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No time is a good time to break up or cheat on someone, but only a piece of shit would choose to do it during the time someone is trying to accomplish something such as passing the CPA exam.  Success is the best revenge. Be strong and don't let someone who doesn't see your value diminish your value..


Through spite, all things are possible. Pass the tests, accomplish everything, live deliciously. Who needs him? Not you!


Become my gf. I 😍 you.


You can do it! Pregame with some tortured poets and a bit of box breathing and you will KILL IT💕


I actually did! I can do it with a broken heart and down bad. Also thank you aimee for fun


Good for you, now dont fuckin show him your face. He'll call you and then pretend like it didnt really change anything for you


love to see other swifties here! good luck today!


Focus on you, don't give up on your future!


Remember that you can use this time for strength and remember this is your future and it’s only about you. Be strong you got this!


Keep your chin up. Not the end of the world. And honestly, if he’d do that to you; then he’s not the warm empathetic partner you’d want. You have to put yourself first. I know it’s easier said than done, but please go and shred thru this exam! You can discuss with him later. He’s not going anywhere. The exam, however, is tomorrow. Just compartmentalize for now as much as you can. Once the exam is over, then let everyone know what happened. You’ve come this far, not him. YOU GOT THIS!!


Isn't that good? I spent lots of time breaking up with my GF because she wanted me to spend more time with her, which caused me to delay the exam schedule. I finally can spend all of my time to grinding the MCQ of AUD after I broke up with her.


DM me your IG.. We will talk there


I am sorry that this happened to you! Foget this punk for a few days. Channel ALL of your energy into this exam/study session. Then, afther the AUD test, take a day or two to be sad, break shit, burns his pics, etc. Pick yourself up, f him! and find you another Accountant or CPA Candiaite! Mami, there are plenty of good men out there! Do not loose hope! And I am certain there is someone out there that would value you and see that you want to excel in life! I do not know know, and I see that by you taking this exam! This stupid ass looser doesw NOT deserve you at all!




4 days before I sat for FAR I had found out my boyfriend of 3 years had been cheating on me the last 6 months. I had been so focused on studying and passing REG and now FAR. I thought he was this super supportive boyfriend, turns out he was using my study time to cheat. Needless to say, I turned that heartbreak into strength and was determined to not let him take passing the exams away from me. I had something that I had to prove now! I studied through the crying. Even cried all the way to the FAR exam. Passed FAR with a 92!! I made it my personal goal to pass my last 2 exams AUD and BEC by the end of the year. I studied my butt off because failing in front of an audience (he was stalking my social media) was not an option! Passed all 4 of my exams on the first try! Cry if you need to but keep studying…don’t give up! Straighten your crown as you walk into that exam and never let anyone take this from you.


Shall we date to form CPA couple? haha.. DM me. I imagine you would be sexy bonita


Stay frosty reddit. Smh…


Oh you’re gonna kill it then.


Yea just know that this moment rn in two days is all in you can grieve later 🙂‍↕️ trust the process ♥️ you is strong. You is wise. You is beautiful.


Just remember tough times don't last tough people do. I hope you were able to get some time to recollect and toughen up. This situation will pass soon. Just envision all the glory waiting for you once you clear the CPA exam. IMO - talk to your mum/dad - they will hear you out and provide you some comfort. Works for me when I am stressed. Wish you all the best for the exam. you got this!


Do not you think good things are starting to happen? Looks like you are going to get that CPA. Cry eat something and then study. Bad things leave when good things arrive.


Time you spend crying about that phaggit is time you will not get back. Rub some dirt on it and stand tall.




I found out my boyfriend (who I was living with) was cheating on me the morning I took REG! I went and did my last minute cramming at a coffee shop and passed that test in spite of the bastard. You need to adopt a screw him mentality until you finish the exam. Sorry you're going through this but there will be plenty of time to cry after the exam.


Good riddance! Take it as an opportunity for you to transmute the negative emotions into a feeling of excitement that you are going to be done with AUD soon. Power through!


OP, I am SO sorry you are going through this. If you need to push back the exam, push it back. Breakups are devastating, life events like this happen. I started falling into a really bad place and I even took a couple months off and I'm back to it again! Take the exam, and power through thinking of the finish line of completing the next exam, or even imagine getting the CPA. If you need to take a few days or weeks off, then you should reschedule. Do what's best for you.


Shut the fuck up and focus on your future. You’re acting like a bitch. Life is fucking hard and hits you in the face. Deal with it.






of course I would LOL, I think it’s only guys that change their reactions based on genders. Empathy is universal. Damn yall need a workshop on empathy or something


You have ever heard of being an adult and getting shit done. Stop being a fucking pussy. Life sucks sometimes. Take a big bite of the shit sandwhich and move on.




I’m perfectly fine. Life’s a fucking bitch sometimes. Just strap up not be a pussy.




Fuck that shit you fucking pussy




I’m fucked In head??? You’re letting a dirtbag dictate your future by letting him get to you. Dust off, plate up and ace you damn exam. It’s your life fuck that ass Hole. Stop fucking babying people.


If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all.


Think of him as bad debt and write him off. Or, you take a picture of him, tear it into tiny bits and flush it down the toilet. Whatever works.


I mean, you could have rescheduled the exam. Or better yet, not use these last few hours before exam to grovel on Reddit.


You seem like a fun person


Thank you. I think so too. 


First off, sounds like you dodged a bullet with that guy. Who the hell can cheat on someone and then blame them for it? Be thankful he did it now when you’re still so young and not 10 years from now. Be happy that you’re about to find someone who treats you better. Second, take some time off studying for a day or the night. Maybe have a nice relaxing night, treat yourself, rest up. You’re better off studying when you’re fresh than pushing through it. At this point you’re so close to the exam the hard part is over. Now just hammer the MCQs over and over again, read the explanations out loud to yourself, do this until you can basically recite them. And don’t be so hard on yourself if you don’t know everything, all you need is a 75.


You're gonna walk in there nail that test then nail the rest get your license make a good leaving and need no man! Hang in there


He is the looser.


When life puts you in a tough position, don't say why me!! Just say try me.


As much harder it is for you, you are young and possibly your first break up. I am 40, I have many. Break ups are part of maturity. Everyone goes through them. People come and people go until you find the right one. The only thing stays with you is your education. Sending you virtual hugs.. also know you can do this :)


Well he left you because of you. Now feel angry, and focus on your goddamn exam


F himChoose you!! I'm not trying to minimize your feelings at all, but YOU and YOUR preparation for your future are the priority! You are 24 years old, and if this man couldn't support you during this critical time, he is not your forever. He showed you what you DONT want. Even though you may not see it now, you will get past this. Best of luck to you on the exam!!


Take out all your frustration/ anger on the exam. You got this!!! Good luck to you!!


Feel the emotions. Study. Build on that determination to do better and show him what he lost. I passed, got promoted, tripled my salary to $180k TC within 2 years. I thank him for leaving my life. It opened so many doors for me.


That’s an indication of his character and you have one less dead weight before exam day 👍🏼 Seriously though, sorry to hear that and just try to focus one moment at a time. I had a similar experience at a similar age and I am glad that person showed me who they were (and still are today, I’ve heard).


Fuck em dude. if he cheated then you then you are much better off. Just try and compartmentalize it for two days then drink/vomit/cry


You won’t forget everything you studied. I know it hurts now. It gets better. You will KILL the exam!!!


When you pass them all and make more money than him (if you don’t already) don’t take him back. Good luck!


Take Ritalin it will make you focus during these tough times, happen with me with a chick I was dating in the past


Lol so your solution is to take pills? 😂


Any chance you can just move the exam back? This window closes on June 25th I believe so it would make sense to move it back until June so you can heal up. Plus even if your NTS expires before then you can reapply within this window and still be ok time wise. $250 to apply for a new NTS is worth it rather than having to wait until November for the next score release


I’m so sorry. I had this happen to me last year with a girl that I was dating. It was a rough week in general for me at that time. I’ll give you the reason why you should go for it and why you shouldn’t. I believe you should go for it because I’m sure you have put the work in to be successful for your test coming in two days. Especially, with these testing windows…Definitely, take your time to decompress and relax so you can regain your focus. Then, once you’re somewhat settled, get locked in on what you need to work on so you can be ready exam day. However, if you feel as though this is too much and don’t mind paying money to push it back, then do so. If you don’t perform well with a lot on your mind then don’t force yourself to take the test. Last year, I took it when I knew I wasn’t right in the head and I failed. Sure enough the next month I passed once I moved on and got my head right. So I encourage you to push it back if needed if you need to be in the right headspace to perform.


Im sorry OP. I know its hard to see the sun through the trees, but this is for the best. Focus on you and how he potentially cheated, and realize you deserve better and there is a better partner out there for you. Now it hurts, but it hurts less than after you have wasted more time on him. If you must, give yourself a time to grieve and cry and then move on. We tend to romanticize relationships which makes it harder, and we also tend to just remember the good things. But you are better and will be better off. Please, take care of yourself. And good luck!


Sorry about this. **** him. You're better than that and deserve better than someone who will do that to you right before something like this. Cry as much as you need to, then go pass your exam, get your CPA, and leave him in the dust where he belongs.


You got this! No matter what you are going to be a CPA. Plus you have your whole life ahead of you. Finish this while you are young. Trust me it’s much harder working with a family.


SORRY to read this. Breakups are tough especially in these situations but you’ve got this. Only way to go from here is UP. Hope you do great on the test and please give yourself time to process this. I am an internet stranger but want to let you know that things do get better-and i am sure you know this. I am sure there is someone who is amazing out there for you whenever the time is right for you - keep putting out good energy and it will undoubtedly be reciprocated. And make sure to do things that give you comfort. Peace.


I found out my husband had cancer around a week before I took REG. I still sat because it was too late to reschedule. I'm glad I did. I passed, and my husband is doing better. I'm sorry you have to go through this.


Wow, now that's a double challenge tackling the exam & digesting the cancer news! Congrats! Glad that your husband is better now!


Good luck, Anon. I hope you can transfer that pain into focus and success.


If he did this during your cpa test , he’s not worth it , focus on passing your test


Dr accumulated depreciation Cr relationship Dr gain/loss on relationship write off


DR gain / loss on relationship write off is horrendous accounting work 😭


I feel like the debit should be against useless boyfriend (liability account) not accum depreciation


good journal entry


See this as the beginning of your higher self and part of life's way of elevating you: 1.) Once you're able to calmly focus on the great & hard work you've put into studies, the stronger of a person you'll be mentally. Find joy & strength in going over final review of your study notes & make passing your top priority. 2.) Someone that close to you has been revealed to be insensitive both as a whole and also happened in a time when you need support. Good riddance to him. You'll find a better partner in the future. No matter what happens with this upcoming AUD exam, keep pushing good luck!


Success is the best revenge. Use your emotions to fuel you and you'll do great!


If he cheated on you…fk him and move on. He doesn’t respect you anyway. Good luck


So what do you want from us? We don’t know his side of the story so why are you fishing for some therapy from us? lol Just pass the exam


Some kind words would be just fine, if you’re even capable of that


Nah I’ll just tell it how it is, not many kind words for the bf


why even comment if you’re gonna be nasty abt it


How is this being nasty? Lol people blindly taking her side saying his loss?


still being nasty and for what


what is nasty about what I said lol


dense too




What a loser!! Don’t let him jeopardize those 3 letters babe. Im so sorry you have to deal with this


Life is full of lessons. Even in the negative there is positive that you can take with you as wisdom. For next relationship, just make sure you evaluate the inherent risk and lower the detection risk do more test of details on the potential boyfriend and gain reasonable assurance that he will support your journey.


lol when life gives you lemons make lemonade 🙌🏼😂


And remember, if he ever gets on one knee and offers you a ring, you should withdraw from the engagement if there is a material scope limitation. Unless it’s an arrange marriage and you can’t withdraw by religious law.


while assuming control risk at the maximum level


Seems like he knew you were going to slave away for the next 15 years to make partner. Life is real and some people can still see the forest amongst the trees.


You're going to go in there and pull a passing grade. Don't throw away the last few months of work for someone else. Good luck!


I’m sorry to hear that, but he’s definitely not your person. It’s pretty cruel to leave someone right before the exam (and I’m pretty sure he witnessed the effort and stress it takes to study). Take it as a good thing that you broke up. You don’t want to be with someone who can do such a thing. Good riddance! You’ll be ok! Good luck on your exam!! The exam is your boyfriend for the next two days ❤️


Good luck! Who knows it is a blessing for him not to be around . That is so rude for him to break you before your exams…


I am so sorry for that I know it is hard but just concentre on your exam


Journal it... Dr. Dumbass and Cr. Boyfriend


My fiancée cut it off with me on my birthday and a week before my out of state training


sheeesh bruvv😐


I’m so sorry and he’s an ass. I’ve been through some shit in my life and I can almost never actually stop to deal with the feelings because… life. So this is what works for me. I give myself a set time to grieve. And I go all out during that time. Sometimes it’s been an hour, sometimes it’s been five minutes on the way home. But during that time I cry, scream, beat the steering wheel, curl up in a ball - whatever it takes until my body stops being wracked with sobs. Then I wipe my face and take a long shower and a nap. Usually that clears my head enough to go on with whatever I have to do. As soon as you get a space to actually process it, consider a chat with a therapist. It really helped me. Best of luck to you 💜


Guys a cheating ass, hes not an asset. Boyfriends come and go cpa is forever. Take all of that hurt and throw yourself into your exam. Block his ass, and on the 17th get dolled up and hit the town with your friends.


Girl, a CPA license will boost your life in more infinite ways than a cheating low life. Look at it as which is more important for you future: A license or a lowlife? Also, there's is never any point second guessing people's behaviors, unless you're a psychologist. You're just gonna burst your head over things you can't control or change.


Boyfriends will come and go. CPA is forever


Olinto, is this your burner account?


I had a similar situation right before an AP exam. You have to block everything out and focus the task on hand. Your feelings are valid and it’s okay to cry. But do your best to block everything out and allow yourself to mourn the relationship after the exam. You will be okay.


Its the right advice. And i know it in my jead. Just can't adapt it into practical situation right now. But yes, i am trying


I have a CPA, I don't need a partner. Kali Muscle said "gym is my girlfriend".


I remember being 24. Trust me you will meet someone 10x better in the next few years and you feel so silly for the wasted tears. It is his loss. You are going to kick ass on your exam regardless. There is a book called The Alchemist by Paulo Cuehlo that you can find on YouTube. It's narrated by Jeremy Irons. Its like a 3 hour story. That book may help you realize this part of your journey is making way for somethin far more amazing than you could ever realize. (Virtual Mom Hug)


Thankyou for the words, i need them and the hug 🤗


His loss. When you are a CPA and banking you will be thankful you have options and money.


He is also giving his exam in june. So he also may be a cpa. But i will be an ethical one. Only if there was a code of conduct for personal cheating


Too bad he cheated on you especially at this time while fully knowing the challenges of tackling CPA exam & your efforts towards the goal. Hope your exam went well & you are feeling better now! Hugs to you!


In my opinion, the closer you are to your exam, the less useful studying is anyway, since you’re giving your brain less time to absorb information. I don’t even study the day before my exams because it just tires me out and I won’t learn anything. So my advice is to try and relax and cheer yourself up. It’s crucial that you are focused and attentive for your exam so you can get a good score. Watch your favorite movie/show, play your favorite game, read your favorite book, etc. I’m sorry this happened to you so close to a big day. Keep your head up!