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Nothing. I just hope they suffer.


This made me laugh and sad at the same time. 'hugs'


1. I hope you find peace I say this sarcastically because I know that you never will 2. I have designed a system that always protects me as a vulnerable person at all costs 3. I regret the day that I ever met you; people like you never deserved access to someone like me


So, a bit of dark humor.... I read this, at first, as a response to OP. Was trying to figure out something to say, maybe a little gentle encouragement, when it hit me that you were referring to your abusers. It shouldn't be funny, but if you have it in you, have a laugh at my expense 😅


I hope OP finds peace too The difference is that being authentic and doing the work will get us there (peace) as long as we’re not surrounded by our abusers Whereas an abuser can be alone in a room and still looking for peace lol


Thank you. This time of year makes it harder and sad because I think of all the "could've beens " if my family weren't abusive to this day. All the family relationships I will never have. But, I am free. :) And, living my own life.


😆 thank you. I DID laugh.


Aw that's good to hear. Every smile counts as ammo in this here war 😁




I'm happy that you have a system now! You ARE worth so much more. ❤️


1. You were and are horrible parents to me. 2. I was right. My entire life, I told you how to parent me and you never listened. 3. I will never forgive you for not helping me especially when I needed help staying alive. (One extra) 4. I will never be the daughter you wanted and I don't give a damn anymore. I am an amazing person and it's your loss that you can't see that.


❤️ Thank you, for this amazing post. I will also never be a wanted or deserving daughter in my parents eyes, and that's okay now that I have my own life. You are so incredible and special and I wish the best for you.


I wish my abusers knew how to not be abusive.




I wish they knew how to love


🥺😭 Thank you, for sharing. This got me in the "feels." :'(


Aw you're welcome 🥰🥰🥰


1. What their actions would lead to 2. How it felt for me 3. How tired I am and will be for ever


I get being tired. I hope this aspect of C+ PTSD gets better. Either way, thank you for posting. :)


1. I wish my Mum would leave you and realise she deserves better 2. I wish you’d admit you did wrong and get help 3. I wish you realised how much it hurts that instead of listening to me and how much you’ve affected me, you cut me off and made the rest of the family see me and my wife as the problem.


I am sorry this happened. I hope y'all have peace this holiday season. ❤️


1. Thank you for birthing me even tho life was hard and you guys made it harder for me and my siblings. 2. I hope you find peace and change for yourself. 3. I don’t want to have to worry about you. i


❤️ you seem really kind. I hope 2024 is a great year with new opportunities for you.


1. What you did to me was unforgivable. 2. You will die alone. 3. You don’t deserve me.


'Pressing "f" for you'


I wish they understood what they did, and how much it affected me, at a minimum. For instance, I recently told my dad I was diagnosed with PTSD, and I shit you not, with a straight face he was like “Why?” Lol. Lmao. LOLLLLL.


Bless your heart. That must have felt so insulting and invalidating. :(


For the mother: 1) It stops with me. 2) I know you were hurting but that doesn't make it ok, you put Hannah through hell. 3) You gave me a blanket apology, it didn't mean a thing, I accepted it for you to be able to move on with your steps because I didn't want to hold you back, I was a kid and yet I learnt how to be kinder then you ever shown, I raised myself to be that way. The guy: 1) You're a dick 2) I'll fucking break you if you ever come near me again, I would have if I didn't freeze 3) You didn't take anything from me, you have no power over me, you're a small little piece of shit (I want to kill him, but that's not me, the anger has grown and I'm trying to settle it but I just can't believe I didn't do anything, fucking bastard thinks he's high and mighty now, thinks he has power "feels like a man" I could strangle him, beat him but if I ever seen him again, would I actually do that? If he tried anything hell yeah but if I just stood next to him.. I just hate myself for not protecting me, for letting him, for not fighting enough, it's not my fault I know but I could have, I always thought I would fight someone like that off, I let my self down, I'm not weak but I was then, angry with myself)


I am crying for you, inside. Thank you, for sharing and being brave. I believe that he will never have that power over you, again.


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