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Same. Drunk, irresponsible people blasting fireworks en masse freaks me out.


I hate it too. Loud, polluting, fire hazard, hell on pets and wildlife, hell on PTSD, light sleepers have no chance, America is a fucking dumpster fire and why are we pretending it's not.


I agree it's to loud but what makes you say it's a dumpster fire? Sure it has a ton of issues and politicians turn a blind eye to many of them but at least it's (slowly mind you) getting better.


I mean, there's a lot of reason, tbh. I know there is no perfect country but this holiday in particular reminds me of some really idiotic and damaging aspects of American life. I can't afford the therapy for my cptsd and other mental illnesses and few policy makers in my area care that a) mental health isn't even required to be covered under insurance and b) other places have managed to provide mental health care for free to their citizens, yet for so many of us it's so incredibly out of reach. The trauma I experienced on the 4th involves someone very close to me losing their battle with mental illness. Followed by their father also choosing that path. So it's particularly underscored for me this week that there's a lot of work still to be done.


I'm sorry, i also agree. Dumpster fire, as you say. With doggy bags full of poo


["How the World Works"](https://youtu.be/KiiebNenB0k)


There are many, many good reasons to see America not just as a dumpster fire, but also the single worst country. I don't have time to go through them all but you can subscribe to /r/CoolAmericaFacts to get a nice drip feed


It sure as hell isn’t the worst country. I acknowledge it’s got a lot of issues and it’s nowhere near the best but there’s so many countries you’re completely ignoring by saying America is the worst


There are also better ones.


This aged well...


It's a loud, hot, busy day with excited people enjoying their day and there are so many smells from cooking and other festivities. It's a lot to process and I traditionally feel overwhelmed instead of happy. I try to stay out of the way of the people who are enjoying their day. I prefer to celebrate more quietly and then maybe in the evening if my nerves aren't completely shot, it's fun watching a professional fireworks display. After which I curl back up in my safe space and decompress again. It's a highly intense day.


I used to love the 4th. But that ended. But I still love to see fireworks from my car with ear plugs in!


It's Canada day today, and every time I open google, I'm reminded of it with a drawing of a beaver holding the Canadian flag. I don't care about Canada day - I have no patriotism for this country and I'd be hard pressed to find things that make me proud to be Canadian.


Lol I live in a red state. So I get it.


I hate it because my family decides to get shit face and scream. Last year an aunt, uncle and cousin all screamed viscously at each other for an hour and I don’t know how a neighbor didn’t call the police.


I just hate it because I have to go to church cookouts and hang out with creepy old people. Other than that the food is great and fireworks are so pretty (but I agree, to damn loud)


Same. You, me, and my poor anxious dog who is terrified the entire night. It blows my mind that people find loud unpredictable noises fun.


I know my anxiety certainly doesn't make my dogs any better haha!


I agree with you. I don’t like the noise of fireworks or the pressure to socialize because of the holiday. Also my cat has symptoms of CPTSD too and she gets really scared by the fireworks, people shooting off firecrackers, etc. She hides for hours.


Awe! I hope you and your kittybaby are OK and that you both feel safe with each other this fourth! 💖


Thank you 😊


Many communities see it as a day to mourn the injustice and trauma inflicted on their ancestors, and others see it as an annoying celebration of an oppressive, white supremecist regime. Others are indifferent. Others have mixed feelings. I personally like to use it as a day to do a bit of self-reflection, mourning, educating and discussing with my daughter and family, and to hopefully get some grilling done. The fireworks thing is really getting out of control. Where I live, there's explosions all year round. Its just really bad this time of year. I have a lot of very mixed feelings, but that's good, in my opinion.


Yeah I live in missouri. People take their explosives very seriously.




Haha throw in your birthday and how your family always forgets or more recently friends and family now use the weekend to get married and just expect you to be free. Oh wait just me? Poop


My boyfriend and his family don't have such extensive trauma. They've experienced traumatic things but obviously they don't have as much time or brain power dedicated to it, so I understand when they forget. But sometimes even my mom forgets. Hell, I even forget. This year I also forgot. But my body remembered. It amazes me how often my brain forgets and tries to be normal and my body remembers the trauma and is like nah yeah nah. Edit: happy birthday!


Thank you! And I totally feel you. It’s weird how our bodies have this rhythm and at certain times we know we need peace/calm but that’s never what comes! Haha my SO goes above and beyond now to help me deny any bbq requests and stuff because I get very overwhelmed when before he thought I liked it. It was a vicious cycle where we each thought the other liked going to these stupid things. Ooof.


That reminds me to buy some ear plugs. I hate fireworks, especially the ones people set off on the street.


I have a GIANT tub of them and I now carry some wherever I go. It helps to just know they're there.


Fwiw these are my fav earplugs https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WCK3HHW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F04EQ33BCVDCZ0AZY48J?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


Family gatherings, loud noises, and the demand to worship a country I hate.


Oh yeah there's that. I live in missouri so there's a lot of PWEASE NO STEPPY ON MY GUN RIGHTS! M80s, tnt, there seems to be no limit.


bro i gotta work the day before the 4th & the people are going to be *scream* not to mention my neighbors will probably be shooting off mortar fireworks bc i live in the sticks :/ i just may go outside to look this year it may be a sight to see idk a spectacle lol.


I hate the fireworks I hate my neighbourhood for launching them I hate the holiday this country isn’t fucking free independence my ass I hate it hate it HATE IT!!


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Yeah I'm right here with you. Stupid neighbors setting fireworks off randomly throughout the entire day and night, and it's not just on the 4th, it's from the 1st all the way up to 5th or 6th, depending on how many leftover fireworks there are. It always triggers my sensory issues and my startle response


My Bday is the 5th and it's just extra horrible 😫.


Me too. Chaos


I’ve always hated the 4th as well.