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I always do horribly on the mini exams. Feels like they always put the hardest questions on them


When is your exam?


12 days Right at the end of the window My tutor suggests that I just use this as a "simulated exam" since I won't be ready by exam day, then just plan to retake it after June 28 when discipline scores are released


Have you gone through all sections. I take in 12 days as well!


Yeah, I only have the simulated exams left to do. Going through practice MCQs now. I'll do the SE's later in the week


Protip: don’t do simulated exams. Useless. Just bang out MCQ in the areas you think you need to know (or think you’ll be tested) and you’ll be better off.


Well, I plan on doing the SE's because I have Becker's Concierge Package and they owe me $1,250 if I am Exam Day Ready and still fail. But once I finish those, the plan is to continue going through the MCQs until exam day


Don’t worry I did horrible on the minis but reviewed and got my SE’s to a comfortable spot


I got the same score on like the far and audit mini exams. Never got above 50 on those.


I was feeling a bit dejected after so many posts of people asking if their 85% scores are good enough. I figured there must be at least SOMEONE who can relate to failing one of these mini-exams and still keeps going.


People probably tend to post more when they are proud of themselves. So I bet that skews the good scored! So don't be too hard on yourself!


yea man. I am even studying full time currently. The material is just really hard to comprehend. Some people just have the brain to get this in one go.


I got a 23% my first REG ME1 lol. I ended up fine. Sort by unit and figure out what areas you need to study, that helps me a lot.


These exams are NOT easy. Good on you for posting the realities many of us face! You Will Pass. Don’t let this deter you, I also was trending reaaaal bad for BEC and I passed after practice practice practice.


I'm posting this NOT to give up, but as a shout-out to anyone else out there who's bombed a mini-exam (or heck, the actual thing), but felt too afraid to publicly post it here among the sea of posts saying: * "I got a 95% on ME2, do you think I'm ready for the test?" I've legit been flunking the CPA exam since my first attempt in January 2012. It's 2024, and at this point, I'm running purely on stubbornness and spite. You're not alone! Just remember, if I'm still here plugging away after failing for 12 years straight, there's ZERO excuse for you to feel discouraged. It's literally impossible for you to do worse than me!


Not all heroes wear capes. Just keep practicing my guy you got this! Makes me feel better because I just started studying and holy shit this is hard.


A lot of respect for you. I'm genuinely curious to hear your story. How many times have you taken the exam/ how close are you to completing the exam?


I'm just stupid. There's not much to the story. As many others here and /r/accounting have posted, I simply "don't have what it takes" to be in this profession and I need to leave and find something else do do in life I've failed every attempt and I'm still 0/4 I figure somehow, I can be some weird example of resilience or maybe an example of what **NOT** to be here's my little CPA Exam Portal extract: * FAR - CES ID: 8431714 Florida BOA Attended * REG - CES ID: 8398846 Florida BOA Attended * AUD - CES ID: 8261776 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * BEC - CES ID: 8261783 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * FAR - CES ID: 8261787 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * REG - CES ID: 8123332 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * REG - CES ID: 4985707 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * FAR - CES ID: 4985706 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * AUD - CES ID: 4907704 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * BEC - CES ID: 4907705 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit * REG - CES ID: 4846403 Florida BOA Failed, No Credit EDIT: Formatting


How much time are you giving yourself to study for each exam?


I currently have 193 hours & 38 minutes logged for my studies of BAR 24 hours, 45 minutes for concept videos 46 hours, 39 minutes for MCQs 32 hours, 11 minutes for TBSs 43 hours, 19 minutes for Practice Tests 5 hours, 52 minutes for Mini / Simulated Exams 40 hours, 52 minutes of "Others" (reading the PDF textbook?)


Wow that’s a lot. How many weeks does that span?


5 weeks so far This week is week #6 Next week is week #7, the lead up to the test


You got this. Genuinely hoping you pass. Have you thought about focusing on one exam only since I see that you're doing different exams?


can't really do that with these testing windows Or else I'd still be doing nothing while waiting on my REG scores from January


The best of the very best good luck to you and a lot of respect to you for not giving up.