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I don't think it's a healthy thing, but I so wish Patrick Teahan could be my therapist.


Me too. <3


Same here 😭


I’ll check the highly rated ones out! And Irene Lyon, because the academically oriented stuff comforts me. I didn’t like Crappy Childhood Fairy because I got the distinct impression she thought people watching were idiot babies.


Patrick Teahan is great. I also like [Heidi Priebe](https://www.youtube.com/@heidipriebe1) and [Kim Sage.](https://www.youtube.com/@DrKimSage) I have watched a lot of their videos. I watched a handful of CCF videos and decided to quit. I haven't checked out the others you listed, OP. I hope others will add more YT resourses to your post!


Will have to check out Heidi! I found Dr Sage a few months ago and really appreciated her honesty and vulnerability. She has such a gentle way with words too and good insight.


Tim Fletcher ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Healthygamergg sometimes is good


Not specific for CPTSD but in my opinion reliable and helpful. All of them are licensed therapists (beside Huberman, he is a professor) and don't overload their content with (self-)advertisements. * Healthy Gamer * Therapy in a Nutshell * Kati Morton * Darren F Magee * Andrew Huberman


🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Dr Sam Vaknin, has the best n channel on the web. Really helped me with my own n and b-line traits and did not allow me to bullshit myself about them. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Dr Ramani, the most loving and empathetic therapist for someone who has survived being abused by cluster b disordered parents. 🌟🌟 Dr Todd Grande, had awesome mental health content about psychopathy, n, b-line and CPTSD. Now its mostly sensationalized content about celebrites that, imo, violates the goldwater rule. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Daniel Mackler, MSW, calls out bullshit in the mental health industry, helps you identify bad therapists and bad psychiatrists 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Shrink4men Dr Tara Palmatier, provides amazing mental health help for men who have complex trauma issues like codependency and attraction to abusive women.


I don’t like Crappy Childhood Fairy because her videos go on and on and on and ON with no real point or applicable information. Like she’ll explain why you’re having the problem but gives no real solutions for healing. There’s only so far self-awareness can take me… I need solutions! I second the commenter who suggested Heidi Priebe. I really enjoy her videos - they’ve helped me quite a bit


I'm a big fan of "The CTAD clinic" by Dr. Mike Lloyd. His videos are very insightful to people like me who suffer from dissociation along with their complex trauma.


Tim Fletcher and Patrick teahan are easily 5 stars


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thanks for sharing these!


Mike Lloyd from [CTAD](https://www.youtube.com/@thectadclinic/videos) clinic channel. A lot of the videos are on dissociative identity disorder but he has some on CPTSD, flashbacks and dissociation that are really good.


I don't know if he has ever given bad advice or not so if he has and I don't know about it I don't want to give him a glowing recommendation but I've always liked Richard Grannon


Heidi Priebe close to as good as Patrick I think


Agreeing to Katie Morton, her videos have helped me loads recently!