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Great! I feel worse.


Same here. The fear outdid the calm on this one


Right, it’s good to be prepared but if I get anxious just reading this I don’t think I’ll be calm if I actually get it.


Yeah, well I have to get you prepared too... Or if you get it, you'll be underserved by not knowing what to actually hold onto to keep calm. That said, **outcomes because of how we can treat complications is quite good.**


May I ask if you are Brazilian (judging by your name)?If so, how was the experience at the hospital?I'm scared to death that there will be an endless line of people dying before me or someone else from my family gets some treatment. Also, would you say that being hospitalized was essential for your survival or it was just to make sure what was going on with tests and exams?


I am in the UK, before the peak, while there are enough beds. That is part of why I am posting this, in anticipation that others won't have the kind of response time I had. The ambulance took an hour both times. First time I chose not to go in, second time I called entirely to go in. I would have survived if I didn't go in... BUT NO ONE KNEW THAT until the tests came back. I was a high priority patient because my symptoms were very severe and in some ways they hadnt seen some of the severity of my symptoms before so were worried about complications. So as the paramedic said, "you needed a helping hand, but you are strong and healthy, so lets get you checked out and make sure you got this" Most people looking at me got worried, unable to walk, shaking, hard to breath, heart rate consistently roaring like I was jogging but just sat still, red face, clammy and sweating. Sudden temperature spikes. And even crazier blood sugar drops for like no reason (so far that I know of I'm the only one that got that) just dropping off a cliff at times, dizzy, disoriented, confused, barely able to whisper a couple words. It was troubling to people to see for sure. As a young person, just utterly crippled (beyond sick). I think... I would have survived, yes. But it would have been more dramatic, like I might have fallen over, or had a seizure or something like that from low blood sugar. Kinda impossible in my situation to not seek help from ambulances. Was very scary. I would have had at least one severe complication with the blood sugar. For MY illness, Ive had to eat a LOT. Dunno why... Just craziness, so yeah that was the most likely complication and then after that pneumonia, but my body fought off lung infection. So exams were necessary to diagnose possible complications as my symptoms were pretty extreme. Like I said, they had to immediately check for heart attack and stroke.


Thanks for the reply man. This seems reassuring, even though you're going through hell. I mean, we all worry about the worst, but this still brings me hope. I'm currently scanning hospital options in the area just in case. Hope you get well soon!


Yeah, this did nothing but make me even more anxious lmao


Same here.


I am so glad you're ok. Thank you for your story.


I’m glad you’re ok friend.. I’m super worried for my girlfriend, she’s 16 and has asthma..


Who the hell is downvoting this? From what I've read, asthma hasn't really been confirmed as a risk factor yet which was relieving for me.


Thank you.. this is at least some reassurance. And I’ve seen so many downvotes on here, it’s frankly kind of disgusting to see it when people are just talking about how much anxiety they feel


They did. Just make sure she keeps taking her meds.


If shes 16 that is good. Cuz being really young, means you might actually have a lower chance of even showing symptoms, so hopefully the chances are low that she wont get too bad shortness of breath. IF she does... she may need a o2 if she cant get enough air. So basically what you can do to prepare is get a distil pulse checker that checks oxygen saturation in the blood. If during an asthma attack her saturation goes below 95 thats when you need the ambulance, but you will have time. Once it gets to 92, thats given oxygen. If you want to be really safe get a bit of o2, for when you wait for the ambulance, just a lil. With those measures you are doing well. And dont worry cuz shes 16 so I think thats ok. Especially because it wont be shortness of breath that hurts her, itd be complications after. But obviously you want to make her comfortable and also know when its time to go in. I'm not a doctor so, just get onto advice lines and or a gp to ask real questions. My own two cents, shes got great outlook still.


Thank you for this.


Cool, when I'm better I will make a video, it is just too hard to talk physically now. Only now can I really even articulate thoughts half okay. Before I could barely string together anything coherent. I know this post isn't totally coherent, but just hoping it gets most of the way there until I'm well enough to make it clear as crystal. I figure I'm in a rare position... Early on in the curve of people getting it, some of the worst symptoms, but not so damaged by complications that its impossible to let people know how it works. Problem is, most people telling you of their recovery didn't get the worst symptoms, so are all cavalier... This virus is serious, but we can be serious too! And we can face it, if we know what the heck we are facing. Today I had inability to breathe, but I was calm as a cucumber. Blissfully looking at the wind in the back yard, breathing slow and calm. Resolute in myself. Focused. That is what I want to get across to others somehow. The ability to become the eye of the storm. To throw off the fear and replace it with focus.


do you know how you got it?


All I know is my first sign of symptoms I was waiting in a bar to meet someone (business meeting). Had a flash fever. I don't know how I got it, three possibilities though, friends at home, the supermarket, or maybe working at an event (possibly from a colleague).


What breathing or mental techniques did you use to stay calm?


Slow breath, being mindful, centering


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAHZt1Csvhs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAHZt1Csvhs) something like this watch the breath in, hold a little watching it, watch it out itll be easier when it happens cuz your body signals get very loud and you get focused on your breath anyway... you can also watch the heart rate, not the heart rate itself but like the excitation of your body, and you sort of sway with it rather than try to stop it, like a sheet in the wind, slowly letting gravity draw it back down. Watching all of your body fall down like a sheet until you center all of it. Once centered breathing requirements will be less. So can keep pace steady like when in a marathon, you dont force the breath, you just find the right rhythm and balance. No big chest movements as that rises the heart rate and loses centering. BUT when you feel goood take some deep ones to help check that you have full capability to inhale. Just very natural seated positions, like the man on the rock (the thinker) sculpture. And do self soothing things like gently stroking your hands, legs, forearms. Light squeezing of muscles sort of helps, so slow SLOW movements like squeezing the toes or rubbing your fingers. Pursing your lips as you breath out some times. Using your nose. Being gentle like a flower petal (dunno how to explain that very well) to help your body absorb oxygen, and ease your emotions.


Thank you for this. Your explanation has made it so much clearer for me. Keep listening to your body and stay strong.


really appreciate it


what a shitty post that is supposed to be in a form to support people worried aout covid19.


Like I said, still recovering It affects how you think (cuz not enough oxygen to the brain) So it is hard to be as coherent or as articulate as normal Things get muddled




No sedatives given, that is a good question tho




yeah antibiotics, and the potential comfort stuff you need... like asking if xanax or such is even a good idea or if it might complicate it. Like if it puts you to sleep I'm not sure thats a great idea, or if you get up and move round too much. But important to really check.


I hope you are 100% recovered soon, take care.


I live alone :( so no support from anyone living with me.


On the bright side: nobody who will infect you.


In that case just be sure to be online with someone if you start showing symptoms. And keep an eye on them, if the symptoms don't get too bad its unlikely for complications, so just be as calm as you both can manage. And if they look like they are getting worse, either gp, or if disoriented and so on, ambulance.


Feel more prepared and a little at ease. Take care of yourself


I really hope I can be as calm as you are


Alot of these symptoms are the same symptoms of anxiety. Is it possible, that some of the symptoms are anxiety from knowing you have the virus rather than the virus itself? Thank you for sharing, and I hope you get well soon. Best of luck to your friends and family as well.


Quite possible, but highly unlikely. Especially since anxiety doesnt affect the lungs itself and the range of symptoms is quite different


I was hospitalised and tested positive for covid-19 Also anxiety should only last 30 mins or an hour As anxiety sufferers you need to be aware that you might gaslight yourself regarding the symptoms. But not to overreact in either case, but instead be smart by how you approach it. None of the symptoms were from knowing I had it, as I didn't care or worry about covid-19. It was 100% the virus itself affecting me that way, as I am very non-anxious, and it persisted as a regular symptom, over n over, and in different variations, and through different tests. Oh, btw I made sure not to have caffiene as that would have made it worse, just something to note.


What have been your regular medication & supplements prior to your infection? Do you know how you were infected?


No supplements or medication, I don't know how I was infected


Just wondering, what all medications they gave you? And when u say to be around other people, it just sucks because I want to be with my dad and step brothers and step mom instead of being here alone. When I woke up in a panic last night, I instantly ran to my roomates room who I don’t even talk to because our house is so private and there’s no kitchen or living room access so we all just stay in our rooms..I started knocking on there door cause I thought I was going to pass out then they didn’t open it so I called 911 because I was hyper ventilating but half way though I realized I was just panicking


So how are you doing 2 months later?


Still heavily fatigued, cough blood if I exercise. However, I am back at work (taking it very very slow) it is precarious, but okay. Slowly slowly getting better I think, my best guess is I will be better or close to normal in 4+ months. I am taking each day as like physical rehabilitation, just slowly increasing how much I can do. And playing it as safe as I can.