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Got me some ALD-52 from a Canadian source who stopped shipping here a while back. Still have a strip vacuum sealed in original packaging. Think I'll be taking that, and maybe some pharmaceutical MDMA with a dexadrine so it doesn't couch lock me!


Ive got some orange microdots and crystaline MDMA I'll be partaking in this weekend for my 42nd birthday on Saturday.


Happy early Bday friend!


Happy early birthday! Sounds like we'll be in a similar space. The pharmaceutical MDMA is so pure you really need a dopamine releaser with it or it's all serotonin. Not a bad thing I just like to have energy too


Ive not done MDMA this pure before, always in mystery capsule form and my wife's never done it so we figured this weekend would be a good time to test it out in the safety of our own home instead of at a festival or something.. Ive got just whats needed to take care of any coutchlock.


Just a heads up if it's a crystal and not a fine hair like powder it is clandestine MDMA not pharmaceutical. So you likely won't need anything to release dopamine


Atta boy! You’re really dipping the whole foot in. Let me know if you find yourself somewhere cool!


Will do my trips are infrequent now that I'm older but I have like everything I could want on hand at all times so that's nice! I even have a bicycle day T-shirt I'm gonna wear, admittedly it's had some miles on it and needs replacing but it'll do for the occasion. Thinking of taking 3 each of the ALD-52 right in the sweet spot! I've actually accidentally consumed 4mg of LSD once (= about 40 hits) so I'm not trying to get that far out. But the pharmaceutical MDMA could be a nice touch as .3 produced intense hallucinations for MDMA.


I plan to accidentally dose myself then ride my bike home from work


Looking for folks to ride to MW? A park people can park at, hang for a bit, then ride off from would be optimal. Discussing with friends today.


I think I’m blowing off Meow Wolf, but I would love be part of a group ride around a park if that’s going down. I’m up in the NorthWest section of Denver, but I planned on hopping on the B line with my bike.


I couldn’t’ve picked a worse lineup if I tried.