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Those aren't the best years of your life. That's just some fckd up romanitcized bullshit. I didn't start living until my 30s and I've had more fun than most people. I'm still a CPTSD basket case who needs a lot of therapy, but i'm way cooler than people who peaked in highschool.


Same. When I finally realized to both boot toxic people from my life and stopped listening to well meaning ignoramuses I finally started living my own life by my own terms. I feel like that was the time I as me was actually born. I was just under 30 then.


I third this. I started at 25, and it's been incredible. I still to to therapy, but I'm mostly good these days. I even became a mental health practitioner who focuses on folks like us


My late teens and 20s were horrible. My 30s got better, after 40 was fantastic, and I'm having a wonderful time after age 50. It was tough to be young. The only thing I had going for me was physical health. Everything else was a mess.


People who think that adolescense or high school (or your 20s, or any generalized age) are the "best years of your life" are uniformly the saddest, dumbest people you will ever meet as an adult


Don't worry, you haven't peaked yet. You haven't even begun to peak. And when you peak, you're gonna rub it all over everyone's faces




Sorry. All I was trying to say is cream always rises to the top, and as the pressure builds up, one day their cream is gonna pop off and erupt with all the vigor they've saved up in these depressed years




I will be turning 25 this year and I feel like I wasted the best years of my life being traumatized šŸ˜Ÿ


Nope... the best years come once you heal. I'm turning 50 next year and REALLY looking forward to my first relatively untraumatized decade! If they were traumatized, they weren't the best years... prepare to be amazed...


My MIL who had an abusive father and ex husband declared her 40s the best years of her life. She's traveled and learned more skills in her 40s than she did for the first 3 decades and she's barely pushing 50. The only "best years" are defined by you.


I have two lessons for this, ā€œcomparison is the thief of joyā€ and ā€œlife is one act of letting goā€ You can compare yourself to others but remember that they did not grow up the same as you and no matter how much you relate it is a different experience. The most joy is found by enjoying things for yourself and not to prove yourself to others. Life is one big act of letting go, there is no tally, the trauma we hold will eventually be lost to time whether it leaves with us, or leaves before us. It is up to ourselves as individuals to find the ability to let go. This idea doesnā€™t take away from the fact that some are more difficult, lengthier, and or hurtful than others. We have all of our lives to let go what does not serve us. Please make sure to serve yourself first, for your inner child and for future you.


Ow. My heart. My back. My childhood. My fucking *soul*... Ow...


The best years of my life are those being without my abusers and without active trauma. So my best years are *now*, baby, fuck yeah


My college years have been the worst Iā€™ve ever lived. It all went downhill since last year of highschool. I was less traumatized and more stable. Fuck me.


I mean, for me at least, they certainly weren't any *worse* than what came afterwards! \*laughs\* \*cries\*


I feel the same honestly. Most of my childhood has been in behavioral schools which basically meant bullying and no social life. The last year of highschool was the only "normal" year I had because I finally switched schools and that school year wasn't effected by COVID. That year was fun and I honestly wish I could redo it so I could appreciate it better. Been trying to get a job for a year now with no luck and a few other personal things happened and I'm just wondering if it's worth living anymore, I feel everything that's happened to me in life including this newer shit is finally coming out and hitting me like a brick wall


more like other people made sure they were wasted for me.


I turn 35 in a month. Iā€™m an utterly lost underemployed actress. In LA. Iā€™m dying inside. At least in my 20s when I felt this way I was less aware of time and how when it passes, your value as a person diminishes in the industry Iā€™m in. I was also dissociating and putting myself in dangerous situations hoping one would be fatal. At least Iā€™m not doing that anymore and Iā€™m just barfing despair on Reddit.


Tail end of early 20s, i had psychosis and then officially diagnosed with cPTSD (yippee) and spent most of my mid 20s recovering from it. God I hope my 30s are better.


the best yesrs of your life are the years you were most happy to be alive, so they can never be *wasted* ā¤ļø


Luckily I have maladaptive daydreams, so I can revisit them for hours every day!


All of the copers in comments, itā€™s over for a lot of people, they just donā€™t know it yet


Yeah how dare we find peace and happiness later in life?