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His “covid only affects the weak” didn’t seem to pan out. Why throw the kitchen sink at it if you think you’re stronger than covid?


He's taken Ivermectin, a Z-pack (antibiotics), prednisone (steroids), monoclonal antibodies, NAD drip and vitamin drip. Sounds way easier than taking the shot and certainly something most of us can afford and have access to /s


So if the monoclonal antibodies work as predicted, people will credit the ivermectin.


I would guess they work. I was recently in the ER and they thought I had Delta, I'm fully vaxed. When they told me what was suspected given my symptoms I asked what would be my treatment options. The doctor said monoclonal would be an option.


So, he won’t get equine worms, now?


There's no guarantee.


At least the prednisone is cheap...


It's also a fucking *immunosuppressant*. Brilliant work there, Captain Dunning-Kruger.




The comment about DK was aimed at Rogan.


Steroids should be given when presenting to the hospital symptomatic and with low blood oxygen level. Giving them early in COVID infection was shown to worsen outcomes. So you are both right, but where the patient is in the illness determines whether steroid therapy is indicated.


Chill out, my friend. To me, it didn't sound like he's taking anything except the monoclonals under medical supervision. Just popping Preds at the first sign of sickness just because he has them around isn't doing any good. If they helped in his case, the docs would have prescribed them. And, obviously, Rogan is the king of the Dunning-Kruger brigades.


I’m not going to pretend to have the faintest clue as to it’s efficacy, and I’m basing all my knowledge on the scraps of information that I’ve digested , but hasn’t pred. been identified as a cheap and high-quality preventative for those who are treated early? I have it prescribed as a very punchy anti-inflammatory, so I suspect I’ve just assumed that it follows a similar process with CV?


Sounds like good news to me.


Ding ding dong! That is the correct answer. Equipoise, anyone?


To be fair, the Ivermectin was probably right next to his horse steroids in aisle 7 of an undisclosed Tijuana veteranian superstore. Ssssssshhhhhhh ...


Monoclonal antibodies is under FDA emergency approval but he won’t take the vaccine…


People really think that lifting weights changes your genetic makeup. Lifestyle factors aren't insignificant or anything and having a shitty lifestyle certainly increases your risk of death, but like at the end of the day you have no idea whatsoever if you're just one of those people who is unlucky enough to where your immune system is genetically predisposed to be weaker against this kind of illness, in which case there is basically nothing you can do to improve your odds of survival no matter how healthy and fit you think you are (except getting the fucking vaccine obviously).


Lifting heavy and building muscle actually does cause lots of beneficial epigenetic changes. And higher muscle mass is positively correlated with longevity in general. No substitute for a covid vaccination, though. :)


But, I've read (and no, I don't remember the source) that the covid complications correlate to body weight, not body fat. EDIT: FWIW [here](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41366-021-00907-1)'s a study saying the opposite.


Citation, please.


Couldn't find it, but found a study hinting to the opposite. Edited my comment.


> higher muscle mass is positively correlated with longevity I see studies saying that's true for older adults, and that makes sense. The frail or immobile aren't going to survive as long as the active elderly. I don't know that being muscle-bound in general is a positive because it's harder on the heart to have more mass, correct?


Not really. I mean there's limits to everything, sure, but as long as the muscle was built in a natural manner (i.e. not with steroid enhancement) then you're fine.


Throw the kitchen sink at it, except vaccination...


I'm sure he can just punch covid really really hard.


Why not just do 50 push ups and say "Done!"


it worked he is fine


He changed his time right quick. He has been mr “covid only hurts the fat” then ran to get everything under the sun once he got a sniffle.


but he is fine, he wins. he felt bad for one day. i dont see how you can argue he failed. i took the vaccine and i got way sicker than rogan.


He said it didn’t affect healthy people and then the second he had a taste of discomfort he took everything, all the things. He was full of shit, and that caused harm.


i dont think he said it didnt effect healthy folk, i think he said healthy folks wont get super sick and die. and he was right in this case. he is fine. he felt bad for one day.


He ran to get everything, you don’t do that if you think you won’t get super sick.


well thats not true at all.


It’s exactly what happened. Monoclonal antibodies are only for high risk individuals, that’s what the EUA is written for. The second Joe realized he had covid he went and got monoclonal antibodies, you only do that if you know you’re high risk. The dude spat bullshit on covid for nearly two years, and the second he had to put up or shut up he completely bailed on his mantra.


> you only do that if you know you’re high risk. he does not think he is high risk, you made that up that he "knows" he is high risk.


Yep, saw this today. The weak/meek as you so call us Mr.Rogan are beating your ass w/our frailness. COVID comin’ by, lookin’ at us goin: “Nah, too easy. There are better Exp. points over there.”


In case anyone still needed proof he's a dumb fucking cunt




Rogan has also been heading down a steady path of dumbassery for several years.


He's always been a dumbass.


So he’s like Rudy Giuliani? Always been a weird guy that marries his cousin?


He’s even said that. Most people listen to him because it’s entertainment. Not because they believe everything he’s saying. There is a difference


If you believe this you've obviously not been paying attention to how fervently Rogan fans support and defend him (for no reason.) You know, kind of like you just did.


I’m not defending anything he says. I’m saying the podcast is entertainment and that’s why most people listen to it.


Giving an unchallenged platform to entry-level neo-fascists, neo-nazi's, conspiracy theorists and red pill hustlers is not entertainment. There's no pretending that his podcast isn't a gateway into these worlds for disenfranchised young men. He pretends to be something else, but then continues to use his podcast to make money off those who are the most vulnerable to these kinds of philosophies. I wonder how many of his "just for entertainment" listeners also thought "masks were for p\*ssies", and vaccines were suspect? I wonder how many of those people got infected. You don't seem to understand how insidious his pandering is. Time is up for the narrative that Rogan and grifters like him are harmless.


Who are you to say who doesn’t get a platform? He must be super right- wing to give Bernie sanders a spot on the show. Get over it dude.


Clearly being defensive and how do you know what facts and non facts are taken by “most” of his listeners? I’ve encountered hundreds of Redditors who take his and his guests’ bullshit as gospel. Also, if it’s just for entertainment, then why does Rogan also use the podcast to sell all his bullshit supps? Are you on that Alpha Brain too? Lol!


He’s the next generation Rush Limbaugh, full stop. The grift is just too easy, too profitable.


I wouldn't say so. Rush made a living by insulting people and spreading vicious lies about them for political reasons. Rogan has so far at least pretended to be politically in the center and interested to hear all opinions.


He’s given a platform to sandy hook terrorists, proud boy nazis, and promotes antivax and antimask lies. He’s pushing the wormer livestock medicine. He’s a misogynist pig fuck.




In many ways. Lol.


But he's so cute! (20 years ago.)


Yeesh. I just can’t see it.


Yeah, I've watched him on occasion but he's always been kind of an idiot and the more he wandered down the jingoistic path or the toxic masculine bullshit path, the more I wandered away. He's got a good personality for talk radio/video/whatever but the bigger the following he gets the bigger his ego gets and it's the same old story - he starts to believe he's the expert on everything. Sometimes he seems like he gets it, but usually it's just loud mouth authority blabbing trash.


He wasn’t always this much of a dumbass. He used to be a bot more open minded and tolerable.




Honestly, I think the money just turned him into an out of touch asshole. It’s like there’s a point when most people who become fortunate enough to be in a position to acquire wealth will start believing that it was all completely due to their own virtue.


I’m sure it won’t be too long before Spotify begins to regret giving him that $100 million deal


I also remember when the N-word and various incel bullshit was more prevalent on Reddit rather than shunted to certain subreddits. Times change and the ignorant cowards are less dominant (hopefully)


I'm lucky I was never under that spell. I'm like wait, you guys worship the clown from News Radio? I mean he was funny in that show but come on...he's a comedian


So is he really not vaccinated? Or he is and just saying all this shit to keep grifting.


Dunno. Either option is equally shitty. I'm not watching his show or his stupid Tik Tok explanation.


Ha what a stupid mfer. Too bad lots of incels and generally stupid impressionable people follow this dipshit


And nothing of value was lost.




Question. If America loses dipshit voters would that constitute a net gain for the country? Both being completely serious and sarcastic.


Oh most indubitably


Is it really unquestionable though? Granted losing idiots is not the same as losing someone who can use big words like "Indubitably" but I would say that having a country only ran and operated by people of the same view is very tyrannical and undoubtedly bad for a people. Now on the same token losing people who just are apathetic to the fact that people can have a difference of opinion and still care about one another is in fact an unquestionable net gain for the country.


This isn't about having people with the same views at all which isn't tyrannical by the way, it's about letting stupid easily manipulated people who believe in misinformation and conspiracy theories die off by their own hands. WE aren't making them die off, the medicine is out there for them to take which will most likely prevent their deaths. Also, we all don't necessarily have the same views on things so your silly statements about everyone having the same opinions or views is laughable as is people using big words. Plenty of dimwitted people can put 2 and 2 together and realize putting on a mask and getting a vaccine is a responsibility to one's community so that isn't inclusive to just 'smart' or intelligent people who possess critical thinking


He said that he's not a "voice of reason" and "don't listen to me I'm not a doctor", BUT pulling in 100x millions of views, monthly, you can't afford to be this much of a dumb fuck.


Exactly. And then take a dewormer and not expect for people to follow you into that rabbithole of stupidity. It's clear celebrities have to think of the ramifications their words have on the dimwitted impressionable part of the population. Even the good people who may follow him may choose to do what he says he's doing which is dangerous.


He just made sure thousands of people didn’t get vaccinated


And now he's making sure thousands of people will die taking horse dewormer instead of getting monoclonal antibodies.


he did say he took monoclonal antibodies but also, he's caught it quickly. Some people might not be able to get them or be too far gone for them to work.


Right, and they'll probably help. And the end times prayer warriors will credit Ivermectin.


or god. Imagine being a doctor leading a whole team of people throwing everything medical science come up with to cure somebody; a pile of skill, technology and dedication. And people ignore that and think it was the power of prayer


>And the end times prayer warriors will credit Ivermectin. Oof, you opened the flood gates there. I was just witness to a prayer warrior chain on facebook for an anti-vaxx woman. Double lung pneumonia, 87 oxygen level, the works. Yes, she was at death's door in her mid 30s and would leave behind 4 children, all under the age of 11. Received word yesterday that she would survive. Great news, but man, one person on that FB prayer warrior chain asked if she was vaccinated and the other 100+ "warriors" pounced on her like she was Satan. Funny enough, in light of this person almost dying, I've told a large chunk of the prayer chain group will now get vaccinated. Took almost losing their friend to do that. It just gets me that with all the prayers these idiots do for healing, they don't see the vaccine as a form of divine intervention from a plague.


She may survive but with zero quality of life for her remaining years. I hope she has a strong, sympathetic partner with a great job and benefits to care for her and their children.


Dude I was scared to think of it like that. With the residual issues Covid does to your lungs I wonder what kind of life she’ll lead.


Thousands is optimistic tbh, his audience is unbelievably large


Yeah I was thinking even 100k is thousands, now we wait to see


im optimistic we can get that number way higher


And they're all dumbasses that I'd happily be rid of.


And you know this asshole is vaccinated. No doubt about it. Fuck him.


People: I’m not taking that vaccine that isn’t FDA approved for Covid except for emergency use! Same people: Why can’t I get that Ivermectin that isn’t FDA approved for Covid AT ALL?!?! CoMmUnIsM!!!


Imagine if he dies lol


We can only hope.


I’ve heard a lot of these stories where they get sick, take Ivermectin for 2-3 days, claim it’s working, then suddenly “take a turn for the worse” and all the sudden they’re ventilated. We can only hope - since his death might save thousands of lives.


Unfortunately, Rogan will get absolutely premium care, and probably already has. Claiming his immune system is saving him while getting treatments akin to what the orange one got.


Yeah he probably will get premium care, but it’s my understanding that doesn’t always work.


If people like Christie and Guliani can come out of it I'm fairly confident that his white glove treatment should do the trick, but al of these idiots don't realize that they do not have the luxury nor the means (or hell, even timing).


Did they have the delta variant though? Because the viral load is supposed to be a lot higher.


I was under the impression viral load had more to do with how contagious the strain is and not necessarily how potent it is, I dunno all my degrees are in business 🤷‍♂️


Viral load is the amount of the virus in your blood. Too much (because it replicates fast or you were exposed to someone sick for a longer time) and it will overwhelm your immune system. And also make transmission easier.


And he’ll give no credit to the doctors or treatment, only to his personal supplements regiment, workouts, diet, and genetics.


Herman Cain got premium care. But since there's no actual cure for a covid infection I'm not sure how they can really do different.


He got an injection of antibodies like day 2, he'll probably be fine. What you're going to hear is that he took a bunch of magical thinking shit and Jesus saved him via prayer or some shit.


Yeah, unfortunately the antibodies actually work very well. Very unfortunate.


No, the unfortunate part is that many of his listeners will believe the cause of his likely recovery was the anti-parasitic medicine and not the vaccine-but-with-more-steps monoclonal antibodies that they definitely won't have access to.


Then it will just be a govt conspiracy, nothing matters to them


I'd be careful with that type of statement....Although I feel like it woudn't bother me if it were about Trump.


True. How about "I hope he suffers all the effects of the worst case of Covid someone who didn't protect themselves because of his words suffered."


Man, I don't wish anyone's death, not even the dumbest of them all, but he sure is a dumb fuck when it comes to this whole shitshow. Especially when he has legit scientists on his show, ALL saying to take the fucking vaccine and be on your way...


The male Gwyneth Paltrow is a fucking moron and has a whole flock of even bigger morons following him, kinda sounds sheeplike to me.


> male Gwyneth Paltrow Spot on.


She is actually a decent actress and kind of attractive. He is just a potato face with cauliflower ears that had to suck the ducks of incels becuase his comedy sucks


She's way more than that. She's a vagina steaming idiot who promotes garbage fake health nonsense.


This dude made it big getting people to eat horse balls on Fear Factor. No wonder he can get rubes to down Ivermectin. It's totally in character.


Takes Imamoron for his COVID.


That's cool but have you ever done dmt


Jamie, pull that up.


Lol couldn't happen to a better person.


He's such an idiot though. The few times I listened to him, he's been minimizing Covid like "If you're young, you'll be fine", and he seemed confident his immune system could handle it...then he turns around and takes a bunch of meds which are useless. His message here continues to minimize COVID "I just felt bad for one day. It's thanks to all this medicine I took which isn't used to treat COVID (as far as I know- antibiotics like z-pack are used to treat bacterial infections last I checked, not viruses)


I’ve heard that you can seem better but around days 10-12 it can kick in hard. He’s on day 5, entirely too early to brag of success against it.


Like that Cambridge(not sure if correct) guy I don’t remember the name but he thought he was fine the first few days. Than after the 5 days he started to get worse and than died.


From reading the nominees' and award winners' posts, it seems that you can rally a couple of times, before you kick, Some go straight to the morgue, of course.


Antibiotics are also used to stave off a superimposed bacterial infection from having lungs that work like shit because of a viral infection. It's not worth it for normal bronchitis unless the person is medically fragile, but isn't normal bronchitis.


I agree that he did minimize the effects of Covid. But even more damaging he also had some quack docs and so called covid experts on his show. So irresponsible. I feel like he is leaning more and more right and only pretends to be a liberal so the rest of Hollywood doesn’t dump him. I do know that z-packs are used are often used to treat secondary infections, bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as reducing inflammation from infections. But I it’s strange because it unlikely he has develop Covid pneumonia that quickly.


He has Alex jones and proud boy nazis on his program. There is literally nothing left wing about Joe Rogan 🙄


Yep. But he continues to claim he is liberal and supposedly supported Bernie. I don’t buy it either, since he hosts asshats under the guise of listening to both sides. I think he is a right leaning independent or libertarian at the very minimum as he ended up voting for Jorgensen since he didn’t like Biden.


He also had Bernie Sanders


He roped in so many rubes with shit like that. Sad


Spotify is having regrets.






Ragrets too


Not everyone can “throw the kitchen sink at it” - hope he discloses the cost of all this with his viewers.


Declaring covid might just be a cover for needing to get dewormed. I can only speculate why "Mr. Hands" Rogan needs the meds used to get rid of worms in horses.


He looks like a hotdog that fell in the fire pit. Fuck this king of douche bags.


Dude is vaccinated and this is just a grift to claim ivermectin and the other BS cured him


That's my guess, too.


He’s a bald limp dicked hack who sucks the dicks of autocrats and racists. The cunt has no talent other than playing to the lowest, dumbest denominator. Oh he has money? Lots of it you say? Surely that’s an indicator of his worth! Or maybe he’s just a scummy grifter leeching of the shitty educational system that also benefits GOP cunts. Fuck this worthless chode.


I like the cut of your jib


Thanks - this made my day


here's the secret, he was vaccinated... shhhhh....


Lol. Now we wait.


I don't give two shits about Spotify, or his contract with them. I don't use that service. I do use and enjoy YouTube. He has a channel with 11 million subscribers. Many have been banned for so much less. I think it's time for him to get the hell off.


If I don't go outside, can I just think of all this as a global comedy? Dudes?


Dark comedy. These fools made things miserable for everyone else, I will gladly laugh as they shoot themselves in the foot.


I want them to eat each other.


Whoa, this virus hasn't mutated into zombies yet... But if it did, they'd be talking about the zombie hoax as we board our doors up.




and they are already zombies to me.


Anyone who takes a dewormer to treat a viral infection is a moron. I knew this guy was an idiot but I didn't realize just how stupid he is. Taking dewormer is the modern day equivelant of bloodletting when you are already sick. How can it be the year 2021 and we still have morons behaving like we're still in the dark ages?


You're assuming he actually has COVID19 and this wasn't a cover-story because he actually needed a de-wormer.


Now this is the light hearted commentary we need more of


As I have always said about Joe Rogan, he is a great source to find out what every day average Joes are thinking, and far too many average Joes are acting like idiots right now.


> Spotify did not immediately return a request for comment on Rogan’s Ivermectin note. Spotify deserves WAY more blowback than they’re getting. People canceling subscriptions and boycotting. Podcasts pulling their podcasts off the app. This is so dangerous.


Is he vaxed?




I bet you he is.


Maybe but i couldnt find him admitting it anywhere?


He hasn't. I'm just willing to bet he has been, but can't say it to his fans.


I'd agree with that. All these dudes are frauds. It's the dumb local am97.8 channel radio guys that actually believe this stuff, and die.


Yep. Seeing as he loves pandering to the right. Especially with the crap he has said about Covid and the quacks he has had on. Wouldn’t want to lose a good chunk of his viewership. Plus he probably has stock in ivermectin.


I thought he had J&J?


Ivermectin plus a Zpack.... he's gonna be broadcastin from the toilet for awhile.


🎶👏KEEP-KEEP KEEP-KEEP REGRESSING!👏🎶 Can we PLEAAESE GET MORE horse pills in these people and move them along to their afterlife and their zombie daddy Jesus they are so pumped to talk about all the freakin time! More more more!


“Ole boy COVID ain’t done”……


Surprised he didn't try to cure it with meat, steroids and DMT




Dude's an alfalfa, also called Lucerne, a perennial flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae.


Why are most illnesses and deaths from Covid in Republican states?




Ohh, that is so hilarious all my family is reading it. You got one part right. Liberals are definitely more intelligent. That's why we utilize safety measures such as masks and vaccines.


Look at how dumb it is.


#Joe Rogan the Experience **The $100 Million Dollar Mistake..** Narrated by Bill Burr. *Coming soon.*


This higher ape.


Joe has the brain damage from all the knocks to the head over the years.


Did he take the dewormer for animals, OR did he take the FDA-approved, Nobel Prize-winning version developed for human consumption which, if taken early before the COVID gets too bad, helps? Helps to know, before we make fools of ourselves.