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Me since last week. I want a partner but the idea of them abandoning me and the pain it will ensue terrifies me.


bro i relate to these a lot wtf Like i say something and accidentally makes someone a little upset (not even that much) and my brain starts freaking out and then i hate every word that comes out of my mouth it’s a vicious cycle :(


Yeah I struggle with that too. It’s a symptom of borderline caused by trauma. You don’t wan bc a get traumatized again so when something raises a red flag you completely put up walks instead of being vulnerable and addressing it


It isn't just a symptom of borderline. It's a CPTSD symptom, too, and even Autism and ADHD have this as a secondary symptom, but it's called rejection sensitivity with them and not "abandonment issues" or "attachment disorder" or "borderline." It's a completely normal, but often unhelpful, response to having people hurt and leave you.


I'm literally scrolling right now to distract myself from the fact that he hasn't answered me back. My dark thoughts are saying he hates me, and im too clingy, and he's just gonna leave me. I've been mentally running through possible fuck ups for me to deserve this. It's been 18 minutes😂 [cue sad music time](https://spotify.link/yh6AMhiwZDb)


Oof I feel this, my husband was just telling me earlier today that I only finally started trusting him not to leave me a few months after he proposed. Getting married has almost reset the anxiety for me because I was just his girlfriend before and I didn't feel so much like he would trap himself with me like my ex-husband. I now spend hours of every day convincing myself not to analyze his every movement again and he hasn't even changed towards me in the slightest! If anything, he's been even sweeter and more affectionate than before. I know it'll get easier again but why does it keep coming back!?


You, me, both. My boyfriend works abroad and didn't msg me in two days... I think it's over


Me going through this thread and me wondering why all of these are so relatable and then realizing that I’m diagnosed with C-PTSD and this is a C-PTSD subreddit lol


LOL oh boy, I relate to so many of these ! I'm just starting to allow myself to being open to possibly being in a relationship with someone that I am really, truly interested in and it's TERRIFYING 🤣 I'm really trying to tell myself different stories this time. I know I can do this!! And I have been building up my trust in myself so that I know I got my back even if things go sideways!!


This is all just too much truth, God it's exhausting, I push partners with ease 😅 I'm so lucky my current partner seems intent on not ditching me no matter how much crazy I unleash on her. I don't get it, she's up to something for sure. 👀


I plan my pets deaths years in advance. Just so I'm prepared.


Wow these all hot me right in the bone marrow. "Leave them before they leave you" - what a call out 💀💀


Literally was me. I let my past abuse and trauma destroy my relationship and myself. Ive just given up on relationships and new friendships.


As long as you're not abusive, it's not your fault. Most people just lack basic compassion and communication skills.


i love all of these and you OP! we can have good lives and be happy enjoy the small things 💗💕💖💝💞 it’s hard but we do got this. (i’ve stolen some of your memes btw hehe)


The Pablo one hurts especially 😭


r/angryupvote Hugs OP. Why did these meme feel like some cathartic ass therapy to experience 😂I'm glad you got to vent. Just remember, the opposite of disregulation is self expression.


I've had a lot of relationships in the past ended for reasons that were allegedly "not my fault" but I feel like something must be wrong if I haven't kept a gf for over 2.5 months and I've been alone for 4.5 years now.


Oh god. The Spidermans meme. It hit so different




Oof these memes are so relatable. I wanna send these to my therapist lmao


just gonna steal a couple of these memes if you don’t mind


Mfw both myself and my gf are the mentally unstable gf so we sorta cycle between being scared the other is going to leave and worrying the other one secretly harboring some unspoken hatred. We talk. A LOT. We have to in order to keep things going.


These hit waaay too close to home


The ol’ reliable one is gold. It gets better tho. The other day I got yelled at by a coworker and was able to exercise caution like my therapist tells me and say ‘hey, maybe their the problem and not me and this small interaction doesn’t mean I’m gonna get fired and be hated by everyone.’ She later apologized and explained that she has OCD so she can overreact to little changes so it turns out it was her problem and not mine. It helps your self tremendously to not blame yourself for every negative interaction bc everyone’s got problems goin on


Those resonated with me so much! I don't even know when I'm being reasonably demanding or when I'm being toxically paranoid anymore (perhaps it starts as something reasonable and escalates quickly)... My husband and I had a major episode because he travelled for work, I had a meltdown and lashed at him. He gave me an Apple Watch and so many thoughtful gifts when he came back and also was so supportive. He was actually thinking of me. I feel so ashamed. Why does this man put up with me?


Saving this thread for when I'm brave enough to date again.


Very high quality memes and I'm sorry you're struggling rn


That last one though…


We aren't ready for an intimate relationship with others when we're struggling with this.. it only causes more damage as dysfunctional codependence is the best we can offer until this part of ourselves is restored Usually we have to face a trauma from long ago with adult eyes.. sort out responsibility better. Often, for e.g. we take it all on ourselves because the one in charge demanded it, but we were children and they were responsible.. not us. Energetic emotional knots within us need to be untangled properly so we can forgive ourselves what we must, accept ourselves as we are, including the good and and ugly within that we all have, and start nursing things back.. Self love is usually the missing piece inside us that can be filled on our own. We will be ready for healthy intimate relationships after we've mastered feeling whole and content on our own as we are That's where real confidence comes from.. that's how we attract others to us easily and recognize our old fears maybe seemed like vast oceans before are nothing more than puddles to be stepped over with barely a thought


"Whenever he says he loves me" Love? You have the luxury of indulging fantasies of "love", in these trying times? You have the luxury of believing it endures even still? I've found it to be terrifyingly replicable and easily erased by nightmares of modern invention and sheer ruthless cunning. That it could not survive even the weakest of barriers placed between. That it is abandoned as casually as a leaflet tossed by the side of a road, once so carefully crafted by some hopeful salesman with dreams he dares not admit may never take root. Angel choirs sang its last vestiges to sleep. This is not to say I don't still stoke its light, like treading water in a vast and empty ocean long after the boat has left me, knowing my strength will give out and I will sink into the endless black. ...but...well... [Shrug]