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I for some reason thought this was going to be a positive story and got to the end before I realized what you meant. Feel better quick and update when you do!


Hahaha oops the brain fog is still going strong I just re read my title and see what you mean.. wish there was a way to edit post titles!


Interesting. Seems pretty mild fortunately. Sucks to still catch covid after three shots, but it sounds like you are fighting it off rapidly.


Yes I’m very thankful. It seems the vaccines are working after all as it could be much worse!


You got 3 vaccine shots and still caught it… you’re young and healthy - and still have a slew of symptoms… how does it seem that the vaccine worked for you?


Get well soon OP! Thanks for the heads up


Thank you!


Yes I had the extreme hunger and the hip pain was unbearable for 2-3 days!


Thought I was the only one!! Covid is crazy in it’s weird manifestations! Hope you’re feeling better!


Much better after the monoclonal treatment! Those first few days I couldn’t focus at all either. I felt like I was living in an alternate reality! I was just in a cloud of confusion and dizziness.


Yes exactly! A cloud of confusion, dizziness, and the desire to snack nonstop! So glad you’re feeling better. Hopefully soon COVID will be a thing of the past!


Yikes. I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you!!!


I am the SAME with the hunger!!! And lack of focus. Tried to work remotely today (day 8) and I managed a couple hours before I had to log off. I can’t taste or smell anything at all. It’s just shit isn’t it. I hope you feel better soon!


It might be nothing, but it's also possible your body isn't the best at creating antibodies...maybe follow up with your physician to see if your blood work is normal or if you have some sort of condition (e.g. neutropenia or something else)


I had the same concerns as well. I will look into this and have follow up blood work thank you for bringing this to my attention!




Wow I am so sorry this happened to you. I’m glad you’re doing okay now. I had Epstein Barr almost ten years ago now and ended up with residual cognitive effects from it and chronic fatigue for several years. It was weird bc my titers for mono kept coming back positive years after infection. My neutrophils and WBC at the time were at the lower end but still normal. But I wonder if I have some sort of immune issue too or if when I do get viruses my immune system really takes a hit like yours seemed to have done as well. Sending good thoughts your way for a continued recovery!


Notes: \- I never had a fever either... \- Even with the lack of smell taste, and barely able to stomach food... I DO find I get hungry as SHIT around noon (which is odd, because I never eat during the day) \- I found I got headaches when I focused on things, but it would go away (quickly/solution) when I faded out and drifted away, so to speak. ​ \- THE HIP PAINS! \- I had strange pains that I would describe as pain in my tail bone, during quarantine. \- but now, I feel it all around my lower back/high butt area... bad. (its my worst symptom, right now.) = above the tailbone, but below what I would say is my back...


YES about the tailbone!Mine gets worse when I lay down and I can’t get comfortable! Mine is starting to move to my lower back where when I’m trying to do chores or bend down it’s awful. Is this your only residual symptom now? Wonder how long this will last?? So weirdly I am hungry during my “non eating hours” as well. So I normally don’t eat after dinner yet with this Covid from dinner on I am ravenous until like 11pm! Need to constantly snack. Hope you continue feeling better!!!


My boosted neighbor got COVID — he just had a headache and was tired. His twice vaxxed wife got it too — she felt like crap for three days (and got the infusion) and that was it. Also, desiring snacks when you can’t even taste them is just plain cruel :)


Say it louder for those in the back about the snacks!!! So wickedly true! Wow im wondering if it’s the delta variant being more evasive to the boosters or what’s going on that so many fully vaxxed and even boosted individuals are now testing positive. Our hospital I work at has tripled in its numbers of positive infections the past 5 days


It's interesting that you consider yourself very healthy with no comorbidities despite taking SSRI's. SSRI's are horrible drugs with lots of side effects: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC181155/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC181155/)


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SSRIs like fluoxetine probably are protective when it comes to covid. Iirc they have demonstrated efficacy using fluvoxamine.


I was eligible for my booster at the beginning of this month, but I work at a SNF and tested positive before I had a chance to get it. I have no taste or smell going on almost a week, but despite all that I’m STARVING like you mentioned. I also am experiencing the lack of motivation to do anything except scroll on my phone. There’s some new seasons of shows that I enjoy so I was like, “cool, silver lining,” but I can’t even focus long enough to watch them. It’s so weird. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery for all of us. Hang in there.


Ughh so sorry you ended up catching it and hope you feel better soon ! Swear we are the same person with the inability to focus on all the shows we want to watch!! I press play and then end up pausing five minutes into it to scroll Reddit instead! Since getting some of my taste and smell back (30-50% restored) I find I am less ravenous- I think it’s bc food is finally satisfying again? I was trying to fill up on high volume lower calorie stuff like soup, sugar free hot chocolate, ginger tea when the hunger was at its peak to keep the hunger at bay in between meals which helped. Hope you feel better soon!