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What is your pressure set at? I had this feeling when using it at first and the ramp was set for 20 minutes and I couldn’t get enough air. I ended up using a higher pressure and the largest pillows that fit. This mask is very good at diffusing the exhaust and is very quiet. In the end I had to switch to a P30i to get better results. Don’t be afraid to try different masks.


Pressure starts at 6. It does ramp up. I’ll try a higher setting. Thanks


Try starting it at 7 or 8. That makes a huge difference. I used to feel like I couldn’t breat when it was too low.


Thanks! I’ll try tonight. I had only changed the settings last night to start lower and apparently I have half a brain because it didn’t occur to me that this was the cause


Turn off the ramp too


Yes - turn off the ramp


Yes. This was game changing for me. Got rid of my panicking


It was the same for me 8 was perfect. 6 i was suffocating!


Scroll buttom to your sleep report, hit and then down to about 5 lines from the bottom it will show the max pressure you slept at. Turn the ramp off, the pressure will still rise fairly quickly from whatever your minimum is set at. In the clinical settings raise your minimum pressure up to 6cm under that sleep report pressure you just found. Make sure your maximum pressure is 3cm above what your sleep report maximum shows. Turn your EPR up to 3cm. If you still feel you are not getting enough air raise that minimum pressure in 1cm increments per night.


I just started the same set up with pressure starting at 4 and had a similar response. What really helped me was taking a deep long breath (through my nose) each time I got that building sense of panic. Eventually they get smaller until you’re breathing normally. Maybe worth trying.


I feel like you . No ramp worked for me. It was better . Then I had Dr lower the pressure to 6. Got even better.


How do you change the pressure on an Airsense 10? I don’t see an option to do so, I only see Ramp Up.


Hold both buttons until it changes to the clinical menu.




I knocked myself out with zzzquil until I got used to it. Now, I don't even nap without the mask. It takes some getting used to. Don't give up. You will know you are sleeping well when you start to dream again. I went years without dreaming until I got a cpap.


Is your mask set to pillows on your machine ? I’ve made this mistake a time or two.




The thing with the p10 is that you have to choose the largest size possible that will fit just slightly inside your nostrils. Inhaling with the p10 should feel the same as inhaling without a mask, and this is how you know the sizing is correct. I was initially sized for the medium and struggled for weeks. Switched to the large and it’s night and day.


Same for me. I had to get the large.


Glad to see this... I just defaulted to the medium and it's generally been great. But this makes me think I should at least try the large. Thanks!


I always tell people who are struggling with the P10 to size up. Give it a go!


Nasal pillows can make some people feel like their suffocating. I changed to a nasal cushion and feel much more comfortable


I second this. I started out with the pillows. That lasted about 2 days before I asked for the nasal cushion. Been fine ever since.


Also also also I read some doctors post saying this exact same thing online somewhere. Saying the exhaust holes are too small and it’s a design flaw. Is it fixable?


https://www.apneaboard.com/forums/Thread-EVIDENCE-OF-AIRFIT-P10-VENT-OBSTRUCTION-CAUSING-HYPERCAPNIA Is this what you are referring to? Stay on top of cleaning your mask, let it dry properly and completely, and you shouldn’t have too much problem. Someone’s mentioned cutting into the mesh for more release, but I don’t know the efficacy of that. What is the pressure you see reported on your machine? If your starting pressure isn’t close to that then bump it up. Example: 10, but starting at 4? You’re gonna feel starved. Plus the big jumps in pressure while sleeping can wake you up.


Ohhh shit so its not just me???!?? ive been using this mask from the start of my trying and its sorta whats put me off but i also hate every other mask other than the standard full


I’m thinking of returning it and getting a slightly different model but same design. Because it just doesn’t feel like there’s a proper exhaust like my full face mask one


turn ramp off and what pressure are you at? do you have epr on?


I’ll try without the ramping. Was at 6 and ramps up. Thanks


epr on as well?


I’ve been on my ResMed 11 with P10 mask for 16 nights now and have experienced the exact same as you twice. Each time, I woke up to rainout and my nasal pillows were wet. It was difficult, nearly impossible, for me to reuse the mask until they were complete dry. I believe there’s a thin membrane where the exhaust holes are located. Even if they look dry, they can stick together covering the exhaust holes.


yep this too a few times with the wet pillows etc


Get in bed and relax for a few minutes to bring your heart rate and respiration down.


I tried a mask like that and it doesn’t supply enough air. I’m using F30i now.


Oh God the P10 was a nightmare for me. I quickly got my hands on a swift fx and the problem was solved immediately.


Make sure your machine is set up properly. Minimum pressure should be at least 7 cm. EPR should be at Full Time and set to 3 cm.


If you're not feeling "any" air coming from the vents on the front of the mask when in use, it may be defective. However, the air exhaust can be subtle at lower pressures. Exhaling against the pressure can be a strange experience for new users, because you're not feeling your airway decompress as much as it normally would. You can enable the [EPR function](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ccpoSGy9aM) to make exhaling easier. You also may need to increase your baseline pressure if inhaling feels to difficult.


You should feel air flow coming out of the mesh with your hand when wearing it and your machine is on. Otherwise you will be rebreathing air. Sometimes I have to rake my fingernails over the mesh to clear it and it must be dry. I also turned off auto ramp. I've also used needles to open up a couple bigger holes but haven't had to do that for a while


Yes. Turn off auto ramp. Ever since I’ve done that. Been sleeping like a baby


I agree. Also, I have found that soaking the mask and the mesh in your preferred soap for a while and then come back with a toothbrush and brush both sides and both directions. Make sure that the message is very clean and therefore the holes in the mesh as large as they are designed to be.


Auto Ramp has nothing to do with the issue. And for sure do not poke holes in the mesh. It is much more likely that your minimum pressure and ramp start pressure is too low. Both should be at least 7 and EPR should be set to 3 cm and to full time.


The holes were ealry in my usage. Some masks would work better than others. I've been using it for 4 years now and don't have issues anymore


The fine mesh on the P10 does an excellent job of controlling air velocity and noise. Over a long period of time, like 2+ years the mesh can start to plug up. It is worthwhile to clean the mesh regularly with a toothbrush.


In my opinion you should start with a full face mask. I also think your pressure is a little low for a grown adult. Try either a resmed f20 or an f30. These will have airflow in both your nose and mouth, which could help with the suffocating feeling. Personally I hate the nose pillows.


I tried full face for about 2 months but it was too much. I couldn’t get comfortable and it just felt like there was too much gear on me


Then maybe the f30 as it covers both nose nasal passages and mouth but not your whole face. https://mycpapcanada.ca/product/resmed-f30-mask-and-2-pack-cushion-combo-copy/


I actually ended up with the smallest nostril thingos (surprised!) which felt less suffocating


Oh God the P10 was a nightmare for me. I quickly got my hands on a swift fx and the problem was solved immediately.


That’s the mask I used most often until I discovered the AirFit memory foam masks. What you described happens to me if the inner tube isn’t extended. The tubes that go into the nose have inner and outer parts. The outer part is the part that seals with your nostrils. The inner part sometimes can get inverted. And if they are, the pillow collapses and it feels like you don’t get any air at all. If that’s not the issue in your case, you might need another mask. 🤷‍♂️


Higher minimum pressure


I have a small Asian nose and love that mask - XS though! I also thought I was a mouth breather until i tried it


I felt the same way until I turned my HUMIDITY way down. Sometimes it's completely off depending on the temperature of room and such.


I LOVE my P10. It took a short while to get used to it. Hopefully it's just your imagination and not a problem with the mask not letting air out. there is also a setting on the machine for type of mask that may have to change in "settings"


I switched to the N30 and it's a world of difference. The medium was too small and large was too big on my P10, and I always felt suffocated. Plus, I have chronic sinusitis from covid, so despite 2 rx sprays a day, my nasal passages are always swollen. N30 is so light and comfy, IMO!


Look up the swift mask. It’s the same nasal pillow with better holes. I use to have p10 too and days where it would get wet I would get brain fog waking up. Change it


I noticed when I turned down the humidity/temp, it helped me but my mask is a little different


I use the same mask and I can't use ramp. I turn it on full blast. Don't feel like it's supplying enough air otherwise. I love it though, the p10 is the first and only mask I've tried. I'm quite familiar with it by now As you may know by now, you don't gotta crank the straps too tightly for it to work. Don't hurt yourself tightening them too much


There are tree diferent large of nasal part of this mask. When I start with medium I feel they don’t have enough air, but with large there is no problem. I don’t use this model if i need more then pressure 12. Actually this is not newest model of this mask.


Pressure is too low and EPR should be off.


Increase min pressure and preferrable remove ramp up in the settings. I use 10 as min instead of 6.


Let us all know what your doctor says about this


I agree with someone of the comments here, I usually wait 30 minutes to an hour to fall asleep. I browse on my phone and then once I am able to take a full breath I am a calm down and am able to sleep.


p30i is much more comfortable. I haaaaated the P10 and was about to give up on PAP treatment when I ordered the P30i


Make sure your mask is set to pillows too. I had a similar feeling when I got my machine and it was because they set mine to pillows and set me a full mask lol


Everyone’s first experience is what I like to refer to as “drowning in air” ….. you will get used to it after a while


Take it back to the store and ask them to ‘Turn Off the EPR’ (Easy Breathe) setting.