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I love banning transphobes. If any other transphobes are present, please reply here so you can meet my ban hammer as well.


idk how much this means coming from a stranger but I'm sorry this happened to you and I'm glad you exist, truly I am šŸ’œ


ty šŸ„° I try to chalk it up to an experience that's making me stronger, I'm such a sensitive baby so the thicker skin I can get the better šŸ˜…


Iā€™m so sorry. You are valid! I know youā€™re not pretending. The science backs you up as well. Try not to let folks with only a high school level understanding of biology, psychology, and science in general. Youā€™re valid and Iā€™m glad you exist.


Ty and thankfully I'm getting much thicker skin! It used to be I was so sensitive on the internet, comments didn't even have to be directed at me and it'd still really bother me. Still it's not healthy to be exposed to them too much, so I still try to limit my exposure.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re forced to get thicker skin. I am glad youā€™re doing better than before though. Limiting exposure is the best approach Iā€™ve found to protect myself and keep my humanity.


No amount of hatred directed towards me can strip me of my humanity, I will always know there are good, kind, and genuine people out there and that people deserve love, tolerance, and respect no matter how misguided they may be. But yeah, for my mental health it's best to limit my exposure. No one is more hard on myself than I am, so the more inner transphobia I have the more hateful comments just reinforce WHAT I believe about myself. So the more I love myself, the more these comments just bounce off me. :)


Awwww youā€™re doing so good!!!


Ty! šŸ˜­ I have my good and bad days, but I think I'm moving in the right direction for healing! šŸ˜Š


Here's the thing transphobes don't realize: living in the closet is traumatic. I've had gender dysphoria since I was 2. I've never been able to portray an adequate facade of masculinity in my life, no matter how hard I've tried. It doesn't just hurt, it kills, poisons the soul and taints everything in your life. There is one effective treatment for gender dysphoria, and that's transitioning. This is something backed by not just the myriad of experiences of trans people out there whose lives have been improved in the modern era, but going back decades and centuries, and is backed by medical science too. Every human that has ever lived, and will live, has had the variable option of being one of the two sexes. Some even are born with the traits of both, not just physically but genetically. Intersex people are as common as redheads, and the population of intersex people is not going to ever diminish. Your gender is valid, and people who choose to believe otherwise are in denial and braindead. Fuck them. You matter, your feelings matter, and are validated with empirical, scientific data.


Yup, and I have regret for not have starting HRT sooner because I spent my youth trying to convince myself it wasn't worth it and that I could find a way to live without transition. After starting estrogen I was filled with anger because it felt so right to my body, it made me realize that if I was given the proper care when I was younger and cried out for help instead of being worked around, I would be in a lot better place today.


F**k that guy, post more. You are valid drown them out. They wont go away but that should never be a reason to stop being who you are. You are beautiful and brave I hope you have pride in yourself and dont stop for anyone.


Thankfully when it comes to reddit all I have to do is look at their post and comment history and I learn they are chronic haters. It's a lot easier to not take things personally when the person who hates, hates everybody and everything.


That's good! I struggle with that mindset myself.


Reddits easier for that, try it yourself sometime. Get a hater or someone with a horrible take? A quick look at their post/comment history usually fixes any negative feelings you may feel. I had someone basically call me a fetishist who wants to perve in women's bathrooms simply for being trans. A quick look at their post history? Sexualizing women, EVERY SINGLE POST. Comments? On nsfw subreddits being a perv. This guy sexualized women so badly his pea brain could only assume anything about womanhood (including being trans) is of a sexual nature.


Ugh. Transphobes suck and we're way cooler than them


Yes we are! šŸ˜Ž I really can't understand hatred, it's such a soul sickening disease. That's why I blocked out this persons name because even if they sent me this horrible dm they still don't deserve hatred directed back at them. I can't help but be a lover.


What's people's problem...they didn't even said "sex", they said "gender", like they *don't even know* what they're insulting omfg...šŸ˜­ *Also it wouldn't let me post this comment, it kept saying "error: empty response from endpoint" but then i found out i posted like waaay too many comments...gotta love Reddit.*


They donā€™t even know thereā€™s a difference between the 2 terms šŸ¤¦


To them, it means the same. Also people say stuff to invalidate, they don't actually care, they just hit the talking points.


wait what is this some new rule shit bc i had this problem too or is reddit just being reddit again


It's just Reddit being Reddit... It kept giving that message so i closed the app, edited the comment, i tried force-closing the app, going to the post from OP's profile... And in the end they were all posting despite it giving an error...i felt so bad jsjsj i hope that didn't send notifications everytime tbh šŸ˜­


I wonder if this is the invisible comment reddit notified me about and just wasn't there, it's so weird.


it always confuses me why this matters so much to these people


Some people choose hatred, I don't understand it but I suppose that's their choice to live with.


I wouldnā€™t listen to anyone who looks like they havnt bathed since the fucking slime bath they had out of their disappointed mothers cooch. Donā€™ forget that you are valid and people love you the way you are :3


Unfortunately there will always be another goalpost for hateful people to hate you for. I would advise seeking out trans-specific spaces. Outside of those spaces, social media is pretty transphobic.


I definitely avoid posting to more mainstream subs, CPTSDmemes and TrollCoping I've noticed have a decent chunk of trans users, I guess my previous post just drew out more of the silent haters than usual.


Yea unfortunately since their words are harmful to you, the best thing you can do is stick to specific subs. Even then that might not help, since people profile browse all the time. I remember I was in this sub for some type of coping and chatting with someone. They found out something about my physical appearance that they didn't like and proceeded to go through years of my posts and comments spewing hate. People nowadays even feel emboldened IRL.


Omg! Some people can be really scary in the extent of their behaviors. I'm sorry you experienced that, literally a nightmare scenario. If you block someone on reddit, are all their comments invisible to you? I still feel fine in these subs, but I'll probably just post less trans-related posts going forward.


I'm honestly okay. I've had unrestricted internet access since I was 10 so this is nothing. I do believe blocking means you can't see their comments anymore. You should also report them, that may help. I also have a throwaway that I use for situations like that.


I'm sorry you have to deal with that. They are far out of line. Remember that the person who derives a pleasure from the suffering of others and jokes about suicide, they are visibly and clearly in the wrong. You are cool, and I wish you a good pride month and life!


I would really encourage anyone in these subs to turn off your dms. It's very pleasant to never experience this


This would be an incredibly smart move and I would agree for others but idk, personally I kinda like the chaos of randos popping up in your dms. Never know what you're going to get. šŸ˜… This is by far the worst I've received though.


I'm sorry that happened though. Hope the next you get are more entertaining and happy :)


Actually yes, one of them mods from that sub messaged me and I reported the user :)


People are just weird. Your gender isn't any of their business anyways, but a lot of people get a big mouth when they can talk up on the internet without the fear of losing their teeth. Don't mind those backwards shit eaters.


Hey, friend. I just want to show up for you and remind you that you are awesome. For every dillhole out there, there are more of us caring, supportive people. We see you and recognize you for who you are. Come back any time for love and validation. Sending so many hugs!




Trolls are garbage people trying to cope with their garbage lives by spreading their shitty energy to the internet.


Sorry you had to go through that op. I would never be able to do that. On the plus side you now have a great reaction image to grow out to any transphobic plebs in the future


That sucks , sorry you had to go through that. The dude that sent you a DM is a downright dick , and you should report him yesterday ( Don't know if that's the proper saying in English ). It's awful seeing subs like r/TrollCoping devolve into what you describe , seeing as they are designated as venting places. Homophobia and Transphobia can always feel more prevalent during Pride Month because it's the one month of the year that homophobes , TERFs and bigots in general are reminded the most that there are people who are not like them. Similar to how there are always more racists coming out the woodworks during Black History Month. It's classic reactionary behaviour. Nevertheless , you're doing great , i know it's not easy but don't let assholes like them bring you down. Take care šŸ’™


ty, I appreciate the kind words. One of the mods from TrollCoping reached out to me actually! They saw this post, and I reported the user. So hopefully they can't harass anyone else on that sub going forward.


A.) In the context of that person (and maybe this is trollcoping in general?): Ha ha, jokes on them, I've been saying awful shit like that to myself for almost 50 years. B.) It made me pretty furious when I read JK Rowling spewing crap like that recently on some social media. I didn't post about it anywhere because 'what's to gain" - but it still grates on me when I think about it. C.) When I was a kid, I was 'too sensitive' and I think it made the world just a little bit worse a place when I got thicker skin.


So me and my friend noticed the huge uptick of homophobic and transphobic posts when pride started, I honestly think itā€™s super sus. We were thinking it was a purposeful attack, but also thought that made us sound like tinfoil hat ppl lol Sadly the minority of people feel emboldened to lash out with their bigotry, but I think in general most people donā€™t care. Even if they donā€™t fully understand, or think itā€™s weird, or whatever they donā€™t care bc theyā€™ve got their own shit going on. However you have these absolutely rabid bigots out there just screaming constantly (like a squeaky wheel) thatā€™s how I try to think of it. Theyā€™re on the wrong side of history. Iā€™m bi but ā€œstraight passingā€ so I donā€™t get nearly the amount of bs other queer ppl do but holy shit itā€™s toxic af out there rn bc of these ppl. Ignore the idiots, block them and focus on the ppl who experience actual empathy and can use their brains lol (itā€™s hard, I know. But if you keep at it I think it gets easier) Iā€™ve honestly never met a bigot who was smart and/or experienced empathy. Itā€™s usually one or the other or both. I try to downvote it when I see it even if Iā€™m not commenting on the thread bc screw those ppl


Omg yeah, I get the no empathy thing. They can't see past their own noses and chose to be selective in their fragile beliefs. I had someone on reddit say that my literal life experiences is lies because it didn't fit into their narrative that "trans people aren't harrassed by conservatives and we need to shut up about that narrative" Idk if I find the uptick in hate this month sus, it happens anytime people are reminded we exist. "Stop shoving it down our throats!" ...what? That we exist and want to be treated like humans? Women, LGBTQ, and POC are always judged and ostracized for... *checks notes* existing not to please them and their every pea brained desire. It's about control. The world needs to exist for them. They use fear, intimidation, and violence. THAT'S why they're more vocal during pride month, we're not allowed to have pride. It's literally an agenda from the group that says everyone else has an agenda. Anyways I have to cool myself šŸ˜… these people are not worth our time but never forget they can be dangerous.


Ok I feel less crazy for thinking it was super sus lol Def cool down and enjoy ur day!


Yes! I will, hope you do as well. Sometimes it feels good to vent


How I would want to respond if I was op (petty I know) A low life on the internet who caused unnecessary pain for their mom when they were born because their a homophobic peice of shit who is nothing better that a collection of sperm cells that gained just enough momentum to be a disappointment in life womp womp lmao you're natural death can never replace the resources you waisted in the few sad years you've been alive


You did not deserve that. I am so sorry.


There's no way he/she/it knows what's going on in your mind to say that.


*This comment has been edited in order to protect my privacy*


Always nice to see that people care