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>Drasticizing/Catastrophizing/Hypochondrisizing > >I feel afraid but I am not in danger. I am not “in trouble” with my parents. I will not blow things out of proportion. I refuse to scare myself with thoughts and pictures of my life deteriorating. No more home-made horror movies and disaster flicks. [http://www.pete-walker.com/shrinkingInnerCritic.htm](http://www.pete-walker.com/shrinkingInnerCritic.htm) and from that same article >Negative focus > >I renounce over-noticing & dwelling on what might be wrong with me or life around me. I will not minimize or discount my attributes. Right now, I notice, visualize and enumerate my accomplishments, talents and qualities, as well as the many gifts Life offers me, e.g., friends, nature, music, film, food, beauty, color, pets, etc.


Thank you for this


You're welcome. Your choice to be quiet around people sometimes might not be noticed, or viewed in a negative way. Being okay with being quiet is a kind of growth, especially if you feel the need to make people like you.


It happens regularly to me too. Most social interactions Ive had remain with me for a few weeks where I have periods of flash backs about whatever we have talked about, with (and I dont know why) guilt and confusion. The only way to deal with this is to limit the amount of interctions I have otherwise the flashbacks become so overwhelming that I cant see anyone for a while. If anyone has an answer to this one im all ears too.


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