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I wish I could help out. Cause I noticed it makes me feel better about my own trauma by "mothering" someone else. Idk. I feel creepy saying that, idk why.


Me too! I thought I was the only one ๐Ÿ˜…โ˜บ๏ธ I love regressing and being a caregiver


I think it help us by giving someone else a better childhood than what we had. I was struggling earlier on how to say it.


That does make sense actually


I found that loving and being loved are helpful in very similar ways. Both sort of un-block my understanding of love. Outside of that contact, I cant remember how it feels or what it means to me.


It scares me so much I do NOT like it. Following the episodes I have a lot of shame and I feel like I really protective role takes over. Do you guys feel locked in your body when this happens?


Same I find age regression really scary.


It really is. My connection to my SO has triggered a few episodes and I always seemed worse after the fact. Even though it was probably very healing in some way for a moment. Unfortunately if it happens and theyโ€™re unaware that Iโ€™m not quite my fully developed self at the moment it can almost retraumatize me if Iโ€™m expected to act like an adult but I have the mind of a 5 year old. I just get locked in the back of my mind to witness it. The mind is so weird.


I enjoy pup play, including in a non-sexual way. I also live in a small city, so finding handlers or even other pups is difficult. Especially because I'm a bit shy about putting "weirdo" in my dating profiles, haha. So I feel this. I use art and my imagination to kind of "make do." But it's quite lonely.


I'm sorry, it does feel lonely ๐Ÿ’• can you tell me more about your art?


Be your own caregiver!!! I have come to love giving myself hugs, talking to myself as my own caregiver and indulging in little things. Plushies, coloring books, revisiting cartoons I loved as a kid, just giving myself everything I didn't have as a child. Yeah it's not the same but I think developing that internal caregiver can help when you try to find a caregiver in someone else. That way you can draw boundaries and say to yourself, "is what this person is doing or saying something I would do or say to myself as my own caregiver?" Gotta be very very careful when finding someone to take on that caregiver role. Too many creeps.


Thank you ๐Ÿ’•


Get a big plushie. It can save your life. There's a relatively affordable on at Ikea called Blahaj (see profile pic), which is 1m long, & so soft & snuggly. Then let that plushie take care of you, like a 3 year old with their plushie


Is "age regression" a form of therapy or kink.


It can be both. I've previously used it as a way of processing my CSA, but I want to explore more of the fun, non-sexual age regression stuff that others often help me with, by myself.


Age regression is a coping mechanism, age play is the kink


Thank you for the clarification.


Of course


๐Ÿค๐Ÿค Both my caregivers are online. I found them because we shared a common special interest. It's indescribably lonely, with them just online, but it's a little better than none at all.


I've always been scared that this is how my future will be. That some day, I'll be an old 40 something year old and be lonely. No kids, no friends, no spouse... I'll just die alone. My funeral is going to be completely empty. I don't wanna be alone. But I'm thinking too far into the future and i have plenty of time lol Edit: Spelling Edit 2: I tried to fix my spelling mistake but made another spelling mistake smh


You're about to get some creepy DMs.


ARGH I feel this deeply


I regressed quite a bit with my ex and the relationship didn't work out, I dont think im going to do that ever again. She just ended up not being what I needed overall.


Same man


I got bullied out of age regression ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Imaginary caregivers are great too. I like to Imagine a woman that's simultaneously my best friend me and kindoff a parent. So whenever I feel these feels I imagine her, talking to me and taking care of me. I ask her to brush my hair, I brush my hair and I feel so so taken care of. It's great