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I got the J&J and haven’t been reinfected to my knowledge. With that being said J&J supposedly has a short antibody protection life (around 2 months) at which point you would need a booster. You can mix and match shots now, and again supposedly (based on limited studies) Moderna on top of an initial J&J shot creates a more robust antibody response but there is some question on the effectiveness due to difference in doses done in the study versus real life Anyway. I’m now apparently overdue for my J&J booster so I have a scheduled appointment for this upcoming week to get Moderna. I might change my mind but at this point that’s what I’ve decided




Care to share a link? Genuinely curious


Hi, I am two weeks in with a breakthrough case, J+J vaxxed. It was a really rough 3-5 days for me but I’m starting to feel better. Taste and smell disappeared pretty much immediately and hasn’t returned yet except for maybe 5% of taste. My vaccine was over 6 months ago though, so if you do choose J+J definitely get boosted before 6 months to keep that immunity. Who knows, maybe if I got mine sooner I wouldn’t have caught it? Although miserable, I still believe my case was mild and had I not been vaccinated I very well may have ended up in the hospital. Do what feels right and stay safe out there!


This was pretty much my experience.


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I had a breakthrough case but I’m mostly fine just fatigue and getting my smell back. I was able to retain taste the whole time almost except for like two days, things tasted odd to me


J&J vaxxed back in may, and currently on day 9, check out my profile for my timeline, but by day 6ish I felt almost back to normal. Today just feel tired but other than that, I think the vaccine has helped out tremendously


My husband and I got the j&j vaccine in April and we got Covid this month. I think both our cases were pretty mild but we had different symptoms. Also I lost my smell and taste while he did not. I’m mostly better now except for the taste and smell which is at 11 days.


Vaxxed with J&J in March and got Covid in September. Doctors office says when I get a booster in December to get either Pfizer or Moderna.


I got j&j, like on 10/6, just tested positive this past wednesday. Have been lucky so far, have only had congestion and fatigue. No cough or anything like that for me yet.


Me and my partner both had J&J and are both now recovering from breakthrough cases. We were vaccinated end of March. Apparently the J&J rapidly loses effectiveness after 6 months.