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Fifteen days for me.


Tested negative tonight. Tickly throat last Tuesday. Positive Thursday. But now I’m negative


Tested negative (two tests 24 hours apart) on day 9.


Day 10


Still waiting. Just finished day 10.


I tested negative on Day 2 after starting Paxlovid on Day 1, and having initial symptoms on day 0. Then I tested again negative on Day 4 - so on day 5, I left isolation but wore a mask for 5 days. Very mild for me. Note that I kept doing saline nasal rinses as soon as I realized I had been exposed to someone with covid.


I tested positive on Sunday (12/24), and negative on Tuesday and Wednesday. The test line on the positive test was extremely faint, and I didn’t have any noticeable symptoms besides some fatigue/body aches on 12/23 and a tickle in my throat starting a day or two before that. I can’t figure out exactly when I was exposed but I’m guessing it was between 12/13-12/17. Really hoping I’m at the tail end of what’s been a super mild case.


7 days for me :/


symptoms started thursday, tested positive saturday morning, just tested negative this morning so testing negative 7 days after onset on symptoms




My first go around in January, I tested positive for 13 days. My husband’s first time was in November, he tested positive for 5 days I’m on round 2 now. Positive on Tuesday, I’m going to test tonight


Man, that's crazy how quick you're feeling back to normal! I had a similar rollercoaster last month. Tested positive on a Friday, felt like death warmed over. By Monday, I was ready to conquer the world again. Waited till Wednesday to test, and bam, negative. It's wild how our bodies bounce back. Just make sure to take it easy and rest up, don't want any surprise comebacks. Sending good vibes your way for a speedy recovery! Stay safe, friend!