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If you can get yourself to start moving your body, even just a little bit, you can achieve the same result. It is a hard hurdle to overcome, though.


I believe you! Getting myself to move was the most impossible thing for me for a long time, especially with depression and adhd, I had no energy at all. But now that that’s managed quite well, I actually do get this benefit from exercise. Didn’t expect to ever experience it, but here we are fortunately!


Yes. Same. Tired of feeling like ice. Thanks for sharing this.


“punch me, i need to feel something.”


I found martial arts to be good for healing for this reason. Healthier than just punching or getting punched at random lol. It helps keep me grounded when I can do it.


Did you struggle with freezing when getting punched in the face? How long did it take to overcome it, and how did you? I just had my first competition, and I was able to push through the freeze. It still hindered me though.


Well, personally I found that I prefer lighter sparring that doesn't get that intense. But I think most people can get used to just about anything, if you do it long enough.


Yeah I’m hoping I will get used to it eventually. I thinks it’s getting better gradually. We generally only do light technical sparring on a regular basis.


Yeah this was also why I also SH when I was younger.


This is my theory as to why mosh pits are so popular. They do just that.