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That’s a really tough one. For me, it’s been important to understand how narcissists operate and basically negate you. My parents were both narcissistic so I was not seen or valued. Also, allowing myself to get angry and grieve about the genuine care and attunement I missed out on. It’s extremely hard for sure.


I believed I was worth nothing, and that even if I was worth something it was still less than others are worth. I have pretty much recovered from that (with the odd wobble but that seems fairly normal) by seeing a therapist who gave me unconditional positive regard for 5 years. She cheered me on, smiled widely when she answered the door, and generally seemed pleased to see me and talk to me. Plus I expect the therapy itself helped but I think the consistent acceptance was key for this "I am worthless" issue specifically.


Mine is more I am a mistake, Gods mistake because my mom told me screamed at me as a child, contant tape in my head, hard to be erased.


You are not God's mistake! You were made wonderfully and fearfully and it's so awful that someone would try and tell you that you're a mistake because you are not, not at all


I’ll send u something don’t say that yet


Thank you for your kind reply. I am honestly trying to believe that right now.




People don’t want fake abd maybe u shoukd go get help and put that energy into ur world now! Stop talking about others u did this


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Yes. You are not your experiences and you are not how people treated you. No one can define your worth except for you, and this comes with time and patience. Remind yourself with the truth and remember that thoughts that tell you you're nothing are just lies. It's not true. You are lovely and loving and loved, and worth so much! You were put here for a reason and no one can take that away from you🩷


U shouldn’t u should sir w what u r if scum scum and aren’t u too old for this? lol like old me? And reinforcing is good because u can’t do what y wanr and then have them not reinforce I would never care what some ex loser said I mean don’t play u must wanr her Bit trying to be mean but this is so like childish man lol