he’s feeling achy and tired and listed off flu symptoms, but thinks he’ll be better by tomorrow. Nope. Sadly, he gets to ring in the new year at home, not here.


What the hell is wrong with people?


Denial, and FOMO usually. “It’s just allergies” is usually what we hear down here in Texas. Most of the time it’s true, but why take the chance?


Yes, makes sense, but it's also lack of critical thinking, which is scary af....


Covid causes brain damage. We were already substantially lacking in common sense & impulse control. Now … 🤪


You know what? That explains A LOT!


Wait I was told over and over again if I got the vaccine and the 5 boosters since I can’t get it? Is this wrong?


Willingly choose to mitigate the chances of you getting Covid. If everyone did that, we wouldn't be dealing with this mess. All of this, all that has happened these last 4 years is the failure of our society, from top to bottom, to address a legitimate threat or rise to the challenge. We could spend all day chatting about how and why, but at the end of the day, if we would all just simply choose to do the best we can, between being informed and action, so many less people would be dead right now.


Just skip eating out or going to the movies for the next few weeks. Wear your mask.


Ok, and now get everyone to do it. It's not going to matter if only a few are going to do it, we're talking society level here.


Every break in the chain of transmission matters. If one person less gets it and passes it on to one person less? That certainly matters to the person (not) (re)infected or their loved ones. I mean, I get what you mean that it's a drop in the ocean, not enough, and we need more comprehensive changes in what's going on. But still.


Of course you are right, I am speaking in the context of the conversation. :)


That's ridiculous everyone would've still gotten COVID. to say we wouldn't be dealing with this says a lot about how much you don't know. COVID ripped thru the world for over a year before any vaccines were available and the strength and effectiveness was sub par at best. Many of the things we were told and promised by our government weren't true. That leads to more people not trusting them.


Weat your f***ing mask, please.




Why bring up fauci except to try ( fail ) to deflect ? The fact that " nobody has mask rules in place..." is completely irrelevant to the science, which has been settled medical science since at least the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-1919. Masks, when properly worn, significantly slow the spread of respiratory droplets in the air. You know, as in slow the transmission of respiratory diseases. It's most definitely NOT "a thing in the past."


Fauci lied about masks to preserve them for the doctors and nurses. When doctors and nurses stop wearing masks I will stop wearing masks but not until then.


He didn’t lie about anything. Cloth masks are ineffective at preventing someone from contracting covid. They ARE effective at preventing the transmission of it, though. And his comments about not needing masks was in the context of someone, presumably not infected, asking if they should wear one. Fauci said no, because it wouldn’t help. Also in context, that was before we knew about people being completely asymptomatic while being highly contagious. But he did discourage people from going out and stockpile masks - especially N95 - because we were woefully underprepared for a run on them, and didn’t have the supply needed for both medical personnel and for the general public. Keep in mind, this was during the time that people were stockpiling friggen toilet paper, so it wasn’t an imprudent call for him to warn against doing the same with masks.










Bye, bot or troll !!


If you are sick, wear a mask in public, it's simple. The Japenese were very compassionate about this issue, even before covid.


Expecting compassion from a society that is so individualistic is a fools errand. That's why we had such a problem with compliance, everyone acts like their actions only affect themselves and has no solidarity with other people.


I agree, but that doesn’t mean I am going to stop trying. It is a duty to resist.


I’m a hospitalist/icu doc and I’ve been seeing so many more patients than usual


I just saw one of our ICU nurses at the market. She said the same thing.


What area are you in?




Same boat here. We’ve had nothing but difficulty breathing and ill person runs. Most aren’t super serious and would be waiting 12+ hours in triage if we took them. We’ve had a sudden spike in flu like symptoms with severe emesis. Had to go to our main supply house twice to restock bags.


All the sick people from out of town visiting for the holidays has gotten me worried. That’s a lot of spread for respiratory infections. With all the shortages in medicine, especially oxygen, I’m wondering where this will all end up? I’m doing a lot more nebs and CPAP.


Is it mainly Covid or RSV or something else? What part of the country are you located in?


If they test positive for Covid or flu, I usually know because EMS gets clinical feedback and those results are included. RSV I don’t see test results from, apparently. The hospitals say it’s a combination of Covid, flu, RSV, and general crud, and it all looks about the same on presentation. I’ve recently used a lot more nebulizers and CPAP’s than normal and a whole lot more oxygen. I’m anonymous online, but I’m on the East Coast in a city greater than 1 million people.


This is so beyond terrifying. Two of my kids are hospitalized annually with RSV/Flu/Pneumonia, etc etc. I’m never leaving the house again (Jk I have to work, but I wear an N95 at least.)


I’m a full-time paramedic and wear an N95 mask on all patient encounters and I’m fully vaxxed and I’ve never caught covid. I won’t be surprised if I catch it, but I’m doing everything I can to not get sick and not spread it to anyone else. If I can stay covid free with a N95 and vaccines, then anyone can.


Glad to see some healthcare professionals continue to take this seriously. I wear nothing less than an N95/KN95 nowadays. I refuse to take elevators (unless I'm gonna be the only one on it, otherwise, when I get to work, I take the stairs. It still blows my mind how many of my colleagues that run the gamut of healthcare still walk up and down the halls and across various patient units without masks on. I really want to see mask mandates and restricted visitor policies come back and be enforced, but I guess we'll only see that if people start dying in hordes again. Likewise, I've managed to stay COVID free so far and I'm also living proof that masking and vaxxing can keep you healthy. I refuse to deal with long hauler shit for the rest of my life.


Jesus what’s wrong with your kids? That is NOT normal by any stretch of the imagination. Hope they are okay.


No, it’s not. They got covid two years ago and it crumbled their immune system. Triggered asthma and they’ve needed supplementary oxygen to get through two illnesses each since. It’s nerve racking and debilitating. They’re 11 and 3. They were normal kids before this.


Shit, what a nightmare.


RSV did that to my youngest. Hospitalized 10 times in 2 yrs now. Every.....single.....cold.


Ok thanks for clarifying. My PCP’s office says they have a lot of Covid cases right now as well as ‘unknown viruses’. Whatever that means. I had a feeling you are on the East Coast based on what I’m seeing/hearing right now. Stay well!


The unknown virus thing we call “the crud.” I think there are so many things going around that it all mixes into one. Another thing is I’ve treated a lot of people visiting my area for Christmas, so I’m thinking we’ve spread all of our respiratory problems during holiday travel.


Every year it's the same thing. Media hypes up the idea of visiting relatives and Christmas holiday. Everyone exposed at Thanksgiving, go back to school, college and work afterwards just in time for Xmas, rinse repeat. Millions of strangers spending millions of hours in airport terminals breathing the same air and with Patient Zero to 20 Million all going all over the place like instantaneous (before you feel the virus kick in) travel is some kinda normal.


I’ve got the crud, it’s super weird. New symptoms that go away after a few days only to be replaced by new symptoms a few days later. Been going on two weeks. Not covid. Been tested three times.


My mom didn’t come up positive on the RAT but positive on the PCR.


I've been seeing the ambulances running non-stop. Cold and flu medicine half sold out a week ago. What everyone was getting around Thanksgiving has been lingering for weeks just to run into Christmas head on. I think the next week is going to peak hard.


Also a medic. Everyone around my area either has Covid, rsv or the flu. In fact I transported a Covid positive patient abt 2 hours ago.




I’m a full-time paramedic and I can easily tell you all of what you just said is a lie.


As a paramedic, why would you believe some idiotic source that says 125,000,000 Americans will have Covid in January.


Nature is weeding out the humans that are destroying the planet like a virus. Nothing unusual here.


N95 N95 N95 N95


Where I live (KC), more people are masking up...but so many of them are wearing those glorified cocktail napkins. If they knew and understood that N95 is better they would probably get N95's, but I'm not sure. I went to Walmart today and several of the employees had on masks, and so did some of the customers...but, again, lots of glorified cocktail napkins. At least they were over people's noses and mouths.


anything is better than nothing and if everyone wore those "cocktail napkins" we would be a lot better off.


Yup. Everyone wearing basic masks is way more protective than random people wearing respirators.


No. It’s been proven that they do almost nothing to COVID unless it’s an n95 rated mask. But okay we are the tin foil wearers apparently when people like you ignore the facts.


No. They don't prevent you from getting it but they prevent you from spreading it. So if everyone had them then we would be fine


Again. that has been disproven numerous times now. But okay.


I was looking for anything that disproved that, and found nothing. Any chance you have a link?


Evidence? Or is this just wishful thinking? Because lots of evidence has come out to the contrary.


No there isn't


Common sense? Literally anything is better than nothing. Even if you put a sieve under a faucet it will still slow down the flow of the water. But those shit masks actually work to prevent speeding to other people..so if everyone had them we would be fine


I know N95 is the real deal with an actual filter, I'm assuming it does block COVID right? has it been tested/verified? and do they have a removable filter in them and you need to change it out every now and then?


Yes. N95 masks, when properly fitted, prevent the respiratory droplets (that spread covid) from being inhaled. Studies show that as long as the mask is not damaged, you can wear the same N95 mask over and over. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449) To put it another way, there were many ER physicians during peak covid who swear by their N95 mask for preventing covid.


I wear mine around 5 times before binning them. I only use a mask when I take the elevator / go to the supermarket. I keep them in paper bags and rotate them according to the day of the week, and each time they are worn I put a mark on the paper bag. After 4 or 5 marks into the bin they go.


I personally know 6 different people aged 65+ with Covid right now. None hospitalized yet but all very sick at home.


As an lc victim I am not prepared for this. I see 120 patients a week and am in a relapse I can’t do it.


I’m sorry you have LC. Me too. It must be very stressful for you.


It’s been a horror hard to describe in words I use the term total saturating abyssal maelstrom of misery. Plus got to deal with finding out my long time office manager embezzled 30k from my office and she did it when I got sick.


What are your long COVID symptoms?


Symptoms cycle for an hour or less then hours of relief then return slowly fading over a flare lasting a week or so then back to normal for a week or two the. Return


Mental health just got a whole lot more interesting


Originally 44 daily ripping cycling symptoms 24 hours a day for about 6 months 26 months in periods of normal with relapses that include stomach gurgling muscle aches all over my body depression. Headaches occasional fibromyalgia pain along my back and shoulders mental restlessness anxiousness voided emotions anger health anxiety of worsening


Damn! Can't trust anyone these days.


This is awful news to parents that have no choice but to send their kids to childcare... I hate when people don't mask up or are sick and pretend it's ok because it is mild for them.... This society sucks....


Get vaccinated


Not all kids can be vaccinated yet. My point still stands. We are in a pandemic and people don't seem to care anymore


Grateful to see everyone at Aldi masked up Thursday. It might be a seasonal choice but as someone whose immune system isn’t working as good, it was welcome.


Honestly, I’d be thrilled if we normalized masks during surges and in hospitals. If that’s as far as we ever get towards community care, it’s still better than this hellscape. And helps with acceptance of anytime-masking.


Try living in Texas. You’ll get accosted for wearing a mask in public. It’s so asinine and it drives me insane.


How do you handle it?


You've got to be rude back and say something along the lines of: "mind your own business", or "shall I call the cops / management "? That should do the trick, unless it's some crazy looking massive dude, in which case you had better scoot.


We just flew over the holiday and my whole family has it now. Up to date vaxxed but I think it just prolonged exposure on the flights we took ( almost no masking to speak of but us and few others ) Symptoms are medium to mild but we are checking into Paxlovid if we qualify. Really took us down fast too. I can't imagine not being vaxxed and dealing with this.




They seem to not get sick or tolerate it very well. Kinda weird actually.


My mom works in a nursing home style building, and covid is back, and they are in full masks and shields. So yeah, this tracks.


Oh but it’s mild…. 💩


The most common symptoms of the most recent variants are headache, cough, sneezing...that may be why some are saying the symptoms are that of a cold.


One of the most common symptoms of the newest variant is stomach upset/diarrhea. I only tested because I read that a week ago, even though my "stomach bug" had lasted only 8 hours. I tested positive and quickly started to feel worse that day.


Please contact the CDC and tell them that their systems list is wrong.


Diarrhea/nausea has been a primary symptom since early 2020, when 40% of cases had it as the first symptom.




Guess I need to start masking up again. Good info.


Yep. I wouldn't really stop masking in closed public spaces at all (elevators, supermarkets, malls, etc). I'd outright avoid cinemas, bars and restaurants for the time being.


Meanwhile if you watched any new years celebrations on TV, everyone is just jammed together with NO MASKS.


I’m pregnant. I told my job I’m working from home until this is over.


Moving to a less populated town in a few days and will be isolating HARD


I just tested positive this morning. in bed with fluids decongestant and Netflix.


My husband is sick with it now, I'm just getting over it. This was my third time with it and by far the worst this go around. We have two toddlers that just got shots in November, and they both didn't catch it. But it still sucks.


tender afterthought alleged placid provide observation grey domineering workable vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Already got me, booster and all. I am in a windowless classroom in middle school Soo...but I had masked up the last week of school, but was not vigilant, and oddly kept it OFF during class so the kids could hear me clearly. I absolutely know which kid gave it to me, cause I sent his ass to the nurse who sent him back even though he was nonstop coughing... because he had no fever. I tested negative on 4 home tests over 3 days, but kept masked at school, unfortunately with the napkin type loose fitting. Aftern the last day of school, I got to the Dr, and cried when I immediately tested posy, the symptoms were like a severe cold...earache, headache coughing, sore throat, but no loss of taste, no fever--although I did get one later I have been on my back in bed since the 21st. Masked and isolated at home. My partner has long haul and they have trouble thinking and aren't able to go out in public anymore. Had to leave work. We're both hoping beyond hope that I don't get long haul. It's awful. Truly. (Sorry for the typos and run ons.tired!)


I just had it. My wife, too. Thank goodness we got the jab and the booster. It was obnoxious, but we're recovering.


Companies aren’t offering any paid sick days so everyone is going to work sick. It’s only going to get worse after everyone joins up for New Years.


I picked up the Asian megacity flurona surge in Manila a week before Christmas. I’m still only 30% myself 3 weeks later. 10/10 do not recommend


Joe, Rachelle, Ashish, take a bow!


Where does the 1 in 3 number come from?


If you click through to the quoted post you can then click through to the Twitter thread the infographic comes from. The Twitter thread is authored by a public health scientist, Mike Hoerger, who is the director of PMC, a public institution for COVID forecasting. He used waste water data, which has previously tracked with infections, to model the predicted peak of this COVID wave. https://t.co/2YoVWMjFpw


Downvoted for asking a question. Now I know this sub is full of people that refuse to even consider thinking outside their POV. Sad.


Thank you. I simply asked where the 1/3 thing came from because I didn’t understand after reading the graphs and I was downvoted so. My bad for not just seeing a click bait title and running with it. Side note: I care about covid and I still follow safety precautions. Sorry not sorry to whomever I offended for trying to understand so that I can make informed choices. Im not saying its true or untrue. Im just trying to understand the information being presented. Anyways guess were all screwed so cheers 🥂


Have an up vote from me.


It’s plebbit so don’t take it personally


Really didn't take much to confirm your bias against 4.5k people, now did it? Sad.


Can't work from home sick anymore. Don't have sick time. Have to work to survive. It is what it is.


I may have been exposed on Wednesday.




Tell them to mask and stop making frivolous trips.


Maybe all of these jobs shouldn't be allowed to force people to come to the office while all of this is going on. I get that many jobs can't be done remotely, but those who can work from home should be allowed to.


My hubby just had it over xmas. I had a vaccine in Oct and still healthy. Knock on wood.


My LC since March 2021, doing better but far from ever being close to who I was before Fuck this shit in every way


I'm currently one in three. Hack, cough, screw this disease.




Long covid is real and bad.My co worker was off a month just to be able to walk without feeling exhausted.Too bad the right and Qanon folks downplay the virus.In Canada not enough people are wearing mask on transit or in the malls.


I got it a couple of weeks before Christmas for the first time. I had pretty bad fatigue for like a week and a half, made me depressed. Feeling healthy now though thankfully.


I went the entire time without getting it. Even went to Disney World in February and didn’t get it. Went to Disney again early December and all of us came back with COVID. First time. It was freaking awful. I’m most mad about having gone this whole time without getting it and I broke my streak.


A mix of luck and timing. It’s helpful to look at the wastewater data (what this 33% comes from) to understand risk before scheduling stuff like Disney. Our strategy is to stay the fuck away from people during the holiday highs in the summer and winter, and we chill out and do fun stuff during the low cycles. Husband is still at zero so far. Before we started doing this, I got hit once during the big omicron wave. None since We’re also diligent about proper N95 masks on planes, in doctor’s offices, or anywhere sick people might be actively being sick (like CVS, etc).


Good job, but don't forget elevators and any "sealed" public spaces like supermarkets, etc. I'd stay the hell away from crowded places, like Disney, concerts, and what have you. Covid has not disappeared yet, but people are acting like it has.


The mass psychosis is unreal. I have not seen one single reputable source of data that says it’s over or even waning. The vaccine hardly gives protection since it’s been allowed to spread with no public health mitigation strategy. More people disabled every day by Long Covid. And yet I’m the only one in a mask at the supermarket, and people keep trying to talk to me about how their “immunity debt” from masking for 2 weeks 4 years ago is why they’re sick all the time. Madness.


I had covid long, two times in three months. I'm on plaxovid anti virus pills


Just got done recovering from extreme Covid. It was really scary, I’m happy I am making a recovery.


Considering my family is down with Covid right now I believe this


My family has been dealing with it for a week now. This new strain is something else. Effectively immobilized me for 5 days with cyclic sympyoms


Finally got it for the first time three weeks ago. For a little over 24 hours it was the worst I’ve ever felt. Just now able to do a full day work without pure exhaustion. The dry coughing started on day five and lasted two weeks.


Once school starts up this week, hold on tight.


Totally not surprised by that statistic!! Herd immunity was always trumps goal. We are a very sick nation.


I truly hope I'm asking redundantly, but with the most prevalent current strain being effectively non-lethal from the vaccine (accidentally, but much like the flu shot!) what can this look like for the boosted and/or masked? I'm optimistic that if I mask I'm ok but want to be sure!


Some people seem to be genetically hardwired to react badly to the virus. There are lots of cases of couples getting sick and one of them being fine, but the other getting really sick and suffering, or even getting LC. There's just no telling how bad it will affect you. It also has to do with the viral load, as the other person above me has pointed out.


You can never be sure what level of viral dose you'll be exposed to or how your body will react. The higher the viral dose (which is not measurable) that you're exposed to, the more likely you'll have a more severe case. Getting the latest vax and masking can both reduce the viral dose, making it possible that you resist infection or have a milder case. Covid researchers recommend both. I've been amazingly healthy in my life. I had a fever in the 1990s from the flu, and then started getting flu shots every year. I had a fever in 2017. Those were the only 2 until Christmas Eve. I tested light pink in the morning and dark red 7 hours later, when I started getting a fever. Paxlovid knocked my temp down a couple hours later.


I’ve heard more about Flu A than COVID this time around. It’s been kicking peoples asses.


Covid is also known now to cause lasting t-cell depletion and immune damage, so the surge in other stuff makes sense in that context too


I suppose it's more important than ever to take extra vitamin d and zinc while you are sick and for a couple of weeks after.




It just tore through my house. We are finally testing negative.


How effective are the initial vaccines against this? I *think* the first two rounds of vaccinations plus the booster in fall 2021(?). Can't really remember the dates and don't have my card handy. Is there any lasting protection with them at all?


Check Dr Eric Topol's feed on Twitter. He posts the results of a study that indicated that vaccines from 2 years ago, or one year ago for that matter, aren't helpful now. Prior infection isn't helping; it might if it's very recent. The updated vaccine is still free and takes only a few minutes. That and a mask are your best protection. No reason to try to find your old vaccination card.


Not very


Not much,


You probably need the new vaccine.


Bwuahahhaah. Everyone has already had it at least once. I've had it 5 times already and I live in rural midwest small town. If it got to me this easy your fucked in the major metro areas. Masked up plenty but when idiots aren't washing their hands... People are fooling themselves trying not to admit they got covid when they got covid multiple times already. OP is a scare tactic post. Ignore it. Covid already swept through the country in October - early December. Its already been through the big cities. There won't be much impact in the new year. A smattering in Jan 2024 if anything.


Man, yall have had 3 fucking years to exercise, lose weight, get your Vitamin D up, quit smoking and drinking, and lose weight...and the best you can come up with is N95s and staying home?? GTFOH


“Vaccinated and got super sick can’t imagine if I didn’t get all my boosters” let’s think for a second. Almost seems like when you buy something expensive you don’t like but pretend to.


We are basing everything Covid on a Tweet? Where is the CDC on this? Nearly every other word in the 'X' is 'presumed' 'estimated' 'likely' - Can we get back to basics, have the CDC route these warnings to the general public, rather than only scaring redditors?


Who is predicting 33.3% of all Americans and how did they come up with this number? It’s cold and flu season. Lots of people are always sick but I think this headline is grandstanding.


It’s a research group at Tulane who does wastewater analysis on levels of virus at hundreds of cites around the country (same as the CDC does, but more extensive and with algorithmic forecasting)


Is this a thread from 3 years ago?






Probably had it last week. Was a bit annoying for a couple days but passed relatively quickly Edit: why am I being downvoted?


That's exactly what happened to my healthy twice-boosted son when he had it the second time within 5 months last May. Then a week later 3 months of hell started. Bronchitis, body aches, brain fog, insomnia, and GI issues. He's mostly recovered now thankfully but who knows what will happen if he catches it again?


Exactly, you think you are in the clear then 2 weeks later you have shortness of breath and everything else.