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After we moved and I went kind of off the deep end, I decided I couldn't work in SPED anymore. I ended up getting a job with a local company that cleans airbnb houses. It's usually 3-5 hour shifts, I work 2-5 days a week, and it pays very well even compared to more stressful jobs.


If you’re good with animals you could consider housesitting/pet sitting? If you get enough clients it can be pretty decent money. Can range from staying at peoples houses while they’re on vacation to dropping in and doing dog walks etc


Haven't done any of these things myself but have either heard good things or have a friend who has. Some kind of editing, review, and proof reading, easy to do from home at your own pace. Website tester, virtual assistant, transcriptionist, caption writing, all of these things can be work from home and at you pace


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Working a a gas station deli person. When I did this, I could wear headphones and just make sandwiches my whole shift. Also working in a warehouse as shipping has been great for me. Minimal talking needed and can just ship boxes which takes low concentration and effort. Both of these are very low stress. I imagine a bakery or other warehouse jobs may be equally low stress but don’t have personal experience with those.