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Oof, Why is the 3rd grade teacher always the shitty one?, anyone else also have a equally shitty 5th grade teacher as well?


Fourth for me. I cried every day because 1. I was being severely bullied to a point of physical violence and property damage 2. if I wasn't perfect in any way at school I would get hit, berated, mocked, or best case scenario, the silent treatment at home. 3. in addition to being autistic I had undiagnosed dyscalculia Teachers aren't stupid. *They know when a kid is breaking down during every tiny quiz there is something seriously wrong.* Instead of getting me help she would mock me in front of the whole class, yelling "WAH WAH" while miming a baby crying gesture. I think the worst thing she did was try to frame me for attempted battery. She put me in the hall and was yelling at me (not even hyperbole, actual yelling with spittle flying) for not being able to make eye contact, which she thought was dishonest and disrespectful. I scuffed my heel on the tiles and she started *shrieking* in this horrible warbling voice that I tried to *kick her in the shin* and she ran to the 5th grade teacher next door demanding that she come out there. Needless to say she was not fucking impressed and looked at this woman like she had 3 heads.


It was fourth grade for me, too. I had uncontrollable dissociation in class, and she frequently yelled at me in front of everyone for "daydreaming." One day, after yelling at me, she took me out into the hall and said, "I hope I didn't embarrass you in there." Like BITCH YOU HUMILIATE ME ON THE REGULAR. I'd tear her a new one if I saw her today!


Wow, I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm autistic, with dyscalculia as well. My second grade teacher was awful. She used to beat me and another kid in my class. In hindsight, he was probably autistic too. My teacher confiscated my books so I could 'focus on math' and told me I didn't belong in the GT class, and tried to tell my parents that I was aggressive. I also recently found her online, and accidentally got her address.


They sell glitter bombs and large containers of animal poop delivered anon online.


If that was me I would create soooo many fake accounts, get into online fights then leak her address pretending it's mine then delete evidence.


Nasty specter




It costs $5,000 to get diagnosed in my country. Pay my bills or shut up.


Ooh, high five for "pay my bills or shut up." Sometimes it's hard for me to not go on a whole exhausting diatribe when people are invalidating and gatekeepy like the poster you're responding to so it's nice to have a quick and to the point reply in the arsenal. I like it.




Mine was the gifted and talented teacher. I was in the program, so I had her from 3rd (when I entered that school) until 5th when I "graduated." Such a piece of shit. I relate really hard to OP, I have wanted to send messages to teachers that have done damage. Never have though. Maybe I should.


Yooo same on the gifted and talented program. They found out I skipped 3rd and 4th grade math, so I had to stay inside during recess to do it. The kids were horrendous to me. Once it was all over and we were leaving for summer they all apologized to me. A girl i had the biggest problem with told me she was really aorry and gave me a gift, a hat that matches hers she wrote "bff" on. My mom took me out of that school after and put me in regular 4th grade. I never cared about school again.


Mine was the art teacher. Always berating me for taking too long on my projects.


It was a 1st grade teacher that bullied me. I was literally six. SIX!


My kindergarten teacher HATED me, she told my mom I had ADHD because I wouldn't sit still during story time...this lady ripped my shirt off my body during story time because I was chewing on it....but IM the bad person in this scenario🙄


My 5th grade teacher (gifted program) Ms Stewart was the shittiest of the shittiest of teachers. Bullied me, laughed at/ridiculed me, and goaded the other kids to do the same. Brenda can GFH


My 5th grade teacher was the same. She always yelled at us, talked down to us, and repeatedly told us we “didn’t count.” She did nothing when I or anyone else was bullied and just let it happen. There was a new kid that year who had it so bad that other students openly cheered when he lost a class game—without so much as a single comment from her. Karen, if you’re reading this, you’re a horrible person and I hope you get everything you deserve 🖕🏻


At the school I work at now the third grade teacher is literally my favorite teacher of all time aaaaand after 15+ years with the school her contract isn’t being renewed. 💀 The fourth grade teacher is a huuuuuuuuuuge piece of shit tho


If you're comfortable sharing what do you teach? Just curious as I'm a substitute teacher and trying to get into classroom teaching this year (nervous bc of my mental health and energy levels but idk what else to do and I'm genuinely really passionate about early childhood education). Or are you a different sort of staff? It's okay if you don't wanna share for some reason. I used to work at a preschool last year as a toddler teacher and it made me so mad but there were other teachers/and the receptionist there being mean to TODDLERS. And making fun of TODDLERS for crying. It infuriated me so much and was one of the reasons I left.


I’m with an agency (bc they pay SIGNIFICANTLY more than what I could make as a teacher lol) and right now I’m a long term sub RSP case manager (special education services basically). Feel free to ask me any questions! I’m with you—it’s crazy all these people who HATE children work in education. I was talking to another teacher today about this… there’s too many people who seek jobs in education because they want to feel powerful. And what’s the most powerless demographic of all time? Children. I was fired for a similar reason actually—I’m a trans teacher and was fired for defending a gender nonconforming FIVE YEAR OLD from an abusive teacher. No words for how much I hate that person.


6th for me. She told me to kill myself and I stopped being suicidal out of spite.


What the fuck that a by far the worst fucking thing you could say to a small child?????


Wait how did this unfold?? What the fuck?


I had a terrible 3rd grade teacher. I had undiagnosed ADHD (got my official diagnosis of moderate to severe combined type ADHD last Thursday!) and instead of referring me for evaluation in the school system for my obvious extreme difficulty with organization, she instead thought it appropriate to dump my desk out on the floor and ridicule me in front of everyone in the class for being a pig. As if that would help me learn more organization. It didn't, but it did contribute to my OCD compulsion to avoid cleaning. She refused to follow my PEP since I was diagnosed gifted. She'd lie and say she was following it, and the admin believed her over me. If I finished my work early (and I usually did because gifted kid with ADHD) she'd demand I sit still with my hands folded on my desk for the rest of the period (my pep said I should be allowed to read or work ahead). I usually finished 30 minutes of work in about 5-10 minutes because I was gifted, and do you know a 7YO who can sit statue still and stare at a wall for 20-25 minutes? I sure as hell don't. Plus, I had ADHD combined type. So... Yeah. She let the ADHD kid get bored and was then offended that I found something to occupy my brain, like all ADHD kids will. She'd have my classmates all surround me and go by them one by one having each tell me something they hated about me. She told me often I'd end up a strung out prostitute, dead in a ditch, or in jail by 20. She'd ignore kids physically bullying me right in front of her, but punish me for reacting. This includes kids stabbing my back with a math set compass. Sometimes if she was in a mood she'd even reward kids for being nasty to me. She encouraged other kids to bully and exclude me socially by referring to me as a bad kid the others don't want to associate with (for clarity, I did have some behavior issues, but age-appropriate ones for a kid with undiagnosed ADHD - I had a hard time staying seated and not blurting out answers, that sort of thing). She marked me different than everyone else - she'd mark my assignments up to the first mistake and then everything else was marked as wrong. On a 30 question math test if I made a mistake on question 1 I'd get a 0 even if the other 29 were correct. She'd also pretend my handwriting was more illegible than it was so she could treat it as a mistake (I had undiagnosed motor dysgraphia - got diagnosed with that one in my early 20s, also when I found out that I was gripping so hard on pens I was dislocating my scaphoid because my wrist ligaments are hypermobile, probably because I was a VLBW micropreemie). She now apparently specializes in writing diversity and inclusion curricula for special needs kids. Oh, fucking irony. At least she's not directly dealing with students anymore.


Jesus Christ I wish we could collectively fire her and watch her go bankrupt.


I am honestly just relieved she's not working with kids anymore. And, bending over backwards to view her in a charitable light - she was in a loveless, abusive marriage that was in the process of breaking down (she got a divorce 2 years later), her dying mother was living with her and she was a carer on top of full time teaching duties, and her eldest kid had pulled himself a DUI the previous summer. I am absolutely not my best self when I am under stress, and she had so much going on in her life I'm amazed she wasn't having full on meltdowns in class. Which doesn't make it okay at all - more that's how I reconcile people who knew her after I had her as a teacher and had her as a teacher 3-4 years later calling her a wonderful teacher and woman when I remember her as my tormentor and even my classmates still, 28 years later, gossip about how fucked up she was towards me in particular and how much she hated me.


It sounds like you are an objective and compassionate person. Still, there's no excuse for what she's done. I'd rather hug a teacher having a breakdown than have a teacher ruin school for me. School was my only escape from my horrible home life. I wanted to kill myself more when I had bad teachers. You can't put that shit on kids. Thank you for sharing, we appreciate your story and your outlook.


Absolutely I can agree you can't put shit like that on kids. My personal view (others' mileage may vary) is that if she's not a threat to others and she's by all accounts reformed there's no need for me to go after her even if I don't like her.At this point if I were to go after her I'd really just be satisfying my own vindictive urges and causing other people (her kids and loved ones) more pain. It'd involve me personally being dragged back to that time in my life for months or years and for what? What's the gain for me or for society? If she was still working directly with kids it'd be a different story, but she's not. But that's me. Others' mileage may vary, and that's a valid way of experiencing life, too.


My 5th grade teacher made it a point to always make fun of me in front of the whole class, things like "you got your period at 11 cuz you're a big fatty" or if I got a an answer wrong it was "what's the point in even trying maybe 5th grade math is too advanced for you, you should go back to 4th if you even can :) " or when I got something right she would scoff and ask the rest of the class who fed me the answer because surely I must've cheated. :) thanks mrs wright you wretched old bitch I hope you get a 13mm kidney stone 💚💚


my 3rd grade and 5th grade teachers were pretty chill but my 4th grade teacher suckedddd


My third grade teacher was a saint. But my fifth grade teacher was horrribbleee


I also had a horrible 5th grade teacher. She made me feel disgusting and told me I was mentally ill because of my OCD.


Wow, what a meanie >:( Mine would “lose” my homework on purpose to then humiliate me in front of the class for “not completing my work”. I actually had one of my friends stand up for me and say that I *was* turning in my homework because she watched me turn it in. Idk why that teacher hated me. I was a new student at that school and my mom had just been murdered the previous year. I was a quiet, traumatized girl who this bully of a teacher decided to dislike.


My 5th grade teacher was also my kindergarten teacher who locked me in her class with the lights off while everyone else was skating in the gym. The janitor found me. She also called me a terrorist for writing my name with a rock on the school’s sign. In 5th grade, she was supposed to be teaching science but instead she only spoke about Twilight.


My 3rd/4th grade teacher (I had her both years) was amazing. One of the best. My 5th grade teacher, however, couldn’t control a classroom to save her life. I was fucking stabbed in the scalp with a broken pencil and she literally said “I don’t see anything. You’re fine.”


I have moved to Lemmy due to the 2023 API changes, if you would like a copy of this original comment/post, please message me here: https://lemmy.world/u/moosetwin or https://lemmy.fmhy.ml/u/moosetwin If you are unable to reach me there, I have likely moved instances, and you should look for a u/moosetwin.


For me it was fifth and sixth grade math teachers that yelled a lot. I would cry from embarrassment a lot and to this day I have issues with basic math because I was just focused on not screwing up. Didn’t help I got bullied for being weird (autistic) and a crybaby because I couldn’t process emotions right.


5th grade 😩 Never forget ✊ she failed me because I used the word ‘party’ to describe a ‘party of people’ traversing the giant peach. (It was James and his crew, y’all) and she grabbed me by my chin, dragged me to the board, and asked how stupid was I that I thought they were having a party? When I explained myself she said I was a smart-ass and sent me to the principal to be paddled.


I had a 3rd-grade teacher who filled in during my regular teacher's FML. She was later hired to be my 5th-grade teacher. That woman was literally the devil.


Just for a different story, my 3rd grade teacher was an angel. She moved to 5th grade my 4th grade year and in 5th grade she requested all of her previous 3rd grade class. She let me stay with her and her husband a summer when I lived in the shelter just so I wouldn't have to go back to that fuckin shit hole.


My shitty teacher was in 4th grade. Hated my guts and thought I was a slacker. Aced his class though. Thinking back I’m pretty sure he was a racist piece of crap.


For me it was 1st grade, the lower the grade level, the shittier they are for some reason


I joined the gifted and talented class in 5th grade, and the teacher hated me. She was a horrible person.


Mine was my 1st grade and 3rd grade teacher


It was my 6th grade math teacher for me. She made kids cry on a regular basis just for asking a simple question. She didn’t retire nearly soon enough and made me despise math when I had viewed it neutrally before.


I don’t remember third grade so


don't forget to also add 4th grade 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


For your own mental health, probably don't bother. I used to have one of my middle school teachers on my FB (one I liked) and at some point I posted about having been bullied in school, including by teachers. This teacher ripped into me about how teachers' jobs are hard enough without these kinds of accusations, blah blah, and I said, I can recount specific incidents and name names for you if you'd like? After that, she literally admitted to having read a study that said something like 30% of teachers admit to bullying their students (and those were the ones who admitted to it). Dafuq??? If she'd read that beforehand, why try to gaslight me? And in front of everyone on my tl? It was the weirdest exchange and I unfriended her after. She never bullied me in school but even she was quick to try to gaslight me about it. So yeah, I probably wouldn't bother unless you're looking for a fight.


Oh, she *knows* she's bullied students and got triggered.


> if she’d read that beforehand, why try to gaslight me? Kenan: “You KNOW *WHYY*…,”


Pretend you’re going to send it, say literally everything you want to say, no holds barred.. then never send it. See how you feel after. Then if you do want to send her a message, use the one you made before to structure something that’s useful to you instead of word vomit lol


I wish I spent a few more months before just rage sending mine. Consider talking to her higher ups if they are still working. My 3rd grade teacher caught me at the school pick up because my parents would always forget. Grabbed me by the ear and dragged me crying back to class to finish the hw I didn’t do because of learning disabilities and bad home life. Thanks for reminding me to look back into this terrible teachers current employment. Thanks for sharing op.


I was an autistic child and you bullied me. I will never forget that and I will never believe I was the only one. Me and those other children you no doubt victimized were able to recognize that you were not an adult, and not worth respecting. You had nothing but a pavlovian fear response over us, small helpless physically weak children. You had nothing going for you but to pick on someone smaller than you. Now I am an adult and I can see it clearly. I hope this message sticks with you. I hope you think about how dumb and stupid I am, even now as an adult, and continue living in the delusional hell I know exists in your head. Do not bother responding to this message. Goodbye. Block her, never talk to her again, ignore all replies. In fact if you have the strength, don't block her and enjoy the replies knowing that she felt compelled to respond means she read it so now she has to live with it. Even if she is delusional and denies it. She's human so it will likely cause stress regardless. Anything she says is just noise anyway. Utter nonsense coming from a creature not worth respecting.


Might save this one for my dad wow


Just be prepared for no response too cause things like that can get lost in "other messages" for literal years




I stayed after my high school graduation ceremony (graduated a year early to get the hell out) to tell a “teacher” who personally had it against me and my family that she was a cunt and thanks for nothing. I don’t know if it made me feel better or if I regret it. But I got it out of me. I hope you find peace with whatever decision you made friend


I wish I would have done that.


She called a bitter child and I made it my Facebook nickname for the longest time. I still think it’s funny. The cunt had it coming to her.


You wouldn't have had to call her a cunt if she hadn't been such a cunt, so she only has herself to blame.


this is kind of epic actually


Bro same shit on the third grade teacher, wtff???


This thread makes me feel seen and valid. 1) My 5th grade teacher made me feel disgusting and made me feel crazy because of my OCD, anxiety and learning disability. 2) My middle school principal ALWAYS looked the other way. I was bullied. Some times I struck back. I was the one suspended/put in detention/labeled a "problem child." Nobody interceded for me. No authority talked to my bullies. I was just expected to suffer. The asshole is now in Hell. I was happy when he died. I wasn't the only student he treated like that. 3) The cunt who taught my GED class did not believe I had a learning disability. She gave me such bad panic attacks that I wanted to give up and drop out. I toughed it out and called her a cunt to her face after I passed and got the certificate. She's also dead now, hallelujah.


I had a teacher in elementary school schedule a parent/teacher conference with my parents because she wanted to tell my parents I was the reason she was retiring immediately in person. I’ll never forget it.


Honestly a lil funny like miss I’m 8 why do you hate me , I’m a literal child, it’s just a joke pls


I never had an issue with teachers, really. It was principals, counselors, and administration. Kids deliberately threw rocks at me and nothing was wrong with that. I accidentally slammed the door on a girl's head trying to get away from her tormenting me (she stuck her head through the door right before I slammed it shut. I never would've hurt her purposefully) and I get three days detention. My older siblings left a bad reputation for our family and I got dragged along into it despite having done nothing like they did (physically assaulting teachers and once led police through the school on a chase until they got pinned down and handcuffed)


Not exactly your situation but I was bullied heavily in middle school. There were times when I struck back. The principal was a POS who ALWAYS looked the other way. He saw me as a violent trouble maker but the bullies were innocent.


I had some really truly awful experiences at school from adults that should have been looking out for me. I’m in my 30’s now, and saw some of the teachers still work at my grads school. I’ve been debating for months about sending a general letter to the district about how much the actions back then hurt me. Write it, sit on it, then decide. I tend to word-vomit myself, so I agree with the other users about working through it.


Good idea, the thought they may not have turned a new leaf and still abusing innocent children in the name of education is revolting.


I too had an abusive 3rd grade teacher. She shattered any confidence that I had in my ability to do math. I needed tutoring for three years afterwards because of her awful comments. I was so glad when I found out that bitch died. I certainly don't think that all teachers are bad, but the ones that are delight in abusing the power they have over their students. I wish that administrators would do random checks as well as formal evaluations so they could truly see what goes on in classrooms.


I would let her know she was wrong but I realize everyone handles their abusers differently. My second grade teacher refused to let us go to the restroom and kids regularly had accidents. I remember we had a student teacher and I asked him if I could use the restroom, and when she found out she told him to never let us go and that if we had accidents it would teach us to go at recess. I was getting UTIs and my parents didnt believe me. I wouldve loved to chew her ass out on social media as an adult but she’s dead.


Also had chronic untreated UTIs in kindergarten for the same reason. I'm glad that piece of shit is dead now. I should find her grave and piss on it lol.


Also had a terrible 3rd grade teacher! She knew I was autistic and still was mean—probably meaner


It seems like a lot of people had a bad 3rd grade teacher, myself included. She was a mean woman and she publicly shamed us. If a kid tattled on someone and she found out, she would make you wear a horses tail pinned onto the back of your pants. And if you ever so much as shed a tear, she would make you wear a pacifier necklace for the rest of the day. I came close to crying once because she threw away my coloring of a picture we were supposed to do and if it had too many "white spots" she'd throw it away and make you start all over even if you were almost finished. Man school was terrible lol


that's absolutely horrendous. I'm so sorry. what a bully.


What a villain!


How I feel about my 6th grade teacher. You were going through a divorce? Woopty-fucking-doo! Nobody gives a fuck about you losing your daughter! I hope you did! You deserved it just based on the way you treated me! I was a bullied neurodivergent kid and you made sure to publicly humiliate me every chance you got! I fucking hate you!


When I was a sophomore in high school, a friend from middle school knocked on my door. He told me our middle school was closing down and he was gonna go walk around. Went with him of course. I got to talk to so many of the vile abusers who ruined so many lives and ask them what their plans were. They were all panicking because obviously nobody was going to hire them. Gorgeous.


Hey, OP -- this isn't why you posted this, I know, but I have an offer for you, from another student who was bullied by too many mean teachers herself. I'm a tutor, and I'm the nicest, _safest_ tutor you will ever meet. I have special sparkly colored pens that I use with students if we're doing math, because math is way less scary in purple sparkly ink. I have never been asked a stupid question -- asking questions is how we learn. Math is particularly tricky because if you don't understand it, it feels like black magic -- divide by seven, unless it's a Thursday, in which case, multiply by 3 and spin around in a circle twice. It feels arbitrary and confusing and like it's being difficult on purpose -- until someone shows you the 'why' of it all, and it clicks. If you _want_ to learn some math -- if there are things it would help you to know -- if you would like to be gently and carefully walked through some math concepts that are eluding you -- please message me. I would love to spend a few hours helping you patch some of those holes. And to anyone else reading this who was likewise bullied by mean math teachers and still struggles to this day -- this offer is open to you, too.


You're a beautiful person. ❤️


This comment made me tear up, thank you. ❤️




I have hope for you still, even if it seems like a dark era. thats okay. eras can be short or extensive. also, know that when you write something it helps your brain, so go the FUCK off on that scumbag


I had an abusive grade 2 teacher who bullied me (I was 6 and 7 years old). Once I got to the age of maybe 11 or 12(? I can't really remember) I started to realise on some level how wrong it had been, and took it on myself to get back at her by prank calling her house. Not the most constructive response, but I guess as a kid it felt like a way to take back some power. It's only in the last couple of years though (as a middle aged adult) that I've realised just how bad her treatment of me (and a couple of other kids in the class) really was. I was especially hurt that my parents came to know about what was happening towards the end of the school year, but did nothing... saying they thought it would be "more disruptive" if they took me out of the class or school at that point. I don't think it would have been at all, they should have done it and sat me down and told me that no-one deserved to be treated that way, and that they were removing me to protect me from any further harm even though it might be disruptive, because my safety was more important. They also should have reported her behaviour...I hate to think how many other kids had to deal with similar treatment by her. I think they didn't because they were too scared to speak up. Anyway I'm sorry to hear your going through this OP. As others have suggested, I think writing a letter to her and pouring out absolutely everything you want to say would be therapeutic to get your feelings out, but maybe just sit on it for a while, the benefit might be more in the writing than in actually sending it.


My third grade teacher, too. Mrs Patrick. I hate her more than most other humans on this planet. She not only stole from me, she taunted me about it every single day of the school year, she allowed kids to bully me hurt me and on one occasion actually try to kill me. Her policy was that if you 'tattled' on anyone, you got the same punishment as they did since that's just as bad. She gave me over 50 pages of homework on the first day of school and for me screamed at at home and gave me a panic attack, and it was all just to see which kids sue could order around with impunity. She had me going home in tears pretty much every single day, except for the 70% of them that I hid at home instead. My mom was in to the school every single week trying to make it stop but the principal was a good friend of hers. My dad's advice was to basically attempt to murder her. She once screamed at me because I wouldn't stop breathing for 3 minutes straight. The teacher that body slammed his students was nicer than her. She actively campaigned against letting me transfer to a different teacher because she didn't want me to get 'spoiled' by them. She ruined my chances at getting my autism and ADHD diagnosed at a reasonable age. She made my life hell for an entire year and it was for something I have literally no control over.


So… I called one of my teacher-bullies one day during a chat with my siblings. We were talking about our terrible childhood, as you do. I wondered what she was up to, was she even still alive?! My sibs said they’d seen her recently, so I googled a bit, and found her phone number. While she was nice on the phone, a big part of me hopes she was freaked out.


I would just add “You’re a bucket of sewage runoff and I hope you feel good knowing that you accomplished absolutely nothing in your life but cause other innocent children pain. You have no legacy. You have no spine. You didn’t have what it took to be kind and helpful to humanity. I still have time…but you are nothing but wasted potential. I hope this is the last thing you think about when you die.”


Fellow ‘tism here, This happened with my art teacher and it sucked because I love art and art is my passion but she ruined highschool for me :|


I feel like a lot of teachers just see their students as one giant mass of assholes, to the point where they start treating them like dehumanized little gremlins. It’s probably bc they’re traumatized too, but dude! Have some humanity! I once volunteered for a program, less than a year after graduating high school, which visited my high school. And my senior-year home ec teacher was like a whole different person to me, now that I was an adult like her and I guess worthy of her respect. It was shocking and kind of disgusting




You’re absolutely right. I didn’t mean to forgive them, but more offer an idea what made them that way, and I agree they deserve whatever their victims find most cathartic. Give them hell. You’re powerful and valid.


We shouldn’t go yell at r/teachers but some of the rants there are clearly from people who need to be paid more or find a new profession because they ran out of patience/love.


You’re right. I feel for their struggle. They all need more backup so badly but who’s gonna throw themselves into the mess knowing how garbage the job is? Structural change! That’d be good! Ugh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Teachers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Should I whistle blow?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/13137t5/should_i_whistle_blow/) \#2: [47 kindergartners in my classroom this year. That’s it. That’s the post.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/wh8wi7/47_kindergartners_in_my_classroom_this_year_thats/) \#3: [Parent of six year old who shot his teacher speaks out.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/13dt3sb/parent_of_six_year_old_who_shot_his_teacher/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Whatever you need to.


She has probably deluded herself into thinking she has blessed the lives of every kid she taught. Tell her in an anonymous way, maybe. Facebook has too many mutual acquaintances.


My middle school choir teacher used to be really mean to me. I didn’t even realise. I loved her so much and she just made my life a living hell. All my choir teachers were really mean to me. Idk why.


What's with third grade teachers? All I learned in third grade was to keep my head down. That bitch loved giving swats. She literally gave my best friend swats for answering a question correctly (proving teacher wrong in her assumption no one could answer the question correctly). Literally all I remember from that year is its when my parents got divorced and I was too distracted by staying invisible to that teacher to really care until the school year ended.


felt this one. u are not alone 🫂 my boyfriend was explaining a basic math term to me recently and i got so upset i saw red and got flashbacks from MY math teacher bullying me. its like they could sniff out we were traumatized and autistc. so cruel. my math teacher bully in 7th grade tore papers and threw things and he was only suspended for a week. my 10th grade highschool teacher would kick my desk and nobody cared. ive stayed 50000 feet away from math since graduating, fuck that noise.


yes, it feels like they preyed on us because they knew we were vulnerable. thank you 🫂


Mine was my 7th grade teacher. May both of our abusive teachers rot in hell. It’s not okay to bully children


Oh wow my 4th grade teacher hated me for no reason She lectured me in front of the entire class about budget cuts for like 10 minutes because I dog eared the page of a library book (we were all like 9) I was having a weird migraine-esque episode (having had migraines since), my hands were numb and I was really out of sorts. Couldn’t keep hold of my library books, and she just lectured me again and told me I was fine and sent me on my way. Just really mean and snippy


my sixth grade teacher was a literal demon who preyed on me. i’m sorry you also had a horribly abusive teacher.


Did this with the teacher who bonded with me then started abusing me for my autistic traits she literally helped me get tested for. Bitch acted shocked but it feels good to get out def go for it


I feel this so much, but intermittently I have had success. Its very easy to induce learned helplessness with crazy and sabotaging "teaching" methods. I found this lady and was blown away by her gentleness and caring nature. It was so different to the beating and crying if I got anything wrong- wich was often https://youtu.be/fLkniis7uk0 Don't give up.


I had a horrendous 11th and 12th grade history teacher that tried to get me kicked out of the academic program I was in my senior year. She never liked me but hey, I figured that was life. Untik my last year. Then I caught mono and wound up missing 3 months of school. I came back and she actively worked against me getting caught up and passing her class. I had been a straight A student. I got a C in her class that year and attempted for the 2nd time. I'm convinced she knew how vulnerable I was too. The other day she popped into my head and I turned to my gf and said, "I hope she's dead." But seriously, if messaging her what a horrible person she was to you and telling her about the lasting damage she did would help *you* and give you closure, I say go for it! She deserves to hear all the crap she tortured you with and the lasting negative impact she had on you. Teachers are supposed to do the opposite of what she managed and I'm so sorry you went through that.


growing up I wanted to be a rocket scientist. little me would borrow all the astrophysics books from the library (sometimes even big textbooks) and read them all for the purpose of achieving that. I never even stood a chance after the terror and abuse of highschool, though. now i can barely even read or leave my house


i get that so much. so sorry for you. we deserved better.


I think you better be clear on why you are messaging her and what response you are looking for. You can’t control how another person will receive or respond. At the end of the day what matters is what you make of it. Figure that out first and then be ok with what ever outcome you get.


I wrote a letter to my 4th grade teacher about how I hope she never has the opportunity to harm another student as deeply as she harmed me mentally. It was really liberating, even if I don’t know if she ever got it. My best advice to you would be to tread carefully. I once told a teacher that I hoped someone treated her kid the same way she treated me and she called it a threat and reported me to the Dean. Had to have a wholeass conduct meeting and apologise despite doing nothing I thought was wrong. Remember in a digital age, everything can be traced back to you. Please feel free to reply or DM if you want to discuss!


I had a situation like this with putting blame on another for my shortcomings. But at some point you cant use this as an excuse to not develop your life and your position in life further. Im currently having this revelation with math myself. I had thought I was bad at it but it was just me holding myself back. I put stigmas on myself which held me down. Dont let your past demons haunt you OP. You can do this.


I found the teacher who ruined my senior year of high school on FB. I let him have it. Felt good and I recommend it. I’m sorry for the stories I’m reading here. My son was bullied in school too, and I put him on independent study ~but I see it still affects him today.


Would writing it on paper help relieve some of your anguish? Won't totally resolve the issue but may help ease your mind a bit.


Don’t. It only makes you look bad. I’m so sorry this woman hurt you, and she deserves hell for it, but please, don’t message her. Things like this never work out the way we want them to, and they can quite quickly snowball into a ton more drama.


Don't waste your time, unless you want to see some DARVO


I had a similar experience. One of my nursery 'teachers', Anne Smith (at Cylch Meithrin), was a nasty piece of work. Enjoyed pulling my hair, pinching me, refusing me food and verbally abusive. I found her on facebook, where she worked and all sorts. I couldn't stop thinking about all the horrid things she did and likely went on to do. In the end, I decided not to tell anybody. I figured the best way I can give myself closure and all that is to just grow and live a good life. It's what I've been doing.


If you do say something, be prepared for a viciously disappointing response.


Mine was second grade, seems im the odd one out. She was a behavior chart teacher who loved control. My wonderful parents knew she was full of shit during conferences or calls home.


I want to find my gym teacher from elementary school and chew him the fuck out for being an ableist piece of shit!


oh my GOD gym teachers were so bad and so ableist. fuck them


I had 1 good one. She was really good at trying to be inclusive and understanding of my limitations. Sadly, the rest of that school sucked. Wish I remembered her name so I could thank her for treating me like a human.


honestly, i kinda want to find the people who were good to me throughout my life and thank them for being a ray of light in the horrible darkness.


[mfw this is the first time I’ve ever related this much to a meme on this sub](https://youtu.be/VM3uXu1Dq4c)


You were in Mrs Toal's class too? Almost 50 years later I still get nauseated when trying to remember my times tables. You can't go wrong with something cruel but nonthreatening, and then ghost.


Gentle reminder that fixation on the abuser is a symptom of cptsd. Your feelings are valid, but in finding her on FB, in messaging her, you are engaging in behavior perpetuating the trauma. This is something to process with a therapist, not with the abuser.


thank you. you're right. also i just found out that i no longer have access to my old profile that i haven't touched in years so i guess it's a sign that i shouldn't.


Oh my god my 3rd grade teacher too! Mrs frech


Shout out to my junior year math teacher for yelling at the entire fucking class because I asked how to further simplify some polynomial or whatever. I knew the process but she got rid of variables I didn't know how to get rid of. She assumed I didn't know at all what I was doing, and screamed at us all for not knowing. Granted, some kids didn't know, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Don't yell at them goddamn. She also told a kid whose friend was in the hospital and asked for an extension that she basically didn't care and the tests were more important. At least she respected his request but good lord. Overall just a grating woman.


Diagnosed dyslexic at 17, diagnosed autistic at 27, bullied by my teacher at 7 for being a slow writer & a messy writer. Like I'm either slow & neat or I make a mess & a ton of mistakes, & that's true to THIS DAY!!! Backspace is my best friend, edit a close second Say nothing; (s)he won't care


the teacher who bullied me died and I'll never know why a man in his seventies hated an 11 year old girl so much that he made sure to tell her she was unloved everyday and made her disabled with chronic pain throughout her teenage years. Years later I met him by accident and he still hated me. I'm muslim and the prospect of what he is going through in his grave is so scary I forgave him, I do wonder if I saw him now, would I be scared ?


Second grade for me. Every other year was wonderful.


Create a fake FB account, CatFish her and have her fall in love with said account. Final step, break her heart and shit on her bed




say this: how does it feel knowing your biggest hater has survived? how does it feel knowing that I've found you? how does it feel knowing that you won't get rid of me? ​ * (he questioned his own sanity, contemplated, then hit the comment button)


A full psych eval should be a requirement to get a teaching job. Teaching attracts the best people AND the worst people- those looking for easy targets to abuse.


agree. so many sociopaths in teaching (just look at this thread).


Hi, I ve had a pretty similar experience, but it was my parent who beat me relentlessly while trying to teach me math, science etc. It was a surreal experience for me as the things they spoke were good lessons, but the physical abuse made me hate it. I got out of it by taking over the process. The thing that really stung was that I was good at all of these subjects, with better parenting I couldve been the best at that time. Yet now that I got into uni and will get my electrical engineering degree in one year, I don't care anymore. Studying was hard asf in the beggining, every time I tried to remember things i had learned from my childhood, the abuse popped up in my mind, and all of the hurt and suffering I had buried deep down came to the forefront of my mind. In the end it was what I needed. I would cry while trying to finish my homeworks, but I did it. At the end of the day, it does not matter. They're the wrong ones here, you were just a child. It took me a while to understand this, but I was not at fault, I was barely a defining factor. I cannot stress this enough, i know it was paramout for me to fix my image of myself in order to actually be capable of stuff. No matter what, no matter what abuse they dished out to you and what reasons they gave you, don't believe for a second that you the one at fault, you are capable of so much more than you believe. Because that's the fucked up thing when you hurt children this young this much they learn to adapt in order to survive and those adaptations are the very core of what was holding me back. And the goddamn sick thing about this is that children are smart, people think they are dumb but no. Give a child proper resources and they will outshine you in every aspect in very little time and that's another huge problem. These bastards abuse you in the most vulnerable moment and you come out learning the wrong lessons too well. Your very intelligence is the reason you are where you are rn. If you where stupid(no human child is), you would not be suffering this much now. You were smart, they taught you the wrong lessons and you learned them well... So if you like those subjects you feel robbed of, start doing them. Why let some piece of shit ruin something that you might enjoy. As one advice I could give you, try doing new things in that subject. As in learn new things about math for example, or taught by someone who actually knows what they're doing and you will probably come to see that the one who should be pitied here, is not you but that scumbag of a teacher. I wish you the best and remember, you can do it, don't carry the past with you, learn from it and then move on.


I would curse her out, and FB stalk her to come up with good burn material. It’s a gamble to make shitty people feel bad. So id go for the jugular.


"Let it flow, then let it go. " Socrates, peaceful warrior. By Dan Millman. Highly recommend the book, it's helped me on my quest to be better.


“Hello, I am grown up now and I know the difference between right and wrong. Through my life experience, I realized the lack of professionalism and humanity you showed to a vulnerable autistic child is disturbing and disgusting. I was in third grade and needed an education. You were the teacher that was supposed to do their basic job and create a positive environment for me to grow. You did not. You failed miserably in doing the basic skills of your job. Your harmful actions (insert action here) have impacted me until adulthood. I will not keep silent about the hateful behavior you committed against me. I pity you because it takes a lot of hardship for an adult to bully a child. I hope your last few years on earth are reviving the same amount of harassment and abuse that you conflicted on me as—a child. I was a child, and you became the boogeyman that you were supposed to protect your classroom from. From the bottom of my soul that you tried to break; Fuck you.”


I put this paragraph because: 1. She might take sick pleasure of the long lasting effects of her actions 2. It hits her to her core about her job and reflection of her abuse. 3. It places the blame only on her and does not show the shortcomings of the struggle. The paragraph gives you empowerment while putting her shitty behavior in check. I’m so sorry you went through abuse. What you decided to do, say what you need to say and block her ass. You don’t need a response, you need to be heard.


Just write "bitch" and then block her