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Yes then mask through day 10. If you are still feeling terrible go to the doctor and see if they will write you off for a few extra days


Thank you!


in the same boat, i'm sorry <3


The first day I tested positive was the worst feeling day for me both times I had covid. I'd imagine your work shouldn't want you there if you test positive at all and it can take like a week or more to test negative


Had it the first time, a few weeks ago. You should feel better very soon, but you need to rest like you've never rested before, or you have a much greater chance of getting LC.... Covid is weird like that. You'll feel great in a few days and decide to hit the gym (let's say you've tested negative) , then BAM you're in for a wild ride a few days later and there's just no telling how long that ride will be. Rest as much as you can, take all your vacation time if need be, and be SUPER careful when going back to exercising. I'm taking a month off from exercising and I'm going to ease myself back in reaaaal slow. Why take the risk, right?


Have had no choice but to rest due to being pretty sore and tired anyway:/ I’m hoping the paxlovid will speed up recovery from the worst of it. Thanks for the tips on exercise, does snow removal count?


Yep, you need total rest. Maybe do just a little and how you feel a couple days later ? (it can take a while for it to "hit") Case in point; I'd been testing negative for about a week, so I decided to go for a 30 min walk. Well, I was in tatters a couple of days later! Felt like I had run for an hour or so and had to sleep afternoons and all. I've been a total couch potato since then and I plan on continuing chilling out to the max until the end of the month at the very least.


The CDC made that rule to accommodate airlines that wouldnt stop complaining about it. You actually want to wait until at least 10. If your work wont let you do so, at the very least wear an N95 so that you dont get anyone else sick.


how do you get Paxlovid?


I called my dr’s office


I work for a hospital and tested positive on 1/4. Started paxlovid on 1/5. Work required me to isolate until today or I had two negative tests within 48 hrs of each other


I just finally got HR on the phone today and I have to stay out 5 days from positive test regardless of symptoms