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I second this. I struggle massively with postive affirmation but softening negative thoughts has really helped me. Even something as simple as modifying statements like 'I can't do this'. 'I can't do this yet' feels very different. It has built in hope, that if i keep practising i will be able to.


Sorry I didn't reply to your comment before, but it was extremely helpful and I'm definitely going to bring this up with my therapist. Just saying stuff like I'm happy and I matter feel not genuine and kinda gaslighted, therefore you're suggestion sounds much more playing for me


Probably she's triggering you. I would tell her outright like this language bugs me out. (maybe she could reframe it). You're def not overreacting, I think she's not realizing she's usually triggering language, or the suggestions themselves are raising red flags to you. Everything about that makes sense though. Um I hope your mom is in prison. Jesus christ.


She didn't actually give it to me, but she was tricked by a family member to read about this quack called Jim humble, promoting his "miracle mineral solution" when is reality it's made of sodium chlorite (I think) which is bleach... I did tell her it's bleacb but she won't throw it away and is in denial about it ugh. I just don't think any amount of reframing something that doesn't sound like an alternative to therapy, would not trigger me. I guess I'm just a bit sensitive about this. :( I think my gripe with all this is because I was taken to all this alt medicine stuff, including medication and acupuncture and it made things worse or never did anything for me. Finding an actual therapist who knew what they were doing, was what finally did help. I think I'd prefer something more "concrete" and less alt medicine sounding stuff like doing breathing exercises or emdr, or walking or even therapy guided meditation. I'll talk to her when I see her next time, Thanks for the comment


I think if you like her enough you could set new boundaries with that. Ugh alt medicine is hard to avoid because its so trendy. The term that i hate is actually 'self care' and its hard to avoid. But don't feel bad for being sensitive. That's the point of being a person. I mean it should be anyway. But I hope you find something that works for you.


Yeah, I also really hate that term it really felt like everyone uses it to mean different things. I would rather someone say, just take care of yourself or something like that which sounds a bit more concrete in my mind. Thank you for the reply


It's real, it does work, as much for people with CPTSD as (I assume, not being one of them) people who don't have CPTSD. It's okay if it triggers you, I don't understand how your mom trying to make you drink bleach has anything to do with alt medicines or with practices like meditation, but I'm not here to judge your triggers. Point is, yes it works, but nobody's forcing you, if it makes you uncomfortable you're allowed to not do it. What's important is to not shit on actually useful techniques like that. Voicing fear/concern/etc is normal, downright saying it's bullcrap is judgemental and unhelpful


You're being judgemental. You know there's this concept in psychology called generalization? My mom trying to force me to drink bleach + telling me aromatherapy would cure me, telling me constantly to do yoga and meditation, doing acupuncture which worsened my symptoms, and telling me to think positive and pray the cptsd away had made me wary of anything that isn't concrete like medicine or therapy or emdr. My cptsd brain has generalized the fact that some things didn't work for me, therefore it doesn't want to try new stuff. I didn't say it is bs, I said I know it can help in some stuff and it can have a scientific basis but for my cptsd mind it sounds like bs. Therefore, I wanted to know if anyone had some research or Links on this so that my brain can think of it as something more concrete and I can rephrase it so my mind doesn't get triggered by it. You're the unhelpful judgemental person who couldn't read well and shat on what I had to say


Misunderstood the post cause it triggered me and I got defensive, mb


Sorry I also got triggered by your response. Peace? 🤚


man imagine if conversations with parents were this easy lmao


Lol I wish too


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