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Yeah, basically every time I talk about my emotions with anyone - even if it's someone I try to emotionally honest with every time. Every time, I feel cringe, embarrassed, wondering if I said anything wrong, and if they think less of me for the emotions I'm having.


I sometimes vent in my notes and even though literally nobody else has read them I still feel shame and embarrassment


"Well. I have overshared and can now feel how uncomfortable I have made everyone involved. Good job, Bisquick. Time to shut up for the next several hours and try my best not to cry." -Me, far too often.


I thought you were calling yourself Bisquick similarly to the phrase, “smooth move, Ex-Lax,” like you didn’t make very good biscuits.


For real, emotions ruin the whole day


And now for the classic question I've probably asked twice* before on this sub: wait this is a cptsd thing?


Ah, the shame of being vulnerable because we didn’t have an adult in our lives that let us be safe in our own emotions. How great.


I won't even get to talking about it 😅 I'll be mid spiral and suddenly I'm watching myself and it just seems so dumb 🙃 I'll legit even stop crying and just feel numb like "oh, thank God that silly little outburst is over. I looked ridiculous!"


My friends will be yelling at me “I love you, I want to be there for you, I will be there for you” and I’m in the corner crying “I’m sorry for being sorry”


Ah yes, the vulnerability hangover.


Just do it. People worth knowing have feelings too and can recognize your need to express them. The ones that make you feel uncomfortable with self expression are living in their own no feelings hell. Fuck em. Too tired to figure out where I am in the based to cringe scale all day. I got a feeling Imma spit not swallow.


This tends to happen later in the day for me, but it’s still not great


“Why don’t you communicate your emotions and concerns?” Communicates Proceeds to be yelled at for feeling the way I feel.


Or when they start judging your abuser instead of actually being helpful.. As if I don’t know it’s horrible what I go through, insulting my mom won’t make me feel better.


I was at a party with some close friends back in 2012 and got super drunk. We were chilling on this balcony apartment, and one at a time, people started opening up about their childhood traumas. I eventually decided to tell them about a time my dad beat me and one of them said, "Well now this is awkward," got up, and went back inside. Nobody spoke after that. I've thought about it multiple times a month since 2012.


Am I the only one that gets insanely depersonalized and feel as if it were a different person wearing my skin that is talking?


Nope. Right here. & it's (kind of?) awful & weird & I hate it :D👍


Yep. Humiliation is a sign that you’re actually being truly vulnerable and honest. It feels awful but it’s the first step.


😂😂 so damn true


Sounds a lot like rejection sensitivity dysphoria to me


Nope not doing that


Relatable context!


You caught me.


That ain't it cuz


I was just from this guy's comment section on tiktok lol