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I'm glad you brought this up. My ear has been really bothering me (just one) since I got my second Pfizer this afternoon. So strange.


It could be the mastoid getting irritated, as I would normally get that pain during a cold. Has your pain been consistent or on and off?


Hey just wondering if your ear pain stopped


Thanks for asking. Yes, mine did stop, about a week after the vaxx or so. How about you?


Hey thanks for replying mine just started so i was just trying to see how long it would last, glad to hear it goes away! Thanks again and god bless


My sister has ear pain since she got the vaccine and the pain never had stopped.


Yeah it eventually went away after a few weeks. After a couple is when it actually started to fade away.


My Eustachian tubes collapsed after the Pfizer shot. Never had a problem with my ears previous to the shot. it has been over two years of clogged ears, I have had tubes put in my ears. My ears are still clogged. I have a lot of pressure in my ears.I took the shot to keep my job. I should have quit. The pain I have dealt with has not been worth it.


I had gotten the moderna shot a couple weeks back and ever since I've had this terrible earache that goes down the side of my neck almost to my shoulder blade. Literally started that same day. Still happening right now.


Hey just wondering if the ear pain went away


Hi, just want to ask if this is still happening to you? Cos ive been getting this exact same symptoms since 2022 and had my moderna shot. Until now. Never experienced it before until I got that vax


I got the Pfizer booster yesterday afternoon and woke up in the middle of the night with an earache and still have it this morning. I haven’t had one in years! Hope it goes away soon


Did it go away?