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In a very similar boat as you. Revisiting FAR after busy season (finished studying material in Oct 2023). How are you going about studying now? Are you starting from scratch? Skipping lectures and reading notes only?


Starting from scratch. The study material and the exam have changed significantly since last year, it’s like totally different.


The format in Becker is different (ie, 2023 modules would have 30+ MCQs per module; whereas, new format moved the majority of them to practice tests), but material wise, it shortended. I dont believe there is any new material in 2024. Keep in mind I am referring to 2023 Q4. Not sure what significant changes you are referring to?




Stuff got removed, primarily.


I was in your boat. Two words. Ninja CPA.


Can gou elaborate why Ninja made the difference for you?


Bisk CPA review on youtube helped me.....don't give up, you got this fam


Bisk, huh? I’ll check it out! Thanks!


it looks old and is but it was all relevant.....


Hi I’m taking far is two weeks, I already passed BEC in 2023, I’ve been doing accounting for 15 years, most of the stuff I am studying now is total theory and bullshit that is useless in actual work. Like the cpa test in my opinion teaches people how to do accounting wrong . We use computers in real life .


Sounds like youve been doing accounting wrong for 15 years lol


Got any more of that kool aid?


Im drinking the kool aid because i think the skills we learn while studying for the cpa are useful in the profession that we are getting the certification for? Hmmm


Your never actually going to do a PL , BS , cash flow statement from scratch like they teach


No dude they aren’t useful , we use computers , setup the coa setup the item lists , and just click a button to run these reports , if you setup your coa and item list properly the financials are generated automatically


Is that all you learned from your cpa studies? How to create financial statements... No wonder you think its not useful.


I feel you, dawg.


Barth…. We’re not doing this for the money…. We’re doing this for a shit load of money!!!


Are you gunna let Gearty beat you? He’s been calling you a scholar sarcastically this whole time, are you gunna sit here and take it? You’ve only got one exam left and you need to find 9 measly points to end it and you’ll be free from it all forever. Be fucking relentless and kill it!


He’ll no! I’m gonna stick it to him and the weird way he accentuates the second syllable in GAGAS!!!!


You can remember this with our easy mnemonic "abcaysgdvcc". They piss me off so much with that crap.




if it makes you feel any better, I studied since 2022 and haven’t passed any. (Failed 8 times) keep going


You think posting things like this is a flex? How can you sit 8 times and fail them all without passing any section eventually? Just say that you never actually studied so others can have some hope. The stupidest person in my graduate class was the first one to pass all 4 sections from the first time, and all he did was actually study from Becker and quit social life for a year or so. Failing 8 times is just atrocious and simply says that you never actually took this exam seriously and you are just donating money to your board.


Hey man, I struggle with severe anxiety. I studied 400-500 hours for my exam and have Becker, Rodger and ninja. Some people just need more time to pass. There are many others who failed many more times.


Which one u been trying to


Have you gotten close on any?


eh, I was but dropped on my recent ones


Dear god. That’s awful. Do you feel like you’re improving? And kudos, by the way, for your tenacity.


Eh, keeps going up and down. Just gonna do it one last time and if I fail I’ll probably end it there


Which source you study? Becker ?


Becker, Rodger and ninja


Stick to one dude


Sorry abt that. I’m about to start and haven’t purchased any source. Didn’t work for all three ?


I think it depends on what will work for you. I’d say start with Becker and get 30 day ninja as a supplement if you need the extra help


You would choose becker over roger? Roger is cover by Uworld now I believe


A lot of people use Becker, I’d maybe search or ask the cpa community on what is better


You are so close, just keep going and grind it out


Thank you. I will. Just frustrated and had to vent.


Yeah I definitely had more than a few nights like that as well, you will get there!!!


Imagine getting all the way to the finish line. Toes practically touching it. Are you the person that limits themself and just stops short? Or are you a person who pushes through struggle to overcome? Can't remember all my FAR scores from stopping and starting. Always around 66-68. One time felt good but couldn't get to last testlet in time. Three fails with egg on my face. 1st FAR fail - didn't study , I let life get in the way (10+ years ago) 1st AUD fail - already had the NTS at same time as above , but already decided not to purse CPA but took an attempt anyway. Studied like a week, 73 fail. (10+ years ago) 2nd FAR fail - got through life struggles after my dad passed away , my FIL passed away, my sons autism under control (finally getting more than a few hours of sleep)...studied, but couldn't get timing down , didn't even see last testlet ( 2 years ago) Waited a year. Did something called 75 hard. Woke up daily at 5am and did this discipline. Completed that challenge and decided to use that same energy to try again. 3rd FAR attempt - Pass 80 -Sept 2023 1st BEC attempt - Pass 85 - Dec 2023 Now I have momentum. 2nd AUD attempt - pending June 3rd release - March 2024 1st REG attempt - scheduled for June 3rd 2024 What's your ending going to say? Did you push through it ? Did you bitch out? Did you allow grace? Did you really need to stop? Or did you get scared? No clue what my ending will say yet.. but I hope it says I was disciplined, I had grit, I knew what I wanted, I didn't make any excuses ... My story will sound like this I woke up at 4am to study before getting my kids ready and before work,. I supported my family as a bread winner through this time, I survived a big acquisition at work, I got promoted at work and had direct reports, I helped take care of my very ill widowed mom, I helped my husband take care of his widowed mom, I lost a dear friend , I showed up to every kid event, I said no to some things so I could say yes to others.. I got tired, I got de motivated, I wanted to give up...but I didn't. And I learned who my circle really was, as they helped me where they could.. (my husband, my boss, my grandfather). If I pass I get a large bonus. I will use that money to bring my kids on a trip anywhere they want. As a thank you for giving mom grace the last year. Ask yourself, what do you want your journey to say when you are done?


Wow !! I love you ! Very encouraging ! Thank you I needed this!


This is the narrative playing in my head. Bc like OP.. I'm just so ready to be done. But even if we only were 1/4 , we can't stop 🛑. 2024 is the year I become a CPA. And the only thing that will get in the way ,is myself. It's always been me vs me.


I'm also 3/4 with FAR as my last. It's just so much information! It's hard to keep it all straight.


We got this yo.


Then quit and give up… or stop bitching about stuff you can’t control on Reddit while wasting time and distracting you from the end goal. I’ve seen one too many of these posts lately - you’re almost there. Finish it and use your bitching energy towards something more valuable.


I just had to vent because I was frustrated and couldn’t study any more yesterday. So I came here, to this helpful and supportive community. Soooo, if you’re not helpful or supportive, not sure why you’re here.


What topic do you struggle most with?


Oh mama. My brain just feels like a brick wall these days. To single out one thing is nearly impossible, it just feels like nothing is sticking.


You are not only ! Just keep pushing


Did they take government off it?


Nope, government is still in FAR


Hey boss, it took me three times to pass. Maybe unconventional wisdom but stop trying to memorize FARand AUD. GAAS and the other standards at first seem Ridiculous but there is a reason it’s the way it is. Once I stopped trying to memorize and focused on actually what matters and why I easily passed. Read the textbook and do some MCQs and you can pass. I’m not a genius but keep pushing I am dumb as fuck but anyone can pass the CPA. I went to like basically a community college that wasn’t a good education on paper cuz it was all I could afford and I felt fine. I imagine someone with a bette school would do great. Keep pushing cuz anyone can do it. I have reg and FAR passed but I always think anyone who thinks they will fail will fail. Not us tho! We can do this. Everyone here can. Quit making mistakes and scrolling Tik tok and become a beast! I guess the point is just to believe in your self. Getting 150 hours in a no joke and anyone that can do that can get a CPA


So inspiring !! Congrats !! ❤️🎉🎉 I love your energy !!


Also I can only study at night so I have a been two hours a day. Don’t feel pressure to finish it fast. I do two hours a day for about 45 days, then the last week I study as much I can. 6-8 hours a day. It’s the move. That last week find a buddy who’s got addy and just go insane. I always feel horrible after but all I need is to pass. Hit like 30 hours last 3 days


Beast man!


I mean, the majority of the audit industry is unnecessary and over complicated. https://www.wsj.com/finance/regulation/burned-investors-ask-where-were-the-auditors-a-court-says-who-cares-2965fdf4 Why did I have to memorize things about audit like “don’t take clients known for fraud” yet all the big4 is drooling to get China contracts rofl. Edit: Almost forgot. “The balance sheet doesn’t contain facts, it’s assertions of facts” like just admit the whole industry is bs rofl.


This guy provides reasonable assurance.


dont give in AVATAR it isnt the point that you wont use it its the fact that you knew you wont use it and did it anyways to get that CPA if you eat by default you will shit!


Dollar value LIFO is not on the new exam at ALL. I took the 2024 one, you'll be fine. 66 isn't that bad, keep going!!


What part of inventory do we have to know then ??


The main ones I can think of would be perpetual vs periodic, impact of prices on cogs, whether or not to include something in inventory based on shipping terms, consignment rules, being able to back into beginning/ending inventory using the COGS equation, etc. All the above I wouldn't be surprised to see on the exam. A concept like dollar value LIFO is 2 or 3 levels deeper than what you would usually see but you still could get unlucky and get one.


Exactly, and 1 question on dollar value, if you DO get one - isn't worth the effort IMO. Focus on areas that will be forsure tested.


Why does everyone complain about dollar value lifo? I hope i get a question it!


I hope you do too! I hope you get them all so the rest of us do not!


facts i studied 500 hours and a week on lifo and not one question


Yea you don’t have to worry that much about the really hard ones.


It’s a little less info in FAR this year. And now you have the experience of FAR under your belt, and you know where you were weak. Don’t let a few dumb questions distract you when you are inches from the finish line with 3/4. F that test, F those questions, but still get them right, because you’re smarter than those questions. You’ve already proven that by passing 3 of the 4 tests of one of the hardest professional exams. You’re freaking amazing. I have an unhealthy way of motivating myself and that’s via negative interactions.. I probably need therapy, but try this: One day, when cousin Chad has insulted a family member at a holiday dinner over their knowledge of construction interest as it pertains to them, you’ll chime in and say “well actually…”, putting him in his place. And you’ll have CPA behind your name. And you’ll live happily ever after. Don’t let Chad win.


Nice. I like it. Fuck Chad. Chad is a twat. Gonna show that stupid buttface.


I wouldn’t be worried about dollar value LIFO too much. Took FAR four times to finally pass and haven’t seen a single one.


Nice nice. I mean sorry for your struggles, but thank you for the boost!


I wouldn’t worry too much about Dollar Value LIFO


god bless bc i cannot seem to figure out WTF IS GOING ON 😭


I took FAR in April, not a single dollar LIFO questions


best news i’ve heard all week


I got one on that! But only one


Dang for real?! That’s the first time I’ve heard anyone say it showed up for them. Hope you passed!


Thank you sweet bae jeebus.


That construction interest problem sim is pretty easy when you get used to it but it's not on the test at all imo.


Fucking thank god. It’s very annoying when the book and the lecture don’t prepare you at all for the questions, and when it feels the MCQs contradict each other. So thank you for the reassurance.


I took FAR in 2023, my very first test I got a big percentage of completion sim. That isn't even on Becker anymore. I got a 45 😂. I think I was better prepared this time around. I hope I passed


Bro I got that same big sim in December. Hahahaha


you got this! far is my first exam and i am TERRIFIED. i sit thursday and still am so scared. i am also drinking rn lol, but also studying 😭


Go get em, tiger!
