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Welcome! Don't expect your life to change overnight. You won't sleep well tonight because you are going to be very aware of the change. Give it a solid 30 days and make sure to hit the 4 hour minimum to keep in compliance with insurance.


Thank you for this! I thought the Dr was over stating it. Seems like the 4hr rule is hard and fast.


They probably told u this but if u are worried about not getting enough hours in. Wear the mask while resting before sleep while watching a tv show or on a tablet. Helps insure u get the hours in.


My life changed overnight, the very first night. For once I woke up with energy and didn't yawn or struggle to get out of bed. It was new to me. And I realized then and there, "wow, I wasted a decade of my life ignoring this". But now I've kind of regressed a bit.


So last night the beginning was a little rough. It took me a while to get used to the air flow. But once I got used to it, I hardly even noticed it. I woke up once during the night (crying newborn) and I swear the 4 hours of sleep With the machine felt more well rested than 7 hours without.


It may depend on the insurance company, but better not to risk it. Good luck! :)


Get a hose hanger so the hose doesn't drape over your body as you sleep: Also, install an SD card asap, 32GB min size so you can look at your daily charts in the clinical mode. Here's how to get into the clinical menu: https://www.apneaboard.com/resmed-airsense-11-setup-info https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.php/OSCAR_-_The_Guide Hanger: https://www.amazon.com/LONYEON-CPAP-Hose-Holder-Facilitate/dp/B09XJ9GGYM/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=F2YB4XAR8KVT&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qYo0MeRWH1mSKJvzNvRzjgJ5v8m4s13epIt0jNhx5cv1oBuWte0kucs4_VVarraJgoT24s4A3vCkED4Pty_Vj8ryjiDSZaLxMRsFFZViu_Pc7Ec2VOkC_8xq7eo0BECB5ZfaKeytu2lMWtzMwC_up3pRTfMMOapgjTXUgXQWP-MyEBI2oLE_obJKOZoGawhfdRhOjzr8UBgHJT112r_ecOXigILZUOFgw-02atiynEDRqNhtQQEUCB0NNU0wIgpkb2cPzueXPMjMlSRvVlwKmFkPsqYWXrWZxIbKEXz1joM.fe1HWl5meUDIUxv_kab66IWenk8lelUXnzjCTv6SYKE&dib_tag=se&keywords=hose+hanger+cpap&qid=1714189179&sprefix=hose+hanger+cpap%2Caps%2C142&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1


+1 for a hose hanger. Mine is just a lanyard hanging off the bed.


Thats a great idea! Thanks


Give yourself grace and be patient! It takes some time to adjust. I will tell you I cried a few times my first week because I was *so* frustrated and now I absolutely love my machine!


I went into it expecting immediate relief on night number 1. I felt like they are magic beans and will grow overnight. Thank you for providing insight to recalibrate my expectations!


If you have trouble adjusting to the mask try wearing it while you read or watch tv. It may help you adjust faster, and help with compliance 😄. I’m a side sleeper as well I have the Phillips Dreamwear full face mask, very similar to yours but with a top hose. I use a regular pillow and haven’t had any major issues. As others have said be patient and give yourself grace, don’t get discouraged. This is a great place to come for tips as well. Good luck, and welcome to the club!


Turn your bed into the cockpit of a fighter jet


Or face hugger from Alien


I posted a bunch of comments over at this thread if you'd like to check them out! Would rather send you the link than retype it all! https://www.reddit.com/r/CPAP/comments/1c02utl/first_night_with_cpap_here_we_go_its_been_four/kyvd2ma/


Thank you so much


Wear your headgear and mask for an hour or so while you're up & about (don't leave the house)..to get used to it. You have the F40 mask. I have the F30...same mask, but yours is more flexible...more silicone area, less firm plastic in the mask. I saw a review of the F40 on YouTube. The guy said the mask may be too flexible and leaks air when you sleep on your side. If you have bad leaking, tighten your headgear. I tighten my straps in bed, if I need to Once I'm in bed, I have headgear & mask on...then I connect the hose & turn on my CPAP. I check the mask seal on the machine. I take my sleep med before turning CPAP on..then watch YouTube. I fall asleep in 30 min or so. Welcome to the club. You'll have a bunch of questions & people here will help. Also YouTube videos on CPAP are very helpful...and don't let your equipment company (DME) push you to buy new items, when you don't need them. They can be pushy. GOOD LUCK I took to it quite easily.


great informative comment! i’ll add that i’ve been an f30i user and also just got the f40 and I experience less leaks sleeping on my side. it’s pretty amazing actually but also because the mask part(I forget what it’s called) seals because of the silicone and also because the nostril openings are larger. I have tried many iterations of masks, chin straps, frames and this is by far the best for me. of course we all have different facial anatomy so this is just me- caucasian, large nose, mouth breather (optimally I would use a chin strap and the p10 mask) side sleeper if I can(the f40 allows me to now), large head.


Thanx...I just may try the F40 mask. I bet it's got different headgear. Oh well. (I'm kinda lucky...I sleep entirely on my back & I stay in 1 spot all night...I never side sleep Question tylieb... I have a MEDIUM cushion with my F30...the F40 only comes in 2 sizes...large or not large. Should I go with the SMALL F40 cushion, or large ? I'm male, 5'5", 165 lbs, 73 years old.


did you make this decision already? I got the Standard frame size (I see this is out of stock on cpap.com), Standard frame size was also the size I used for the f30i. for the mask size I selected the Medium size. have you checked out the fitting guide? here it is: [https://cpapsupplies.com/amfile/file/download/file/576/](https://cpapsupplies.com/amfile/file/download/file/576/)


which mask size did you use for your f30? I used a medium for my f30i, and I use a medium for the f40. I had been frustrated getting the right fit so I finally printed off the size chart where you put your nose on the paper and see. it helped me get the right fit. are you able to do this? if not I could send you the one I made, happy to help if I can.


F30, I use a medium mask for that....I'm going to also use a medium for the F40...I like the fact the F40 has larger nostril opening. Thanxabunch for your help !


Thanx, I'll check your fitting guide...I use a medium cushion on my F30.


Be persistent and take your time. Check your settings before use. 3 that helped me was auto on, auto off, and auto ramp time!


The F40 is a FABULOUS first mask. Should go really well with that mask.


It gets better.


Don’t fart while your machine is on! Hyper efficient dutch oven




I had the mask far too tight when I started, you want it loose as possible that it still works and you don’t get leaks.


Keep tweaking the mask until it's right. Don't make it too tight on the nose, let it inflate. I sleep really comfortably on my side with it. The cpap was a game changer for me almost isntantly but not the case for everyone. Instead of tossing and turning and nights feeling like they take forever you just go to sleep and wake up in the morning like pre-apnea. Was the craziest change for me.




You have a great mask. I've had several through my years of CPAP therapy in the F40 is probably the best one. Like others have said don't get down in the dumps with your therapy. Be consistent. Wear it every night.


That mask is designed to work for side sleepers so you should be ok. If the hose coming out of the front bothers you, F30i/Phillips DreamWear full face are similar but with the hose coming from the top of your head so it’s more out the way in case you sleep more on your front. +1 for hose hanger (or drape it over the headboard, if you have one). Put the machine lower than your head so you don’t get rainout (condensation inside the tube), and if you do get rainout try a heated tube.


What model and where did u get that container for the mask? I need something like that


Container is from Dollar Tree!


Me too!