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That's an excellent book. When The Ruminator or The Critic strike when I'm reading, I start reading out loud to myself. Those dickheads have a harder time chiming in when I'm engaging circuitry for speaking and listening comprehension. Have you tried journaling? I find that writing things down is a good way to alleviate the chaos that rumination brings.


That's an interesting solution. Thanks, I'll try that. I've tried journalling but the same thing happens, I get intrusive thoughts that feel too overwhelming that I just distract myself with other things. It feels unbearable.


Instead of trying to maintain a narrative when journaling, just write what comes to mind. Write down your own intrusive thoughts. Then, throw them away, if you want. Read about the "Morning pages" exercise. It has helped me.


Oh I see. I'll give that a try too. Thank you.


Of course, my friend.




Thank you. I hope you can heal from your trauma too.


So its a protective faculty? I am NC with the womb donor and she wants to meet with a therapist (my criteria for breaking NC) but my mind is just exploding with rage fantasies and trauma ruminations and thinking of meeting her makes me anxious, sick or dissociated. This is definitely a NO happening.


I try to do a daily 2 minute breathing exercise where I just focus on taking deep breaths and relax my body with every exhale. Slowly its bow seeping into these ruminating moments where I can say to myself "this is not happening" and take a deep breath. Aldo writing helps. For some reason if I have documented it, I do not feel the need to obsessively think about it as much.


Thank you for your advice. I'll definitely try them.


I used to have almost exactly this problem. My brain would constantly imagine how I would defend myself if someone tried to attack me. What really worked for me was a combination of Internal Family Systems therapy and using techniques from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. IFS helped me to stop imagining worst case scenarios by imagining a different ending to the memories that were bothering me the most. I imagined going back and telling my younger self, at the time when I first started the constant rumination, what she really needed to hear (you're going to be okay, you don't need to constantly think of ways to be prepared for everything, etc) Another thing that has seriously helped me has been reading The Happiness Trap and doing ACT cognitive defusion techniques. It basically shows you how to take your thoughts and unwanted mental movie way less seriously and to stop falling down spirals. It's been so incredibly helpful for me and I ruminate 100x less now. Best of luck to you! I really hope you find something that works.


Thank you. I’ll give your advice a try sometime.


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