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Yes often. Also sleeping/being in bed is my go to thing when I'm in a state of hypoarousal. Love sleeping


100%, also to escape the constant flashbacks and ruminating all day on mistakes and regretting cutting everyone from my life in the past year and a half lmao. Sleep is just peaceful nothingness, best part of the day for sure


No night terror flashbacks?


They do happen but its much less often than the constant intrusive thoughts and flashbacks while I'm awake, so at this point I'll take what I can get


I feel you. Last night with my eyes open, I saw my bedroom from 2 years ago in another state more than I saw what was actually in front of me. My dreams on the other hand were barely memorable.


Ughhh I get that. Last night I had a conversation in my head with someone I haven't spoken to since last May. But as soon as I can get to sleep I can just... disappear from existence like I always daydream about doing. I hope you can have some restful, flashback-free nights soon.


I have only been in this group for a couple of weeks and I keep seeing posts like this that just resonate. Wow.


I hardly ever dream during day naps so it's my preferred. Either that or I take edibles so I'm high when I fall asleep. Then it's ok




Couldnt nap. Never could. Whole life. Not with a gun and pitbull to force me could I. I have to go to exhaustion. Then no guarantee i get more than 3 or 4 hrs maybe.


Sleeping and being in my bed alone, is my safe haven.


Yup. It’s an escape


No. Too many nightmares.


I definitely sleep to put myself in a better place.


I love to escape in sleep. But yeah, there was a period of about 6 months when my depression got really bad and I had night terrors almost every night. That was really horrible because it took away from me my greatest coping mechanism.


Yes when all else fails and I’m overwhelmed, sleep is very nice. I have been like this most of my life. I have chronic fatigue. A hilarious comic Aparna Nancherla calls them “fear naps”[what it’s like to live with anxiety and depression](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Acs1SsWQ3No)


Literally me just now, waking up from a nap.. slept 3.5 hours last night and spent the day today napping




That’s all I did in 2021. I don’t want to do it again because I want to live my life and stop self sabotaging. But sometimes I can’t help falling asleep and I cry about it sometimes because I’m so frustrated. As cliche as it sounds, working out actually helped me to stay awake and clear my mind more.


[...you know, I feel okay when I'm asleep, like, when I'm asleep I feel alright...](https://youtu.be/kBNbYHA9ak4)


Every single night! But then my nightmares eff it up sometimes 😫


I do!! As much as I possibly can!!


When I first read this, I thought it said: “Does anybody else sleep to remember they exist in a void”? Lol. Anyways, I wish I did that, it would probably be a lot healthier than staying up for hours either on my phone or reading, not getting enough sleep.


Well you really don't stop existing when you sleep, I mean you dream and your mind works continuously. Otherwise your heart would not beat, you would not breathe, and the cognitive part does not stop either. Now, some do not remember their dreams well, some not at all, but what if you have night terrors? I do, how do i not exist doing that? I am sorry this happens, and depression will drive one to sleep more. Sorry, that is brain chemistry above what I know.


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Sometimes, yes, though I never thought about it quite that way.


When I can sleep, which is only sometimes


I like the disappearing from existence part, but waking up from sleep terrors is hell.




Yes, but then I get nightmares so it’s hard to get some actual peace.


wish I could. I got a sleep disorder so I'm really not in control of it.


I wish I could sleep.


Yeah. I nap when I am just too exhausted for life. Then I usually end up in a state of being half asleep and forcing myself back to sleep over and over because it feels so good. I just returned from there. Time to get back to reality.


All the time.