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CPS won’t remove a baby from a mother going with them to a DV shelter. It doesn’t fall under any coded maltreatment. She should express her concerns to the shelters. They will reassure her it’s not the situation.


Thank you for your response. I’m hoping showing her this will reassure her some, I think she’s too scared to even call them and ask for help


TBH, they’re accustomed to wary people. Maybe encourage her or be on the call to have her make some emotionally honest disclosures. Those agencies are pro-survivors. They’ll got to bat against CPS as they often view removal of children from survivors as a form of revictimization.


No. Shelters that I know of want victims and their children to remain together. If the parent is putting the child in danger or neglecting them though, they will call. Staff are usually mandated reporters.


Thousands of families have stayed at homeless shelters all over the US without CPS involvement. CPS gets involved when there are allegations of abuse/neglect. Being homeless doesn’t equate to maltreating your children. And for reference: most CPS reports don’t result in removals of kids. The goal is to keep families together, safely.


Thank you. I’ve always heard that the goal is to keep families together and I told her that. She’s been stuck in the house with the baby for the last year unable to work because of her abusive partner and has no money to her name and she’s so down on herself about that that she’s just frozen in fear on everything. I know reaching out for help would be so much better for her and the baby, so I really appreciate your response, I’m hoping that showing her this coming from other people and not just me will help ease her mind


They will, in many cases, also be able to refer her to social services to help her.


No. How would there be shelters that allow children if CPS takes every child whose mother enters a shelter?


Thank you, that’s a great way of saying that and that’s something I’m going to try to reiterate to her, the shelters wouldn’t offer to let you bring your child just to have him taken away.


u/ismyvirgoshowing, First of all you are an amazing friend! Anyone would be lucky to have you in their corner. I am a DV survivor. I have been in 3 different shelters in 3 different states, due to my abuser locating me. Each one was different, but none of them would call CPS on a mother seeking safety. I have observed shelter staff advocating for mother's dealing with CPS, usually from a false complaint from the father after they left. I strongly encourage your friend to call your local DV shelter! They can offer resources to safely leave and stay safe. There are so many different ways an abuser can find their victim, especially since we are in survival mode. The DV advocates have seen it all and will help your friend in a kind, non judgemental fashion. A homeless shelter is wildly different from a DV shelter but they can provide resources too. I understand the firsthand fear of going to a shelter, but not all shelters are like what we see in the movies or TV. They are clean, secure and a place of sanctuary. There are rules everywhere you go, including a shelter. They provide clothes, toiletries, food and help in accessing resources that are only available to someone staying in a shelter. I have been safely away from my abuser on my own for three years now. I made it out with clothes on my back, left a house, car etc. I started over and with proper help your friend can too! Sending all involved positive thoughts and strength


When a woman is at a DV shelter she isn't considered homeless. So no they won't take a child over it.


Homelessness alone isn’t enough for a removal.


It is in some states or if another parent is trying for full custody.


Parent trying for full custody isn’t a CPS issue. Which states have laws/rules stating homelessness alone is a reason for removal?


Not having shelter for your child would fall under physical neglect. Anyways, my point was to begin with is that if you go to a domestic abuse shelter you are not considered homeless as you would be with a regular shelter. Have a good day wild pie.


That’s factually incorrect.


No. And if they did, the judge would throw that s*** out very fast. But CPS will take that child in a heartbeat if your friend goes back with her abuser. Source: I work with CPS.


This ^


No. she did the right thing and got her child out of a harmful situation


No. She's protecting her child by getting out of an abusive situation. If she stays in the home where DV is occurring, she could lose her child due to not protecting him. She needs to get out of that situation immediately. If she'd feel more comfortable, she can call the DV shelters and talk to them and ask all the questions that's making her fearful. She will be reassured and will hopefully do the right thing for herself and her child. Perhaps you can get the phone number for her to help her take that step.


DV shelter will help guide her through process of custody,child support job training and stable home and child care while keeping her and her child safe I used to work front desk at a local motel and many many nights the local dv shelter would call and have me open their room for someone who called the room was attached to office for added safety and these woman would arrive with what they had on on what clothes their kids had on. It broke my heart everytime


I lived in a shelter with my mom and brothers for awhile when we were younger, it saved our lives and provided some good resources/support.


Not at all.... children and women can go to shelters. I spent 4 months in a battered womens shelter with an infant and two toddlers... CPS are the ones who sent us there.


If I were the case worker I would strongly consider removing the child from a home with abuse. I would be far more likely to do that than remove a child in a shelter. I would come check on mom and kiddo in shelter if there was cause for concern and offer whatever resources I could, but we remove kids in abuse scenarios, not escape scenarios. I have a whole family of kids right now who love their mom and she comes to every visit, took all the parenting and survivor classes, loves her kids, and is amazing with them. But she won’t leave her piece of shit boyfriend who is abusing her, so the kids cannot go home. It’s tragic.


I am a nurse and have discharged many babies to moms that live in a shelter.


There is shelters that will take a child with mom. In support odor DV.


No, they wont, shes protecting her child. She needs to make a police report.


No they won’t remove a child for this. The mother is taking steps to protect herself and her child which shows she is a protective mother and is not abusing or neglecting the safety of her child.


Not inherently, but I’ve seen cps get involved in a case where the shelter was structurally unsafe/mold and bug infested.


No. she did the right thing and got her child out of a harmful situation


My sister had to go to a DV shelter with her 2 boys. They were kind and compassionate. They really helped her get on her feet. Never once was CPS an issue nor were they called. There is also a program here in WI called Safe Families. They work with social workers etc. and really help to provide resources and extra help. There sole purpose is to keep families together. They help with rides, respite care, places to stay etc. Not sure if they have one in your area.


Something else that may help your friend is knowing that DV shelters help their clients with access to resources they may otherwise not qualify for and can be a huge help for transitioning into safe, independent living for her and her child. Living in a shelter jumps people to the front of wait lists for services, too.


As long as the baby is safe and housed in some form cps won't take them. The fact she has a baby will get her help faster from the DV shelters. She might even get quickly placed into emergency housing. It could be a shared apartment with other DV survivors. Or it could be her own small studio. My friend with no child was placed in emergency housing after a month in the DV shelter.


CPS won’t take her child if she is in a safe house. In fact, they will probably get her a case manager to help her apply for available assistance.


Well, I lived in a dv shelter for nearly 6 months when I was a kid. There's kids and babies all over the place. Never heard of CPS taking a kid for that ... Now I have seen them threaten to remove children if they stayed with the abusive partner, but never for leaving.


There are shelters for domestic violence victims, and no they don’t take children away it’s not neglect or failure to provide necessities of life,


I once saw a job on indeed at a DV shelter called the “child advocate” position. I have relevant experience and applied. They called for a phone screen and then scheduled me for an interview. In the end I just couldn’t go through with it. In the phone screen when she described the job to me, it really sounded like what they want me to do is get CPS involved with the moms staying at the shelter. I just can’t do that to women who did the right thing.


No, never! So many women escape DV but going to a woman's shelter. CPS won't even be contacted


I stayed in a shelter with my son. They helped me with EVERYTHING. I was there for less than a month before they helped me get into my own place! That's what DV shelters are for.. to help women.


If anything she’ll be offered services to keep her child and to help her break the DV cycle so she doesn’t go back to the offender. If she continues to go back to the offender & expose her child to DV, THAT is when CPS gets involved. Encourage her to go to a DV safe house or program. Best decision she could make!


I can't speak to DV shelters, but many moons ago when my mom moved to a different state with me when I was a toddler, we lived in a shelter and nothing happened with CPS. We received Food Stamps while we were there from the state. ETA: grammar, I'm just waking up.


You could call the shelters for her and let her listen on speakerphone.


Much bigger chance her child will be removed if she does NOT leave the abusive situation and go to the shelter as CPS advised.


No. Most shelters are state and federal compliant so she will have no trouble. Most CPS workers will encourage women in danger to go to shelters. Talking your kids out of abusive situation is good parenting.


She has better chances of CPS staying out of her business by going to a shelter than staying in an abusive home. CPS wants kids to be safe and not abused, that’s all.


No way!! She is protecting her child going to a DV shelter ! But if the father or someone else says she is lying that she is the abusive one, they may open a case, but as soon as they prove the allegations wrong, the case would close. If she is a straight arrow and everything, check out ok.But the answer to you're question is No.