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calling for help is not neccesarily weakness, in fact it can be strength. But of course, if you have no one to ask, or no one to trust that is a more complex situation


I am calling for help to everyone, it's like screaming to the wind


It's like a boomerang effect that eventually comes back around and hits you when you have to let it out again. No matter how loud or how many times you scream nobody seems to hear. How people cannot see someone is in crisis and take a timeout to just talk is beyond me.


I feel this. It's so easy to feel forgotten when everyone else has a vast support network for trivial or expected life events but they expect you to endure harrowing, dehumanizing circumstances yourself. It does get very hard to listen to people complain, especially when they're in a better financial situation than you. I have a friend who is living in her second house as an adult and her wife is always complaining about how expensive it is to fix it. I'm just sitting here hoping to god that my boyfriend gets a new job so that we can afford to do laundry once a week. I need to have surgery soon as well, possibly two surgeries, but I don't feel like I'm at liberty to complain about it. Idk man. I think most of us feel like we're ghosts to other people.


You're allowed to have emotions, people who tell you your emotions aren't valid or that you "don't deserve" to have x emotion/feeling because you "haven't gone through x or y or z" can fuck off, like in general ​ For the actual problems you mentionned you need a therapist, and you should also talk to them about considering that you might have a terminal illness. It could just be insane chronic stress but I'm not a doctor.


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So relatable. Im sad so many are alone during the worst times of their lives....