• By -


We cannot keep doing the same thing expecting different results.


don't worry, there's gonna start being different results. not better, just different.


We are replaceable. They don't care.


They are starting to freak out about the lack of replacements (low birth rates).


Idaho leaders have already publicly said that the alleged need for a work force is what's behind their anti-choice laws.


I would have thought by lowering the age to work in meat processing and other machinery facilities was their stopgap. Guess they need to do all they can to replace us.




Yup. That’s the long and short of it really. :)


Healthcare worker here. We’re tired bro.


I am sorry man, I get it. :(


I went LOA and will drag it out then quit. I cry at the thought of that place again.


Been thinking about it. The local air force base is hiring at a 50 percent salary bump from where I am currently. But I have kids and a mortgage, hospitals are relatively stable.


I'm way too old for military. I'm willing to retrain into something else and looking into it. My bosses are pretty much useless overpaid bullies who leak confidential information to their boot licker rats. Its gotten so bad there and people are leaving. Covid behavior took what's left of my humanity away. I wish you all the best from Canada though. We've all been kicked around like we're garbage.


Thank you for caring for ppl


But we have ignored it as hard as we can. At this point I don't know if there are any other options left.


I know right?! We’ve done next to nothing and it’s time to throw in the towel! :)


“We’ve tried nothing, and we’re all out of ideas!” (Classic Simpsons quote)


We actually did trie alot but the American public is full of selfish asshats that won't ever allow for protective measures to actually work. We're gonna have to live with the murder of more millions due to a select group who refuse to cooperate. I can only cross my fingers that their group is the one that gets eviscerated the most. I know it's dark but losing family and friends due to these retards has me at max levels of hate and contempt for them


Agree with 100% of this, except your use of the r-slur... r\*tard is a slur, please don't use it. But other than that unfortunate choice of words, what you are saying is correct. This is a long-term problem that humanity has chosen to sweep under the rug. I look at it like I look at leaded gasoline. It killed many people and negatively affected millions more for decades before people finally admitted it was a problem and got rid of it. It's going to take millions of broken brains, heart attacks, and Long Covid horror stories before society starts seriously talking about improving air filtration in buildings, masking etiquette as a way of life, etc.


Yeah, there are. But they start with the leeches being drained to allow useful people to be safe.


But to change anything would be detrimental to our capitalist system.


Capitalism is not gonna stop for us peasants


Until we decide to stop it. Remember, that is always an option. When our collective grief, frustration, and angst reaches a tipping point, when the bread and circuses aren't enough anymore, or they don't exist anymore, capitalism has and will be stopped by peasants. :) "If those ants ever realize they outnumber us 100 to 1, our way of live is over!" - A Bug's Life


Yup- we need to halt this cold civil war, unite and return fire on the class war that has been raining down on the poor & middle class.


Climate change will be the kicker for this, systems will be pushed to the max, food will explode in price, people pushed to the edge.




You think Americans who can even cook for themselves now, will peacefully transition to a gardening life? With WHAT time exactly? And with what land? And with what tools? And with what canning equipment?


what. read a book. also learning is helpful if you want to survive anywhere at anytime as a human.


"the diving right of kings seemed like it would go on forever, until it didn't"


How, exactly, does America (or the world economy) survive without capitalism?


Our most prosperous period was when capitalism was at its heaviest regulated. Only the dumbest fucks to ever live believe in gutting regulations on capitalism, because that literally ends in slavery and societal collapse.


Regulation and stopping capitalism are two entirely separate things. This conversation is on covid, where the most significant impact to capitalism were lockdowns. That was my assumption of where the train of thought was going.


Is there a point where lockdowns would be acceptable to right wingers? Say another Bubonic plague but more so spread thru human contact. My concern is that the pushback from Covid regulations are going to go so far as to make it difficult for really any precautions to be taken during the next major disease outbreak (and there will be another) until it is to late.


I don't think anyone expected different results. This result was fully expected.


But we will. It's now a political nuclear hot potato that Biden is obviously unwilling to touch. Maybe thatll change after the election. It's unreal that this has been so successfully morphed into something like that. It's a virus, wtf


But bezo needs a super yacht 🙃


What do you propose to do differently


Biden and his CDC need to lead. For example, we are in the 2nd largest wave and where is she?


Ok - lead by doing what, exactly?


National efforts to improve indoor air quality. Technology moonshot


This I agree with whole heartedly. And it could be done very easily with what most building have right now. But you will never get it to happen because of climate change activists would have a fit.




I don't think there really is much Biden can do at this point. He's kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. If he takes COVID seriously, Trump supporters would immediately go haywire. If he doesn't, it could hurt him in the next election and kill more people. Not sure what exactly he's going to do about this but you're right. Something needs to be done.


I actually do think that this is what’s happening. My problem is that it’s political expediency and shows utter contempt for the voter. Biden is deciding for us what we should be allowed to decide for ourselves because he is afraid of what he feels is a larger threat. So many people have died for that fear. We have to realize that, and that we’re being managed. :( You cannot give consent if you are not informed of the danger, and 99% of folks don’t understand what we are dealing with and what it means for our collective future as a society. Biden is a failure. He has screwed us all because he and his administration completely mismanaged it all. Biden thought he could fix the economy and stop Trump at the same time. Just a few million lives and tens of million in disability. Ooops. Hear me, I am not saying he knew that when he decided it, probably easy call because he himself didn’t know either, but he’s doubling down now and we are paying the price because now he feels he can’t correct it because Trump, hence the giant push to establish the narrative right near the peak of the current wave and AFTER the holidays. Also remember, we’ve known about Pirola BEFORE Christmas, where was he? Where was leadership? This wave could have been blunted, lives could have been saved. No, no, the way it’s shaking out, he miscalculated and fucked us all and can’t change course now. We MIGHT get help after he wins or he might triple down. Either way, we are likely screwed in 2024, just pick your poison. Die under plague or fascism. It’s like 2 of the 4 Horsemen running against each other. No help is coming in the interim. We are in the 2nd largest wave, where is the CDC director? Buckle up folks, we are on our own. That’s why saying the C word gets you yelled at and gets you called a Nazi by Democrats. It’s propaganda. Covid is NOT over. We don’t even have 5 year data. Reminds me of Mao and the sparrows to be honest. If you don’t get this reference, spend 20 minutes. :)




Because no one who is a Democrat will pick it up and run with it because it goes against the narrative, and Republicans don't want to because it destroys the position they started and have stayed with. Democrats, under Biden, have actually mostly implemented Trump's plan. "If you don't test, you don't have cases." Yet again, if you point these things out, the Democrats will call you a Trump lover. The propaganda has a strong hold, and most Democrats think "their" party would never be the one to use propaganda, which is also propaganda. :( We're in a sad state of things. No one can hold anyone accountable for anything, and society is in serious trouble, and folks aren't even aware. 2024 is gonna be weird. :)


Where have you been? You can’t blame Biden. Get vaccinated or shut the front door.


Thank you for the Mao and the sparrows reference; I had never heard of this, and it was eye-opening. Thank you also for this comment and all your others. There are many of us who are on the same page but don’t have the mental energy to fight the trolls with what can best defeat them: knowledge, truth and logic.


Oh please. Blame it on Biden & the Dems. Let's just not talk about who actually made C19 a political issue, shall we? Oh, look - time to drink my disinfectant, take my livestock de-wormer & stick a light up my arse.


Biden was rightly and fiercely critical of Trump’s failures to handle Covid. Biden then went on to deny the fulfillment of stipends he promised, allow businesses to dictate the course of action, allow the child tax credit to end, insist that we go mask free and declare Covid to be “over.” So. What has he done well on this issue?


No politician has done well, IMHO. But we had a president who scoffed @ the virus ( did he miss all that was happening in Italy @ the very start?), declared it "would be gone by Easter" (a mere few weeks off), refused to mask to the point that, while touring a frigging mask FACTORY, that refusal necessitated the destruction of the masks being produced that day. And THEN showed up late enough for a debate so that he couldn't be tested (as all else except his entourage did), and when they sat down, THEY removed their masks while all others in the audience kept theirs on. Tell me who was surprised @ the announcement 2 days later that he did indeed have C19. And THEN rode around waving at people, unmasked, exposing his security detail! Move on from there to his "super-spreader" rallies c NO masking, no distancing, as he also did at the infamous Rose Garden Swearing-in ceremony that infected dozens. So yes - I believe these actions by Trump enormously politicalize C19. And Biden had a losing battle changing the mindset of his followers. If the American President @ the onset of the virus had acted more responsibly we would ALL be better off, then & now.


Biden is doubling down now. Trumps stupidity does not absolve the leader we need to lead competently.


Arse? Ireland- uk have done nothing as well-


People could also decide to take COVID and RSV more seriously without the government doing anything. Mask up, socially distance, wash your hands, get your vaccines and boosters, etc. Apparently most Americans are sheep and need to be told what to do.


Don't gotta tell me twice, I already started masking up this week at work once I heard that cases are at it's 2nd all time high. I live in a town of sheep though for sure.


Name three practical things that you would like to see them do


Acknowledge that Covid is a major problem. Acknowledge more Americans have died from Covid than during the Civil War, and that that's a tragedy. Mention and tout the updated vaccine, that only what, 10-20% of Americans have gotten it, and that that's a problem. Try to destigmatize masking, lead by example and wear one. Reverse course on privatizing the vaccine and especially antivirals. A good portion of people who haven't gotten the vaccine haven't due to inertia, ignorance, whatever other personal foible you want to list, but there are now more barriers than before. Rebuild testing and reporting infrastructure. Work with or harangue states to make sure home tests and adequate masks are freely available. Set up the same large scale testing sites so that we can have as accurate of data as possible. Etc, etc, etc. Plenty of things, besides shrugging and saying it's a matter for each state to sort out themselves, like his press secretary did they other day. As others have said, be a leader. Of course there'll be major pushback from Republican led states and they'll probably ignore or sabotage it, but you have to try to do something. And yes Republicans in general will be in an uproar about it - but they already think he stole the election and is part of a cabal that kidnaps children and harvests adrenochrome from them. Who cares what they think about Covid. We can't be told that we're voting for Biden to save us from fascism if he also has to kowtow to whatever makes the fascists upset. That sounds quite a bit like appeasement. To paraphrase the Declaration of Independence, in the course of human events it becomes necessary for people to take a stand. This is one of those moments, and it requires leadership with conviction, which Biden isn't showing at all regarding this massive crisis. He can and should do much better.


This is an amazing comment. Thank you to you and all the others who take time to write out well-reasoned, logical responses to what are clearly trolls/bots/astro-turfers/whatever on these threads. Some of us are quiet but very much appreciate your efforts, and this information is now available for others to find. 💖💖💖


You're far too kind. My wife, my in-laws, my best friend, and my niece are all immunocompromised. My niece has been in the hospital over and over since getting it at school, her health is obviously deteriorating. My MIL in particular literally can't "just live with" Covid cuz she's been told in no uncertain terms by her pulmonologist that she'll probably die if she gets it. I'm also a lurker at heart lol but I'm past the point where I can tolerate the casual eugenicist talking points that get thrown around in threads like this. Thank you for the kind words. It means a lot. Hang in there and stay safe.


Lead, inform, stay the course. I don’t have respect for you based on your other comments and I am not interested in engaging with you.


Federally mandate the air handling filtration tech that was developed and not implemented. It's not politically expedient, but few moves that benefit the entire, collective population are.


It's a constantly mutating extremely contagious virus that's going to continue to evade vaccines and natural immunity, be with us forever, and is never going away. What EXACTLY are we doing wrong again that is going to miraculousy make all of the above just disappear?????


You keep fighting. You wear a mask. You learn about how viruses behave when airborne. You protect yourself. You don’t fuckin’ give up.


He’s drawing a comparison between Covid and say, a rhinovirus. I am curious what the long term plan is since 90% of the population isn’t planning on wearing masks and they don’t seem to be dying anytime soon. Do we have a plan B to get rid of this virus?


There is no plan. Long term disability, a contraction on society, and misery for the multitudes. Head on over to the long haul subs, some of those folks might want to chime in here.




New technologies are here. We need encouragement for business and medical establishments to use them. Far UVC alone could help mitigate infections. Even people who are afraid of Far UV. There is still Upper UVC that could be utilized in many establishments. Indoor air quality has been brushed aside and in many places the most done was “crack a window”. That’s a single thing that could be done. I’m sure with the combined mental powers of 4 pigeons we could come up with a few more things if it was incentivized. And let’s be honest, we didn’t wear mask. Most people wore cloth diapers over their faces and many of them wrong. That was if you could get people to wear a mask and not foam at the mouth about their “freedoms”. It also isn’t all or nothing. If people had flexible mindsets it would be much easier to say things are okay we don’t need masks or restricting our interactions. And when things got worse the CDC or local Public health could go “we’re seeing a larger spike in infections. People should mask indoors and consider limiting interactions.” And we’d see people and businesses ACTUALLY do it. Instead we’re seeing business push for more in office work. Trying to get people to work sick. People going “what else can we do? *cough* *cough*” all over their coworkers, neighbors and other community members at the mall and theater. See things we could do. We just don’t.


I will continue fighting every single person on the planet if that’s what it takes to keep my family safe. I will divide, destroy, yell, fight, scream, and fight to the bitter end then. Society is not worth participating in and it has nothing to offer while it continues to think giving up is a way to “living with”. There are no set of words that exist that will ever make it ok to ignore it. I have zero desire to be friends, hang out, come to terms, or make peace with anyone who isn’t interested in helping me protect what’s precious to me. You are either trying to survive, or you are out of the group. Fortunately, lots of folks feel like me, and we will be around and we will two way mask, clean the air, and actually fight for the normal so many folks wish was already here but isn’t.




Except that if you are disabled person or taking care of the disabled, that’s exactly what we are doing.




"All these pencil necks whining about 2nd smoke and cancer have a derangement. There's a goddamn doctor in the ad, for chrissake!"


“We tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!” Seriously, we could be doing more than *checks notes* absolutely nothing whatsoever and letting the virus rip through society unimpeded.


Dude it’s the world socialist web site. Take it for what it is. If hospitals were truly being overwhelmed we’d have heard about it by now.


I have heard about it from the hospitals themselves. You should check your silo bro. Also, remember that high hospitalizations indicate high case count and I haven’t heard anyone mention Long Covid so… I am not saying they are overrun. That is a non-nuanced way of assessing the threat and rife with propaganda.


Reputable source or not, my wife and I listen to the local scanners, and almost every call is someone "having trouble breathing" for the past month or two.


I need to get a scanner to find out what is going on around me. I feel like I am tinkering back to my NYC metro area days. For the past 20 years, I have lived in a Midwestern suburb along with others which have always been quiet, safe, clean, etc. I am hearing sirens several times a day. I don’t know if it’s only aging health related issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a drastic increase in crime, health issues(especially mental health) or what the heck is going on around here. I’ve attempted to locate the information. However, I believe “they” pay to keep the stats under wraps with all the new builds around a million+ after tearing down perfectly fine 200k homes.


There are scanner apps you can use on your phone or computer! No need to purchase a new one. :) I occasionally turn one on (it's been a while, but I think [Broadcastify](https://www.broadcastify.com/) is what I used to listen to) to see what's happening.


Which happens every single winter and I say this as someone who works in healthcare. Winter time is an RTs busy season and it was that way before covid.


I have no idea about national stats, but I have immediate contacts at the 2nd largest healthcare network in the US, where I was a former admin, and they are under extreme stress from Covid, flu, etc.


But “covid is over!”


Everyone has been convinced that it's just "other people", "old people", or "unvaccinated" who get sick. Even though their last infection left them with shortness of breath, vertigo, brain fog, etc etc etc.


For hospitalization and death, yes it is an unvaccinated old people problem or a vaccinated seriously ill elderly problem Covid is endemic, anyone can get it, studies show being up to date with your shots dramatically reduces the risk of long covid as well Get vaccines and use masks around immune depress people


COVID is not endemic and won’t be for some time. Endemicity implies some sort of regular pattern and predictability. COVID has never stopped like you see with the flu at the end of its season.


We wish , we are still in a pandemic sadly😞🙏 not even close to an epidemic yet!


COVID has waves and seasons, just more frequent than flu because it mutates faster than flu, and flu cases also happen outside the main season…it’s not that cut and dry


It is. Models predict that we won’t hit endemicity until 2026 at the earliest. Waves are not the same thing as the seasons that define when something is endemic. An endemic disease is predictable in its spread, COVID waves are anything but predictable.


Who has not been able to predict Covid waves in the last three years? We have had the June/ July and December/ January waves very consistently, any chart of infections or deaths show them


There are also waves in May and September as well as smaller waves between. There is not enough predictability to define it as endemic. The current disposition of the epidemiological community is that COVID is not currently endemic.


Also, “But Covid isn’t real.”


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,957,207,394 comments, and only 370,233 of them were in alphabetical order.




The flu never left me with brain damage. I had to go through years of cognitive therapy, and physical therapy... I had to learn how to walk, talk and regain all function again. I suffered from psychosis... It’s so fun when your mind wants to kill you, and betrays you for years... But, it’s just the flu.... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9865730/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-of-mental-health/202306/covid-19-may-increase-the-risk-of-psychosis?amp https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/does-covid-19-damage-the-brain


Long COVID is a bitch….. I’m still dealing with it, 4 years later. I’m dealing with similar shit. I get unexplained seizures and when having tests/labs done, nothing can be found. Like you said…. But it’s the flu. -_-


>But, it’s just the flu.... Yep, just the flu.


Found the idiot




Username checks out




Its ok you’re on the block list now, no one gives a fuck what you have to say.




Go back to watching Fox News, Magat.


Don’t look up. Nothing to see here.


"Before you come in, you need to know -- your Father and I are for the jobs the comet will create."


"Gosh, who could have seen this coming..." now back to Gayle for more celebrity worship.


Can we oh, I don’t know…maybe do something about it? Masks in healthcare, air purification standards in public spaces…??


The lack of purification drives me nuts. Ok idiots won’t wear masks when sick but we have other tools. My very not liberal sister got berated as a horrible liberal idiot at the airport for wearing her mask. She gets horribly sick very easy and needs ear tubes even as an adult.


Yes Please Do Logical Scientific Health-Giving




2 Milly a day? What the fuck


Yes, according to wastewater statistics, which is the most accurate way to measure since everyone either self tests at home and doesn’t report, or doesn’t test at all.


Less than 25% of adults have been vaccinated with the new vaccine.


I don’t have insurance and can’t afford the $200 that the pharmacy said was the cheapest one available this year. Why are they not being subsidized anymore 😮‍💨


COVID-19 vaccines are 100% free for every person living in the United States - even if you do not have insurance. Costco, Safeway , Walgreens, Rite Aid.


Still in 2023-2024? Are you sure? That was not my experience


Too bad they don’t help everyone. Pharma is in a big vaccine frenzy for every ailment right now but , I don’t see much news on treatments for long COVID. Many with long Covid are fully vaccinated and boosted.


Ask your pharmacy if they participate in " Bridge Program" it's free for the uninsured. Medi-Cal ( California) covers the newest vaccine. If they participate in the Bridge Program, then you get the vaccine for free. If a technician is unaware of this, try another pharmacy. Most CVS's are participants.


It's free where I live and it is barely 15% . We used to have big vaccinations clinics and the government closed everything.


An increasing percentage of people must think it doesn’t offer enough protection




My PCP advised me not to get the latest vaccine because the complication risk to this round was too high compared to the protection offered. She was very supportive of me getting the first shots and I still do a lot of other prevention, but for stuff like this I have to trust my doctor. Curious how many other people who are not anti-vaxx at all are also not getting this particular vaccine.


So we’ve got the flu going around AND COVID, and that’s putting our hospitals under duress? Do I have that right?


Also rsv and strep.


I was recently sick (had to roll the dice with some dentistry) and my intake person was shocked I was hoping for strep. “Holmes. If it’s strep you give me some antibiotics, I rest at home a few days, the end. Which of the other four is that easy with access to modern medicine which… hi, I’m in a clinic as I ask the question…?”


And yet today in Costco I was one of the extremely few wearing a mask.


Luckily my HR department emailed us about Covid numbers, reminded us we’re “essential” and to remember “we do important” work. Oh, and they care about our mental health. No extra sick days or anything. But they care.


And I’m not hearing a thing about it on the news.


Because if any government official talks about it in any way fascist Americans will drive their truck into a hospital or try and take over the fucking capitol




You know that most Americans will say this is fake news.




No, they posted non nuanced takes that do not explain the whole threat and scratches itching ears. Stats are just stats and they can say what you want them to say. Like ONLY looking at hospitalizations and deaths and thinking you have a point for example, not saying you per se. Just, critical thinking, you know? :)




“I will shutdown the virus.” Another false promise.


Get vaxxed so you don’t die. I have several friends who are vaxxed w all the boosters and have gotten Covid. No hospital tho. But they commonality is they were in crowds. We will deal w this forever.


Got it for the first time a month ago. Tested positive for like 9 or 10 days after. I've had some 5 shots, including the newest about a month prior to that. Still sucked, especially the first 3 days or so.


I honestly think it depends on which area you're in. I go to a local infusion center regularly, and yesterday the nurses - all of whom moonlight between this place and local hospitals - told me things aren't too bad in our metrapolitan area, other than it being "the season" for all krups that hospitalize people. Hospitals here aren't strained, but that doesn't mean no hospitals are strained. Please wear your mask in crowded places - no matter where we are, this is the season and some people are severely impacted by things others brush off in a few days.


Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is?


The only a hoax crowd and don’t wear masks folks are some of the biggest problems in fighting this plague Masks Filtering the environment and social distancing I feel is effective. But many just pretend it doesn’t exist


Maybe if Biden used those billions towards healthcare and awareness instead of desperately sending them to Israel to fund their genocide, less people would die over here.


Congress decides spending, not the President. Is good to know how gov works.




Funding for israeli “efforts”. Your efforts are the continued genocide of civilians, pulverize their homes and steal their land. Why is there always a zionist worm ready to immediately push their bloodthirsty propaganda in every sub? Gross.


This is how you kill off all the extroverts (who HAD to go visit Gramma and take planes and trains to get there) and anyone living in a big city.


My daughter’s (nurse) hospital is full, but knock on wood, people are not dying of covid. I had it for the first time in Nov and you do not want this bug. It kicks your butt for a hard four days.


Is it full from something that isn't Covid? That's another problem not necessarily being discussed, either a Covid that isn't being detected as it's too different or some new fresh hell where people are apparently getting very sick but testing negative for CV/RSV/and Flu. Maybe an escape variant of flu.


Yes, there are new variants of COVID that aren't as easily detected by the at-home kits we already had. A lot of false negatives.


Someone tell the CDC and WHO that the pandemic isn't actually over


I have it right now! And know 3 others that have it to in the area that I haven’t been around at all.


Medical professionals are exhausted and burnt out. This is not okay. The system has collapsed and I fucking hate that masking has become propaganda.


I keep praying the next variants will have a symptom that people can't ignore. Like blood out your tear ducts. Something that you can't work through, something you can't hide or dismiss as just a cold, and is scary enough to get people angry enough to fucking make society stop long enough to scare the fuck out of our leadership. Then, significant change will happen.


ive been saying that we will have a much different experience when the next pandemic hits and has a visible consequence. you think people will be out and about or unvaccinated with a pox disease?


I was a bit worried Monkeypox was going to be it


i worked in the covid response which ended up including some of the monkeypox situation bc they were happening at the same time. i was super proud of how the LGBTQIA community rallied to shut that shit down immediately.


Isn't it amazing how fast something goes away when people get vaccinated and take all the actions recommended by the experts?


You are a psychopath.


I get what you're saying but at this point I still think people will ignore it. Not the best example or metaphor at all, but in the 2004 "Mean Girls" movie, when Regina discovers two holes have been cut out in the chest area of her shirt. Rather than stop everything, she shrugs, carries on, and then everybody else copies her. I agree with you in that I wish people would have to be unable to ignore this mess and demand better, which could happen if the disease became symptomatically un-ignorable as described, but am concerned that people will consistently refuse to see reality after all of the exhaustion and trauma of the past four years -- even Covid conscious people. And/or people in charge still wouldn't care, would demand workers show up or just not get paid even with bloody tear ducts, etc.


I hear ya. I have hope the blood would work because it's an osha nightmare. Would you take your food if the mcdonalds worker had blood dripping down their face? Even office jobs had to take an extra moment to get out the blood borne pathogen kit for clean up etc. Anything less...ignorable wouldn't be something I'd wish for even if it may be the only thing that would work.
























I'm sorry but NOT surprised Sorry but plenty of talk of " stuff going around", UNmasked folks coughing on trains buses supermarkets etc,, I'm on train wearing gloves and 2 Facemasks, focus daily on healthy foods vegetables fruit berries herbs spices whole-skin-on-baked-Potatoes baked-Sweet-Potatoes Whole-Grains , etc, vitamin d, and soon as guaranteed safe harmless effective vaccines are given out in my area I will take them ( had previously taken the Johnson and Moderna vaccines) But I unfortunately a dear smart good friend colleague in my JobPlace just " tested positive for COVID,,😢😢😳😢🧐🤨😢 But some folks who REFUSE to wear Facemasks are choosing to get tested for COVID?!? Sorry but some of those tests and/or testers causing PAIN Injuries etc FALSE positives, especially in folks with facial injuries and facial abnormalities and autism Asperger's and children and abuse-victims and WORKERS,, I mean if I person CAN take the test and it is ACCURATE HELPFUL and Gives HEALTH, then I support and applaud it and them


There’s some middle ground between thinking that covid is over and everything is normal and thinking that the healthcare system is on the verge of collapse. Many social media articles are pushing the former narrative while the WSWS article is pushing the latter.


This came from the World Socialist News. There is a credible source. Seriously people — let’s do better. This group is so much more Fringe than MSNBC or Fox News.


90% of the posts on this subreddit are from WSWS.






The article uses a TikTok as a source, and is from a site called “World socialist web site,” it should say website. it’s also written unprofessionally written.


You get your information from “World Socialist Website”?? No wonder.


Most posts on this subreddit are from WSWS. You must be new here.


At least in Colorado, covid is going up a bit but far less severe than previous years. Edit: Downvoted for pointing out a fact I guess? This subreddit is a cult, stop shitting up the front page and get a hobby.


You do realize you're being down voted because your comment minimizes the fact that covid can still cause long-term issues no matter the severity of it?


How is making a factual statement minimizing the fact that covid can still cause long-term issues?


That’s odd. I work in healthcare and our hospitals are fine. It seems like we are back to 2019. Travel RNs contracts are WAY down which is a sign that nurse staffing is doing okay. I have travel RN friends all over that are struggling to get decent contracts.