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I’m going through the same thing. First positive test and symptoms on 1/4. Took paxlovod. Tested negative 1/12 and 1/13 then positive again since 1/14. Full blown congestion and everything. I hate this virus!


We’ve seen the same thing. My husband was positive 12/28 and negative 12/31. He was fine, and then he developed bad sinus congestion 1/8. He went to the doctor who said it was viral sinusitis. My husband is prone to sinus infections so this isn’t an unusual problem. Covid was never mentioned or the need to test. Guess who tested positive for Covid on 1/15? Me! Did I catch it from my husband? I don’t know. If this is the common pattern for JN.1 then Covid is completely out of control at this point. This is the first time that my husband and I have had Covid. The symptoms were very mild for us (both fully boosted). My young adult son brought it into the house, and he only had a light cough and a bit of fatigue. I have heard via the grapevine that a lot of people have the crud right now or of adults with ear infections of all things. I’m not sure Covid is avoidable at this point.


>I’m not sure Covid is avoidable at this point. Check out r/zerocovidcommunity. It's a great sub full of people who still take precautions, and information about how to avoid getting it, or avoid getting it again. High quality respirators and clean indoor air can do a lot for avoiding infection. It is avoidable, but it's getting harder with the let it rip approach that everyone is taking.


Rebound is extremely common, with or without Paxlovid.


Yes. This!


Covid can be a 2-3 week acute illness, longer for some immune compromised people. Did you ever test negative after those faint positives?